Any reasons for a Radeon...


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
instaed of a GF2GTS or a Voodoo 5? Besides price. I have a small monitor, and would've liked the Voodoos great FSAA.. but is all out.... but they still have the Radeon, so does it have anything to make up for it?


Dec 2, 1999
Radeon is a great all around card. Great 3D and 2D. Fast and great looking. Read up on it at the review sites. For the price has for it ($133 with coupon) it is by far the best value out there.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
If your still interested in V5 you can order it from and it will come eventually or check, or for other low price vendors on the net.

I have a Radeon AIW that I just bought off; its nice : and I haven't even starting tweaking it yet. Heck, I still have the original drivers installed. Deus Ex looks great, MDK2 is nice, UT is real nice...

However, some of the V5 cimematic features just put and extra edge on the experience IMO. With small monitor, you can really crank up the FSAA and it seems the new drivers and wickedGL have really given the V5 a nice boost in performance, and the drivers are already very solid.

I haven't seen too many games that have problems with the V5; there some problems with both the GF2 and Radeons though.

But, ati's driver support is improving, it seems, and the AIW TV display and DVD support are top notch.


Jun 2, 2000
I'm agonizing over the same problem, but I have a 19" Viewsonic A90. 2D quality is important to me. I spoke to a CSR at last night-the next shipment of Voodoo5's is Dec 26th at best, and probably looks like early January.

For now, I will probably keep my order in-but the availability of the Radeon at $133 (or the Voodoo5 PCI version) are both tempting me.

Anyone have any thoughts on a Radeon with a (classic) Athlon 750/Abit Ka7 motherboard? My kids use the computer a lot, so I want to avoid technical problems as much as possible.


Junior Member
Jan 3, 2000
Whoa! I was just about to open up a Radeon thread and then this one opened up. I also have a Viewsonic A90, and am trying to choose between a Radeon and a GeForce2MX. I'd rather the Radeon since it has awesome 2d and pretty much the best video/dvd support of any card out there. My main worry is about ATI's drivers. On their site, the Radeon drivers haven't been updated since September! I have a 3dfx Banshee card, and I DO NOT want to get another card that has poor driver support. Comments?


Oct 27, 2000
Well MikeC, ATI has released driver updates since then, but they are beta, leaked, and special purpose drivers. It's the same thing nVidia does. nVidia has not updated their site with official drivers in almost 3 months either. Actually, we just got some new Radeon WHQL certified drivers (4.13.7041) a few days ago. Stability is excellent by the way.

I have a 64MB Radeon VIVO in one machine and a GF2 ULTRA in another. Harveii, check your Private Messages at the top left of the screen when you sign in. Feel free to copy the message in this thread for these guys. I'm in a hurry right now and don't have time to write the whole thing again. I'm just giving my opinions and sharing some facts in that message about the Radeon.

To sum it up quickly though, the Radeon's 32-bit image quality for gaming is the best of any current card. It's 32-bit performance is also very strong and on par with GeForce2 GTS, especially at high resolution. It has more features for DX8 than any other card available, and also has the best DVD playback. It also has top notch 2D, which is just shy of Matrox for being the best. The Win98 performance has always been great, but the Win2k drivers were an issue for a while, but no longer. The latest Win2k drivers bring the performance within 10% of Win98. The Radeon's only real weakness is 16-bit, but you will be playing in 32-bit anyway. Trust me on that. The Radeon was designed to be a 32-bit card, and that's what it does best. It's really a fantastic card, and I just ordered the 32MB DDR Radeon for my little bro's Christmas present using the $30 off coupon and Free Shipping at for a total cost of $133.

Put it this way...... $133 for the 32MB DDR Radeon is a steal, and I'm confident that you will not only be happy, but thrilled at the level of performance and quality you get for that price.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2000
I'm on a A90 right now with a Radeon 32 mb ddr...2D and 3D looks great. The dvd playback is also really smooth and the image quality is really sharp. I don't really have much complaints, and the drivers haven't given me any real problems. Although with the Voodoo 5 being so cheap now, i might have considered it since i play alot of UT.



Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
Here's Tim's message he sent me, if anyone else wants to read to it to help decide.

Hello Haervii. I'm the guy who was telling you about how to get the coupon to work. Here are some
thoughts on the Radeon vs GeForce2. Keep in mind that I have two 1Ghz systems, one with a Radeon and one
with an ULTRA. I had a GF2 but went insane and upgraded to the ULTRA. hehe

Image Quality: Radeon has the best 32-bit image quality of all the current cards, in the same way that the
Voodoo5 has the best 16-bit image quality of the current cards. The GeForce based cards fall in the middle of
both categories.

Performance: Radeon's 32-bit performance is excellent and basically on par with the GeForce2. It was faster
that the GF2 when it launched, but now the GF2 is a bit faster again because of Nvidia's newest drivers.
However, the Radeon should have new drivers coming by Christmas which will probably boost it ahead again.
But even if they don't, the 32-bit performance is still excellent, and depending on what game and what resoution,
the Radeon is right there with the GF2, sometimes a bit behind, sometimes a bit ahead. The Radeon is really a
32-bit card. It's combination of incredible 32-bit image quality, and solid 32-bit performance is really something to
see. It's only real weakness is 16-bit where the performance is not much faster than the 32-bit. That is where the
GF2 has a big advantage in speed. However, if you get a Radeon you will be playing in 32-bit almost all the time
anyway. It's simply beautiful.

Features: This is where the Radeon really has an big advantage. It has more DX8 support than any other card. It
also has many special features like.........

>> Vertex Skinning <<

The Radeon chip can handle up to 4 matrices for skinning compared to the Geforce2?s ability to handle only 2.
What this means for future games that take advantage of the Radeon, are skinning techniques on in-game
characters and models that move and behave in a much more life-like manner.

>> Keyframe Interpolation (Vertex Mapping) <<

This feature works by interpolating successive keyframes in an animation sequence, and automatically fills in
the gaps between frames, resulting in a much smoother animation. This technology can scale as necessary so
you can have more or less animation depending on the performance level the developer wishes to achieve. No
other card supports this.

>> 3 Texturing Units <<

Having three texture units as opposed to the GeForce2 having only two gives the Radeon an advantage. It can
perform multi-texturing in a single pass when rendering anywhere from 1 Bilinear to 3 Bilinear Textures per pixel.
This greatly enhances the overall performance of the card by not having to take more clock cycles to perform
this rendering. ** Despite having more pipelines, the GeForce2's lack of a third T.U. will cause it a significant
performance drop when it has to make an extra pass to do the extra rendering. It is said that game developers
are already programming their upcoming games to use the extra T.U. of the RADEON.

>> 3D Textures <<

TRUE 3D texturing gives the Radeon the ability to add various kinds of maps onto the texture, giving it a much
more enhanced ?3D? look. The end result is more impressive 3D objects and enviroments. No other card
supports this.

Now, there are people that say that some of the Radeon's features won't be taking advantage of for a while. The
truth is we don't really know for sure when the game developers will incorporate them, but it's nice to know they
are there.

The Radeon also has the best DVD playback of any card. I was actually able to get rid of my Hollywood Plus
Decoder card. You will not have to buy a dedicated pci decoder card to get top notch DVD playback.

The bottom line is this. The Radeon is a well balanced card with absolutely great 32-bit performance and image
quality. I play most of my games at 1280 x 1024 x 32-bit color, and it would make you drool. It also has the
most DX8 support of any other card, and these features will likely give it a longer life. The only real weakness of
the Radeon is 16-bit. You need to decide how important that is to
YOU. I personally never play in 16-bit unless it's an older game that doesn't support 32-bit. There is a few new
games that don't but 95% do. I want good frame rates, but I also want the richest colors and lush graphics I can
get, and that's where the Radeon shines. If you buy a Radeon, you will be playing in 32-bit. That's what it's
designed for, and that's what it's best at.

The other thing is this. For $133, you simply can't go wrong. The 64MB version of the Radeon is still over $300.
Getting the 32MB DDR versuon for $133 delivered is a deal you won't beat. It's a little slower than the 64MB card
of course, but really not that much.

I hope any of this helps, because I'm typing fast. I am running late to pick up my girlfriend. Let me know of you
need any more info.

Good Luck Haervii


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2000
I have the radeon 64 vivo retail and upgraded from a tnt2 (viper 770d) with an mpegdecodercard.
Now I can play all my games (q3, halflife, elite force,...) on 1024*768 32 bit everthing on max without any problems.
DVDquality is execellent, it is very sharp and smooth. I use the radeon without my mpegdecodercard and the playback is the best. With my old card DVDplayback was never fluid, now there are no problems.
I think the 2d is brighter and sharper than before.
I have had no problems with the drivers on the cd, everything works.

Dell XPS 500
Win 98se
P3 500 mhz
256 (100mhz) ram
Soundblaster live
Radeon 64 VIVO (retail)


Jun 2, 2000

Thanks for the advice, it pushed me over the edge to cancelling the Voodoo5 order and ordering the 32 MB Radeon. My main concern about Radeon has been Win2k performance, as I will be going there the next time I reformat. My main concern about Voodoo has been a strong perception of a dying company=no more support or updates, although they have been doing good recently.

I suspect I will really notice the difference-I'm currently using an old ATI Rage ProIIC with 2 old Voodoo 12MB cards in SLI mode, which doesn't really cut it.


Senior member
Jul 16, 2000
are any of you radeon owners noticing stairstepping rendering on all games? Not paging the hard driver or slow framerates in 32 bit color but nasty rendering when say you pan or something?

Im having a terrible time getting it to work right on my kt7 motherboard and 1ghz tbird and yes I have followed all the online faqs with fresh installs of 98se. IM actually gonna redo my whole system again without acpi double check no sharing irq's and install everything fresh and try out this card again. Im also gonna try my other geforce card in the current rig to see if its doing the same thing.

I hope its not the card and just my setup and thats what it sounds like considering your posts here.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2000
When you guys quote $133 to $150 for the 32MB DDR Radeon, are you quoting the cost for the OEM or the retail version? What is the difference between the OEM and retail in this case, warranty perhaps... and/or software? I believe they both clock at 166/166 MHz chip/memory, correct? The reason I ask is, in Canada, the Radeon 32MB OEM usually sells for around $250 Cdn (which matches the $150 U.S. price tag mentioned above) whereas the retail version sells for about $330 (say approx $215 US). I'm trying to decide between a Voodoo 5 5500 or the Radeon 32 DDR. Thanks.



Jun 2, 2000
$133 is for the retail Radeon at List is $162.95, there is a $30 off $150 coupon for all customers, and free shipping. Go to a coupon site like for coupon info &amp; links.

In stock as of Saturday afternoon when I ordered one.

USA customer, don't know if being north of border has any affect.


Jan 16, 2000
I recently purchased the AIW Radeon to replace my Matrox G400 Marvel card. So far, the AIW has disappointed me in speed. I was expecting a big increase in speed over my Marvel G400.

But so far its about the same speed. And in some games my Marvel is even faster. For example in Nascar Heat, I get 33fps with the Radeon, and 39fps with my Marvel. In that same game the Radeon has a much faster &quot;Fill Rate&quot; speed, but it also has a much lower &quot;polygon&quot; speed than the Marvel. (according to the in-game benchmark)

The 2d image quality is very good on the AIW... close to the Marvel for quality. And games appear slightly more colorful than my Marvel does.

The TV is definitely sharper on the AIW Radeon than my Marvel G400 card.


Jan 16, 2000
Also forgot to add, not sure, but maybe my cpu is holding me back on any speed increase? I have a P3-500.



Golden Member
Aug 22, 2000
You better get your card checked out because every next gen card is faster than the G400 in 3D, especially the Radeon.


Dec 2, 1999
Your Radeon should dust the G400. Something is not right. BTW, $133 for a retail Radeon 32 DDR is THE best deal on a video card you will find.


Jan 16, 2000

<< You better get your card checked out because every next gen card is faster than the G400 in 3D, especially the Radeon. >>

Well the G400 card is not a slow 3d card like people try to claim it is. Its definitely fast. It may not be the fastest, but that doesn't make it slow either just because its a few numbers less than another card.

The Radeon is extremely buggy yet. There really isn't a place I can have it &quot;checked&quot;. My bet is that the card is just buggy, as it doesn't even want to run with my Nokia 19&quot; monitor at the 1280 resolution, although it will run at 1600 on that monitor, but that is too small of print for me.



Senior member
Jun 15, 2000
You said that Banshee has poor drivers????? I have my Banshee for 2 years now and hav tried at least 40 ! different games - not a single problem. What are You talking about????


Jun 2, 2000
I will be getting my Radeon 32MB DDR in a few days. Would it make any sense to leave my two Voodoo2 1000's (12 MB each, in SLI mode) in my system after I install this or should I E*bay them off? I was checking prices last night and people are paying about $40-50 for them (crazy).

I have a Classic Althon 750, 128 MB memory, Abit KA7 motherboard.
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