Anthony Weiner's wiener

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May 1, 2006
I don't care that much about politicians personal lives, but anytime someone has a skeleton in the closet they can be blackmailed. I was a personal reference a few years ago for a friend getting a security clearance and many of the questions that I was asked were aimed at making sure no one could blackmail him. IMO this a solid reason that we should demand pols be squeaky clean.

That was a big security loophole for security clearances when homosexuality could be used for blackmail.

Of course, it kind of feeds its own bigotry if it happens - the same 'moral degeneracy' explains both the homosexuality and the confidentiality breaking. Can't trust them!

Actually, come to think of it, Bradley Manning is gay - clearly you just can't have gay people given clearances.


May 1, 2006

WTF is with all these guys? How stupid do you have to be to text pix of yourself doing insanely embarrassing stuff? Esp after the CL guy in NY got caught....
He has let down all the left that looked to him as a liberal bombast to counter the idiot teabag loudmouths on the right. Sad.

Should he resign? Does he carry himself as some holy Xian family values moral authority like so many on the R (who like to dabble in the whores and teh gaysecks)? No? Then don't care. Plenty of others stay in office and survive. He will too, but a shell of what he could have been.

Why is there a fight over who are bigger whores, D's or R's? Stupidest argument ever created.
The only real shocker is when a pol doesn't cheat on his wife. Both are shameless. You both lose.

It's becoming clearer to people the pattern of reckless sexual power by men with power. You don't need a list, but what was the President of the United States with a right-wing army chasing him for scandal lying about him for years doing with Monica? Much less JFK et al? What was the head of the IMF doing against a maid in his hotel?

In fact, this is probably the thing that suggests the possibility Assange might have done wrong - someone who can hardly afford to.

What was Eliot Spitzer doing when Wall Street was after him? What are all these Republican 'family values' politicians doing? Televangelists?

Sex is powerful and can get many powerful people to do things.

Ask the governor all about it if you catch him on the Appalachian trail. Or Schwarzeneggar if you catch him now that he's away from his wife, *a Kennedy*.

(If it isn't clear, I'm pretty much agreeing; we both began posts saying he's an idiot on this. Just pointing out that it happens a lot with such people.)

And frankly, there's a question for voters how they want to respond politically. Divorce used to be a block to being president, Reagan changed that. I think people like Eliot Spitzer would be a great asset to the citizens back in power. Some European countries don't seem to react that much to adultery; it's something to ask here.

I know I sure prefer JFK being President over Nixon if he had a harem from every nation in the world in a room in the White House, while I think it was wrong to do.

Should we move to where we care more about the politician's votes to screw taxpayers than their sexual behavior? That they can admit adultery and have it be less of a political issue? Or even have it where 'not discussing private matters' is considered ok?

I know the Congressman steering a corrupt Medicare Part D bill giving the drug companies hundreds of billions more profits by banning the government from negotiating the prices and then resigning Congress to be paid $2 million a year as the head of drug company lobbying makes him far more a betrayer of the public and deserves far more voter disapproval than adultery IMO. It's 10000 to 1 or more.


Jun 19, 2000
It's come to the point of whether Mr. Weiner is going to resign willingly or get drummed out of office.

I think it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that he's toast. A smarter man would resign and lay low for a while. His political career is obviously over. Walk away willingly and hope you can find some other means of employment.

You don't blatantly lie that repeatedly and extensively, coupled with the smug, condescending manner in which he did it and remain in a high profile position. His news conferences, prior to his tearful admission, were a series of sophomoric double entendres. While I'm certain that endeared him to a certain segment of society, for the rest of us it was just a juvenile display of hubris. Rather sad, but not surprising from Mr. Weiner.

From reading some recent articles, I gather that he was not well liked to begin with by his fellow Congressmen. Having seen him in numerous interviews, I can fully believe that. He comes across as a vengeful, spiteful, know-it-all with a chip on his shoulder. In addition he always appeared to have the mindset of a teenager and this behavior more or less proves that out.

It will be interesting to see if his wife stays with him. I have to believe she knew she was marrying a man-child. Well, the jury has returned a verdict of just child, no man.
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Feb 6, 2002
I watch the coverage on all networks last night. I have to ask how can Fox News maintain any credibility when Hannity said when Republicans are involved in scandel the leadership calls them and they resign, completly ignoring David Vitter?? None of the so called guests on the other side called him on it.

Another agenda item was the intentional rehabilitaion of Andrew Breitbart. All the hosts went out of their way to say "all the left wing" attacked him and how he was owed an apology. Obviously all the hosts got the Ailes memo.

They are trying to make people forget hot much of a dick Breitbart really is. Remember the doctored video of the Acorn "sting" and what happed to Shirley Sherrod? In the Weiner press conference undercard AB said he had more explicit photos of the Weiner. When asked why he didn't release them he said it would hurt his family. However AB also said if Weiner didn't personally apologize to him by name he would release them. I guess Weiners family doean't really mean anything to him.


Dec 29, 2002
I watch the coverage on all networks last night. I have to ask how can Fox News maintain any credibility when Hannity said when Republicans are involved in scandel the leadership calls them and they resign, completly ignoring David Vitter?? None of the so called guests on the other side called him on it.

I watched Fox last night and Greta was talking about Vitter for quite a bit.


Feb 24, 2009
Congressman Weiner's prepared statement was probably good for him, but the Q&A following may have been a mistake; I would wager there are now any number of Conservative bloggers trying to locate an under-age girl willing to say that she exchanged 'inappropriate communications' with the congressman.

As bad as his admission was, the new questions opened may lead to worse.

He really handled that press conference badly. Not only did he open up a new can of worms, he essentially threw is wife under the bus by saying she was aware of his behavior before they were married. He should of just made a statement that he did Twitter the picture and that he's done this on other sites, then stepped away from the microphone. Acting as your own press secretary is a bad idea.

I think he's done. The leadership will have a good talk with him and convince him to resign. First, they don't want this distraction during the 2012 campaign, and secondly, there's no worry that there won't be another progressive democrat who would like to run in that district that will easily be elected, so there's no loss to the party.

The only thing in the way of this happening is his massive ego.


Feb 18, 2004
I've heard it mentioned in a few sources that if he doesn't resign, they could just redistrict his seat out of existence.

of course, the entire thing is laughable when Charlie Rangel is sitting pretty and was reelected even, after committing much worse actions.


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2007
That was a big security loophole for security clearances when homosexuality could be used for blackmail.

Of course, it kind of feeds its own bigotry if it happens - the same 'moral degeneracy' explains both the homosexuality and the confidentiality breaking. Can't trust them!

Actually, come to think of it, Bradley Manning is gay - clearly you just can't have gay people given clearances.

Where did I say anything about homosexuality? I was speaking in general terms about any information a politician would not want to become public.


Platinum Member
Sep 25, 2003
He's not that big a deal so he can probably just lie low and let it blow over. Weiner actually comes out of my district in Brooklyn, and I've met him personally on several occasions. He's been quite the hornball for many years now, and there are quite a few Russian girls in my hood who can testify to getting pawed by ol' Anthony W. He's also extremely arrogant, which is probably why he's made so many gaffes during this process. His staffed either hated him or was terrified of him.

That said, politically, he's always been effective. I haven't been following his federal career, but he's been dreaming of being a national player for years. Must suck to have it blown up because you can't resist sending pics of your... wiener.


Feb 18, 2004
I kinda wonder what's going to happen to the millions he raised for his NYC mayoral bid now that that's obviously not going to happen.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
What exactly has Christie done that is so bad?

In addition to all these ethically suspect shenanigans, there're also these futher ethically suspect shenanigans:

Every scum bag trader is indicted except Christie's brother and then Christie just happens to given the investigating attorney a lucrative, NO-BID contract:

Christie has been accused of using his office's role in crafting deferred prosecution agreements to award lucrative federal monitoring positions in no-bid contracts to friends, supporters, and allies.[21] Questions first arose after Christie awarded a multimillion dollar, no-bid contract to David Kelley, another former U.S. Attorney, who had investigated Christie's brother, Todd Christie, in a 2005 fraud case involving traders at the Wall Street firm, Spear, Leeds & Kellogg.[22][23] Kelley had declined to prosecute Todd Christie, who had been ranked fourth in the investigation-initiating U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) complaint among twenty traders who earned the largest profits for their company at the expense of their customers. The top three were indicted, as were eleven other traders.[24]

Hmmmm: :hmm:

Christie also faced criticism over the terms of a $311 million fraud settlement with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Christie’s office deferred criminal prosecution of the pharmaceutical company in a deal that required it to dedicate $5 million for a business ethics chair at Seton Hall University School of Law, Christie's alma mater.[29][30] The U.S. Justice Department subsequently set guidelines forbidding such requirements as components of out-of-court corporate crime settlements.[31]

Christie administration fucks up, loses funding, and then Christie "misrepresents," possibly several times, what actually happened:

On August 25, 2010 it was announced that New Jersey had lost out on $400 million in federal Race to the Top education grants due to a clerical error in the application by an unidentified mid-level state official.
d three points higher than New Jersey.[67]

In response to the decision, Christie criticized the Obama administration by saying,

This is the stuff, candidly, that drives people crazy about government and crazy about Washington... the first part of it is the mistake of putting the wrong piece of paper in, it drives people crazy and, believe me, I’m not thrilled about it. But the second part is, does anybody in Washington, D.C. have a lick of common sense? Pick up the phone and ask us for the number... that’s the stuff the Obama administration should answer for. Are you guys just down there checking boxes like mindless drones, or are you thinking? When the president comes back to New Jersey, he’s going to have to explain to the people of the state of New Jersey why he’s depriving them of $400 million that this application earned.[68]

On August 26, the U.S. Department of Education released a video showing that the budget issue had been specifically raised at a meeting with Christie's Education Commissioner Bret Schundler, contradicting Christie's claim that the federal government had not informed them of the error. In response, Gov. Christie asked for Schundler's resignation, saying that Schundler had misinformed Christie of the facts of the situation.

Schundler maintains that he told Christie the truth, and that Christie is misstating what actually occurred.[69]

The New Jersey Education Association rebuked Governor Christie by suggesting that the Governor's rejection of a compromise worked out by Schundler with the Teacher's unions on May 27 was to blame. The rejection of the deal with the teachers union meant that the state had little more than three days to complete the grant applications, which were due on June 1. By Christie's own accounting, the state lost 14 points due to the lack of widespread union support for the reforms.[66]

The above are just three additional ones culled from his Wiki.

Again, there are multiple additional instances of his shady behavior listed in my first link, several of which are quite serious indications of misfeasance and malfeasance, indeed.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
He's not that big a deal so he can probably just lie low and let it blow over.

Pretty much this. I can think of 20+ scandals off the top of my head that are worse than this, and that is just in recent memory. Mark Sanford, Elliiot Spitzer, John Edwards, John Ensign, Greg Craig, Mark Foley, Tom Delay, Rod Blagojevich, Swartzenegger, Rangel, etc. Which of these scandals is *not obviously worse* than this one? Several involve using public funds which is a violation of the public trust or cheating on taxes which is a crime. The sex scandals involve adultery at a minimum; one involved groping in a public toilet. The Foley scandal is closest in nature to this one, but that involved exchanges of explicit messages with people who were underage AND some were staffers (adding a sexual harassment angle to it) AND what he was doing was covered up for awhile by the party leadership.

This is going to blow over. The public will get bored with it and the news cycle will move on in a month. He'll probably even get re-elected.
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Jul 16, 2001
all part of the liberal culture of erection. I'm sure bill clinton is proud and envious.


Jul 16, 2001
more then likely a full investigation on how he used public funds and communication devices would yield endless abuses of his office. And he would rat out willing accomplices he considers colleagues who are involved in similar behavior. Lies need to be serviced all evidence against his accomplices. If he's reckless enough to do this what else has he done??

Fear No Evil

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2008
In addition to all these ethically suspect shenanigans, there're also these futher ethically suspect shenanigans:

Every scum bag trader is indicted except Christie's brother and then Christie just happens to given the investigating attorney a lucrative, NO-BID contract:

Hmmmm: :hmm:

Christie administration fucks up, loses funding, and then Christie "misrepresents," possibly several times, what actually happened:

The above are just three additional ones culled from his Wiki.

Again, there are multiple additional instances of his shady behavior listed in my first link, several of which are quite serious indications of misfeasance and malfeasance, indeed.

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'... keep your Perky Trollin'... Perhaps we could pull Probabililantialism into the thread as well? Or whatever your insane rant from ATOT was called. I swear you will be posting about having to fill out a form to buy vinegar soon.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
In addition to all these ethically suspect shenanigans, there're also these futher ethically suspect shenanigans:

Every scum bag trader is indicted except Christie's brother and then Christie just happens to given the investigating attorney a lucrative, NO-BID contract:

Hmmmm: :hmm:

Christie administration fucks up, loses funding, and then Christie "misrepresents," possibly several times, what actually happened:

The above are just three additional ones culled from his Wiki.

Again, there are multiple additional instances of his shady behavior listed in my first link, several of which are quite serious indications of misfeasance and malfeasance, indeed.

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin'... keep your Perky Trollin'... Perhaps we could pull Probabililantialism into the thread as well? Or whatever your insane rant from ATOT was called. I swear you will be posting about having to fill out a form to buy vinegar soon.

How it that trolling? Perk's reply was a direct response to PJ's attempt to ignore Christie's abysmal record of ethically challenged hypocrisy. The only troll, in the exchange is you for calling him out as trolling, but utterly failing to post anything to support your bullshit.

Same old FNE -- All BS and bogus accusations, but no truth... ever.
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