Anyone else embarassed by our President (US)?

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Feb 13, 2000

<< Obviously you can't read or comprehend something called sequence of events. I'll explain it to you. Bush was in FLA during the attacks. There was no warning. Afterwards fighters were scrambled. By the time he would have gotten to DC fighters were blanketing the DC air space. >>

Fair enough. Then riddle me this, what would Bush have done once he got to DC?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Snow did you purposefully ignore my post? I answered your contention completely. This is a standard procedure security tactic that the SS does, the President does not have a say.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

Please educate yourself.
Part of the federal emergency response plan calls for the relocation of the President, Vice President, and congressional leadership.
The Vice President and congressional leaders were evacuated to undisclosed locations outside of DC. They returned only after the potential threat to DC was eliminated, as the President did. These plans have been in place since the beginning of the cold war to protect the country's leadership. I'd rather have the President flying around on Airforce 1 running the country than standing on the whitehouse lawn for some damn photo op.

Your post is recognized for what it is, a cheap political shot.



Oct 9, 1999
Sorry, was not ignoring your post.

As to both posts on standard procedure. There was no danger to the president and don't tell me the damn President can't overrule his security advisors. He's in charge not them.


Do me a favor and keep your hypothesis to yourself. This post has no political leanings at all. I voted for bush and now know, after today that I cannot in good conscience vote to reelect him.

To All

It seems that those of you who don't have a problem with the President's actions expect very little from your leader. I, on the other hand, expect a lot. The President is supposed to be a source of out strength. As millions of citizens searched for answers, the one man that could comfort us was not there. We were left rudderless and frightened. Our President failed us. I don't care about the insults, deep down you know it too.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
I don't like bush... I didn't vote for him... but as the American President... he has my FULL support... and now is not the time for you to be talking S- about our president.

When these events occured... noone knew how far this would extend. The first priority in these types of events is the security of top officials. I don't care how cynical you are... but w/o top officlas the nation would cease to exist. The nation HAS to have a CNC structure in place to function.

The president is the most important person in this nation. His security is of the utmost importance because is it HIS decision on what to do. I am sure the president made haste to the Whitehouse when he was given the oppurtunity.

There was a legitimate fear for the president's life... and the SS's job is to protect him whether he likes or it not.

What could the president have done anyways? All he can do for the public right now is make a statement... which he did... I found it to be a short and to the point statement. He is now busy planning the US reprisal.

Don't knock him until you see what he does... whatever he does... he has my full support.


Oct 13, 1999
You may change your opinon Snow, when we bombs the hell out what ever country the terrorists were from. (note: I am not saying that is a good thing or bad thing)


Jan 16, 2001

<< Snow did you purposefully ignore my post? I answered your contention completely. This is a standard procedure security tactic that the SS does, the President does not have a say. >>

Umm, pardon me, but the President sure does have a say... He can do what he wants... They can beg, plead, ask really nicely... But he can do what he wants... He is the President...



Jun 12, 2000
Just because fighter jets were up over DC, DID NOT mean that all threat was over.
There was quite a bit of confusion and nobody but the terrorists knew of the extent of their plans. It was apparent that suicidal terrorists were on a rampage, putting the Presidnt in the middle of the fray would have been stupid.

Keeping a target moving and protected (fighter escorts in this case) is about the best plan until you have a firm grasp of what all has happened.


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2000

<< I see he is from CA..that explains it all >>

hey now...I'm from California...and I totally disagree with snow!!!


<< I'm just disgusted with the cowardliness of our so-called President. The country needed him and he was worried only about himself. His behavior is all the more repulsive in light of the actions of other leaders around the New York and DC areas >>

What the hell are you talking about? The President is the most important person in our nation, so he has to be kept safe. Being commander-in-chief, what good would he do if he were to be killed himself. You need to learn that the job of the secret service agents is to protect Pres. Bush at all cost.

In a time like this, we need to support him..hell if the congress can push their differences aside and support should also. Everyone is entitled to their you may have yours. At the same time, my opinion of your comments in regards to the President, is one of disgust...

You say that the President makes America seem "weak and scared"....
If terrist were actually able to get to the President and kill him...then our country would seem more weak for not being able to protect the most prominent figure in the country.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
You imply he wasn't doing his job because he wasn't physically located in the whitehouse.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You think he was flying around the country drinking MaiTai's and playing Yahtzee?
It's more important to keep the leadership alive than to provide some useless as hell photo-op.

BTW, once the emergency response plan is initiated he has no choice.



Diamond Member
May 24, 2000

<< Sorry, was not ignoring your post.

As to both posts on standard procedure. There was no danger to the president and don't tell me the damn President can't overrule his security advisors. He's in charge not them.


Do me a favor and keep your hypothesis to yourself. This post has no political leanings at all. I voted for bush and now know, after today that I cannot in good conscience vote to reelect him.

To All

It seems that those of you who don't have a problem with the President's actions expect very little from your leader. I, on the other hand, expect a lot. The President is supposed to be a source of out strength. As millions of citizens searched for answers, the one man that could comfort us was not there. We were left rudderless and frightened. Our President failed us. I don't care about the insults, deep down you know it too.

dude, u have problems. are u saying that u would have been less frightened just if bush showed his face in washington or ny? no offense but if somebody is gonna bomb us or whatevers, he's not gonna be able to stop them no matter where he is. i dono't really see what use it would have had for the president to be there, further endangering his life for no reason whatsoever. what did u expect him to do? and what could he have done that would make u feel that u were more safe by showing his face? i don't really get your logics at all.

maybe u have misplace anger or something? i don't really get why u are having a hissy fit about this right now anwyays. that should be the last thing on your mind cuz it sure doesn't help the situation at all. i'm sure the millions of ppl that are frightened out there aren't gonna be any less frightened if bush had acted differently. if u think so, get a reality check.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
There was no danger to the president and don't tell me the damn President can't overrule his security advisors. He's in charge not them.

And you know this how, from all those dramatic television moments? How can you say there was no danger to the president? Can you conceptualize the fact that the SS, for obvious reasons, will not take any chances with the President's safety?

You've really conditioned yourself to hate whatever President Bush does.


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< Then what the fsck hit the Pentagon? >>

Obviously you can't read or comprehend something called sequence of events. I'll explain it to you. Bush was in FLA during the attacks. There was no warning. Afterwards fighters were scrambled. By the time he would have gotten to DC fighters were blanketing the DC air space.

Hindsight is 20/20. We can look back and say "yeah, he shoulda been there. Nothing else happend." But *at the time* no one knew how safe DC or NY was. Yeah, fighters were in the air, but would the F-16s stop a car bomb? Last time I checked the terrorists didn't leave a note saying "We are gonna attack you w/4 passenger airplanes. That's it. No other terrorist attacks will occur today."

The President's job is to stay alive in a situation like this. And this was such a devistating, unprecidented, and unconvintional attack I'm sure th Secret Service was doing everything by the book. I was very impressed w/how the Mayor and Gov of NY handled the situation, but they only have to think about NY. Bush has the _whole_ country and the world to think about. Outside NY and the US no one woulda cared if the Mayor or Gov woulda died. But if the Pres of the USA is killed? That's headlines world wide. That effects the planet. I'd rather have a living Pres. who follows safety protocal, than a dead Pres. who tried to be a "hero."



Oct 9, 1999
I'm off to bed.

Last comments. I understand the posts about the safety of the President. I have never suggested he should kill himself. However, the attacks were from jetliners. There was NO risk after fighters scrambled to the DC area from further jetliners. Thus, President bush could have, and SHOULD have, returned to the white house and addressed the nation. If everyone's so scared, sweep the damn whitehouse before returning, but running to nebraska is inexcusable in my opinion (you probably disagree but then what do you know )

So, some of you ask what that would have done? It would have comforted us as a nation to see that our President was not scared and was right there refusing to back down. The symbol of resolve he often talked about but of which he apparently knew little. I was PROUD to see Mayor Giuliani, Governor Pitaki, and the members of Congress (singing God Bless America) there helping our people and being a source of strength. I was embarassed to hear the President was getting as far away from the scene as he could.

To those of you who have mastered the English language up until four letter words, first off, you are not helping your argument by sounding ignorant. Second, I am fully behind the President in what he does. However, that does not keep me from thinking him a poor President and one that I would prefer to not have again. There again, you fail to understand a basic tenant of being a US citizen. You are SHEEP. Following in line. Try to stop one of these days and think for yourselves.

Finally, my heart is with those who have lost loved ones.


Oct 9, 1999
I sortof agree with Snow, but there are certain protocols that have to be followed when disasters like this happen. It all depends if his direct orders could have changed these protocols or not.

I´m amazed by the lack of understanding of many of the posters here. Just stuff it. He is just voicing his opinion and dont judge him for doing that.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
Don't worry guys.... I think i understand snow's position here. He was so scared to be all by himself and he just had no idea what do do without knowing that our man Bush was in the White House or on the TV telling him, "Don't worry snow, it'll be o.k. Dry your eyes."

It's alright snow... you're a pussy.


Oct 9, 1999

<< It's alright snow... you're a pussy >>

Do you write these posts all by yourself, or does your mother help you after she gets done at my house?


Feb 4, 2000
I agree with snow, but for different reasons...
Ganted, I am not fond of Pres. Bush and I do cringe every time he speaks publicly, however I back him only because I want the US to take strong and decisive action.
However I disagree with snow regarding Bush flying willy-nillie all over the place (Louisiana then Nebraska). That seems prudent to me for the same reasons that it seems prudent to me that they evacuated the White House staff (and Laura Bush) as well as Congress. Additionally there was some infighting between Secret Service and Bush's staff as to what he should do (SS wanted to mobilize and staff wanted him to go back to DC).

What I am embarassed about is what appeared to be his:
1) lack of prompt reply. He could have issued a statement from Air Force 1 instead of waiting to touch down.
2) In his first statement he never once mentioned NY and the thousands killed. He did mention an attack against America, but it sounded like he was only quickly briefed on the Pentagon attack. My wife and I were utterly shocked that he did not mention NY by name nor did he mention any form of condolences to the thousands of civilians that were affected. Re-examine his first statment; it is pretty sad. It makes him look foolish.

Just my $.02


Sep 7, 2001
Hate to admit it, but I think Bush today did what just about any American president would do, regardless of political denomination. Just hope he does his homework before the bomb doors open up...


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
From the "condolences" thread.

<< We killed his people and have imprisoned his nation. Him saying we deserved it is probably, in light of events, a very restrained reply. >>

Snow's true patriotic colors.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2000
<<Do you write these posts all by yourself, or does your mother help you after she gets done at my house?>>

Ahh, using the 'ol momma diss, huh? And you call us uneducated / ignorant?


Oct 9, 1999

You truly are pathetic. Taking qoutes out of context when you have no intelligent reply. You sir, are a further embarassment to the US (I hope that you are not in fact a citizen).

The post in question was a reply to a post that asked if you could believe that Saddam Hussein said "America Deserved it". My response was that given the history b/w the US and Iraq (ie the Gulf War, moron, where we killed thousands of his countrymen and then imposed sanctions on his country -thus the imprisonment) I would have expected him to say something more forceful than the US deserved it. Frankly, I would have expected Saddam to say something along the lines of we'll kill you all, etc.


Diamond Member
Jan 11, 2000

<< I don't like bush... I didn't vote for him... but as the American President... he has my FULL support... and now is not the time for you to be talking S- about our president. >>

I'll second this.

~150yrs ago we fought the Civil War, in this war we taught the world some important lessons in warfare. The south for the most part believed in the idea of a leader at the front of the troops leading the men into battle. They suffered terriable loss of leaders in their armies and lost the war. That certianly is not THE reason they lost but it is A reason they did not win.

the North on the other hand kept the leaders to the rear and they were able finally to win the war in the long run when the south finally ran out of competent leadership.

It is not job of the president to be on the front lines, he is best kept safe and out of the line of fire. Anyone who expects him to stand up and draw fire is a fool who does not understand how the government works. I was cursing the media all day long for always letting us know where he was. Why? Do you think he was out of touch for a second the entire day? We have this technology called radio which can be used to communicate with distant people. In fact he may have been better able to moniter the situation from his airplane where he did not have to fend off the media hounds and could concetrate on his job.

Get real people and consider the job and not appearances. He has a job to do and does not need to be a sitting duck while he does it.
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