Any knowledgable Christians here?

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Dec 27, 2001
You know, I actually have the answer to your questions and I guarantee you've never ever heard it before even from a pastor, but I'm not going to tell you. Honestly, it's too powerful to share with somebody who is just playing games. It's why I've never offered it up on these boards. It's one of those things that can shake you to your core if delivered at the right time. I'm actually thinking of writing a book around it and am part way through an outline.

Anyway........there are aren't really seeking I'm not BSing......bye.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Steve
Gamingphreek, though probably young compared to you, is strong in his faith and may give you some good insight and/or point you in the right direction as far as finding resources for any information you seek.

Does this sound to anyone else like the advice you get in an RPG when you enter a new town or a turning point in the storyline?

You know, I actually have the answer to your questions and I guarantee you've never ever heard it before even from a pastor, but I'm not going to tell you. Honestly, it's too powerful to share with somebody who is just playing games. It's why I've never offered it up on these boards. It's one of those things that can shake you to your core if delivered at the right time. I'm actually thinking of writing a book around it and am part way through an outline.

Anyway........there are aren't really seeking I'm not BSing......bye.
And the young little seer you talk to.

Did I enter Morrowind at some point?


May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: AMDZen
knowledgable Christian = oxymoron


not really

Not even kidding a little. When you start asking the hard questions about where the fairy tales come from Christians react violently. When you start asking the hard questions about the full extent of the sex scandal Christians react violently. When you start asking the hard questions about the millions of people the church has murdered Christians react violently.

Christians don't want knowledge of their own and they don't want other people to have it either.

I'm not a violent person, and I have no problem sharing knowledge.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Screw Christianity, Pastor X, or randomname Y, or anyone else who doesn't speak Greek/Hebrew and is named something other than Jesus. Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and the quotes(red highlighted in better Bibles) is all you need to know. Even I think it's all bupkus, but at least Jesus had something to say, so instead of getting a watered down and washed out interpretation from some wannabe, go to the Source.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
For learning about modern Catholic doctrine, I suggest talking with Viper0329 if he's available.

However, I don't think you're going to find those answers within Christianity as most know it, especially when limited to just the modern Bible. Perhaps if you go beyond it to the writings of certain saints and supposed heretics you might find some more explanations.

IMO, you can get a much better picture going outside of Christianity and then reconciling that view back to Christianity. However, most people aren't up to that, and don't have to do that -- just let go of some of the views of God which are offensive to you; take faith in the notion that something must be wrong by definition in either those views or your understanding of those views, and go beyond them to the heart, and God, and stay there.

In the end, there is some sort of leap of faith. If you wait around for intellectual certainty, you're probably not even going to get started, and even if you do, all you'll get is some intellectual understanding. Spirituality, as expressed by every religion, has quite different goals and means from intellectual understanding, and the lack of details in some of the key texts can, I think, be taken as evidence of that.



Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Perhaps add to that "What makes the Christian god any more valid than Buddah, Zeus, Ra, Brahman, the rain god of native american tribes, Allah, Odin, and the countless other "Gods"?

Honestly though, I have never gotten a single decent answer to this question.

Have you seriously tried, or just put up this typical atheistic "why not zero instead of one" argument and thought it sounded cool? It might sound cool to you when you're throwing it at someone who's chosen their one and simply asserts that their one is the one; the rest of the world be damned, but if you were serious about this question, and not in some sort of show or arguments with individuals, you might consider for a moment what the Qur'an says about Jesus, God, and his Messengers, and/or John 10:16.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Madwand1
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Perhaps add to that "What makes the Christian god any more valid than Buddah, Zeus, Ra, Brahman, the rain god of native american tribes, Allah, Odin, and the countless other "Gods"?

Honestly though, I have never gotten a single decent answer to this question.

Have you seriously tried, or just put up this typical atheistic "why not zero instead of one" argument and thought it sounded cool? It might sound cool to you when you're throwing it at someone who's chosen their one and simply asserts that their one is the one; the rest of the world be damned, but if you were serious about this question, and not in some sort of show or arguments with individuals, you might consider for a moment what the Qur'an says about Jesus, God, and his Messengers, and/or John 10:16.

...and what Authority gives those words credence?


Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: BudAshes
Originally posted by: E equals MC2
I'm a Christian-turned-Agnostic pluralist. This only occured few years ago when answers started to fall short when I asked them again and again.

Well, as an 'adult' I would like to touch base with Christianity again, especially how those believers address and deal with the questions I and people around me couldn't help with.

No it's not a flamebait. I am genuinely curious & willing to share and learn. I've been a Christian for 20+ years and you'd find my knowledge quite interesting, having to offer both sides on the perspective (I taught Sunday school for HS seniors, attended too many retreats, outreach work to remote areas, etc).

If you are kind enough to provide me with such opportunity outside of these trollin' nerds ready for blind flaming and quickly coming up with lame witty replies, please PM me. What's in it for you? Well, maybe if you can genuinely satisfy my questions, I may be able to reconvert. I believe this is what you label, "a God's calling."

We can chat via Gmail, AIM, MSN or whatever is instanteous.

Thank you.

This is along the lines of when I went back to playing Star Wars Galaxies for a day just to remind myself why i quit.



Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: sandorski
...and what Authority gives those words credence?

Not mine. My point was addressed to anyone who might be seriously considering faith for himself, not as an argument against atheists. As I've said before, I think if atheism is your path, you should just stick with that; from that perspective, the alternative doesn't make much sense.

Edit: Oops, I see that you're not an atheist. Sorry, my mistake in taking you for one. I have a different answer for you: If Jesus and the Bible alone are your cup of tea, good for you. Drink up, drink deep.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2004
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Madwand1
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Perhaps add to that "What makes the Christian god any more valid than Buddah, Zeus, Ra, Brahman, the rain god of native american tribes, Allah, Odin, and the countless other "Gods"?

Honestly though, I have never gotten a single decent answer to this question.

Have you seriously tried, or just put up this typical atheistic "why not zero instead of one" argument and thought it sounded cool? It might sound cool to you when you're throwing it at someone who's chosen their one and simply asserts that their one is the one; the rest of the world be damned, but if you were serious about this question, and not in some sort of show or arguments with individuals, you might consider for a moment what the Qur'an says about Jesus, God, and his Messengers, and/or John 10:16.

...and what Authority gives those words credence?

As far as I am concerned, using religous text that is true because god 1 said so to prove god 1 exist is not a valid argument. I am not "dead set" on atheism, I just see absolutly zero valid arguments that god exists, much less a certain one.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Madwand1
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Perhaps add to that "What makes the Christian god any more valid than Buddah, Zeus, Ra, Brahman, the rain god of native american tribes, Allah, Odin, and the countless other "Gods"?

Honestly though, I have never gotten a single decent answer to this question.

Have you seriously tried, or just put up this typical atheistic "why not zero instead of one" argument and thought it sounded cool? It might sound cool to you when you're throwing it at someone who's chosen their one and simply asserts that their one is the one; the rest of the world be damned, but if you were serious about this question, and not in some sort of show or arguments with individuals, you might consider for a moment what the Qur'an says about Jesus, God, and his Messengers, and/or John 10:16.

...and what Authority gives those words credence?

As far as I am concerned, using religous text that is true because god 1 said so to prove god 1 exist is not a valid argument.



Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
As far as I am concerned, using religous text that is true because god 1 said so to prove god 1 exist is not a valid argument. I am not "dead set" on atheism, I just see absolutly zero valid arguments that god exists, much less a certain one.

Nobody's using religious texts to claim to "prove god exists" here. The references I made were with respect to previous references you made. If you're going to use the term "Allah", and claim that it's different from "God", then I think you should read the Qur'an and see what it says about that point. This was my intent about that list, but it seems that my efforts were wasted on you as I thought, so I'll leave you with that.


Originally posted by: E equals MC2
"Isn't it bit presumptuous to say those worldly people who seem happy are really not happy deep inside because they don't know Your God? There are plenty of people I observe who ARE truly happy without believing in Your Christian God"

It IS presumptuous to think this, and I can't find a compelling reason to believe that God (if he exists) ever guaranteed that even a true Christian's life would be all bread and circuses. Of course there are passages in the bible that read as though this might be true, but they are offset by others that attest to how hard it can be to be a true believer. In the bible some of the worst trials imaginable were inflicted upon those closest to God by God himself (think Abraham or Jephther or Job or Lot). It's obviously not supposed to be a barrel of laughs no matter who you happen to worship.

Of course many christians will counter this by saying that they have a certain indefinable "wholeness" of soul even in their toughest of times that they simply would not have without the Lord. I could certainly see that concrete faith in a God and the resulting feeling that everything just HAS to turn out all right could help someone keep a stiff upper lip during a crisis. At the same time I can't really see where belief in another completely different God would be lacking in this department whether either God exists or not. The conjecture offered that this foreign God's happiness is not TRUE happiness is not really an admissible argument. What is true happiness? How many times do you multiply happiness by itself to get there? The idea is that this special brand of happiness is coming directly FROM God himself which is why no other God or worldly pleasure will do to achieve it. This is definitely not a testable claim since testing it would require questioning a true convert both before and after his conversion. It stands to reason that anyone on the verge of a religious conversion is indeed unhappy with aspects of his or her life to start with and the obvious bias he will have after conversion would further muddy results. In short, to the question "Is the happiness you experience as a christian convert deeper and more TRUE than any happiness you experienced before becoming a convert"? The answer would always be yes. The unanswerable question here is "But is it REALLY"?

"You mean to tell me the hundreds of thousands who die in the world EVERYDAY that don't believe in Christ all go to hell? Why is it their fault that they weren't even given the opportunity to at least hear of Christian God? Please don't give me the [God works in mysterious ways] line."

This question will likely get you as many answers as people asked. I've heard anywhere from "It's sad but yes" to "Well I suppose if they live in such and such way...". The most common answer by far in my experience is "I don't know" (a response to any question that I wholly approve of when it's true). It's the spectrum of people who actually venture a guess that we're really interested in here. What causes them to believe as they do?

The ones for whom the answer to this question is yes are generally those that believe that the bible is irrefutable, unalterable truth. The new testament explicitly states that the only way into heaven is through Jesus Christ himself. It does not matter that this seems a horrible state of affairs to some people. It's in there, so it's true. None of the christian groups will give up the belief that God is both omnipotent and benevolent, and from there any further debate on the matter is impossible. The ONLY answer here IS "God works in mysterious ways" as the seeming injustice of this cannot be logically reconciled with an omnipotent and benevolent God. Because God is necessarily both things this must be good in a way that is impossible to determine.

Of the two groups I actually side with the hard-liner as the second must resort to quite a bit of make-believe (even within the framework of already being a worshiper) in order to raise God up to the level of their own morality. To claim that non-christians can, in any form or fashion, be allowed into the christian heaven is to deny some pretty specific passages in the bible (See John 14: 6 and 13, John 15:16, John 16:23-24, John 5:22-23, John 10:37-38, Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:18 to name a couple). Writing off something that is so often repeated in the book that is at least the initial source of the average person's christian knowledge seems like going against one of the few ideas that can't be explained away as metaphor for one's own peace of mind. Peace of mind is nice, but unwillingness to look at an ugly truth doesn't make that truth any prettier. That's exactly what this is; denial of a clearly stated theme in the bible and a rewriting of God so that he measures up to the standards of the worshiper in complete disregard of anything other than the fact that they just CAN'T accept him as anything less.

"If Adam and Eve sinned. Why are WE paying for their sins? Who came up with such system and why does it have to be that way? Why did God had to send his one and only Son to atone for our sins (John 3:16)? That seems awfully man-made logic to me. If God is truly almighty, why is he bound to such silly & restricting tit-for-tat system?"

I don't think any explanation is offered for this question anywhere in the bible. It simply is true that sins are passed down from the father. The mode of transmittal has been speculated to be through the semen though. The idea that there is no atonement without blood IS a man-made concept that actually predates christianity in the form of ritual sacrifice.

"Why does God have to damn those to hell? Eternal damnation... isn't that pretty harsh? For what, not loving you back? If God is truly love, which is what Christian God profeses to be, then why do the creation have to accept him back in order for us to deserve the creator's love? Can he not abolish hell? Is He helpless?"

This is one area where I think christianity actually makes sense. Heaven is the ultimate reward, hell is the ultimate punishment. If anything I would expect it to be the most impossibly hard thing imaginable to attain the best thing you can possibly attain ever, but if you listen to the preachers it's supposedly easier than falling off a log. Accept Him and worship Him, which is something you want to do whether you know it or not, and you're in. If it's really that easy, then the punishment for doing this preposterously simple thing should be both infinitely bad and final. Yeah, that's how I'd run things too


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Madwand1
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
As far as I am concerned, using religous text that is true because god 1 said so to prove god 1 exist is not a valid argument. I am not "dead set" on atheism, I just see absolutly zero valid arguments that god exists, much less a certain one.

Nobody's using religious texts to claim to "prove god exists" here. The references I made were with respect to previous references you made. If you're going to use the term "Allah", and claim that it's different from "God", then I think you should read the Qur'an and see what it says about that point. This was my intent about that list, but it seems that my efforts were wasted on you as I thought, so I'll leave you with that.

Yes, islam and christanity is based off of the same root. Yet, my point still stands as "why choose christianity over islam?"

Also,you convenently ignore Odin, rain gods, ra, and buddah many of whom were mentioned before allah in the same sentence. Worth mentioning is that I did not say you were trying to prove god. I said you were try to prove god number 1 with a text that is true because god number 1 said so.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
The new testament explicitly states that the only way into heaven is through Jesus Christ himself. It does not matter that this seems a horrible state of affairs to some people. It's in there, so it's true. None of the christian groups will give up the belief that God is both omnipotent and benevolent, and from there any further debate on the matter is impossible. The ONLY answer here IS "God works in mysterious ways" as the seeming injustice of this cannot be logically reconciled with an omnipotent and benevolent God. Because God is necessarily both things this must be good in a way that is impossible to determine.

The attitude that God is benevolent and "works in mysterious ways" is a perfectly good attitude from a spiritual perspective in my opinion. The problem arises when the understanding is that God is selectively benevolent and solely so to those of the Christian faith. This is a gross misunderstanding from my perspective, and the adherents would do much better to consider the "other sheep" perspective and a position of intellectual humility instead.

The Bible specifically refers to faith in spirit over supposed faith in detail but not in spirit. This gives another answer. It's not hard to consider -- if you worship God as God, would He really mind if you called Him say "Allah" instead of "God"?

The doctrine of Jesus Christ is also perfectly fine for Christians IMO. Jesus Christ is their cup of tea as I wrote, and they should drink that fully and deeply. The problem arises when they damn other faiths. In my opinion, to put it bluntly, they show a lack of faith in their own God when they do this, because they have then thrown away the belief in divine benevolence and substituted that with a cheap sort of cultism.


Diamond Member
Oct 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Madwand1
The doctrine of Jesus Christ is also perfectly fine for Christians IMO. Jesus Christ is their cup of tea as I wrote, and they should drink that fully and deeply. The problem arises when they damn other faiths. In my opinion, to put it bluntly, they show a lack of faith in their own God when they do this, because they have then thrown away the belief in divine benevolence and substituted that with a cheap sort of cultism.

John 14:6
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

The problem arises when/if you claim to be a follower of Christ, claim him to be your Lord, Savior, God... and you don't take what he says as truth.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Yes, islam and christanity is based off of the same root. Yet, my point still stands as "why choose christianity over islam?"

Because one is closer to your own heritage than the other and resonates better with your circumstances and leanings perhaps?

If not, then why would you think that is is necessary, from God's perspective, not the local mullah's, to adopt a mutually exclusive attitude with respect to faith?

Though, as SlitheryDee says, "because His book said so" would be a pretty good counter-argument, it suffers from being an assumption of literal accuracy and faith in a religion as reported by those promoting the same religion; a flaw you've identified yourself.

If you read the Gita for example, I think you'd understand this perspective better.

Originally posted by: thecrecarc
Also,you convenently ignore Odin, rain gods, ra, and buddah many of whom were mentioned before allah in the same sentence.

I think you should be able to deal with both "Allah" and "God" with respect before you try to take on such issues. It's not hard to make a problem so difficult that even you can't solve it, which is just fine if you don't want to solve a problem, but not exactly the best approach otherwise.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: uhohs
John 14:6
6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

The problem arises when/if you claim to be a follower of Christ, claim him to be your Lord, Savior, God... and you don't take what he says as truth.

I also take it to be truth. I just don't take it literally as you do, and I also think that it has a far more profound meaning than your apparent understanding of it as an expression of cheap damnation for the rest of the world.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: E equals MC2
"Isn't it bit presumptuous to say those worldly people who seem happy are really not happy deep inside because they don't know Your God? There are plenty of people I observe who ARE truly happy without believing in Your Christian God"


You might consider that another religion may appeal to your core faith beliefs.


Golden Member
Nov 6, 2005
I'm going to go out on a limb here with a few thoughts for the crowd here at Anandtech and the OP.

I feel like this forum is particularly slanted on anti-religious beliefs merely from an intellectual standpoint. Speaking solely from my experience discussing religion in academic and professional capacities with colleagues, most of us geeks/nerds/whatever usually (subliminally or otherwise) consider ourselves to be smarter than others. I think this elitist mentality lends itself to thinking we know everything, we need proof for everything (as if we deserve it), or we're simply better than some far-fetched ponderings written about events that transpired over the past few thousand years.

To the OP...As much as you may not like it, you didn't make the rules for Christianity. A basic statement here?If you?re asking questions about God from a religion of faith, then shouldn?t the answer of having faith in that God (through all things) be good enough? What merit is in faith if everything was crystal clear? It's amusing that people consistently get upset when their questions aren't answered how they want. People seem inherently hell-bent (pun!) on looking for a rationalization of their own preconceived notions. At least that?s better than flat-out catering an already established religion to yourself, I suppose. (Better to not believe at all then pick and choose pieces of the Bible to follow like many churches today.)

Some of the questions you ask require faith in God for answers. If you don't embrace the concept that you don't need to know everything (and instead trust in someone who does), then you?ll never have an answer? and you'll never have peace about it. It's pretty simple like that. I'd be happy to take a shot at your questions if you're interested...just drop me a PM. I'm not a scholar, but I've went through question after question with myself over the past 12 years and I've found if you're diligent about seeking, you'll find an answer...just not the one you always wanted to find.
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