Anti-Obama scare mail makes it rounds


Aug 2, 2001
From an email I was forwarded by someone:

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii.

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a radical Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia. Obama attended a Muslim school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Osama ( <--what the hell is that? an "accidental" typo for sure. [my emphasis]) was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the radical teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.

Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.


Reading this you get Osama Hussien, the black Muslim wanna-be Catholic (the other distrusted religious group in US politics, other than Jews) Wahabi terrorist jihadi foreigner; with a little mulato, jungle fever, broken home, atheistic scariness to sprinkle on top. If there was a way to work Satanic baby-eater in there I'm sure we would have read it. Question is, did it come from Hillary's people or perhaps a conservative action group? Based on a few things in the way its written, my money would be on an evangelical conservative group. Hillary would be working to discredit him in the black community for the primaries. This seems more aimed at the general election ("Probable U. S. presidential candidate....") Hillary would never concede he's "probable."

WTF. The nasty mudslinging has begun.


Aug 2, 2001
Just wait to see these sorts of scare tactics with the rest of the other major canidates:

Guliani: Pro-gay, pro-abortion, gun-hating yankee Catholic who's been divorced several times

McCain: Too old, Iraq war/Bush-loving, christian hating, disloyal maverick who's not to be trusted. He was also locked in a bamboo cage for years, so he may be a bit "unstable". Did you know he fathered an illigitimate black child?

Richardson: Fat Mexican Clinton appointee who will let all the illegals in over the border and let Mexico re-conquer the southwest.

Mit Romney: Flip-flopping, fair-weather conservative from Taxachusettes. He's also a Mormon, who are a bunch of whacked-out, power-hungry cultists who should also be watched.

Edwards: Trial lawyer. Sue-happy, tax-loving Socialist who will bankrupt the nation. Maybe a i love you too.

Hillary: She's Hillary...... Hillary, Clinton.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Hafen

WTF. The nasty mudslinging has begun.

Millions and millions of dollars and this is what we get.

And politicians wonder why the public is so turned off from politics and voting.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Hafen
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Hafen

WTF. The nasty mudslinging has begun.

Millions and millions of dollars and this is what we get.

And politicians wonder why the public is so turned off from politics and voting.

Vote for the non-career politician then.

Well, I was planning on voting for you until you called me a Bush fanboi for being annoyed with endless, useless Iraq War resolutions from the Dems. Now I'm not so sure, although a cabinet appointment would go along way in making it up.


Jul 28, 2006
Don't be so quick to give Hillary and Co a free pass on this type of stuff.
Obama is not a real threat to the Repuiblicans.
A black liberal Senator with 2 years experience, I don't think he would have a chance in the national election, he would never be able to pick up a 'red' state, and without one red state he losses.

He is a threat to Hillary though, which is why we are seeing a constant stream of negative stories about him. Bill and Hillary are very well known for their smear tactics.
Maybe you are to young to remember the bimbo squad that dug up every negative piece of info they could on any of the females that might accuse Bill of something.

One more point in defense of the Republicans, they aren't even going after each other yet, why go after Obama? I would be more worried about McCain or Rudy if I was a Republican running for President.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
I kind of agree with Prof here (shudder)

It makes sense that this is a dem attack on Obama, we haven't even had one primary yet.

Whoever started this is cold blooded. Character attacking like this is shameless.


Senior member
Mar 24, 2002
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Don't be so quick to give Hillary and Co a free pass on this type of stuff.
Obama is not a real threat to the Repuiblicans.
A black liberal Senator with 2 years experience, I don't think he would have a chance in the national election, he would never be able to pick up a 'red' state, and without one red state he losses.

There are less "Red States" since the last election.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Don't be so quick to give Hillary and Co a free pass on this type of stuff.
Obama is not a real threat to the Repuiblicans.
A black liberal Senator with 2 years experience, I don't think he would have a chance in the national election, he would never be able to pick up a 'red' state, and without one red state he losses.

He is a threat to Hillary though, which is why we are seeing a constant stream of negative stories about him. Bill and Hillary are very well known for their smear tactics.
Maybe you are to young to remember the bimbo squad that dug up every negative piece of info they could on any of the females that might accuse Bill of something.

One more point in defense of the Republicans, they aren't even going after each other yet, why go after Obama? I would be more worried about McCain or Rudy if I was a Republican running for President.

Could be Hillary, certainly wouldn't put it past her and she's certainly desperate right now, but the religious language leads me to (conservative) protestant evangelical groups. This angle doesn't see like Hillary's cup of tea. I'd see her's as more "Obama isn't really black, he's not one of you, beware black people!"

Eg The "Church of Christ" was common name of churches (inc the original name of the Mormon LDS church) associated with the Christian Restorationist movement which was begat in the early 1800s which sought to overturn the orthodoxy of the sectarian Protestant and Catholic churches inherted from Europe, and "restore" and unify the faith in the principals of early christianity. See [L=] One other reason I think this came from an evangelical group.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: OrByte
I kind of agree with Prof here (shudder)

It makes sense that this is a dem attack on Obama, we haven't even had one primary yet.

Whoever started this is cold blooded. Character attacking like this is shameless.

Whoever did it certainly is walking filth. This election cycle is going to get ugly.

Edit: Also, the source that orig forwarded this on to me is not someone I would put anywhere near a Democratic mailing list. Things could come from anywhere, its just my gut.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: sierrita
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Don't be so quick to give Hillary and Co a free pass on this type of stuff.
Obama is not a real threat to the Repuiblicans.
A black liberal Senator with 2 years experience, I don't think he would have a chance in the national election, he would never be able to pick up a 'red' state, and without one red state he losses.
There are less "Red States" since the last election.
I am not sure the 2006 election results will carry over to the 2008 Presidential races.
There were only 4 close states (within 3 points) that went to Bush. Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Iowa, those would seem to be the best chances the Democrats have for a pick up. Which of these states would Obama be able to win?

On the otherside there were 6 states won by Kerry with a margin of under 4%, so there are more chances for a Republican take over. (A Rudy Presidentail run could make a mess in the northeast for the Democrats.)

BTW looking at the 2004 map and it is easy to see that Richardson makes a great VP choice for the Democrats. Puts Nevada and New Mexico in their pocket, perhaps, and it certainly helps in Florida with its large hispanic population.
Unless the black pressure Hillary or whoever into taking Obama look for Richardson to be the VP for the Dems.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Hafen
Eg The "Church of Christ" was common name of churches (inc the original name of the Mormon LDS church) associated with the Christian Restorationist movement which was begat in the early 1800s which sought to overturn the orthodoxy of the sectarian Protestant and Catholic churches inherted from Europe, and "restore" and unify the faith in the principals of early christianity. See [L=] One other reason I think this came from an evangelical group.

There was no Christian restoration movement in the early 1800's in the US (it an out and out fabrication), or at best and much overstated upswing in church attendance. Anyone talking about such a restoration movement in the early 1800's is A. Either Mormon, B. Associated with Mormons, or C. Someone who has heard Mormons talk about this mythical movement that never happened. It's a historical fabrication, with ZERO supporting evidence in any newspapers, or published works from the time. It SIMPLY didn't happen.

The Latter Day Saints (LDS or mormon) church has NEVER identified itself as the Church of Christ. They do claim to be the only true church, and the only one associated with Christ, but they are in fact and have always been known to themselves as the Latter Day Saints. In fact the Mid 1800's execution order by the governor of Illinois referred to them specifically as the "Saints" which is what they were commonly referred to as in the early 1800's.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: Hafen
Eg The "Church of Christ" was common name of churches (inc the original name of the Mormon LDS church) associated with the Christian Restorationist movement which was begat in the early 1800s which sought to overturn the orthodoxy of the sectarian Protestant and Catholic churches inherted from Europe, and "restore" and unify the faith in the principals of early christianity.

There was no Christian restoration movement in the early 1800's in the US (it an out and out fabrication), or at best and much overstated upswing in church attendance. Anyone talking about such a restoration movement in the early 1800's is A. Either Mormon, B. Associated with Mormons, or C. Someone who has heard Mormons talk about this mythical movement that never happened. It's a historical fabrication, with ZERO supporting evidence in any newspapers, or published works from the time. It SIMPLY didn't happen.

The Latter Day Saints (LDS or mormon) church has NEVER identified itself as the Church of Christ. They do claim to be the only true church, and the only one associated with Christ, but they are in fact and have always been known to themselves as the Latter Day Saints. In fact the Mid 1800's execution order by the governor of Illinois referred to them specifically as the ---Saints--- which is what they were commonly referred to as in the early 1800's.


? Mormon plant?

edit: formatting trainwreckage...wth


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Hafen
Just wait to see these sorts of scare tactics with the rest of the other major canidates:

Guliani: Pro-gay, pro-abortion, gun-hating yankee Catholic who's been divorced several times

McCain: Too old, Iraq war/Bush-loving, christian hating, disloyal maverick who's not to be trusted. He was also locked in a bamboo cage for years, so he may be a bit "unstable". Did you know he fathered an illigitimate black child?

Richardson: Fat Mexican Clinton appointee who will let all the illegals in over the border and let Mexico re-conquer the southwest.

Mit Romney: Flip-flopping, fair-weather conservative from Taxachusettes. He's also a Mormon, who are a bunch of whacked-out, power-hungry cultists who should also be watched.

Edwards: Trial lawyer. Sue-happy, tax-loving Socialist who will bankrupt the nation. Maybe a i love you too.

Hillary: She's Hillary...... Hillary, Clinton.

Ann Coulter, is that you?


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Lothar
Originally posted by: Hafen
Just wait to see these sorts of scare tactics with the rest of the other major canidates:

Guliani: Pro-gay, pro-abortion, gun-hating yankee Catholic who's been divorced several times

McCain: Too old, Iraq war/Bush-loving, christian hating, disloyal maverick who's not to be trusted. He was also locked in a bamboo cage for years, so he may be a bit "unstable". Did you know he fathered an illigitimate black child?

Richardson: Fat Mexican Clinton appointee who will let all the illegals in over the border and let Mexico re-conquer the southwest.

Mit Romney: Flip-flopping, fair-weather conservative from Taxachusettes. He's also a Mormon, who are a bunch of whacked-out, power-hungry cultists who should also be watched.

Edwards: Trial lawyer. Sue-happy, tax-loving Socialist who will bankrupt the nation. Maybe a i love you too.

Hillary: She's Hillary...... Hillary, Clinton.

Ann Coulter, is that you?

Ah ha! She's the source!!!!

Ann=Hillary=Angry Biotches


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: OrByte
I kind of agree with Prof here (shudder)

It makes sense that this is a dem attack on Obama, we haven't even had one primary yet.

Whoever started this is cold blooded. Character attacking like this is shameless.

That last line strikes true. However, that is the bloodthirsty nature of American politics, especially today when we are so evenly divided between two opposing sides and ideologies. This makes the conflict much more violent politically, hopefully remaining political.

At this current rate of increased hatred, I do not believe it will be long before this turns to civil unrest. Not just a few name callings, that's just the tip of the iceberg, for we already have certain people calling for traitors to be hanged.

*stares at dmcowen674

Such vitriol raises the level of hated which breaks down the political process into more primeval methods.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2003
Ohio will go Blue in 2008, we learned our lesson.

Plus Blackwell isnt there to screw it up anymore.


Oct 17, 1999
Didn't Spider(Spyder?) start an Obama thread going over the same "information". Is he a Ms Clinton supporter?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: OrByte
I kind of agree with Prof here (shudder)

It makes sense that this is a dem attack on Obama, we haven't even had one primary yet.

Whoever started this is cold blooded. Character attacking like this is shameless.

That last line strikes true. However, that is the bloodthirsty nature of American politics, especially today when we are so evenly divided between two opposing sides and ideologies. This makes the conflict much more violent politically, hopefully remaining political.

At this current rate of increased hatred, I do not believe it will be long before this turns to civil unrest. Not just a few name callings, that's just the tip of the iceberg, for we already have certain people calling for traitors to be hanged.

*stares at dmcowen674

Such vitriol raises the level of hated which breaks down the political process into more primeval methods.

It has nothing to do with primevality or politics.

You may believe it is a joke but one of the primary reasons crime is so rampant and increasing is because the people are getting desperate.

Desperate people do desperate things.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Didn't Spider(Spyder?) start an Obama thread going over the same "information". Is he a Ms Clinton supporter?

Stay viligent. Look at his churches beliefs.

1st rule of Islam to take over a country...

"Gain trust of your enemy and seek high political office. This is the way of Jihad"


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: spidey07
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Didn't Spider(Spyder?) start an Obama thread going over the same "information". Is he a Ms Clinton supporter?

Stay viligent. Look at his churches beliefs.

1st rule of Islam to take over a country...

"Gain trust of your enemy and seek high political office. This is the way of Jihad"

Yes, there is a fine line between being "viligent" and putting on a few too many layers of tin foil. But while anti-Islam hysteria may be the right-wing version of "Bush was behind 9/11", it doesn't make it any less stupid.
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