Another Xbone vs PS4 Thread (Very objective)


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Today there was an amazing sale. Newegg through ebay was selling a Kinekt-less Xbone with 1 year subscription card and the newest Call of Duty game for $380. (maybe they still are as of now) I just couldn't resist, and I bought one. After selling the CoD game for $50 or so and the card for another $40 (hopefully) I'll have the console for $290 or less. If not, I'll just sell everything and and make a small profit.


Eventually I am planning to get the PS4 also, so I am not biased either way, but I am wondering what are your experiences with both consoles.

Yes, I know the PS4 is outselling the Xbox atm, and it has better graphics in some games. I don't really care about that, since the difference, while noticeable is not a complete deal breaker.

What I really care about though, is the exclusives. I am not looking at titles which appear on PC as well because I am a huge PC gamer freak, and that is definitely my main gaming machine.

Right now, I am more interested in fighting games and racing games. I definitely want Forza Horizon and Killer instinct. Although I want Killzone as well, I can wait untill I get a PS4 for cheap to play that.

What are your experiences playing on both consoles? How are the controllers? Which one feels smoother? Which one do you prefer and why? Which exclusives(already out) do you prefer and why?

Lets keep this discussion non-biased. Lets not talk about PC Gaming because I play on PC as well and usually prefer it. Lets not criticize the PS4 or Xbox One players directly. Most importantly lets not talk about exclusives which are coming in the future. Future exclusives are just that - in the future. Which means they may not come out at all, or they may come out and be huge disappointments. The truth is, we just don't know. So lets talk about stuff that is out now.
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Apr 27, 2000
Both are nice and each will have great exclusives, but that is a personal preference obviously on which has the better. I like the Xbox more because of the controller, interface and Xbox Live.


Dec 12, 2001
I like the PS4 controller a bit better because it has a more rounded feel and melts into my hands a bit better. I do think that over time the PS4 will have better exclusives from their large list of developers. I dunno which one I'd take now though, I could flip a coin at this point.

Since you mentioned two games that will never be on PS4, the obvious choice if you asked me directly would be to go with the XB1. They have some sweet deals on the consoles now, especially bundles.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
if you are interested in fighters and racers, xbox1 is the way better option imo with killer instinct and forza horizon 2. there is literally nothing out on ps4 yet that compares to both.

driveclub is a clusterfuck and doesn't look like it is going to get resolved soon anyways.

ps4 does have a new guilty gear coming out to it soon, but i was never a fan of those. so if you are into GG then you may want to snag that ps4 when it comes out.

i've owned both since launch. i'm one of the biggest killer instinct fans out there and own an actual arcade ki2 cabinet with ki1 inside it (i have ki2 game but ki1 is better). since i got it, i've played ki almost weekly, except when just busy in the summer. then when forza horizon 2 came out i played it A LOT. the game is incredible.

killer instinct is also "free to play" in a sense, so you can just give it a try for free. you can play the full game for free, but only with 1 character that they assign on a rotating monthly basis. also if you are into killer instinct, i'd recommend getting that xbox live card back, because the netcode in this game is by far the most incredible netcode in the history of fighters. i can play people in cali (i'm on east coast) and it feels like we're in the same room.

also, i personally think the controller is terrible for fighters. i have the killer instinct te2 joystick that i use, and it is awesome. the controller is great for forza horizon 2 though.

i also have need for speed and it is terrible. not worth it even if someone gave it to you. and i'm not into sim racers so forza 5 is of no interest to me.

on the flipside, i won a ps4 from taco bell and played knack and enjoyed it. i bought killzone and traded it in like a week later for ryse because killzone was terrible. sure it looked great, but it sucked. since february i've turned my ps4 on maybe 3 times, and i believe it was to play demos pretty much every time (destiny beta and nhl demo). there really is nothing on the ps4 that interests me in the near future. i doubt i'll get a ps4 game until sometime in 2015 when some exclusives start to come out for it.

so yeah, you asked for an experience from people who own both, so that is mine.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2005
I bought both the XBox One and PS4 on their respective launch days, knowing that I would keep one of them and sell the other. Like the others said, it really comes down to exclusives.

I kept the Xbox One and sold the PS4 only because I wanted to play Forza 5 and I like the Xbox controller better (I have big hands), that was literally it. I'm glad I made that decision cause Forza Horizon 2 is one of the best games I have ever played. I will always resort to the PC for first person shooters so for me it's all about the other games for the console.

And actually this past weekend I bought a Wii U to supplement the Xbox since that has quietly built up a decent library of exclusives (that my wife also enjoys).

Now once Unharted 4 comes out I may entertain a PS4, but for now the Xbox has all I need. Not sure why people get in angry discussions in one over the other. Competition between the PS4 (Sony) and Xbox (Microsoft) is good for us consumers. If one of them ever goes away (and another doesn't step up), we will be in trouble as console gaming fans. Competition is good for us as it keeps the manufacturers on their toes while pushing technology boundaries. I want them both to thrive.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005
Since we are on the topic, I'd like some opinions about Forza Horizon vs. Forza Horizon 2. I do know the 2nd one is better, but how much better exactly? We are talking about spending $20 vs. $60 which is a huge difference for me. Should I spend the extra $40?

Not sure why people get in angry discussions in one over the other. Competition between the PS4 (Sony) and Xbox (Microsoft) is good for us consumers. If one of them ever goes away (and another doesn't step up), we will be in trouble as console gaming fans. Competition is good for us as it keeps the manufacturers on their toes while pushing technology boundaries. I want them both to thrive.

I feel the same way.
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Dec 12, 2001
Horizon 2 is more of what Horizon had but multiplied by a ton. With better graphics of course. If you are getting an XB1 it is a game I would easily recommend.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
i'll be surprised if you don't see FH2 for like $30 or so around the holidays this year. FH1 was similar in it's release time frame and i believe i picked it up for $20 around the holidays of the year it came out.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
I currently only own a ps4, so I can't really compare most of the things you are asking about. I will say though, if you are only interested in racing and fighting games, and only interested in whats out right now, then I'd say go with the xbox1. In my opinion, ps4 doesn't have anything on it right now as good as what Killer Instinct and Horizon 2, by all that you see written up about them.

I will add though, that DOA 5 last round is coming out in february, i believe. And, unlike DOA 5 Ultimate (which only came out on the ps3), Last Round is scheduled for the PS4 and Xbox1 (not to mention the ps3, and maybe the 360 as well). So, if you're interested in it, it doesn't matter which console you own.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
Today there was an amazing sale. Newegg through ebay was selling a Kinekt-less Xbone with 1 year subscription card and the newest Call of Duty game for $380. (maybe they still are as of now) I just couldn't resist, and I bought one. After selling the CoD game for $50 or so and the card for another $40 (hopefully) I'll have the console for $290 or less. If not, I'll just sell everything and and make a small profit.
That's why right now the xbone is the best console to buy.

I have a PS4 and I think overall it's better, but I bought it when it was $400 and the xbone was $500. Now that the xbone is $300 with the right deal, it's the better console. It is a bit slower, but that's going to play almost no role in cross-platform games, and its media is much better. The PS4's continued inability to play video files is increasingly pissing me off.

Microsoft has slashed the prices on the xbone so much over the last year that it's simply the better overall unit when it's $100 cheaper.


Nov 11, 2004
These crazy deals really make me want to buy an Xbone but gahh I already have a PS4 and don't want to buy another console so soon.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
These crazy deals really make me want to buy an Xbone but gahh I already have a PS4 and don't want to buy another console so soon.
Are there games on the Xbox that you want to play? If so, get it. If not, hold off.

It's all about the games.™


Jul 18, 2000
Are there games on the Xbox that you want to play? If so, get it. If not, hold off.

It's all about the games.™

Hmmm, not as easy as that. There are some games (KI is the only one that I can think of) that I'd like to play on the XB1, but not enough to buy another console. Now they do have a trade-in deal that makes it a little more attractive, but I think I'm actually going to wait on the XB1 Slim which may come out next year. If you HAVE to have it now though, then the deals going on now are pretty nice.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Hmmm, not as easy as that. There are some games (KI is the only one that I can think of) that I'd like to play on the XB1, but not enough to buy another console. Now they do have a trade-in deal that makes it a little more attractive, but I think I'm actually going to wait on the XB1 Slim which may come out next year. If you HAVE to have it now though, then the deals going on now are pretty nice.

it is as simple as that. just to you it's not worth it, to many it is worth it.


Sep 20, 2007
It's hard not to bring PC into it since Windows and Xbox have very similar libraries. Your gaming rig is a lot faster than the Xbox One. Since you've already bough the console, it's a bit of a moot point though.

IMO, neither console has any must have games right now. That's pretty typical for the first year. The PS4 has a few advantages. It's faster, is becoming a lead development platform, and will most likely have better exclusives.

Where the Xbox One really shines is multimedia. It's straight up a better system in that regard, since it adds "novel" features like being able to play your own music and movies off the hard drive. It also supports DNLA streaming. IIRC, you can also use it as a DVR. Since it runs the Windows 8 kernel, I'd expect better non-gaming app support as well. Microsoft is really pushing them as a holistic media experience.

As for exclusive games, Xbox has long been geared to third parties. When it does get exclusives, they're usually timed. Obviously that's going to have to change. Sunset Overdrive is one exclusive getting strong reviews. Made by Insomniac of all people.


Nov 11, 2004
Are there games on the Xbox that you want to play? If so, get it. If not, hold off.

It's all about the games.™
And there are, Dead Rising Forza, Sunset Overdrive, games you can't get anywhere else but with so many great multi platform games coming out, it'll be a while before I buy an Xbone.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2006
What's the story on USB mouse support (for either console) this generation? Still tight b-holed?

Also, I think if MS were to push out dual-boot Linux support that could really help close the current gap between hardware sales. A lot of people would be interested in being able to use their XB1 as a general purpose PC or even a low end Steambox, assuming they allowed full GPU access. Or if they wanted to be really aggressive, something with a light Windows 8/Metro kernel.

And if Sony were then pressured into doing the same, that would be even more awesome.
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Nov 11, 2004
What's the story on USB mouse support (for either console) this generation? Still tight b-holed?

Also, I think if MS were to push out dual-boot Linux support that could really help close the current gap between hardware sales. A lot of people would be interested in being able to use their XB1 as a general purpose PC or even a low end Steambox, assuming they allowed full GPU access.

Umm no it wouldn't matter. The PS3 had that and it's not like enough people bought it specifically for that reason.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2006
Umm no it wouldn't matter. The PS3 had that and it's not like enough people bought it specifically for that reason.

That's because the PS3 was a piece of shit hardware wise and that implementation had no direct GPU access, this generation they're basically full on PC's.

And if they went with a light Windows kernel they'd be opening up a huge library of DirectX games that even Sony wouldn't be able to match if they allowed Linux support on PS4, cause they'd be limited to games that utilized OpenGL.

That could be the stepping stone they need to finally start competing with Valve in the digital distribution side by either matching or undercutting their publishing fee, and this time they'd have a guaranteed install base of millions of XB1 units. And this would really bring together the whole one Windows ecosystem they've been trying to nail down, everyone would forget about the Games For Windows LIVE failure. They could even start working on streaming PC/XB1 games > Windows Phone devices just like PS4 > Vita.

It's a move that makes sense for just about every division Microsoft has. The only people it might piss off are Intel, Nividia, and AMD, but it's not like any of them would be able to shun a giant as big as Microsoft so I don't think it'd hurt their working relationships any.

And honestly, being a huge Uncharted fan, it would take a move this drastic to even make me consider an XB1 over a PS4 at this point, especially given the hardware disparity. And if they really tie everything together well enough using a single gamertag and cohesiveness across all platforms, I'd even be interested in a Windows Phone over an Android device.

I should be able to browse, purchase, update, schedule downloads, and view content regardless of whether I'm on my laptop, phone, PC, or console. And right now, Microsoft is the only company that has themselves stretched wide enough to allow me to do that in one seamless universe. It's something they should've been working on well before the XB1 was ever launched.
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Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
If you are a huge PC gamer then you are in the same boat I am. Honestly the XBone is pretty redundant if you already PC game. I went with a PS4, though I will admit the game titles right now are very scarce but so is the One. But once games like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Order 1886, Little Big Planet etc all come out those will never find their way to the PC. DR3, Ryse, Below, Titanfall and Fable Legends all are on PC too so I really saw no need. Sure there are a few exclusives on the One that didn't make it, but it seems like 80%+ are going to make it to PC eventually. PS4, there is 0% chance many of theirs will make it.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
the biggest difference is 5 million console gamers are playing the new COD, whereas theres about 30k on PC playing it, and a lot of the game modes you cant find a single match in


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
the biggest difference is 5 million console gamers are playing the new COD, whereas theres about 30k on PC playing it, and a lot of the game modes you cant find a single match in
PC gamers have much better options than that yearly rehash with a bunch of clowns jacked up on Full Throttle


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Also, I think if MS were to push out dual-boot Linux support that could really help close the current gap between hardware sales. A lot of people would be interested in being able to use their XB1 as a general purpose PC or even a low end Steambox, assuming they allowed full GPU access. Or if they wanted to be really aggressive, something with a light Windows 8/Metro kernel.
The general population doesn't even have the slightest clue what "dual boot" is, or what Linux is, let alone are actually interested in it. And very few of those people want to use their console, hooked up to their living room TV, as a general purpose PC.

Most people, including console gamers, aren't like those of us who frequent these forums.
Apr 17, 2005
Also, I think if MS were to push out dual-boot Linux support that could really help close the current gap between hardware sales. A lot of people would be interested in being able to use their XB1 as a general purpose PC or even a low end Steambox, assuming they allowed full GPU access. Or if they wanted to be really aggressive, something with a light Windows 8/Metro kernel.

And if Sony were then pressured into doing the same, that would be even more awesome.

No. This is pointless for console sales.
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