Any former PC gamers here switch to an XBox One X?


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2011
I think I'm going to stop buying PC games and switch to console gaming and I was considering buying the XBox One X. I'm just tired of dealing with buggy PC games, driver, and Windows issues and also I think that the upcoming RTX 20xx cards are too expensive for what they are when I can just buy an XBox One X, a PS4 Pro, and a Nintendo Switch combined for the price of a RTX 2080 Ti. Would an XBox One X be the best choice as a console if I want the best multi-platform game performance? Also has anyone here a former PC gamer that switch to playing XBox One X as a replacement and not regret it.


Oct 18, 1999
As a PC gamer and console gamer and owner of every console I can say with authority that the Xbox One in any flavor sucks. At least for me. I haven't turned on my One S in over a year because the exclusive games on it do not appeal to me. My PS4 pro has been getting 50% of my gaming attention because of God of War and Spider-man. My Switch gets 25% because on Otcopath Traveler and Zelda and Mario and soon Pokemon. My PC gets 25% play mostly for Over-watch and destiny 2 and around a million other games I can play in it, like GTAV. The only time I even turn on my Xbox One S is to play 4K movies and if the PS4 Plus played 4K movies I would definitely sell off the Xbox.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2006
To answer ur question, yes - the One X is the closest u can get to transitioning from PC to a console without giving too much up.

I’ve owned pretty much most consoles (except the Switch - but I’m using that to bribe my son into good grades heading into Christmas), and really split 50/50 between MS and Sony. Oyeve brings up a good point: which games do u prefer? If u can do without PS4 exclusives, then OK.

I love the Halo and Forza series, but also love the Nier:A (which is coming to Xbox now), Last of Us, and KOF XIV. Either the Xbox or PS4, IMO, deliver great gaming experiences. I do have to admit, I lean on playing on the Xbox more for the the community features, and Mixer, plus prefer the feel of the Xbox controller on the couch; but the latter is more a subjective preference, and both consoles are essentially a wash.

But the real question; can u game on a controller and like it? The KB mouse arrangement always brings me back to the PC so I don’t suck as much as I do on consoles. Willing to say good bye to the mouse?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003

But I did add an Xbox to my arsenal so I could play Forza.
And yes, the newer games are available on both, but the older games add Forza points (for free money on all games) so I like to grind at each of them a few minutes every day.


Dec 12, 2001
Not a replacement but if you want a console the Xbox One X is the most powerful one you can get. The exclusives from Microsoft basically don't exist because you can get them for PC but for multiplats it's great and of course some titles don't make it to PC.

If your PC is really old enough it could be an excellent replacement. If it's fairly recent you might be disappointed in some titles vs playing on PC.


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2011
I have a i7-4930k, GTX 1080 Ti, 2TB SSD, 32GB RAM in my gaming system. I know I can get many Microsoft games released within that past 2 years that are on XBox One on the PC as well but the problem is that I need an internet connection to play UWP games on the PC. My internet connection has gone out before and I couldn't play Forza Motosport 7 on PC because of it. I also had an issue with the Microsoft Games store in the past for PC where I couldn't play Forza Motosport 7 until I installed some random application from the Windows store only to happen again the next day which I think has been resolved. I already have the digital versions of Forza Horizon 3 and Forza Motosport 7 and plan on getting Forza Horizon 4. I also prefer playing Microsoft games on XBox One than the PC because I don't like the UWP due to it's interface and requiring an internet connection to play games purchased through the UWP. I used to own an XBox One.
Mar 11, 2004
It'll depend on basically 3 factors. What is your current PC hardware (if its older it could be a compelling upgrade, but if you have a GTX980, 290/RX 480 and higher it probably won't be quite as compelling but might not be horrible, but if you have a 1080 it won't really be an improvement). What games you play or want to play (latest games? exclusives? maybe older console games that haven't been re-released/ported/remastered to PC?). And then how you play (do you like modding games? Do you have friends that play console online?).

I'd probably recommend getting a Switch first, as its the most complimentary for PC (in that there's less overlap in game choices, and how you can play with it being portable). Then wait and see if you can get either a good holiday/Black Friday deal or maybe someone selling their One X/PS4 Pro with some games (which will be the most bang for buck). The less you spend on hardware the more money you have for games.

There's 3 main things that keep me sticking with PC. I have a Steam library already and it won't transfer over (I really hope we'll get there where we buy a license and then can play it on whatever platform). Which I don't own a lot of more recent games so not a huge deal for me (Steam sales are less amazing these days, and there's often pretty good sales on the consoles, plus getting used disc copies). The people I play games online with don't have any of the newer consoles (but have PCs so we can play on there). And then the last one is that sometimes there's an issue that makes a game near unplayable for me, and on PC I can usually find a mod that can salvage it some (an example, the first Dead Island game had a ridiculously low FOV, it felt like your character was drunk or something and it was giving me a headache; on PC I could mod it up which made the game much more tolerable/enjoyable; this type of thing tends to happen less with these more capable consoles and even some PC games are becoming basically unmoddable as they'll claim its a cheat/hack and then you can risk losing your account access - although I don't think that's common still a bit of a concern).

I'm personally going to hold off on Sony til the PS5 (not just because I think that'll happen sooner than later), as it'll be much more capable than the Pro even, it should have good backwards compatibility with PS4 games (so can get the exclusives later and likely with possibly improved graphics and/or performance; although personally I don't really care much about most of the PS4 exclusive), and I think there's a strong chance it'll have a much improved PSVR setup (which I personally will be interested in). The One X is compelling to me because it'd actually be an upgrade over my PC for 4K (which I just got a 4K TV finally), while being quieter, putting out less noise and heat, and it would be great for media (4K UHD player). But I'd only buy if I got a really good price. The Switch is compelling gamewise but still is kinda offputting (stuff like their ridiculous online setup, the controls I find cramped and hate the asymmetrical layout on such small controls, the Pro controller I don't love either and its price is straight up stupid I think), and I like the Gamecube controller/adapter thing for Smash Bros, but that's extra cost as well. And then my friends not having one kinda keeps me from buying as well (I'd be stuck playing with strangers...or worse, ATers ).


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
I pretty much switched from PC to a PS4 Slim for the exclusives. I don't miss the big multiplatform games designed around microtransactions and online play nor the constantly rising cost of hardware. I can't believe 70 series went from $330 when I bought my 970 in 2014 to $450 in 2016 and now $600 in 2018.
Mar 11, 2004
I have a i7-4930k, GTX 1080 Ti, 2TB SSD, 32GB RAM in my gaming system. I know I can get many Microsoft games released within that past 2 years that are on XBox One on the PC as well but the problem is that I need an internet connection to play UWP games on the PC. My internet connection has gone out before and I couldn't play Forza Motosport 7 on PC because of it. I also had an issue with the Microsoft Games store in the past for PC where I couldn't play Forza Motosport 7 until I installed some random application from the Windows store only to happen again the next day which I think has been resolved. I already have the digital versions of Forza Horizon 3 and Forza Motosport 7 and plan on getting Forza Horizon 4. I also prefer playing Microsoft games on XBox One than the PC because I don't like the UWP due to it's interface and requiring an internet connection to play games purchased through the UWP. I used to own an XBox One.

Ok, it won't be an upgrade for you graphically then. And load times will probably be noticeably worse.

You'll need an internet connection for Xbox too I believe (it might be less obtrusive than for the PC games, but I'm pretty sure it still needs one, it just doesn't require a daily check but I believe it'd need a check probably the first time you play a game), or at least don't expect that to completely fix your issues with Microsoft's store fronts.

I get you not finding the RTX cards compelling for their prices, but you can game for another 2-3 years quite comfortably probably, and by then there should be a much more worthwhile upgrade for you. Many console games have bugs and other issues too, needing patches and the like. The thing is, on PC you can often mod some of them (especially if the developer decides to not address some particular aspect) so you're not stuck waiting for the patch as badly.

So in a way it sucks, but the issues you have with PC games happen on console too, (and vice versa, the issues people had with console games also happens on PC now).

I say get a Switch, and enjoy your current PC and save your money until there's something more compelling. Or if you're really interested in some exclusive Sony game then maybe get a PS4.
Reactions: cmdrdredd


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2011
I most likely will get a Switch whether I buy an XBox One X or not as I'm interested in Nintendo's exclusives.


Dec 12, 2001
With your pc I wouldn’t use the Xbox as a replacement. Maybe a PS4 pro to supplement the pc with titles you cannot get on pc. The PS4 has many more exclusives than the Xbox. I just don’t see the Xbox as being a good replacement when all the Microsoft games are on pc and would play better.

As was mentioned you may still run into the internet problem where you are required to be connected to verify licenses at times. Plus there are game updates all the time.
Reactions: MTDEW


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
Depends what you want to play.

If you go with an Xbox, I highly recommend a gamepass subscription to get a good sampling of older console games you might have missed as a PC Gamer. At the very least you can play through the Gears and Halo franchises.


Oct 27, 2006
Consoles are awful for the multiplats for me. I've been playing AC Origins, FC5, and now AC Odyssey at 3440x1440 Gysnc at 70-100fps. Going back to ~30fps is shockingly bad. I still enjoy polished console exclusives, but 100 times out of 100 I'll go PC if it's an option.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I made the switch to PS4 Pro. And don't regret it. Tons of incredible games and lots of Exclusives here.

I had a 4790k+1080ti with the Dell 27" 1440p 144hz GSync monitor. That is gaming bliss IMO.

But I was tired of the bugs and dealing with spending more time configuring my games and settings than playing.

What I gave up in performance and fidelity I gained by the simple ability to play from my couch on a 75" TV. Hit one button on the PS4 controller and i'm good to go. With HDMI CEC my HT Reciever, PS4Pro, TV and everything kicks and I'm ready to rock. Then pick a game and all Games just work. Interface on PS4 is great as well. HDR is more widely supported on PS4 as well, and again here, it just works.

Doom on PC vs Doom on PS4 is no contest, PC destroys here for immersion. I played on both and I felt like a demon-slaying badass on the PC, and I felt like a special Olympian on the PS4 with the controller. But for those failings, you just can't beat God of War, The Last Guardian, and other games that are such great stories to experience and just experience them,.. not worry about PC optimizations and settings and black screens and the myriad of other bugs/issues we are all used to with PC games.


Jun 3, 2011
I did switch back and forth between pc and playstation, back in the days, and i dont think there is a contest. The pc does one thing much better and the console does another better. For driving, for cinematic games, for games designed for pleasure, the console is king. For games designed to be a challenge, the pc is vastly superior.

It's not due to the stuff inside to the machine, but to the way that the player interfaces with the game. If you lie on the couch with the controller, you gonna have one type of experience, that ps games are designed for. If you stick your face in the monitor, thats a different type of experience, that again pc games are designed for.


Oct 27, 2006
I've noticed that console exclusive 30fps games can play pretty well (HZD, Forza Horizon series, God of War, etc). Third party ~30fps can feel really ugly though. 30fps on PC also feels pretty terrible almost every time, regardless of how you cap it.

PS for exclusives + PC for multiplats is win. Or Nintendo if that's your bag/like portable stuff.


Jul 2, 2008
I don't understand what the cost of the new RTX2080 TI has to do with any of this. The One X is more comparable to a Radeon RX580. Since I like to use car terms, this is how I read your post...

You have a newish Audi S4, but the new McLaren is Soooooo expensive and driving is becoming such a hassle. So instead, you decide to just use Uber and the occasional bus ride to get around.


Dec 12, 2001
I don't understand what the cost of the new RTX2080 TI has to do with any of this. The One X is more comparable to a Radeon RX580. Since I like to use car terms, this is how I read your post...

You have a newish Audi S4, but the new McLaren is Soooooo expensive and driving is becoming such a hassle. So instead, you decide to just use Uber and the occasional bus ride to get around.

Nope it’s just a comparison of the current best way to play the games. It used to be that upgrading a pc was about the same cost as buying a new console and you got all the PC benefits. Now the difference is not as significant visually while the cost difference is tremendous. There is more parity than ever when it comes to gaming on a console. That isn’t to say it’s the same but it is closer. Nvidia set a terrible precedent with the pricing on the 20xx cards and I am unwilling to pay those prices to keep up. Apparently I’m not the only one either.


Nov 27, 2001
To be honest, I prefer PCs more because it's not just about the gaming. Heck, I usually read this forum and reply on a PC that's fully capable of gaming. (This current PC is an i3-8100 + GTX 1080 Ti.) I've never really looked at a PC as a gaming-only device, but rather a device that I can do a lot on in addition to gaming. Of course, you can say the same about buying a generic PC and a console, but at that point, you're not much away from just buying a graphics card for a modest PC. On that note, to be clear, there's almost no need to be at the bleeding edge of technology. I know I'm guilty of buying into it a lot, but it's really not necessary to have a good PC gaming experience.

Now, I think game consoles have been leaning more toward being useful in other areas than just gaming, but I think the issue is that while their UI works far, far better as a 10-foot UI, it tends to fall flat for your typical mouse and keyboard interactions. On the other hand, they work well for things like streaming. While not a console, there's a reason why I use my Apple TV over my PC for streaming Netflix -- I could never get HDR to work on the Netflix Windows app, so I just gave up and used the Apple TV instead. Microsoft has always had a bit of an awkward track record of supporting certain areas, which I'm sure Media Center users can attest to.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2016
I think the xbox is the closest to a gaming PC of all the consoles but it isn't the best gaming console IMO. The PS4 is the console with all the best exclusives.

I own all the main consoles except for the switch (stuck with the wii u instead) and my Xbox One gets powered up once a year or so if even that. Biggest waste of money I've spent in awhile. My PS4 gets used all the time and my PC is used the most. I prefer PC gaming over consoles and I do not find it a hassle either. Install a game, play a game. Nothing really to worry about.

But ultimately if you want to play PC games on a console then Xbox is the best choice as most of it's games can be had on PC too. Of course PC games have the potential to look way better than xbox games.


Aug 18, 2012
I ended up with another Xbox and the only thing I can tell from PS4 is the native 4k playback on some games like red dead 2 and Hitman 2 which will be out next week. It's nicer and sharper to play it on a big screen at native 4k. But the PS4 will have better exclusives.

I thought about getting Hitman 2 on PC but I have the 2016 version of that game on PS4 and I hear that if you also get Hitman 2 on the same platforms you get access to the 2016 missions that are remastered. But it's 1440p on PS4 and 4k on Xbox one x or 3440x1440p on my PC.

I've already played the first series so I'll probably end up getting it later on whatever platform I will find it cheaper.

I'm curious how decent last of us 2 will look on PS4. Red dead 2 looks great on PS4 pro the only difference is things are much sharper on the Xbox X including things further away. The lighting is different as well.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
Admittedly I did have an OG Xbox to play Halo and a 360 to play Gears of War, but I didn’t consider a console as my primary gaming device until I picked up an Xbox One a year after its release. I had a PS2 in there somewhere too, but it was only for a fling with GranTurismo.

I was a PC gamer starting with Wolfenstein and Doom back in like ‘94. Chased all the nvidIa cards from before the GeForce was a brand icon up until the GTX 200 series. I think I went from a GTX 260 all the way to a 960 that I picked up well after the GTX 10 series came out. What happened was that I was gaming on the XBone and found that exactly the reasons OP stated made it a good experience. I didn’t want to dedicate the resources (both time and money) to the endless tweaking. While graphics cards have become powerful enough that a yearly update is no longer a near requirement, it’s still a rat race of a hobby.

Because of that fling with the PS2, I found I didn’t like the PlayStation controllers in my hand and strongly preferred the Xbox controllers. I would suggest trying them both if you haven’t and going with your initial reaction.


Nov 27, 2001
What happened was that I was gaming on the XBone and found that exactly the reasons OP stated made it a good experience. I didn’t want to dedicate the resources (both time and money) to the endless tweaking. While graphics cards have become powerful enough that a yearly update is no longer a near requirement, it’s still a rat race of a hobby.

I don't see tinkering as that big of a deal on PCs anymore. There might be a few things here and there that you need to do, but it has gotten significantly easier over the years. Of course, some of that ease is from homogenization as Microsoft makes its Xbox hardware work better with PCs. (PlayStation hardware requires a tiny bit of work, but it's not bad.) The only complaint that I have is that developers aren't forced to use a certain set of features, so some games may use Steam Cloud and some may not. It's nice when I can swap PCs and not have to worry about setting up an elaborate Dropbox linking just to sync game saves. Of course, now that the Epic Game Store is a thing and Steam isn't the go-to marketplace for non-Ubisoft and non-EA titles, we may have even more issues with feature sets as EGS is far behind on its features.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2016
Yeah no tinkering on PC any longer. Not for me anyway. I build a PC, OC it if I want then run it. No more work after the initial build. I can't even remember the last time a PC component failed. Its been years and years and years for me.

I have had several consoles go belly up though.
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