Any bad side effects of Creatine? Your experiences?


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2001
I am thinking about starting Creatine........been takin whey protein and workin out........running......wheres the cheapest place by the way? but I was just wondering if you guys have any stories/ bad side effects?


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
used to get mine at GNC. decided it was too much money to maintain.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
You can get it for $10 for 300 grams of good stuff, if you get it cheap like at ultimate nutrition. The worst I've heard for side effects were minor like stomach bloating, cramps, etc. I should also mention that these are almost all not based in studies and as far as I know there is not a single study that has been able to duplicate another's in regards to creatine supplementing and side effects.

Also it's been around for many years and still no long term problems. Not to say they won't appear, but it's still looking safe, just like it was 5 years ago.

Read this:


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
There is no peer reviewed repeatable study showing any long term harmful side effects of proper creatine use.

Granted, the internet is full of a lot of anecdotal claims, but that is all they are. Dozens of studies have been done, and the only side effect found is cramps due to mild dehydration. So the only caution is: drink lots of water


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
by the way, that reminds me, i had to piss alot cuz of all the extra liquid i was drinking.


Jul 8, 2000
I think your pecker shrinks along with your brain, but then again I don't suffer a complex about the size of either of those so I have never tried the stuff.


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Lazee
by the way, that reminds me, i had to piss alot cuz of all the extra liquid i was drinking.
LOL........ya.......ill have to pick up a habit of taking water bottles to my classes.....and library...


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: amnesiac
don't you lose muscle mass once you stop taking it?
Just read a really long FAQ........yes, but a small amount, you will still retain most of ur mass.......


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: amnesiac
don't you lose muscle mass once you stop taking it?

No. Your muscles will appear very slightly less full because they are not retaining as much water. But the lean muscle mass does not shrink.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
I don't know of any major bad side effects. Just make sure you're willing to stick with it for awhile because it might cause you to bulk up considerably depending upon your body type. My friend took it in college once we both kind of hit a wall in our workouts during our junior year. We both weighed about 160 at the time. About four months later I still weighed 160 while he had bulked up to over 185. The only problem was that once we graduated he went into med school and couldn't maintain that much muscle mass on a relatively thin body type like ours so it quickly turned to flab. He was finally able to work it off a few years later with a bunch of cardio, but he said later that he wished he hadn't bothered adding that additional mass because it was a pain to keep up.


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Parrotheader
I don't know of any major bad side effects. Just make sure you're willing to stick with it for awhile because it might cause you to bulk up considerably depending upon your body type. My friend took it in college once we both kind of hit a wall in our workouts during our junior year. We both weighed about 160 at the time. About four months later I still weighed 160 while he had bulked up to over 185. The only problem was that once we graduated he went into med school and couldn't maintain that much muscle mass on a relatively thin body type like ours so it quickly turned to flab. He was finally able to work it off a few years later with a bunch of cardio, but he said later that he wished he hadn't bothered adding that additional mass because it was a pain to keep up.
interesting.......i never thought about it like that.......i also have thin body type....5'4"....140lbs rite now up from like 125 after working out for like 5-6months....and eating bit more...


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Parrotheader
I don't know of any major bad side effects. Just make sure you're willing to stick with it for awhile because it might cause you to bulk up considerably depending upon your body type. My friend took it in college once we both kind of hit a wall in our workouts during our junior year. We both weighed about 160 at the time. About four months later I still weighed 160 while he had bulked up to over 185. The only problem was that once we graduated he went into med school and couldn't maintain that much muscle mass on a relatively thin body type like ours so it quickly turned to flab. He was finally able to work it off a few years later with a bunch of cardio, but he said later that he wished he hadn't bothered adding that additional mass because it was a pain to keep up.

Muscle cannot "turn to flab." Nor can fat "turn into muscle." Body builders who quit working out often end up flabby because they keep the same high calorie diet they had when they were bulking up. Their body is used to taking in that many calories, and continues to demand it with a continued increase in appitite. With no stimulus to build muscle, it simply stores those extra calories as fat.


Oct 9, 1999
i took creatine for a few months a couple of years ago (it was twinlab creatine loading fuel). i found that it was pretty good.

the main effect was not that it made me really huge, it made me a bit bigger, but i definitely noticed an increase in the number of reps i could do at high weight. i gained a bit of muscle, but not all that much. then again, i dont really gain too much muscle. kinda sad.

at one point i weighed 150 and could bench 245, now i weigh about 153 and cant bench quite as much.. maybe 225.

also, if you do start, drink about a gallon of water a day.
i took about 2 - 3 grams a day within thirty minutes of working out.



Senior member
Oct 18, 2001
I take Cell Tech by Muscle tech.Its probably the best stuff on the market!I have been taking it for about three weeks and have gained about 10LBS.My reps are up and the amount of weight I can do.
It costs about $79 a 7lb tub and you will need at least two for the "program".The cheapest place I found to get it is here .It is only $39 for the Fruit Punch flavor which tasts great by the way.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Peyton
I take Cell Tech by Muscle tech.Its probably the best stuff on the market!I have been taking it for about three weeks and have gained about 10LBS.My reps are up and the amount of weight I can do.
It costs about $79 a 7lb tub and you will need at least two for the "program".The cheapest place I found to get it is here .It is only $39 for the Fruit Punch flavor which tasts great by the way.

Cell-tech is a major ripoff. Just buy some pure creatine and mix it with non acidic fruit juice. With Cell-Tech, you're paying many times what you should simply because they mix it with dextrose. (Creatine needs a sugar induced insulin spike to be absorbed properly)

Hell, for what you're paying for Cell-Tech, I can cycle on and off creatine for over a year!


Diamond Member
May 6, 2001

You had some really great posts...I am trying to think of how I was going to repond and every time I read your reponse, you got it said for me!

skim milk

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
creatine with fruit drink.... mmm that doesnt sound that bad.

I usually just mix a cupful of creatine with milk and a cupful of chocolate whey protein before i go to sleep/workout.

but creatine with fruit juice sounds so much better... than what im drinking now.


Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Peyton
I take Cell Tech by Muscle tech.Its probably the best stuff on the market!I have been taking it for about three weeks and have gained about 10LBS.My reps are up and the amount of weight I can do.
It costs about $79 a 7lb tub and you will need at least two for the "program".The cheapest place I found to get it is here .It is only $39 for the Fruit Punch flavor which tasts great by the way.

Cell-tech is a major ripoff. Just buy some pure creatine and mix it with non acidic fruit juice. With Cell-Tech, you're paying many times what you should simply because they mix it with dextrose. (Creatine needs a sugar induced insulin spike to be absorbed properly)

Hell, for what you're paying for Cell-Tech, I can cycle on and off creatine for over a year!

so u shouldnt take creatine with just water? ive been takin creatine on and off for a while now...with just water. although it says unfalvored on the box, it tastes horrible when i take it with just water. what do u guys take creatine with? oh i got the GNC one - 100% creatine monohydrate.

as for results....i was taking it last summer everyday and workin out everyday. i went up a lot on muscle-mass and the weights i was pushing. but then i stopped taking it over the school year as i couldnt work out everyday. actually during the past school year, i worked out maybe like 10-20 times. sad to say, im the chubbiest ive ever been now. but ive started workin out again....and started on creatine again. lets see how it goes.

oh...and take creatine abt an hour before you go work out


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: fritolays
creatine with fruit drink.... mmm that doesnt sound that bad.

I usually just mix a cupful of creatine with milk and a cupful of chocolate whey protein before i go to sleep/workout.

but creatine with fruit juice sounds so much better... than what im drinking now.

If I take creatine at the same time I take protein, I simply mix it with my protein drink, then drink a large glass of grape juice after.

Be careful what fruit juice you choose. Most have citric acid and will neutralize the creatine making it useless. You need a sweet fruit juice with no citric acid.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Aharami
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Peyton
I take Cell Tech by Muscle tech.Its probably the best stuff on the market!I have been taking it for about three weeks and have gained about 10LBS.My reps are up and the amount of weight I can do.
It costs about $79 a 7lb tub and you will need at least two for the "program".The cheapest place I found to get it is here .It is only $39 for the Fruit Punch flavor which tasts great by the way.

Cell-tech is a major ripoff. Just buy some pure creatine and mix it with non acidic fruit juice. With Cell-Tech, you're paying many times what you should simply because they mix it with dextrose. (Creatine needs a sugar induced insulin spike to be absorbed properly)

Hell, for what you're paying for Cell-Tech, I can cycle on and off creatine for over a year!

so u shouldnt take creatine with just water? ive been takin creatine on and off for a while now...with just water. although it says unfalvored on the box, it tastes horrible when i take it with just water. what do u guys take creatine with? oh i got the GNC one - 100% creatine monohydrate.

as for results....i was taking it last summer everyday and workin out everyday. i went up a lot on muscle-mass and the weights i was pushing. but then i stopped taking it over the school year as i couldnt work out everyday. actually during the past school year, i worked out maybe like 10-20 times. sad to say, im the chubbiest ive ever been now. but ive started workin out again....and started on creatine again. lets see how it goes.

oh...and take creatine abt an hour before you go work out

Nope. You need an insulin spike to properly absorb it. Sweet fruit juice or pure dextrose does that best.

When you take it is a personal thing. It can be taken before or after a workout. There are people from both opinions who have seen great results. Just do what works for YOU best.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: MrsSkoorb

You had some really great posts...I am trying to think of how I was going to repond and every time I read your reponse, you got it said for me!

Great minds think alike?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Parrotheader
I don't know of any major bad side effects. Just make sure you're willing to stick with it for awhile because it might cause you to bulk up considerably depending upon your body type. My friend took it in college once we both kind of hit a wall in our workouts during our junior year. We both weighed about 160 at the time. About four months later I still weighed 160 while he had bulked up to over 185. The only problem was that once we graduated he went into med school and couldn't maintain that much muscle mass on a relatively thin body type like ours so it quickly turned to flab. He was finally able to work it off a few years later with a bunch of cardio, but he said later that he wished he hadn't bothered adding that additional mass because it was a pain to keep up.

Muscle cannot "turn to flab." Nor can fat "turn into muscle." Body builders who quit working out often end up flabby because they keep the same high calorie diet they had when they were bulking up. Their body is used to taking in that many calories, and continues to demand it with a continued increase in appitite. With no stimulus to build muscle, it simply stores those extra calories as fat.
I'm well aware of those points. It's just easier to say 'turned to flab' because that's a problem most people face as it's VERY VERY hard to instantly give up all those great high calorie foods once you stop bulking up. Like a lot of people, he continued to eat like he did when we were working out regularly (ironic since he's a doctor and should know better) and his mass naturally turned from muscle to flab as a result. I'm still trying to curb my eating habits I had in college when I could go ahead and eat a full meal at 1:00 in the morning. I've got it scaled back to a moderate snack around 11:00, although it's still tempting to hit the Wendy's late-nite drive-thru every now and then.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Ideally you should get an insulin spike, but for me that's just not really feasible due to calories and what not. I'm taking the pure stuff now with just water (prolab - and it says water or juice). I realize it's not getting absorbed as well, but I am eating so frequently throughout the day anyway that timing it with an insulin spike related to consumption of fruit juice is a major pain in the behind.

I don't know how much more fruit juice helps. I know it does, but to what extent?

In terms of taking it I mix the 5 grams with maybe 20 ml of water, swish it around, and gulp it. There is no reason to mix it in with something - you could do the same with fruit juice if you take it with that - mix it very heavily just to get it down your throat, and then drink the rest of your juice.
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