Anyone bought anything from


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
I'm not looking for further abstract thoughts about their business model (ie, > amazon?) but I am wondering if anyone has actually bought anything from them and whether they ran into any sort of problems - like products not matching the descriptions, or service issues, including trouble with returns?


Dec 14, 2000
I bought a masterbuilt smoker and it arrived when they said it would and in perfect shape. First order was like 20% off and I couldn't have gotten it cheaper anywhere else. This was in early November.
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Senior member
Dec 9, 2007
No problems here. I've only placed 2 orders with them. The 1st was a PS4 headset and the 2nd was a router. As slag mentioned they had a 20% off coupon for 1st time shoppers. Items received were as described and packaged well. So far no experience with their return policy.


Senior member
Feb 20, 2004
Slickdealers have been pretty successful with their orders. Sometimes the packaging has been odd, but I haven't read of fraud concerns, etc.

That said, looking them up on resellerratings, there seems to be plenty of people voicing concerns.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
A bunch of stuff after I make sure the price is better than Amazon or others, shipping can be slow, and their search algorithm(s) suck.


Nov 20, 2005
Yeah, I feel a little guilty about that actually. Because their "first order" offer is only tied to email address (maybe credit card) I have been milking them like a jersey cow. I have gotten:

-A rim for my car ($46)
-A Gold Rated Fractal Design Edison Modular 450W PSU ($46)

All those purchases went smoothly with nothing to return. I did waive the free return though (they give you a few extra bucks if you do) so really I was playing the lottery with that.

Overall they seem kinda sketchy to me. They don't have any inventory or ship any products, everything I have gotten has come from random online companies who I learn actually has the item after I order. Therefore shipping options are a little inconsistent- from one company the free shipping meant UPS ground and from another it was the dreaded FedEx Smartpost. I would hate to have to deal with a return given the degree of separation between Jet and the actual place shipping it to me. Once their marketing money dries up and the coupons go away I will probably never buy from there again unless they have a product I need.

With that said, I need a new GPU for my HTPC so I might use the wife's email and credit card to take one last shot at the aforementioned marketing money.


Dec 14, 2000
Yeah, I feel a little guilty about that actually. Because their "first order" offer is only tied to email address (maybe credit card) I have been milking them like a jersey cow. I have gotten:

-A rim for my car ($46)
-A Gold Rated Fractal Design Edison Modular 450W PSU ($46)

All those purchases went smoothly with nothing to return. I did waive the free return though (they give you a few extra bucks if you do) so really I was playing the lottery with that.

Overall they seem kinda sketchy to me. They don't have any inventory or ship any products, everything I have gotten has come from random online companies who I learn actually has the item after I order. Therefore shipping options are a little inconsistent- from one company the free shipping meant UPS ground and from another it was the dreaded FedEx Smartpost. I would hate to have to deal with a return given the degree of separation between Jet and the actual place shipping it to me. Once their marketing money dries up and the coupons go away I will probably never buy from there again unless they have a product I need.

With that said, I need a new GPU for my HTPC so I might use the wife's email and credit card to take one last shot at the aforementioned marketing money.

Good point. The smoker I ordered from (masterbuilt 20070210) was then ordered by from another retailer ( who shipped it to me. Weird way of doing business and the price I paid was less than the advertised price of the retailer they were buying it from, so I assume they have some partnerships in place or something to actually profit from this all.

The smoker is $167.92 on
I paid $106.69 which included tax and shipping.


Nov 27, 2005
definitely a ponzi scheme waiting to collapse, but the first order deals are strong. also, the extra savings aren't as good as they used to be


Nov 23, 2003
Yeah, I can only say I did the first order thing. I only paid 130ish for a 1900ac router/wifi adapter though


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
yeah they did a drop ship order for some hair stuff and coffee i ordered. same thing when i ordered some 3ds games. it's weird because they don't send any updated shipping information at all. it just showed up.

it seems like they're just trying to acquire users and hoping to get bought out by amazon or something.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
ordered a usb seagate 2tb for $55 on BF. shipping was painfully slow (10 days). but it arrived in working order.


Mar 16, 2001
I ordered a Thermaltake Suppressor F51 case for like $52 shipped after Amex credit so it was better than the Newegg rebate offer.
Got it pretty quick


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I tried one order with them. Took 6 days before the item even shipped...then 5 days to arrive. I can't fault them for the slow shipping time...but there's no excuse for the delay getting it shipped.

I'll stay with Amazon.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
I built my computer mainly by purchasing through Was able to get family and friends to create acccounts and buy parts for me at 20% off each.

One SSD came in horrible packaging. But it still survived the trip. If it had been a regular hard drive it might not have.

Two of my items actually came from Newegg through


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
Ok, thanks all, seems safe enough to give a shot... They do seem a bit "sketchy" to me too, though not what I would call "shady"*, if that distinction makes sense to anyone but me, and I won't be at all surprised if they don't last all that long. I have noticed their inventory and pricing is even more slippery than Amazon's, but I figure that can work to my advantage if I monitor the site frequently and get my order in at the right time.

My biggest practical concern is a potential returns issue, since I'm looking at TVs and there's always the possibility of shipping damage and/or dead/bright pixels... But their stated return policy seems pretty straightforward so I figure even if I have to end up fighting them over it, I'll make out OK eventually even if I end up having to go through my state's consumer protection agency. Right now anyway, the potential to save even $75 or so is worth the risk to me, since it is only a risk rather than a certainty...

Unfortunately, their first-purchase discount is down to 15%, but even still, that makes a noticeable difference on a few-hundred-dollars item like the TVs I've been eyeing.
* Mostly not shady, anyway. The first-purchase discount is awfully, ahem, "fluid." Since detailed terms/exclusions for it aren't posted on their site, I emailed to ask specifically which brands/categories were excluded and basically got told that they weren't willing to say. In short, they said to just try it and if it doesn't work for a given item, that product is "excluded." But on the other hand, if their system does accept it, it'll be down "on paper" and the worst they can really do is cancel the order if they decide after the fact that it "shouldn't have" applied...


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
its 15% up to $50. So a few hundred dollar item might not make a difference between the 15% and 20% off.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
its 15% up to $50. So a few hundred dollar item might not make a difference between the 15% and 20% off.
yeah, good point, if the max discount was the same when it was 20%. Even at 15%, the discount on the TVs I'm looking at amounts to just about $50 +/- anyway...


Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2005
I did, and my feelings are mixed. I had to call them three times to get an issue resolved. One thing I will say is they were fast as hell at answering the phone, less than 20 second wait time each time I called after work (ie: when everyone would be calling, I presume) and they were pretty quick about finding information about my order, so the phone calls were only like 6-7 minutes total each, if that.

I am building a server and ordered some fans and heatsinks, which shipped in 3 separate orders from 3 separate vendors. The I got two of the orders (the fans), but the fuckstick merchant they ordered my heatsinks from shipped it to their own headquarters instead of to me.

I called Jet right away and let them know the day the tracking information showed up. The lady I talked to got a hold of a supervisor and that supervisor contacted the merchant. The supervisor called me back about 15 minutes later and said the merchant would ship my heatsinks out from their headquarters to my address when they arrived and that she would send me a tracking number the next day via e-mail. This was last Thursday.

I didn't hear anything from her Friday, and figured it just hadn't gotten shipped back to me yet. However, Monday rolled around and I still didn't hear anything, so I called them again after work. The rep I talked to that time said that the supervisor I talked to before was gone, but that he would make sure she got a message to send me an update Tuesday.

Tuesday rolled around and I hadn't heard anything, so I called them again. The lady I talked to this time called the merchant herself, got the tracking number, then called me back within a couple of hours with the tracking information.

So, the first few people I talked to basically got me cursory information, then fucked me in the ass, but the third lady actually did what she said she would and followed up with me. Kudos to her for following up, because I was about to make them refund the heatsinks and order them from somewhere else.

Now, in all this fucking mess, I also found out a "hidden" extremely shitty part about dealing with Jet.

Since the other merchants ship the items, they each may ship through different companies (ie: Fedex/UPS/USPS). This last merchant with my heatsinks required a signature, for me to be present, and had their shipment flagged so that I could not redirect it to a different Fedex location for pickup. I didn't know any of this until yesterday when they attempted the first delivery.

Anyways, I got home yesterday and there was a door tag for the delivery attempt. There was no signature area, so I called Fedex up and the lady told me I could just sign the door tag and the driver would leave my box for me. So, I did that, and left a rock propping open my apartment building's door so the guy could get inside.

I came home from lunch today expecting my shit to be here, but it wasn't. I checked the tracking number and my order was flagged with a delivery exception that indicated they didn't even attempt delivery. I was pretty pissed at this point in dealing with this sole package that has been holding up my server build. I called Fedex again and got a supervisor on the line who told me he didn't know why they didn't attempt delivery, that he would override the restriction and have the package routed to the Fedex in town so I could just pick it up after work, and call me to let me know when he was done looking into it.

I got off work and still hadn't heard shit, so I called them again. This time the Fedex lady called the ground office a few towns over and they told her that the driver marked it as undeliverable or some shit after the first attempt because the building was locked. Like WTF. I asked her if I could pick it up from the facility and she told me they closed at 4pm. WTF, like I'm taking a fucking half day to pick up a fucking box a few towns over.

Then, I called up the actual ground facility and the guy there told me they were open until 7pm and that I could come by and pick it up no problem. So, I just got back from about a 1.5 hour round trip drive to pick up this package that I would otherwise have no other way to get.

I'm pretty fucking pissed still, maybe that is able to be derived from the length of this post, but I FINALLY have all of the parts and can put this server together tomorrow.

Long story short, I will never order from Jet again when in an apartment just because of the shipping headaches and the pain in the ass it has been to get these items. Not to mention, having to leave a fucking rock in my apartment building's door to get UPS/Fedex/USPS to deliver is pretty much hit or miss as to whether or not some asshole here will take it out at some point during the day while I'm at work -- and Jet just having individual merchants ship everything however they please with different delivery dates from different shippers has made it damn near impossible for me to coordinate receiving anything on specific days so I had no real option other than to just leave the door propped open for three days in a row. Actually, come to think of it, I might not ever order from them again regardless until they force their merchants/vendors to a specific, customer-friendly shipping strategy.

I can definitely say overall, though, that there is absolutely no way I would order from then again without another 20% off and $20 off $50 Amex order because there is no way I would go through this same experience for a measly $70 off, but I could at least plan better in the future knowing what I know now if I had the discount again.
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May 7, 2002
Amex has a promotion with for $20 off, so, if they are good enough to partner with them...
As for itself, dunno what to say, really odd that you order something from them, and then you receive the item from newegg or someone else, with the only thing referencing is 1 piece of paper in the box.

They don't seem to have stock on hand, the prices are all over the place, some days, really cheap, the other days way more expensive.

Jury is still out.


Oct 20, 2003
I realize that its mostly the angry people who take the time to write reviews on Reseller Ratings but those reviews would certainly make me think more then twice about ordering a TV from them.

I've been forced to return several TV's over the years and it seems if you find yourself in that situation with Jet you might just get screwed. Hardly seems worth a $50 savings.


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2009
Bought a 1TB SSD for $220 via the 1st time shopping discount. SSD arrived with a newegg packing slip and was shipped quickly with fedex. No issues but beyond the 1st purchase discount, I don't really see a reason to continue shopping at jet. If you haven't used them already, I would hold off using jet until you line up a pricier purchase, maybe a high end video card or something.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
At this point, I'm going to wait to see what the Superbowl sales bring, but am definitely going to leave in the running, especially if they have something I like at a better-than-average price even before the discount...

I realize that its mostly the angry people who take the time to write reviews on Reseller Ratings but those reviews would certainly make me think more then twice about ordering a TV from them.
Thanks for reminding me that ResellerRatings exists, but after scanning all the reviews and reading literally every negative one, I thought only a few of them were even vaguely legitimate (a huge number were positively ranting about cancelled orders and the inability to exchange items rather than just get refunds) and only one really concerns me seriously, which I figure isn't too bad for a site like Jet on a review site like RR...
I've been forced to return several TV's over the years and it seems if you find yourself in that situation with Jet you might just get screwed. Hardly seems worth a $50 savings.
Well, none of the myriad complaints, even the just-plain-whiney ones, seem to involve returning TVs for a refund and unlike some online TV retailers, they do have a blanket return policy and very unlike most retailers, free returns. I figure the worst possible scenario would be having to file a complaint with my state consumer affairs agency but, in my (professional) experience, all the but the shadiest business generally respond pretty quickly and positively to if you do get those agencies involved and they can't defend their position clearly and by the numbers, as it were. I might not order from them just for the discount, but their prices are often the lowest, or among the lowest, around, so the total savings is greater than $50. Plus the free return, if that becomes an issue - I can only imagine that UPS charges individuals an arm and a leg for for something the size of a 40"+ TV, and the retailers I can easily return things to in person, Best Buy & PC Richard, rarely have deals much worth noting, at least not at the lower end of the HDTV spectrum which is where I'm looking...

No issues but beyond the 1st purchase discount, I don't really see a reason to continue shopping at jet. If you haven't used them already, I would hold off using jet until you line up a pricier purchase, maybe a high end video card or something.
Yeah, I'm looking at this pretty much as a one-time thing, for the first-purchase discount on top of a low price, assuming I find a set I like at a good price. But there's a $50 cap on the discount, so there's no point ordering more stuff than will bring my total to the point where the discount would max out anyway...

Amex has a promotion with for $20 off, so, if they are good enough to partner with them...
Certainly a point worth noting. I wouldn't call it a ringing endorsement, but I also imagine they do at least a certain amount of behind-the-public-scene due diligence and seriously doubt they'd tie their name to a business they have reason to think is going to give them even a minor PR headache...
As for itself, dunno what to say, really odd...
Yeah, their whole business model seems pretty flaky, but as I mentioned earlier, I won't be at all surprised if they don't last over the medium- much less long-haul - but all I really care about is that they stay in business long enough to complete my purchase, if I do end up going with them. As for their prices jumping around like crazy, so do Amazon's for that matter (almost as much as Jet's) and even Newegg's, albeit to a lesser extent, so I as annoying as that can be, I don't consider that especially unusual -- and if you keep an eye on things, it can work to your advantage...
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