Antifa - left wing scum

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Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
So you've been hiding for 9 years? Right went full retard when a black guy was elected president.

And now you have neo-nazis having unite the right rallies, with the condemnation pointed at those who would stand up to nazis and white supremacists.

But by all means, carry on with the sanity check.

So I posted that he was a hypocrite for wanting people dead, for their beliefs. That he is not the "good guy" for actually desiring and being gleeful that people he thinks voted for Trump got killed. Which you apparently agree with since you don't disagree with it. Class act you two are, and the rest here who call for, and are happy when people die who support Trump. For people getting beaten in the streets by angry mobs who are cowards hiding behind masks.

What is happening now, does not compare to what was happening when Obama was elected. Where there people pissed that a black president was voted into office? Yep, sure were. People voted against him just because he was black. People voted for him just because he was black. That two statements are facts. There was not the same riots in the streets then, as there are now.

What I have actually said about the kkk and white nationalist in this very thread;
To me it is unbelievable in this time and age that people can think that like. That they can be so ignorant and full of hate, over skin color. That they can believe people are better, just because of their skin or heritage. It makes me sick, and honestly embarrassed that there are people who actually think like that. People who act on that.

I don't know what else you want me to say about it. These type of people are vile and morally reprehensible. Would I like to punch one in the face for some of the things that they believe in? Sure as hell would. I have a particularly difficult stance in all of this, my family does. I don't, even though I have had arguments in public with people over comments and looks we've gotten. Even so, that doesn't help the root problem.

That does NOT excuse that blatant acts of violence against people that the antifa have been doing. Literally mob beating people in the streets. Not everyone who goes to a peace rally is a fucking cross burning kkk member. Yet they're all lumped in together. The fact that you and others here are ok with what has been happening. is very sad. You're ok with people getting beaten, because yoiu don't like their views, or because assume how they think. That does not help the cause. I have not seen anyone here support kkk or white nationalist/supremacist. I have seen many here support the violent left beating anyone who does not agree 100% with them, shutting down free speech, etc. Hell, the antifa and BLM even faught in the street because the antifa is so uncontrollable. They were on the same side, protesting the same things, but out for nothing but violence and ending up fighting each other.

What this does to kkk and white nationalist is gives them ammo to say, "see! we told you so", and play the victim card. The people who think the way that kkk and white nationalist do need to be protested against. They need to be embarrassed. They need to have their motives and beliefs shown to all. Literally beating people in the street with fists, feet, bats, signs, etc is not the way to make them the right side. Because make no mistake, their side is wrong, full of ignorance and hate, yet what the antifa is doing is adding fuel to that fire. The antifa is acting exactly in the manner in which they claim to oppose.I do not believe the entire left thinks like this, or even the antifa. Just like I don't believe all white people are racist, or all Trump supporters are kkk. Its a small fringe of people on each side making this worse.

The simple fact that so many here are ok with assaulting someone over what they believe, shutting down their freedom of speech over what they believe, is sick. There are better ways to combat it. Because then it doesnt stop, it can be "ok" with a group of people to beat someone else because of something else they believe in, or shutting down their speech. Lowering ones self to try and make a point, will not work. It will make the problem worse.

There are plenty of videos out of this recent "protest". So you and the others here are ok with the violence in the video? Especially the last video? This is how you want justice, how you want to make peace? Its not going to happen that way. You and the others are hypocrites and part of the problem. You are not making it better. You are not being the "good guys". You are not on the side of justice. That is a fact.
Reactions: jayzds and FFFF


Nov 11, 1999
So why do you want to keep these monuments, knowing who raised them & why?

Because taking them down changes nothing.

It means black Americans won't have to literally look up at the glorification of people who fought to keep their ancestors in chains. It'll mean something entirely different for white supremacists who promulgate the lie of the noble cause of the Confederacy as well. That's who raised these monuments & that's who supports their enduring presence.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
I'm not sure if you're responding to me? Yes I agree you are free to speak and others are free to speak back, protests are critical to a functioning democracy and I'd never advocate inhibiting that.

So this whole "Silencing free speech seems to be en vogue" that you were talking about was about what? The government prohibiting free speech?

Don't be a twat, son, it's unbecoming.


Mar 25, 2001
Reactions: FFFF


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Being off your rocker is in style these days. They are still coming to grips with Hillary's loss. You saw how they reacted on election night. Bonzai is just using inflamed rhetoric because he is sad inside.

Poor guy, maybe sometime way in the future a Democrat somewhere will win an election and he will smile again.

In the meantime we have to put up with "antifa left wing scum" tearing down statues, hurting people and breaking things if you disagree with them.

the only people that seem to have cared about Hillary are you Trumptards. You know--the collective retarded people that actually voted for trump.

retards, like yourself. actually mentally deficient people that voted for Trump. Because you are idiots. the lot of you.

Because you're confused, I wanted to spell it out for you. No one cares about Hillary, because she never would have been a problem to anyone living in the real world. No one cares, and that is why the majority of people voted for her--because she was good enough. However, Trump is a fucking incompetent, diseased pile of bacterial shit, as proven by observable reality. Only retards like yourself voted for him. But I'm just the messenger. Don't be a pussy and get angry at me for relaying the truth of the situation. You're a useless pile of detritus.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
For the time being, I'll stand with anybody who does that.

There's a virulent streak of White Supremacy on the American Right & it's a much greater danger to this country than the Left, particularly with Trump pandering to them. They've held to their beliefs since the end of the Civil War. Their monuments help keep that alive, help them sell the revisionist history of the noble cause of the Confederacy. They've held power in the past & they want it back. They look up to the larger than life visages of Lee, Davis & all the rest of the heroes of the Lost Cause to guide them.

After 150 years of their bullshit, the rest of us are finally sick of their shit.

You might find yourself standing and defending the very thing you were originally protesting if you do that.

Tell me, this whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", how did that work out for Saddam? You'll be fucked if the people you support get to the levels they are in Europe and England. We have to deal with this fucktards burning cars and murdering people on a daily basis where I live so excuse me if i don't share your sentiment of praising violent, authoritarian anarcho-communist fucks who's expressed ideology is to destroy society completely and start over.

I'll not beat around the bush, when the lot of you have exalted them as the twits on the right have exalted Trump you'll still be neck deep in shit and this time you are the cause.

Why not just be a liberal and normal person and oppose all violent extremists? Is that too fucking much to ask of people from the land of the supposedly free? Sure as fuck seems like it is these days.
Reactions: PianoMan


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
The ongoing debate about whether "hate speech" should be allowed.

No, that is not the case at all, you have on numerous occasions explained that you think that boycotts and protests that have stopped speeches were a violation of free speech.

Do I fucking have to go dig it up for you to own that you are a twat or can you be a bit less of a twat and admit it?


Mar 25, 2001
No, that is not the case at all, you have on numerous occasions explained that you think that boycotts and protests that have stopped speeches were a violation of free speech.

Do I fucking have to go dig it up for you to own that you are a twat or can you be a bit less of a twat and admit it?

Sure find it for me because I'm not thinking that to be the case. My position is that boycotts, protests, and the like are a critical part of democracy. Our right to peacefully assemble keeps the gov (and ourselves) in check. Shutting down (not protesting it, completely shutting it down) speech you don't like isn't democratic and goes against our rights and liberties as well.
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Reactions: FFFF


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
the only people that seem to have cared about Hillary are you Trumptards. You know--the collective retarded people that actually voted for trump.

retards, like yourself. actually mentally deficient people that voted for Trump. Because you are idiots. the lot of you.

Because you're confused, I wanted to spell it out for you. No one cares about Hillary, because she never would have been a problem to anyone living in the real world. No one cares, and that is why the majority of people voted for her--because she was good enough. However, Trump is a fucking incompetent, diseased pile of bacterial shit, as proven by observable reality. Only retards like yourself voted for him. But I'm just the messenger. Don't be a pussy and get angry at me for relaying the truth of the situation. You're a useless pile of detritus.

I care about Hillary, she'd make a fine president.

The so called president of these unite... lol... sorry I can't keep a straight face saying the name of the happy go fun retard land in the west any more...

'murica, nation where Nazis march in the streets and where the president bans trannies from the military and fires everyone while threatening Venezuela of all fucking nations on earth with war for no fucking reason what so ever...

Yo, 'murica, you ain't Russia, you can't use the excuse "people were suffering" to bomb the people that are suffering, your media isn't state propaganda yet. You'll need to fix that first and THEN the people will support or not support but who cares because the media will report 100% support as they do in Russia.

Patience, it takes at least one more year to end the free media and limit access to free information.

I have no doubt that it will be done though.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Sure find it for me because I'm not thinking that to be the case.

Are you fucking kidding me? You and me had a discussion in a thread about youtube infringing on free speech when I explained to you that youtube isn't the government and per definition cannot infringe on free speech.

That was the latest one, I think.


Jun 30, 2004
It's important to distinguish between "feelings" and action. The Right has been demonstrating their feelings in their news events, their voting behavior, and their reaction to change which in good part is just symbolic. Removing a bunch of statues depicting Traitors to the Republic would never have seemed necessary to a so-called "White" person such as myself. But ;you have to look at it from a point of view of our "brothers and sisters."

There was an interesting op-ed printed about this in today's LA Times. It points out that many African-Americans have white ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. It isn't as though they want to spit on their ancestors, if they want those statues removed. And most "white-folk" don't often consider the underlying complexity. That's why I keep returning to mention two of Mark Twain's books as relevant to the disordered dialogue that is taking place across the land, and for this, Pudd'n'head Wilson addresses the very thing that the op-ed author observes. So as I also already said, Twain was 200 years ahead of his time and a thousand years ahead of Trump.

The emotional reaction of people who are turning Left is consequence of everything we've seen in the news from 2008 forward, from Obama's election, the Shirley Sherrod news, the Tea Party demonstrations of witch-doctor posters, the patent lack of acceptance to anything Obama did during his terms. There is only one reason the Right would not accommodate itself to a single thing Obama attempted to do as simple routine of the presidency. You have to deduce that reason on the basis that nobody like Obama could be wrong about every single thing; the opposition was about as rational as the story a man told his son about losing his job in mid-2008 with Obama to blame for it.

Someone wrote another thread here about the limits of tolerance. After seeing all of these things unfold over the last eight years, the Birther Frenzy, the ascendancy to the presidency of probably the most disgusting so-called white-person ever to appear on TV in the last 50 years, making nice with the Right isn't in the cards.

And as I had said somewhere else, the lower underbelly of the American character needs a liposuction. Perhaps nobody recognizes these negative aspects of character and culture because they buy in to the myth of "Exceptionalism." Human Beings are human beings, with a cross-cutting mix of bad and good morality, bad and good ideas. Think of what the General in "Apocalypse Now" says to Captain Willard early in the movie about the darker side of human nature. So we ignore this, we give legitimacy to it because of our own blindness. And at some point, the dialog must end; the Human Race has to move forward.

Otherwise, we'd still be debating Galileo's discoveries and other nonsense detours toward the Truth.

And of course, some of us have lost patience with the nonsense. That's the limit we impose on Tolerance. Neither Freedom nor Tolerance are infinite quantities, but ideologues behave as though they are.

But when factions begin to make up lies, to construct arguments from selective "alternative facts," to mount a campaign into a new presidency that continues to diminish the Predecessor, to murder the Truth at every turn, all one needs to spark violence and disorder is an equal decline in personal circumstances. Add to that the fact that the current administration treats the "losers" of the election as invisible except as the butt of some tirade.


Nov 4, 2004
So I posted that he was a hypocrite for wanting people dead, for their beliefs. That he is not the "good guy" for actually desiring and being gleeful that people he thinks voted for Trump got killed. Which you apparently agree with since you don't disagree with it. Class act you two are, and the rest here who call for, and are happy when people die who support Trump. For people getting beaten in the streets by angry mobs who are cowards hiding behind masks.

What is happening now, does not compare to what was happening when Obama was elected. Where there people pissed that a black president was voted into office? Yep, sure were. People voted against him just because he was black. People voted for him just because he was black. That two statements are facts. There was not the same riots in the streets then, as there are now.

What I have actually said about the kkk and white nationalist in this very thread;

I don't know what else you want me to say about it. These type of people are vile and morally reprehensible. Would I like to punch one in the face for some of the things that they believe in? Sure as hell would. I have a particularly difficult stance in all of this, my family does. I don't, even though I have had arguments in public with people over comments and looks we've gotten. Even so, that doesn't help the root problem.

That does NOT excuse that blatant acts of violence against people that the antifa have been doing. Literally mob beating people in the streets. Not everyone who goes to a peace rally is a fucking cross burning kkk member. Yet they're all lumped in together. The fact that you and others here are ok with what has been happening. is very sad. You're ok with people getting beaten, because yoiu don't like their views, or because assume how they think. That does not help the cause. I have not seen anyone here support kkk or white nationalist/supremacist. I have seen many here support the violent left beating anyone who does not agree 100% with them, shutting down free speech, etc. Hell, the antifa and BLM even faught in the street because the antifa is so uncontrollable. They were on the same side, protesting the same things, but out for nothing but violence and ending up fighting each other.

What this does to kkk and white nationalist is gives them ammo to say, "see! we told you so", and play the victim card. The people who think the way that kkk and white nationalist do need to be protested against. They need to be embarrassed. They need to have their motives and beliefs shown to all. Literally beating people in the street with fists, feet, bats, signs, etc is not the way to make them the right side. Because make no mistake, their side is wrong, full of ignorance and hate, yet what the antifa is doing is adding fuel to that fire. The antifa is acting exactly in the manner in which they claim to oppose.I do not believe the entire left thinks like this, or even the antifa. Just like I don't believe all white people are racist, or all Trump supporters are kkk. Its a small fringe of people on each side making this worse.

The simple fact that so many here are ok with assaulting someone over what they believe, shutting down their freedom of speech over what they believe, is sick. There are better ways to combat it. Because then it doesnt stop, it can be "ok" with a group of people to beat someone else because of something else they believe in, or shutting down their speech. Lowering ones self to try and make a point, will not work. It will make the problem worse.

There are plenty of videos out of this recent "protest". So you and the others here are ok with the violence in the video? Especially the last video? This is how you want justice, how you want to make peace? Its not going to happen that way. You and the others are hypocrites and part of the problem. You are not making it better. You are not being the "good guys". You are not on the side of justice. That is a fact.
Keep on with the sanity check. You know you can Google how the right went full retard.

The white supremacists and nazis have claimed allegiance to the right.

Antifa isn't associated with the left.

All the lefties I know don't agree with antifa. It's just tough to find sympathy for enabled nazis under a president who doesn't seem to mind.

Specifically in Charlottesville, the nazis came to fight, violence would of only been avoided in nobody came to confront them at all. I support confronting nazis, 80 years after a world war.

Keep on keepin' on.


May 30, 2008
Ah, there we have it again, I'm not a left enough, I need to get with the very far left to get the point, right? Not for the authoritarian left that praises cop killers and rioters arrested like the London Antifa means I'm just not left enough for you plonkers.

You do know that for 80 years the only terrorists we had in the UK were autonomous leftist separatist groups, right? I don't know history? How old are you? I'd say you are a teenager who never learned about the separatist movements and what they stood for, what the antifa stands for, what the autonomous groups stand for.

I've provided links to their own pages and people still dismiss their own words as "not what they are about".

I didn't expect that level of stupidity and quite frankly, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer stupidity on display here.

You don't understand politics, do you? Like a lot of Lib Dems. Generally products of comfortable, white upper-middle-class backgrounds, who want to think of themselves as the 'nice' 'moderate' ones, willing to concede a few scraps to the less fortunate when the system allows it, even as their main priority remains not doing anything that might put their own position and privileges at risk (I don't blame them for that in a moral sense - everyone does it - it's human nature - but how it plays out depends on what that social-economic position actually is. But its the lack of self-awareness about it that I find exasperating about liberals).

I really can't bear the Cleggs and Cables of this world, busy lining their own nests (e.g. earning hundreds of thousands in speaking fees from banks) while pretending to care about the 'less fortunate' even as they in practice do nothing to change anything, because change might threaten their own interests.

You do know the IRA was always a coalition of largely urban-based Marxist-influenced types and rural conservative Catholics? And that there were terrorists on the other side of that particular situation as well (you appear to have conveniently forgotten all about them). And that the British state has not been above terror tactics of its own, and not just in Northern Ireland?

I'm old enough to have had parents who were born as subject peoples of the British Empire and who were quite aware of the terrorism perpetrated _by_ the UK as well as within it.
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May 30, 2008
Keep on with the sanity check. You know you can Google how the right went full retard.

The white supremacists and nazis have claimed allegiance to the right.

Antifa isn't associated with the left.

All the lefties I know don't agree with antifa. It's just tough to find sympathy for enabled nazis under a president who doesn't seem to mind.

Specifically in Charlottesville, the nazis came to fight, violence would of only been avoided in nobody came to confront them at all. I support confronting nazis, 80 years after a world war.

Keep on keepin' on.

I have to say, Antifa is kind of broadly associated with 'the left'. But there's not really any such thing as '_the_ left'. There are vast numbers of different strands of thought and ideology and social groups that could be labelled 'left'. And sometimes the whole 'left/right' concept starts to seem inadequate to describe reality.

I would say the point is that while one might be wary of or cynical about, Antifa, there is no symmetrical threat from the 'left' and the 'right'. The idea that there's a simple single line with each side a mirror of the other seems kind of infantile to me.
Reactions: ivwshane


Nov 4, 2004
I have to say, Antifa is kind of broadly associated with 'the left'. But there's not really any such thing as '_the_ left'. There are vast numbers of different strands of thought and ideology and social groups that could be labelled 'left'. And sometimes the whole 'left/right' concept starts to seem inadequate to describe reality.

I would say the point is that while one might be wary of or cynical about, Antifa, there is no symmetrical threat from the 'left' and the 'right'. The idea that there's a simple single line with each side a mirror of the other seems kind of infantile to me.
Welcome to US politics, infantile is a good description.

What I see a problem with is that Nazis, white supremacists are having unite the right rallies, and the righties don't seem to mind as a whole, in fact now they want to defend free speech, and blame people who challenge nazis. That's a huge red flag to me.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
There are plenty of videos out of this recent "protest". So you and the others here are ok with the violence in the video? Especially the last video? This is how you want justice, how you want to make peace? Its not going to happen that way. You and the others are hypocrites and part of the problem. You are not making it better. You are not being the "good guys". You are not on the side of justice. That is a fact.

Personally I am fine with it because the nazis killed millions which justifies antifa and also people have a right to defend themselves which was what was happening in these videos. Trying to spin it any other way is fake news.
Reactions: greatnoob


Nov 11, 1999
You might find yourself standing and defending the very thing you were originally protesting if you do that.

Tell me, this whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", how did that work out for Saddam? You'll be fucked if the people you support get to the levels they are in Europe and England. We have to deal with this fucktards burning cars and murdering people on a daily basis where I live so excuse me if i don't share your sentiment of praising violent, authoritarian anarcho-communist fucks who's expressed ideology is to destroy society completely and start over.

I'll not beat around the bush, when the lot of you have exalted them as the twits on the right have exalted Trump you'll still be neck deep in shit and this time you are the cause.

Why not just be a liberal and normal person and oppose all violent extremists? Is that too fucking much to ask of people from the land of the supposedly free? Sure as fuck seems like it is these days.

It was you who said Nazis should be punched wherever they're found.

I don't think you can back up that "murdering people on a daily basis" remark at all.

The whole thing is a bit different here in the US because the people who want to burn it down & start over are the Nazis, the white supremacists & the modern know nothings who back the Hair Furor.
Reactions: pmv


Aug 4, 2000
I care about Hillary, she'd make a fine president.

The so called president of these unite... lol... sorry I can't keep a straight face saying the name of the happy go fun retard land in the west any more...

'murica, nation where Nazis march in the streets and where the president bans trannies from the military and fires everyone while threatening Venezuela of all fucking nations on earth with war for no fucking reason what so ever...

Yo, 'murica, you ain't Russia, you can't use the excuse "people were suffering" to bomb the people that are suffering, your media isn't state propaganda yet. You'll need to fix that first and THEN the people will support or not support but who cares because the media will report 100% support as they do in Russia.

Patience, it takes at least one more year to end the free media and limit access to free information.

I have no doubt that it will be done though.

Maybe she will run in 2020. Its her turn!



Jun 9, 2016
I haven't defended them at all.

Keep in mind your archived illustrious history of defending them from any accusations of racism, whether objective studies of racial resentment or when they're busy protecting their nazis/klan in the footsteps of dear leader.


Jun 9, 2016
The far left has never been in control and if they ever were you'd see a society exclusive to their followers while everyone else, every single liberal and believer in the constitutional rights ostracized and condemned.

You have NO fucking idea what you are supporting here, I've tried to explain it but you are just too fucking "I'm on left, hurr, dey on left, durr, I support them" stupid to get the point that while you may embrace them now, they would happily throw you in jail for your ideas of individual liberties if they ever gained power.

Who gives a fuck about US history on the matter today, they sure as fuck don't, they just use it as an excuse to purport an anarcho-communist agenda that you for some reason pretend to support at the same time you pretend to be a liberal.

You can't be both, you are either pro individual liberty and against both the far left and the far right or you side with one of them, give up on the constitution, the bill of rights and all individual liberties.

Me? Call me a Nazi, call me a violent leftist, doesn't matter one fucking bit, I'm a liberal to the bone and I'll stand up for what has made the entirety of the western world a great place to live no matter what race or heritage you have and where we take care of our people and show empathy when times are hard.

Fuck the left right labels, be a liberal and stand up for what makes America great you fucking fool.

So "f the left right labels", but also "f the extreme left same as the extreme right". LOL, no wonder why conservatives like your posts.

The ongoing debate about whether "hate speech" should be allowed.


Far too many comments in there just fine with government regulating speech and ideas.

Pretty easy to see why the trumpster nazi/klan defense force is all about the "free speech" now.

Personally I am fine with it because the nazis killed millions which justifies antifa and also people have a right to defend themselves which was what was happening in these videos. Trying to spin it any other way is fake news.

Even easier when they're literally parroting the same excuses as the fine people shouting that jews will not replace us, for anyone who watched the video that Vice shot of the rally.


Nov 11, 1999
Keep in mind your archived illustrious history of defending them from any accusations of racism, whether objective studies of racial resentment or when they're busy protecting their nazis/klan in the footsteps of dear leader.

No matter what you'll double down on that scurrilous innuendo because it's all you've got to support you corrosive agenda of blaming everything on racist degens.
Feb 16, 2005
the only people that seem to have cared about Hillary are you Trumptards. You know--the collective retarded people that actually voted for trump.

retards, like yourself. actually mentally deficient people that voted for Trump. Because you are idiots. the lot of you.

Because you're confused, I wanted to spell it out for you. No one cares about Hillary, because she never would have been a problem to anyone living in the real world. No one cares, and that is why the majority of people voted for her--because she was good enough. However, Trump is a fucking incompetent, diseased pile of bacterial shit, as proven by observable reality. Only retards like yourself voted for him. But I'm just the messenger. Don't be a pussy and get angry at me for relaying the truth of the situation. You're a useless pile of detritus.
oooooh someone's gonna get on his list™.....
Reactions: Meghan54


Jun 9, 2016
No matter what you'll double down on that scurrilous innuendo because it's all you've got to support you corrosive agenda of blaming everything on racist degens.

Let's see whether you acknowledge the very popular birtherism (~40% of the country) as inherently racist, same as mexican rapists or black vote riggers or literally electing the most racist candidate promoting all that to be president; or whether you'll keep denying this as much as you deny you protect them.


Nov 4, 1999
Anti-Fascist Stabs Innocent Man Over 'Neo-Nazi' Haircut

Come on, let us know who you are. Tell us how proud you are to support or be with Antifa. You're anonymous here. Bust some heads right here in P&N using words alone.

Man Who Was Allegedly Stabbed For His Neo-Nazi Haircut Actually Stabbed Himself
It would seem you're wrong. Again. Never stop being a moron. You're good at it.


Nov 11, 1999
Let's see whether you acknowledge the very popular birtherism (~40% of the country) as inherently racist, same as mexican rapists or black vote riggers or literally electing the most racist candidate promoting all that to be president; or whether you'll keep denying this as much as you deny you protect them.

I haven't protected them at all. You've been challenged many times to support that assertion & have diverted away every time.
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