Anyone else embarassed by our President (US)?

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Senior member
Oct 30, 1999

<< is that to strong a statement? Sorry >>

Nah my analogy was stretching it a bit. But call me old fashioned, I would be more heartened to have the leader near me (or at least I know where he is) instead of off in some secure bunker.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Perhaps this clip from FOX Network will help some people understand the complexity of what happened........this ISN'T 1963 and security measures ARE much different regardless of what any sitting President may "Want" to do.............

  • Fox News' Bill O'Reilly reported that several Bush national security advisers advised him not to return to Washington, D.C., yesterday, but to order Air Force One to the NORAD Command Center.

    NORAD is buried deep under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. It is one of the main command posts to be used during a nuclear war - and can sustain a direct hit by an atomic weapon.

    Obviously, Bush didn't take the advice.

    But the report, suggests that some top military and national security advisers believe that terrorists and their sponsors may use a weapon of mass destruction - including nuclear ones, or that biological weapons may have already been used and the effects have not yet surfaced.

    Those fears by some of Bush's advisers are eerily similar to concerns offered by many national security experts who says that there remains the possibility of additional attacks in the very near future.

    Another Washington source says that after the Pentagon was hit by a jumbo jet and word was received of the attack on the World Trade Center, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told aides he has reason to believe there will be additional attacks.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2000
Do you remember what happend when JFK was assisinated?

Try that event again, after the death of around 10,000 innocent americans - by another hostile nationality.

He did what he had to do. He must stay alive. Even if not, the Secret Service would never allow him to go directly back.

Do you think it's the congressmen's fault that they were evacuated? Can you blame them? Then why the fvck can't the president be in the same situation?


Mar 15, 2000

<< I agree with snow, but for different reasons...

What I am embarassed about is what appeared to be his:
1) lack of prompt reply. He could have issued a statement from Air Force 1 instead of waiting to touch down.

Bush's first statement from Florida came at 9:30 am - nearly 15 minutes before the Pentagon was hit and less than an hour after the first attack.

<< 2) In his first statement he never once mentioned NY and the thousands killed. >>

Bush - "I have spoken to the vice president, to the governor of New York, to the director of the FBI and have ordered that the full resources of the federal government go to helping the victims and their families, and to conduct a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act"

That seems pretty clear.

<< He did mention an attack against America, but it sounded like he was only quickly briefed on the Pentagon attack. >>

It clearly was in response to the WTC attacks, not the Pentagon attack (which had not even occurred yet).

<< My wife and I were utterly shocked that he did not mention NY by name nor did he mention any form of condolences to the thousands of civilians that were affected. Re-examine his first statment; it is pretty sad. It makes him look foolish. >>

Bush - "I have spoken ... to the governor of New York ... have ordered that the full resources of the federal government go to helping the victims and their families", "God bless the victims, their families and America."

I have examined his initial statement, though you apparently have not. I would suggest that you refrain in the future from basing your political opinions on sound bites.



Platinum Member
Nov 24, 1999
I agree with archmage. Bush responded instantly, and based on his position and the inputs from his SS he did what any other president would have done (as far as logistics).

What, he lets everyone die and then rolls out from his bunker to let us know he's all right and he feels bad. That's pathetic.

Listen to yourself... read what you said again and justify that. You are saying that the pres let everyone die.


Oct 14, 1999
1. Bush is a sincere president. One of the few good souls in Washington DC. If you don't think he fits in with the likes of the reps from Congress and House, well thats because he is not like those people. This guy is a relief to have after eight years of Whitewater.

2. Omaha is not where he went. It was Bellevue, Nebraska. More specifically Offutt Air Force Base, the central hub of communications of STRATCOM. (Strategic Command) It was a logical place to go considering he had a national emergency and needed to assemble his staff and enact the National Emergency Action Plan.

3. Bush adds no value to New York. The attack is not just in New York, it is upon the entire face of the United States. Argueably the entire world's economy was the target. The President of the United States is a mobile target and should not go into the gridlock of New York City. Doing so only invites trouble.

4. There is still a threat of car bombs and suicide bombers. The collapse of the towers were a grim reminder that in Isreal the attacks often come two fold. The first attack is used to draw a crowd, while a second more powerful attack is used to create even more casualties. Mark my words, if you are unlucky to see an attack go off then clear the area.

5. The perpetrators are untouchable. You cannot punish dead men. Osama Bin Laden is already dying of some rare, 100% fatal disease called life. We can punish the maggot by going back to business as usual. Steal this carrions food by keeping a stiff upper lip and your head held high. Terrorists feed on the reaction, not the killing. Don't react and steal his show.

6. His so-called "slow response" was carefully planned as to NOT cause panick. Think about it, you insensitive jerk, he was at a school full of children! The last thing you do is cause panic. I applaud The President for being slow to anger. There is no way to help the situation by losing ones cool.


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

eventhough I don't particularly think he's the best man for the job... like i've said before he has all my support and then some...

I agree the guy is very sincere... he's sincere because he's simple... that country-bumpkin thing actually works for him...

I felt really bad for the guy watching his face change when he was told of the news durring his book reading.

He's a good guy... he'll do what needs to be done and no more.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2000
Snow, you are a cock bite. The time for fighting with your neighbor is over, we need to show as much support for our country and stand behind Bush more then ever.

Bush is not the enemy now.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2001

<< To All

It seems that those of you who don't have a problem with the President's actions expect very little from your leader. I, on the other hand, expect a lot. The President is supposed to be a source of out strength. As millions of citizens searched for answers, the one man that could comfort us was not there. We were left rudderless and frightened. Our President failed us. I don't care about the insults, deep down you know it too.

I don't mean to turn this into an argument on another trail, so just read this, take it as MY opinion, and let it go:

<steps on soap box>

If you are looking to the President for comfort, than your priorities may be misplaced. There is only ONE who can comfort people at a time like this... and that is the God of the Bible. Period.

The President needs to be a strong icon of American unity and power, but a dead president is no good. Moreover, do you think that he went to Nebraska to go duck hunting or farm plowing?? I'm sure he was at NORAD or whatever the big command center there is called, and was briefed by some military big-wigs before his return to DC.

Also, up until 1-ish, i though there was still a plane or two that were in the air... so why even try to get Bush back to the White house? He is no more effective there than he is in Air Force 1 or at NoRAD or wherever. YES, I agree, an earlier news conf. with Mr. Bush would have been all nice and warm and fuzzy, but it didn't happen for whatevere reason.

I say, build a bridge and get over it. Now is not the time to critisize every little detail of what is going on. This type of nutty event has never happened in most of our lifetimes, so I'm sure the government was a little whacked out by what happened too. Now is the time to rally with all the other Americans behind our president (like him or not). Help the country by donating blood, time, money, prayer, etc.

<steps off soap-box>


Jul 12, 2001
Snow your an Idiot!

stop crying about gore losing. get over it and support your President and the American People.

Kung Lau

Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
Snow, I believe you're talking with your emotions.

Sure, the dramatic thing would of been to rally around the capital to show the terrorists he had nothing to fear from them.

When situations like these arise, some serious protocols are enacted by the military and the national command authority. Even the president cannot change the rules to extreme extent. The rules are in place by law to protect the interest of the United States.

The President of the United States with all the power invested in him still does not have the luxury of acting out his emotions.



Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2000

<< I see he is from CA..that explains it all >>

What do you mean by that? I don't think everyone in CA has the same concept as snow. I think it's a standard procedure that he had to be saved when there's something happen like this. It is just a standard not in here but in every country in the world.



Jun 5, 2001
Snow you are the lowest form of scum on this board.

The president was constantly trying to get back to DC yesterday but the Secret Service was constantly fighting with him. In fact, CNN and Fox News both reported Bush finally got fed up and against the secret service returned. If you had stopped watching Barney yesterday, you would know this.

To second guess the president when you know less than 1% of the situation living under mommy and daddy's roof makes me sick.

Your a coward and a pathetic human being.


Oct 11, 1999

<< I'm embarrassed by you snow. >>

My reply was stolen, but I'll second it:|

There were way too many planes in the air to make our president a sitting target for more hijacked airliners.


Oct 9, 1999

<< Snow you are the lowest form of scum on this board.

The president was constantly trying to get back to DC yesterday but the Secret Service was constantly fighting with him. In fact, CNN and Fox News both reported Bush finally got fed up and against the secret service returned. If you had stopped watching Barney yesterday, you would know this.

To second guess the president when you know less than 1% of the situation living under mommy and daddy's roof makes me sick.

Your a coward and a pathetic human being.

He did not know that and neither did I. What do you do when your kid comes to you and says lighting is caused by barney when he is angry? do you say "no you stupid idiot, its because of static buildup, now shutup you f*cking moron"
Your attitute makes me sick :|


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
While I don't care for our current president, I think he acted reasonably well. I didn't want to know where he was at all, other than to know that he had not been killed. I don't need him to hold my hand at a time like this!

In terms of returning to DC, I still think that wasn't a smart decision. Airliners were not the only threat. If I were the attacker, I would expect him to try some stupid macho thing like that, and I would have setup either SAMs or hand-held anti-aircraft missiles, in a ring around Washington or Andrews AFB. That way, when he came flying back, the only thing in the sky, I could have taken him out.

Just because the rest of the attacks used commercial liners, doesn't mean you use the same tool to take out a single person! Use the right tool for each job.



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2000
Whatever you think of Bush, his actions or lack thereof, or the symbolism involved, the beauty of all of this is what this country is all about. In very, very few countries in the world can a citizen freely criticize his/her own government without fear of reprisals.

This is America; the free and open exchange of ideas.
This is what most of the rest of the world envies, and secretly yearns for.

I, personally, celebrate all of the views expressed here. No, not that I necessarily agree. I celebrate the right to express them. That's what makes this country great. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself", said FDR. A Japanese Admiral said after the attack on Pearl Harbor words to this effect: "I'm afraid we have awoken a sleeping tiger". This nation will always rally when it needs to; and it's spirit can't be broken by a band of pathetic, feckless ideologues.

So Snow, keep on criticizing. And to the rest, keep on expressing your disgust with his views.

And to all Americans, know in the end the very reason we are attacked: we are free.


Jun 5, 2001


<< Snow you are the lowest form of scum on this board.

The president was constantly trying to get back to DC yesterday but the Secret Service was constantly fighting with him. In fact, CNN and Fox News both reported Bush finally got fed up and against the secret service returned. If you had stopped watching Barney yesterday, you would know this.

To second guess the president when you know less than 1% of the situation living under mommy and daddy's roof makes me sick.

Your a coward and a pathetic human being.

He did not know that and neither did I. What do you do when your kid comes to you and says lighting is caused by barney when he is angry? do you say "no you stupid idiot, its because of static buildup, now shutup you f*cking moron"
Your attitute makes me sick :|




Feb 8, 2001
To Snow and all his sympathizers,

No. I am embarassed to be in the same country as you, you narrow minded little prick. Take your Gore loving as$ out of the country because you are not an American.

New York and DC were in anarchy after the attacks. It was by no means a secure area. These terrorists care nothing about their life only their cause to kill all the non-believers. If they die in the process they will go to heaven.. Who is to say that they don't have ground support. All it takes is one man, strapped with C4 running to the president. Sure, the SS can shoot him, but he doesn't have to get that close.

Bin Ladin could give a crap about the mayor of NY. I do have to admit I've always liked Giuliani and would have gladly voted for him had I been a New Yorker. As for what Rumsfeld did, it was totally admirable, albeit non-thinking.

Bush has surrounded himself with the most intelligent and admirable of cabinets. I trust him and their input to lead our country past this and to seek retibution and punish those individuals, organizations, and countries that are responsible.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
>>>No. I am embarassed to be in the same country as you, you narrow minded little prick. Take your Gore loving as$ out of the country because you are not an American.<<<

Maybe you should leave this country instead. You seem to want to take away his right to speak his mind and voice his concern,and you have decided anyone who voted for Gore is not an American. Sounds like communism to me. Welcome to red China and tinamen square!

Fvck You:|


Jun 5, 2001

<< >>>No. I am embarassed to be in the same country as you, you narrow minded little prick. Take your Gore loving as$ out of the country because you are not an American.<<<

Maybe you should leave this country instead. You seem to want to take away his right to speak his mind and voice his concern,and you have decided anyone who voted for Gore is not an American. Sounds like communism to me. Welcome to red China and tinamen square!

Sounds like your against his right to speek. He makes a GREAT point, this isn't the time for political retoric. GROW UP.

<< Fvck You:| >>

Right back at you.


Oct 9, 1999

Do you understand the meaning of the term "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" ?

An act of war was committed yesterday. Think about it.



Senior member
May 13, 2001
snow what exactly did you want the president to do? the most important person in America going around endangering his life? i myself would rather him stuck away in some bunker planning out a cores of action... let the rescue workers do their job... and the mayor of new york.. yeah it was cool to see him out on the streets but what exactly was he doing?... from the looks of it he was just walking around with a lot of people around him... wasn't saving babys or some heroic event like that..

man at delicate times like these.. i'd say 1% of the people on these boards really need to learn how to keep their opinions to their selves... i've already seen 4 posts just pissing people off... have you no shame?

<< Last comments. I understand the posts about the safety of the President. I have never suggested he should kill himself. However, the attacks were from jetliners. There was NO risk after fighters scrambled to the DC area from further jetliners. Thus, President bush could have, and SHOULD have, returned to the white house and addressed the nation. If everyone's so scared, sweep the damn whitehouse before returning, but running to nebraska is inexcusable in my opinion (you probably disagree but then what do you know ) >>

dude you really dont know anything about politics do you? ugh you piss me off
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