Another migrant caravan heading for the USA ...

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Aug 2, 2001
Why it's a conspiracy of course.

"A ragged army of Honduran migrants streamed through southern Mexico on Sunday heading toward the United States, after making an end-run around Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border.

They received help at every turn from sympathetic Mexicans who offered food, water and clothing. Hundreds of locals driving pickups, vans and cargo trucks stopped to let them clamber aboard."


"Jesus Valdivia, of Tuxtla Chico, Mexico, was one of the many who pulled his pickup truck over to let 10 or even 20 migrants hop in at a time, sometimes causing vehicles’ springs to groan under the weight.

“You have to help the next person. Today it’s for them, tomorrow for us,” Valdivia said, adding that he was getting a valuable gift from those he helped: “From them we learn to value what they do not have

Passing freight trucks were quickly boarded by dozens of migrants, and straining tuk-tuks carried as many as a half-dozen.

Brenda Sanchez of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, who rode in Valdivia’s truck with three nephews ages 10, 11 and 19, expressed gratitude to “God and the Mexicans who have helped us.”

You are asking ugly to concieve of people helping other people, people from other countries even.

Might as well be discussing multi-dimentional subatomic physics.


May 19, 2011
You can suck my mexican cock milquetoast piece of shit. My family is more multi racial than San Francisco. How fucking dare you.

The simple explanation is that you're lying, the more complicated possibility resolves around the idea that people who have personally benefited from immigration (as a refugee or immigrant, whether directly or through an ancestor) who then oppose such ideas, such as my Irish mother who voted for Brexit.

Make it worse for them here.

It's a bold strategy to suggest making your country worse than the one they're leaving. Spite is a helluva drug apparently.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Our first line of defense for this kind of thing is, oddly enough, Mexico.

If we foster a good relationship with them, get our national drug policy sorted out so the Federales can get the Narcos sorted out, then we can begin applying the old carrot and stick approach with central American countries.

Mexico has a much shorter border with these countries than we have with Mexico, it it would be much easier to police. We have resouces and logistics capabilities coming out of our ass sideways. We can make these countries at least stable and safe if we put a little effort into it.

Stop the migration problem and, hell, maybe even help some people across the America's along the way...

Look, some sense found its way in here.

Yes ending the drug war and assisting the central americas economically along with pushing their governments for reforms would be enormously more effective and a shitload cheaper than what we're doing now.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Jan 25, 2011
In a show of the moral superiority of religion there is a large number of good Christians on social media praying that incoming hurricane Willa will kill the migrants.


Feb 15, 2002
Caravan was probably organized by Trump just in time for the midterms, it actually makes way more sense than blaming dems and Soros.
Reactions: Bitek


Nov 11, 1999
Caravan was probably organized by Trump just in time for the midterms, it actually makes way more sense than blaming dems and Soros.

Nah. It's just convenient for Trump to exploit. It's living off the land, taking advantage of what fate gives him.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Honest opinion here - but if you are "seeking asylum" then crossing 5 countries to the one of your choosing isn't asylum.

Asylum is going to the nearest safe place to rid yourself of domestic-based dangers - of which there are plenty of reasonably safe onesthroughout South America - and likely plenty within that same country.

Ignorance is not an excuse. If you want to immigrate legally, be honest. Claiming asylum and crossing 5 borders is fucking hilariously stupid. You're asinine if you call that asylum.

do you even darien gap, bro?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Run by cowardly Democrats that cave to the whims of the new tech billionaires who are liberals in name only but try to touch their money to improve the housing and homeless problems those cities have and they turn Koch bros republican on you really fast.

It's a typical mentality for someone with no solutions of their own to portray those trying to find solutions as damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
How are they being supplied and who's paying for it? A mass of people that large with little to no resources isn’t just eating off th land and winging it. Someone is supplying the logistics and that ain’t free. So how is this thing being paid for/sustained?
My cynical opinion is that they're likely being supplied by whoever has the most to gain from their existence. I'll leave it to you to figure out who that might be.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
What? You mean it is against the laws for anyone to enter Mexico ILLEGALLY or overstay their visas? You mean those folks can not yell at the top of their lungs "HHHHHAAAATTTTTTTEERRRRRSSSSSS" or "Xenophobic" or other nasty names and labels to the Mexicans? You mean they can not lay low and stay in Mexico for a few years and then demand rights and privileges simply because they are "hard workers"? You mean they can not demand push 2 for English or push 3 for Martian from Mexican government and on and on and on? I am shock, shock, utterly shock by the news that a sovereign nation can and will enforce its current rules and laws. (sarcastic)

Where are the usual suspects that love to scream haters and other names to anyone that want the US to enforce its immigration rules and laws equally to all? So much silent. Don't be such hypocrites. LOL.

Morons and their straw men..

This was already addressed earlier in the thread. The people in the caravan are not Mexican citizens, nor are they in Mexico legally, so why isn't the Mexican government doing anything about it?

Plus, this issue isn't about enforcing immigration laws equally to all. If that was the issue, there would be very little argument. This is about how large numbers of Americans want to enforce immigration laws UNEQUALLY. And particularly against certain ethnic groups, like Central American refugees for example.


Nov 11, 1999
It's a typical mentality for someone with no solutions of their own to portray those trying to find solutions as damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Just burn it down. /s


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
So who and how are these migrants going to be supported (housed, fed, receive medical care) once they enter the US ... assuming that they are allowed to do so? Understand that in the past a number of charities stepped in to help. If so how are they going to cope with this amount of people ... all at one time?

How much taxpayer money is it going to take to support this group?
They're not going to enter the US. Like the last caravan, they probably won't come anywhere near the border. Which is what makes all the frantic pearl clutching about this so ridiculous.
Reactions: darkswordsman17


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
They're not going to enter the US. Like the last caravan, they probably won't come anywhere near the border. Which is what makes all frantic pearl clutching about this so ridiculous.

Seriously..this supposed caravan is just now crossing into Mexico from Guatemala? People know Mexico is big, right? Even if it stays organized and moves twenty miles a day straight toward Matamoros/Brownsville, it won't get near the US border until around Christmas.


Nov 10, 2003
Morons and their straw men..

This was already addressed earlier in the thread. The people in the caravan are not Mexican citizens, nor are they in Mexico legally, so why isn't the Mexican government doing anything about it?

Plus, this issue isn't about enforcing immigration laws equally to all. If that was the issue, there would be very little argument. This is about how large numbers of Americans want to enforce immigration laws UNEQUALLY. And particularly against certain ethnic groups, like Central American refugees for example.

Ah, name-calling. Right on cue. Can't debate with facts and logic, eh?

Hey, how about you name one country, just one, that anyone can sneak in and/or overstay their visas for a few years and then demand rights and privileges like certain groups are doing (or trying) in the US? Darn those Norwegians.LOL.

Since when "refugees" from other regions such as Europe, Asia, Africa could sneak in and/overstay their visas without any consequences in the US? Oh wait. LOL. So much for your lie of "enforce immigration laws UNEQUALLY" and "against certain ethnic groups".

You were saying something about MORONS? Straw men, eh? Uh huh.

One more thing. LEGALS = si, ILLEGALS = no. Comprende?
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Feb 15, 2002
Ah, name-calling. Right on cue. Can't debate with facts and logic, eh?

Hey, how about you name one country, just one, that anyone can sneak in and/or overstay their visas for a few years and then demand rights and privileges like certain groups in the US? Darn those Norwegians.LOL.

Since when refugees from other regions could sneak in and/overstay their visas with impunities? Oh wait. LOL.

You were saying something about MORONS? Uh huh.

One more thing. LEGALS = si, ILLEGALS = no. Comprende?
But who will work on the Nunes family milk farms?


Nov 11, 1999
Morons and their straw men..

This was already addressed earlier in the thread. The people in the caravan are not Mexican citizens, nor are they in Mexico legally, so why isn't the Mexican government doing anything about it?

Plus, this issue isn't about enforcing immigration laws equally to all. If that was the issue, there would be very little argument. This is about how large numbers of Americans want to enforce immigration laws UNEQUALLY. And particularly against certain ethnic groups, like Central American refugees for example.

Please don't feed the troll.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Ah, name-calling. Right on cue. Can't debate with facts and logic, eh?

Hey, how about you name one country, just one, that anyone can sneak in and/or overstay their visas for a few years and then demand rights and privileges like certain groups are doing (or trying) in the US? Darn those Norwegians.LOL.

Since when "refugees" from other regions such as Europe, Asia, Africa could sneak in and/overstay their visas without any consequences in the US? Oh wait. LOL. So much for your lie of "enforce immigration laws UNEQUALLY" and "against certain ethnic groups".

You were saying something about MORONS? Straw men, eh? Uh huh.

One more thing. LEGALS = si, ILLEGALS = no. Comprende?

You entered this thread with namecalling, so it's disingenuous to feign outrage when you get as you've given.

For the inequality issue, I am sure that if these where white farmers from South Africa seeking asylum in the US, I am certain that the same people freaking out right now would instead be talking about easily they would integrate into America (even though white South African farmers don't usually speak English). At least, that's what all the right wingers were saying when the issue of Afrikaans farmers came up last month.

And no one here (that I know of) approves of people sneaking through our borders. etc. Nor does anyone support illegals, what they disagree with is immigration policy that unequally target certain groups in order to make them illegal.

But hey, I guess it's easy to make up phony arguments in order to call people names like hypocrite, and then feign outrage when people disagree with your incivility.
As for "facts and logic," please notice how the tone of my conversation is calm and measured, and yours is all emotion and hyperbole.
Reactions: darkswordsman17


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Please don't feed the troll.
I doubt he's trolling, and most likely he believes what he's saying.
It's a popular game in the comments section of my local newspaper that whenever a Hispanic name shows up in the news, one of the right wingers asks about their immigration status, and then they all begin arguing a narrative AS IF that person were an illegal immigrant. Now there's 2 funny pieces to that. The 1st is that the person with the Hispanic name is almost always a legal citizen or resident, and not an illegal. The 2nd is that that the game is never played when it's a foreign-sounding name of non-Hispanic origin.
But hey, they're just looking for our immigration laws to be enforced equally. Really. They swear.


Nov 10, 2003
You entered this thread with namecalling, so it's disingenuous to feign outrage when you get as you've given.

For the inequality issue, I am sure that if these where white farmers from South Africa seeking asylum in the US, I am certain that the same people freaking out right now would instead be talking about easily they would integrate into America (even though white South African farmers don't usually speak English). At least, that's what all the right wingers were saying when the issue of Afrikaans farmers came up last month.

And no one here (that I know of) approves of people sneaking through our borders. etc. Nor does anyone support illegals, what they disagree with is immigration policy that unequally target certain groups in order to make them illegal.

But hey, I guess it's easy to make up phony arguments in order to call people names like hypocrite, and then feign outrage when people disagree with your incivility.
As for "facts and logic," please notice how the tone of my conversation is calm and measured, and yours is all emotion and hyperbole.

I entered the thread with name calling? Really? Who wrote post 46 and 140? Darn Norwegians again, LOL. Strike one.

No one supported ILLEGALS, are you sure? Look at this post just from this thread. He spew out the same thing in other threads, not just this one.

#143 is outright trolling. This post isn't any better. It's the "You're the real racists!" routine.

I was being generous when I put it in terms of not thinking straight. People can change, of course, particularly when they have the courage to examine what they believe. A lot of pretty decent people have been badly propagandized over immigration.

So let's get real, start from some facts. According to Pew, there are ~11M illegals in this country. That's down from nearly 13M in 2008. 2/3 of them have been here more than 10 years. They're not leaving & I doubt they'll be deported en mass, either. They're as much a part of America as any legal immigrant who's been here as long. They work & pay taxes like everybody else. Their kids, often American citizens, go to school with our kids & they depend on their parents just like all kids. They've been paying some heavy dues for years.

They're concentrated in several large metro areas, for the most part. There are ~1M in Greater LA, ~10% of the population. There are several 100K in greater Houston, for example, & evenn more in the NYC area. They all live in fear of La Migra. It's a serious challenge for local law enforcement to gain their cooperation. That's why CA is a sanctuary state. They need the help of all the residents to maintain the Peace, prosecute the criminals & protect everybody.

None of that applies to the people who generally live where there are few immigrants of any kind, of course, but they seem to be the ones who rave about it the loudest. If I say "Amnesty" we'll have to peel them off the ceiling, as if it would affect their lives in the slightest. That's fucked up. We need to make peace with ourselves over what happened during the Clinton & Bush years, find ways to enhance domestic tranquillity, not tear it down.

Strike two.

Your tone is calm and measured? Are you sure? Who wrote these calm and measured posts from this very own thread?

Let's all be afraid of a few poor people.. What a fucking joke.

Bullshit. There are at least a dozen passages in the Bible requiring that one give aid and comfort to refugees.

This isn't a SJW cause anyway. This is about crazed right wingers freaking out over nothing, and being incited to do so by their political masters. Under normal circumstances, these people would arrive at the border without media fanfare, be stopped and vetted by ICE (because we do have a secure border), and those acceptably vetted as refugees would be granted temporary asylum, and the rest sent back.

Yup, you are not a hypocrite, not at all, right? Do as you say and not as you do, eh? Strike three. Shall I continue and locate more of your "calm and measured" posts?
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
How are they being supplied and who's paying for it? A mass of people that large with little to no resources isn’t just eating off th land and winging it. Someone is supplying the logistics and that ain’t free. So how is this thing being paid for/sustained?

Me. I pay them everything.

It's all for conservative tears, obviously.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
In today's world, Immigration is becoming frowned upon..look at all the nationalist/strongmen leaders being elected. If they reach the border before the midterms (impossible though) and Trump strong arms and repels them, IMO it will translate to a Republican win in November.

People do not seem to be seeing the alarming fact that this caravan is a gift to the Republicans (in addition to being a human catastrophe). It is like a moving image of how Republican supporters see Latin Americans: a growing horde of violent criminals clamoring to get in.

I don't believe the Soros conspiracy theorists one bit, but if this were a Soros-funded attempt to rally the vote in favor of Democrats it would be one of the most poorly thought out ones conceivable. The other end of theconspiracy theory bullshit would be the horde was organized by Trump himself or his Russian partners.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I entered the thread with name calling? Really? Who wrote post 46 and 140? Darn Norwegians again, LOL. Strike one.

No one supported ILLEGALS, are you sure? Look at this post

Strike two.

Your tone is calm and measured? Are you sure? Who wrote these calm and measured posts?

Yup, you are not a hypocrite, not at all, right? Do as you say and not as you do, eh? Strike three. Shall I continue and locate more of your "calm and measured" posts?
So why is it again that you are all outraged about a bunch of poor refugees that will likely never even reach the US border, and will be turned back if they do?
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