Anti-Borg conspiracy

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Golden Member
May 31, 2000
first things first:

toph99: Yeah IRC is a form of chat (Internet Relay Chat), you can get a popular IRC client for win32 here: after you install it open the server and join channel #teamanandtech we'll be there waiting for you!

Dutchman2000 and MWalkden: Sounds like a good idea! And don't forget that PeterN is also putting a newsletter together, that he'll have total control of!

With love and respect your fellow TA member



Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
Somehow I feel the need to reply to all this

There won't be much of a threath from several DPC-miniteams joining together. The block output of DPC would be the same. Just as what initially happened with our team when TA-Cube, Federation, TWTA and other MT's were formed. The strenght is getting more new members to join, whether they are MT-minded or not.

MWalkden, you wrote:

<< With a group as large as the DPC a few are plenty of people that can wage a tactical campaign of psychological warfare. >>

IMO, I don't think the majority of DPC-members will let this happen, since they don't like the ring of it. The 'psycho's' will be flamed soon enough, as has happened in the past on the DPC-forum.

<< That and keep watching them too. >>

I'll try and help out where I can I'm one of few on TA whose native language is Dutch

joeyd, you wrote

<< I say ignore them. They are beating us but who cares this is actually a good thing since we are steping up to the plate and increaseing our output we just need to keep on doing it and keep finding more loveable nuts like dennilfloss >>

That's exactly what we must do. Right now, we're again having another discussion over something we shouldn't debate about. Their presence on these forums has brought us closer together than ever and made us aware of the only thing we can do (whether in a private place or not): Team GROWTH.

mindless, you wrote

<< This DPC trolling has got to stop. Its not only ruining these forums, but tearing us apart as a team. >>

I do agree the trolling has to stop, but what strikes me is that almost always, the trolling DPC-members are fairly new, both to the TA- and DPC forums. Apparently, they don't know how to behave. In time honoured DPC-members will be on their backs.
Regarding the tearing apart, I think it has put us closer together, set aside some most-appreciated members, who felt the need of leaving us (I can understand their point of view )

I'm working on a public newsletter right now. It won't be a closed one for now, so DPC-members can subscribe if they want to, but it will get us in touch with our member-base (my goal). I'll do it in such a manner (read personal), there will be no one complaining of spamming. It will take awhile, but all for the team .

If desired, I can make a completely closed one. This won't be a problem. Only thing is to get some sort of mechanism to check on the membership.

Now my other thoughts
The newsletter is IMO not a good medium to spread 'secret' plans. For this I think a private IRC channel is the best way for the short term.
If a discussion forum on our team-website is set up, then there must be only one (otherwise things would be scattered all over the internet ) and only 'secret' plans should be discussed there with some sort of moderated (or approved) membership. The check on the membership is very important here.

Now I'm going to close off and watch some TV.
One of my favorite programs is on. The detective-series POIROT.



Oct 11, 1999
Nothing more to add to this topic. Just ignore them like we've always done. Either way, you can't really stop them from trying to beat the Borg.

Oh yeah. I won't shave until TA is #1 (thanks goodness it's not too far away )


Senior member
Mar 13, 2000
How about we get some of them off TA's backs in RC5, by taking some of their resources by &quot;cracking on them&quot; about how we're kicking their collective ARSE in OGR. Divide and Conquer!!!!


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
I actually don't give a poop about the DPC or any other team for that matter. The only thing that is of import is the cumulative number of blocks crunched and whether that puts us in first place at a given time. I, for one, will resume recruiting as soon as my computer is unpacked and I will keep the same recruting pace until the project is finished, not until we get first. Whether that, along with the efforts of more loveable nuts, is good enough to finally help Team Anandtech is not relevant to me. Only the dedication, the effort counts, even if it proves in vain. There is no joy in an easy victory in my book. The struggle itself is what makes competition fun. When one digs deeper, one grows and growth means life. As a former hockey player (maybe that explains why some deluded peeps consider me nuts), I am not one happy to simply make an act of presence.

As for DA BORG, you better strap on your seatbelt because there is ass lamination galore in our future.

Jee, talking of ass lamination and strap on makes me feel all fuzzyBorg inside.



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
MWalkden, have the members of the DPC been causing any trouble on IRC? Maybe I should stay logged on while I'm gone to work, and log? I'm away daytime when I'm at work, but I spend upwards of 5 hours a day on IRC in the evenings (Pacific Time), and 8 to 10 hours on my days off, and I have had nothing but neutral or pleasant experiences with the members of DPC. In fact, Law of DPC helped me work on my fancy new icon to the left there (thank you, Law!).

I notice no one is mentioning the presence of other teams, such as SysOpt and occasionally [H]ard OCP, on our IRC channel or on our Forum. I'd like to think that our tolerance and helpfulness toward the members of other teams is a good thing. For instance, MissingThePoint aka MTP, a member of SysOpt's RC5 team, hangs out with us all the time on IRC... and guess what? He has now devoted two computers to GammaFlux... for Team Anandtech! Respect fosters respect. I enjoy his company, too, as well as that of his teammates.

I will finish this post up with some food for thought, courtesy of one of America's greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln. Please allow for the fact I am recounting this from memory, and not verbatim...

During the American Civil War, President Lincoln was attending a social event along with some notable people of the Northern states. A woman angrily confronted President Lincoln: &quot;Mister President, why do you not destroy our enemies!?&quot; {meaning, the Southern states}

President Lincoln replied, &quot;Madam... have I not succeeded in destroying my enemy, when I make him my friend?&quot;



Aug 27, 2000

Thanks for the kind words!!!

That fills my heart with joy thinking that someone actually &quot;ENJOYS&quot; Talkin with me

Oh, and I am a Proud member of TA GF


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
Well, I just hooked my PC three days ahead of schedule. I'm surrounded by unpacked boxes as if I were in a secret base and I'm in the mood to ass laminate. Time for some private messages.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 1999
mechbgon; First I would like to say that your intentions are both noble and honorable.

I would like to point out that neither SysOpt, [H]ard OCP, /Dot or any other DC team members posting on TA forums make it known they are on another team (except for a sig maybe), nor gloat or continually rub into our faces their current rate of climb as the DPC do.

In IRC there is less of it, but it prevails there as well. Law is no exception although he does not spend most of his time there boasting about the DPC.

I think the real point is that here in the forum or in the IRC channel the likelihood of a DPC member talking about DPC related stuff is at an unacceptable percentage rate. It is very prevalent! I for one am sick of it. This is TA forum and IRC channel, not DPC!

I didn't used to feel this way. It used to be the same with DPC members, you wouldn't know they were DPC except by a sig. Now it is often enough that it is a jab or gloat or link to a DPC thing or what have you that it is way too much. The fact that it happens at all is wrong, the fact that it happens so much is ridiculous!



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
What's that third thread? I think the link is not working.

As for the first two, I didn't take offense at them myself. Those posts by the DPC members are pretty mild compared to the deliberate troublestarting we saw about six or eight months ago. Still, I'm not knocking anyone for having different tolerance levels than I do. I think the DPC enjoy racing us and would like it if we could enjoy it equally much, even if they have better output right now.


Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999

It should be this thread.
I guess, MWalkden did put https:// in front, by accident.
He wanted to be sure DPC didn't read it.



Golden Member
Dec 7, 1999
You are right mechbgon. The majority of DPC do enjoy the race and are generally not in our forums to disrupt, they don't post here. There are few that never post poorly here too. But there are some that are and the third link is a prime example. It basically says &quot;lets see if we can break down this effort like the email one&quot; in my eyes. If you don't see that you are naive!

I just want to point out that this is AnandTech Distributed Computing Forum, not Distributed Computing Forum. The difference is clear, &quot;AnandTech&quot;.

It can be compared to the email issue too. There are enough of us who feel the posts are un-sportsman like, antagonistic in nature and unwelcome. Just like there are some that consider an email to our own members is Spam.

The other night when Kilowatt came into the IRC channel for the first time, how was he greeted? Something like: &quot;Oh, there is the DPC hater, I better go&quot; Now what kind of crap is that? I wouldn't blame Kilowatt if he never came back. Is that what you want the IRC channel for?

If you want to meet your DPC buddies I say find a neutral place for it. Team AnandTech is not neutral, it's for Team AnandTech!


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Thanks, PeterN! I am still a little confused, because there's only one post by a DPC in there and it's just a queston about DNet's policy on advertising. I think I'll let this topic slide.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
OK, I'm not letting that slide. BRB with some log files here, MW...

edit: here we go, part of the log files from last night. Interesting to note that you and Kilowatt joined at precisely the same time, MWalkden. Seems to me that one can take certain things the way one chooses to read them... wry humor, angry sarcasm, it's all in the eye of the beholder and I've seen plenty of misunderstandings on IRC due to the ambiguous nature of a text-only chat. It's also worth noting that the people I'm seeing us have problems with on IRC are not members of any team... they're the warez doods and a couple who simply came onto the channel to curse America and Americans (not such a great idea, since we had people from all over the world at the time).

As for where I talk with my friends, TA, SysOpt or DPC, I will make that decision myself.

*** SAK is now known as Sloth
*** Sloth is now known as SAK
*** coolboy has quit IRC
*** Sakless is now known as Sloth
*** MWalkden has joined #teamanandtech
*** kilowatt has joined #teamanandtech
<MWalkden> hello all
<mechBgon> hello
<Sloth> hey guys
<kilowatt> Hi
<MWalkden> kilowatt!!!
<kilowatt> What is it?
<Sloth> watch out for KW... he is stomping on DPC today
* MWalkden sticks a RED HOT curling iron in Engineer's ear and swishes his brain around for awhile... hmm where'd it go??
<moocow> later guys
<mechBgon> cya moocow
*** moocow has left #teamanandtech
<Sloth> WAKE UP !!!!
* mechBgon jumps
<kilowatt> Well is it me, or is it slow in here?
<MWalkden> hello!!!!
<Sloth> there is not much happening
<mechBgon> it's partly slow with gusts to fairly hectic
* mechBgon points at... wait a second, MTP left
<Sloth> just playing around with the name server
* MWalkden looks at Engineer and wonders who in their right mind would have a child like that....
<mechBgon> MTP has put a couple of his machines on TA's GammaFlux team, even though he is SysOpt
*** Engineer has left #teamanandtech
<mechBgon> now you've done it
*** Engineer has joined #teamanandtech
<mechBgon> wb Engie
<Engineer> Hey guys!
<MWalkden> lol
<Sloth> what machines are good at GF?
* MWalkden thinks Engineer should vigorusly scrub his forehead in an effort to erase the word &quot;STUPID&quot; that obviously is flashing in neon letters!
<mechBgon> Athlon family and K6-x
<MWalkden> Hi Engineer!
<kilowatt> Hi engineer
<MWalkden> hey mech
<MWalkden> sloth
<mechBgon> then again, Athlons are good at everything
<mechBgon> hi MW
<Sloth> hi Engy
<Sloth> hi mech
<mechBgon> hi mech
<Sloth> hi MW
<DStroth> hi all!
<mechBgon> hi DS
<mechBgon> you've been quiet
<DStroth> Yes, yes I have..
<Sloth> dstroth: that is why he is an op... he gets it all done at once
<DStroth> hmm..
* DStroth wonders how he is doing in RC5...
* DStroth goes to check
<mechBgon> DS, you're at 99th on Mika's Fullstats
<Sloth> we say hi to one at a time but he can do it all at once
<DStroth> ooh
*** PiMpX23 is now known as PiMpX-Playing
<DStroth> i'm on the first page
<mechBgon> yeah
<DStroth> hehe
<SAK> !whois SAK
<Sloth> DS: congrats.... now knock me off the page
<mechBgon> hehe
*** PiMpX-Playing is now known as PiMpX-PlayingRA2
<PiMpX-PlayingRA2> there that sounds better
<DStroth> Stats are down for maintenance
<Sloth> how many needed to get to page 1 350k?
<mechBgon> around 440k at the moment, if I recall correctly
<mechBgon> time for supper here, talk to you in a while
*** mechBgon is now known as mech_suppertime
<DStroth> i have 359k on mika's
<kilowatt> flashnic
<DStroth> 100th place is 355k
<Sloth> i remember when 200k would do it
<DStroth> hmm.. I wonder how many of my blocks didn't go through mika's....
<DStroth> I must be nearing 400k on dnet
<SAK> brb
<Sloth> mika has 850k dnet about 1.4 mil
<Sloth> woops.. 825K
*** Engineer has quit IRC
*** Engineer has joined #teamanandtech
<SAK> lol, what are you doing now, engy?
<kilowatt> See Ya
<SAK> later KW!
<MWalkden> going home
<MWalkden> ?
*** SAK is now known as SAK_playing-CS
<kilowatt> Yeap Time to say goodnight
<SAK_playing-CS> have a good one, KW!
<MWalkden> hows that version 3 comming?
<SAK_playing-CS> version 3?
<DStroth> ?
*** Engineer has quit IRC
*** kilowatt has left #teamanandtech
*** Engineer has joined #teamanandtech
<SAK_playing-CS> hehe
<MWalkden> hehe
<kilowatt> Yeap Time to say goodnight
<SAK_playing-CS> have a good one, KW!
<MWalkden> hows that version 3 comming?
<SAK_playing-CS> version 3?
<DStroth> ?
*** Engineer has quit IRC
*** kilowatt has left #teamanandtech


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
Last time I checked, your DNET ID and Team # wasn't required to sign up for these forums! This place is sponsored by Anandtech, the Distributed Computing Forum makes a great place for Team AnandTech project participants to get together, but saying it is exclusive for such use is absurd!:Q

MWalkden, you need a thicker skin if a few rantings from various DPC's are going to get you this wound up IMO. I don't understand why it has become so difficult to go about our business without dropping to the level of our competition. &quot;Things aren't going our way anymore, we're not guaranteed to win any longer, so you can't come over and play!&quot; What a fine fxxxing attitude to have!:|

Since I've gone off at this point, I'd also like to point out that I'm sick of people name dropping the email vs. Spam issue in general terms. MWalkden, my point is not to single you out on this because it's been done numerous times.

<< Just like there are some that consider an email to our own members is Spam >>

There isn't a single member in this forum that would agree that emial to our own memebership is Spam. The whole issue revolved around the implementation! It's not an issue of doing it, but how it was done. Comments like these only throw salt in old wounds and leave a bad taste in the mouth of the forum as a whole IMO.:|

No wonder TA is losing ground to the DPC! Name calling at the opposition may be effective for getting the job done in the political campaign, but once in office real work is rarely accomplished by whiners!



Golden Member
Dec 7, 1999
Wow! That touched a sore subject! Sorry folks, and thanks for posting the IRC log, I couldn't remember what was said to Kilowatt, just remember feeling it was poor taste to greet a new IRC person with.

I think this is getting off base. I know there are non TA members that come here. Why wouldn't they? It is a great place. I'm just getting tired of the bad form being used by some of them. We would never go to another's forum and say &quot;na-na-nana&quot;. It just wouldn't be right. It happens alot here.

Osmo, you are right, I've gotten off base here too. I'm not really that wound up about it, but was just pointing out that quite a few folks are taking that kind of posting negativily. It is bothering them.

The email issue is dead and I posted how I felt about that. I agree that if it is offensive to enough people it isn't something to be carried out by the forum group. If an individual wants to take it upon themselves there isn't anything we can do about it, just like we can't do anything about where you associate with anyone else.

I was pointing out that this is something in 'like' that people are getting sensitive about. We should realize that and see if we can do something about it. Maybe set up a communication with some senior DPC folks and link them to posts made by members so they get inside pressure on it. I don't know, but I am not the only one to make comments on it. There are several supporting me in this thread alone.


Golden Member
May 31, 2000
I don't want to join in on all the issues we're dealing with here in this thread but Law of the DPC didn't want to &quot;clutter&quot; &quot;our&quot; forums so he asked me to put his words in here:

<< OK, my thanks good to Two-Face for posting this reaction. In regard to what some of you might think, I'm not a spy and don't intend to be one. I'm just on the IRC channel to help people out with Linux if they wish and to talk about neutral Dnetc stuff. Hardware and software is also being discussed there. My point: On your IRC channel I'm DPC indeed, but I'm not showing it off, when ppl ask I say yes. I like the IRC channel very much and from what I notice is a very friendly place and the Operators welcome EVERYONE, as long as you follow the rules. I do, so I'd say. please relax about me being on your channel. I don't spy!

I greet Engineer, osmo, chris, SAK, ViRGE, mechBgon, LD, PF and others I might have forgotten some, please don't feel bad, I know who you are! Two-Face, thank you very much!

Greetings from Law (DPC)

I agreed to posting this here just so his voice could be heard too! And since I respect him in his wish not to &quot;spam&quot; us by coming to our forums and posting himself... I hope you guys respect that too!


Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Where is the line drawn? Does this extend to our friends at Sysopt so they can't post on here anymore? Does anyone remember when a few competitors came on asking questions they could not get answers from? I felt that was awesome, we solved people's problems dispite them being on a different team. Let's look back on those days and remember this is just a forum on Anand's servers. This is a quote of the forum info: &quot;Discuss RC5, SETI@Home, OGR, Prime95, and other distributed computing topics here.&quot; do you see in there Team Anandtech at all? I don't.


Golden Member
Dec 7, 1999
Look folks, I'm not trying to say anyone can't post in here. Maybe I am way off base. Seems some others are too then but oh well.

I haven't said everything right here obviously. I'm know Sloth's comment on IRC was not meant the way I felt about it (sorry Sloth, my bad), but the fact that I did feel something like that just goes to show how this does affect one's attitude.

I didn't run and edit my post, everyone can see my blunder about it. I'm not here to stir up a big problem or hide my mistakes. I'm trying to point out a problem.

It isn't just a few posts either (as osmo says). It is a few posts today, yesterday, tomorrow and for quite some time now. It is just bad form. It is getting to be a pain. Maybe if it wasn't so excessive it would be a non-issue.

LAW, your more than welcome in here or IRC. I have tried to make it clear this isn't about all DPC either.

<--In IRC there is less of it, but it prevails there as well. Law is no exception although he does not spend most of his time there boasting about the DPC.-->

Like I said, he does not spend most of his time on IRC boasting up the DPC. He is like other DPC who spend most of their time just enjoying what we have to offer. I like LAW, he seems to be a very helpful person! He is just enjoying DC and DC people.

Well I've said all I can about it, so take it for what its worth. Sorry if I did it wrong, didn't mean to.

[edit]BTW, thanks PeterN, I forgot that earlier[/edit]


Oct 9, 1999
Once again, we are arguing among ourselves, using energy that could be directed at team growth and assimilation. Guess who is actually winning this argument.

Russ, NCNE
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