Any Using e-GeForce 6800 GT Here and the Blue Screen of Death ?


Jul 3, 2005
Hi All -

I just bought a killer system from Dell a few week ago. It was the Dell Precision 380, and I am very pleased with it.

When I ordered the system I knew that I was going to upgrade my video card later on so I stuck w/the default v-card that was sent w/the system. That was the64MB PCIe x16 nVidia Quadro NVS 285, Dual Monitor VGA Capable system card.

Two days ago I bought the e-GeFoce 6800 GT PCI-E and installed it into my system and removed the old v-card naturally. I installed the latest nvidia drivers for the card and now I am experiencing the dreaded blue screen of deaths occasionaly when I watch some streaming videos or play some games ( note, I mainly bought this my DELL system for development work here and little games ).

I made sure I have the latest drivers for the motherboard and have tried all types of nvidia drivers out there ( haven't tried them all yet ) but I am still experiencing blue screen of deaths ( bsod ). Whenever the bsod happen it is always the same error message which is

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

The problems seems to be caused by the following file: nv4_disp

If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop. This usually inidicates problem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly.

Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates.

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x000000EA (0x88a00970, 0x87a00970, 0xb5500cbc, 0x00000001)


I am no hard-ware expert here but I do feel that the e-GeForce 6800 GT card is comptable w/my system but I could always be wrong. For starters, my system well exceeds the mininum and recommend requirements for the v-card in the first place.

Well, before I ramble on and on let me get to the point. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be trying to resolve my problem here? I am open for all type of suggestions.

Thanks for any input provided and for your time,


Jul 30, 2005
thats the same type of error thats very common with Via Chipsets, i would suggest going into Safemode Remove the Drivers, and reboot again into safe and try and re-install


Jul 3, 2005

thanks for a reply. just tried that and same problem.

now that i think of it a supplemental power adapter came w/the card. it is a y cable as shown in the attachemnet. i only attached one of the two ends to a power supply. do you think i had to attached the two ( the ones in white )?



Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: iamhumble

thanks for a reply. just tried that and same problem.

now that i think of it a supplemental power adapter came w/the card. it is a y cable as shown in the attachemnet. i only attached one of the two ends to a power supply. do you think i had to attached the two ( the ones in white )?



Jul 13, 2005
There should be a 4 pin power connector besides the fan connector!

if you try to run the card off the slot thats designed for the card without connecting the 4 pin power connector you will experience iether the blue screen of death or if you do manage to boot up everything with be running super slow as if in slow motion!!

so yeah


Jul 3, 2005
Well, this thing was really and IS still bugging me.

My system came w/a 64MB nVidia Quadro NVS 285 and everything worked fine. watching dvds and even playing battlefield 2 was no problem ( the graphics were awesome! ).

I bought my new card for better performance and right out of the box I started to have problems after I installed it and tried to watch dvds and play battlefield 2. I followed the directions to the key. I read a lot of message board posts and I know heat isn't the problem ( even took off cover ) and checked many times that I inserted teh card fully into the system.

I even thought I messed something up with my tweaking when my system came about 2 weeks ago so yesterday I wiped everything off my system and installed WinXP PRo SP2 fresh. As soon as that was done I installed the nVidia drivers for the e-GeForce 6800 GT ( and tried several higher ones and lower ones as in version numbers ) that came w/the card and still the blue screen of death. UGH! I am so frustrated.

I have checked to made sure I have the latest bios and patches for my DELL system too.

Mmmm... I don't really know where I am going with this and know I am rambling a bit ( sorry ) but I thought I would just update this post on where I am now. I did call DELL and told them about my problem so I am just waiting for a response from them. I should get a prompt response because I used my work's business account ;-)

Well, WHEN I finally solve this problem I will let everyone know what it was so no one else has to go through this. It is frustrating.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: iamhumble
Well, this thing was really and IS still bugging me.

My system came w/a 64MB nVidia Quadro NVS 285 and everything worked fine. watching dvds and even playing battlefield 2 was no problem ( the graphics were awesome! ).

I bought my new card for better performance and right out of the box I started to have problems after I installed it and tried to watch dvds and play battlefield 2. I followed the directions to the key. I read a lot of message board posts and I know heat isn't the problem ( even took off cover ) and checked many times that I inserted teh card fully into the system.

I even thought I messed something up with my tweaking when my system came about 2 weeks ago so yesterday I wiped everything off my system and installed WinXP PRo SP2 fresh. As soon as that was done I installed the nVidia drivers for the e-GeForce 6800 GT ( and tried several higher ones and lower ones as in version numbers ) that came w/the card and still the blue screen of death. UGH! I am so frustrated.

I have checked to made sure I have the latest bios and patches for my DELL system too.

Mmmm... I don't really know where I am going with this and know I am rambling a bit ( sorry ) but I thought I would just update this post on where I am now. I did call DELL and told them about my problem so I am just waiting for a response from them. I should get a prompt response because I used my work's business account ;-)

Well, WHEN I finally solve this problem I will let everyone know what it was so no one else has to go through this. It is frustrating.

Did you read the above replies about your power connections?


Feb 22, 2000
It's the POWER! You MUST connect both connectors using SEPARATE lines from the power supply. Knowing Dell, I also suspect your power supply is inadequate for the task at hand, i.e. not enough current to handle the job.


Jul 3, 2005
yeah, i read the power thing.

for starters the card requires 350 watt of supply and my system has 375 watt of supply. when i looked at my system i dont see how i can connect both the connectors because for starters there is only one free power connector where the card is inserted. i could always disconnected a power connector from one hard drive ( there are two in the sytem ) and try it.

the other power connector that is free is near the dvd rom drive and is too short to reach the card from what i see.

anyways, i will try using both of the connectors and let you all what happend. i still didn't try that out yet.

thanks for your patience all and suggestions. the people here are great


Jul 3, 2005

how do i determine the volts in the computer? people say look in the bios but there isn't anything about volts in the system. can i use a program to figure this out?


Jun 29, 2005
I'm pretty sure that PSU is inadequate for the 6800GT and your power connectors aren't connected right!!!!!! Knowing Dell, it's probably not a true 375W power supply??? Maybe.maybe not??? If you still experience crashes after you straighten out your power connectors, then your power supply requires attention. If all else fails. run memtest 86 to check if you have a bad memory never know. Hope you get you rig fixed!!! Later


Jul 3, 2005

Thanks for your suggestions. I ran memtest 86 and everything is good in my system.


I connected both power cables this time , installed 4 or 5 nvidia drives and I still ahve the same problem. I went to my neighbors house and we put the GeForce is his home built system, and there was no problem at all!:Q

Maybe, the lesson here is do not buy from DELL and build your own system?

Well, I thought of that but I couldn't pass the deal I got from DELL.

Anyways, I bought the card from last week and I think I am going to sell it around 100 dollars off. I bought it initally around 350 bucks. Hopefully, someone will buy it and I will only loose some money from this becuase I simply had it w/this experience.

One more thing... THANKS EVERYONE! :thumbsup:


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
If you only bought the card two days ago, why not just call Dell and get a refund? Or call them and tell them it doesn't work and get another card?


Jul 3, 2005
i bought the card from and from reading their policy it will take some time to get my money back.

i usually am a very patient man but i just want to get rid of the GeForce card now. you know get rid of those bad memories and just move on.

thanks for your suggesion though.


Jul 3, 2005

i dont think it is defective because when i tried it on my friends system everything worked fine. we used card for over 2 hours playing different games and watching a few dvds. i know i didn't do any rigours testing but i am confident it works. do you feel i should do any more type of testing?


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2005
I am having the same issue. I thought it was a hard drive failing, but now that I've done more research I believe the 77 series drivers broke something bad in my card. I don't know how a driver could actually damage a core on a 6800Gt (NV40) but I think it has. I've tried cleaning out the drivers, installing the 77.72s again and nothing. Tried 67.02, 71.89 and I still get blue screen. I'm getting bluescreen in Guildwars. I also get a click from my hard drive.

Which I replaced yesterday cause my old drive was doing that. I had an SATA WD Cavair 160, then yesterday I replaced it with a new 300Gig Seagate IDE. This drive also makes a sound when I blue screen.

I don't believe the card is defective yet, I just think the new drivers broke something. If you google BSoD Nvidia you'll see an explosion of similiar posts in the last month. I've got a clean install of WindowsXP Pro, and even installed all the patches and SP2. I'm lost.

Here is my rig.

P4 3.2 Ghz Prescott
Giga-Byte 8KNXP Pro Rev 2 (Tried Bios FD, FH, FJ)
Giga-Byte 3D Rocket Cooler Pro
2 Gigs Cosiar XLS or whatever its called
Seagate 300 Gig IDE Baracuda
BFG Tech 6800 GT OC
Audigy 2 ZS Platnium(Lastest drivers)
2 Samsung CDR/CDRW/ DVD Read

I was up till 4:30 trying to figure it out. BFG Tech support wasn't much help either, thank God they have a great warrenty I can fall back on if need by.


Feb 22, 2000
Originally posted by: ProdigyXL
I am having the same issue. I thought it was a hard drive failing, but now that I've done more research I believe the 77 series drivers broke something bad in my card. I don't know how a driver could actually damage a core on a 6800Gt (NV40) but I think it has. I've tried cleaning out the drivers, installing the 77.72s again and nothing. Tried 67.02, 71.89 and I still get blue screen. I'm getting bluescreen in Guildwars. I also get a click from my hard drive.

Which I replaced yesterday cause my old drive was doing that. I had an SATA WD Cavair 160, then yesterday I replaced it with a new 300Gig Seagate IDE. This drive also makes a sound when I blue screen.

I don't believe the card is defective yet, I just think the new drivers broke something. If you google BSoD Nvidia you'll see an explosion of similiar posts in the last month. I've got a clean install of WindowsXP Pro, and even installed all the patches and SP2. I'm lost.

Here is my rig.

P4 3.2 Ghz Prescott
Giga-Byte 8KNXP Pro Rev 2 (Tried Bios FD, FH, FJ)
Giga-Byte 3D Rocket Cooler Pro
2 Gigs Cosiar XLS or whatever its called
Seagate 300 Gig IDE Baracuda
BFG Tech 6800 GT OC
Audigy 2 ZS Platnium(Lastest drivers)
2 Samsung CDR/CDRW/ DVD Read

I was up till 4:30 trying to figure it out. BFG Tech support wasn't much help either, thank God they have a great warrenty I can fall back on if need by.

Impossible. The only ways to physically damage a card:

1) Bad BIOS flash
2) Too much voltage/current
3) Cooler stops working, overheats and doesn't shutdown (it should automatically)

What is your power supply? You peeps need to realize that ps watts means sh!t. There's a LOT of factors determining PS quality and sheer watts is one of the weakest factors. I've seen more and more of these posts....BUY A QUALITY POWER SUPPLY PEOPLE AND CONNECT THE CARD PROPERLY TO IT.


Junior Member
Aug 2, 2005
I have an Antec Trublue 480Watt PSU. I don't have a multimeter with me, but I suriously doubt that it is the cause. I've tried running Guild Wars in windowed mode before it crashed and it just got over 70C before it crashed, way way way below the 120C ceiling allowed by the drivers. Also nothing is over clocked, all factory settings.


Jun 29, 2005
iamhumble, it has to be your powersupply!! What kind of sytem and powersupply does your friend have?? Nevermind that.....what kind of power supply does he have??


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: iamhumble

i dont think it is defective because when i tried it on my friends system everything worked fine. we used card for over 2 hours playing different games and watching a few dvds. i know i didn't do any rigours testing but i am confident it works. do you feel i should do any more type of testing?

Agreed; I apologize; I missed that when I replied.
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