Anyone else enjoy the Repubs squirming on Obamacare replacement?

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Nov 30, 2006
yeah, and coming from you, one can not help but chuckle at the weight behind such a charge.
Your continued denial in the face of hard facts is pathetic. Why can't you just admit that you were wrong? And why is this so damn hard for you?
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Your continued denial in the face of hard facts is pathetic. Why can't you just admit that you were wrong? And why is this so damn hard for you?

This has been way better than ever imagined. Watching you face your own preposterous nonsense and have it bite you in the ass is extremely entertaining. One single, nonsensical word designed to twist you alt-right nutters' panties in a bunch in an otherwise completely factual post has had you guys squirming for the better part of a day. It's like you are angrily yelling at yourself.
Nov 30, 2006

This has been way better than ever imagined. Watching you face your own preposterous nonsense and have it bite you in the ass is extremely entertaining. One single, nonsensical word designed to twist you alt-right nutters' panties in a bunch in an otherwise completely factual post has had you guys squirming for the better part of a day. It's like you are angrily yelling at yourself.
I guess that's as close to an admission of your bubbleheaded horseshitery that we'll ever get. And, as pathetic as that admission was, I must admit that it was way more than I expected you were capable of.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I guess that's as close to an admission of your bubbleheaded horseshitery that we'll ever get. And, as pathetic as that admission was, I must admit that it was way more than I expected you were capable of.

and here you are, still oh-fer 479. buckle-up, buttercup. Your betters are taking you out to the woodshed, but you voted for it.

what's it like getting angry at reading your exact attitude? Pissed you off, didn't it?


Jun 12, 2005
Wut? Is that an alternative association you are spouting?

Here's a fact, my man: The ACA is the republican wet dream that the republicans always wanted and only hated because blackie was behind it.

Now, if only your betters can get around to actually doing real work and fixing the real problems within. Do you guys support these chuckleheads in hopes that they will do their jobs, or just sit around in their offices and bitch about the others calling them names?

You said Verbatim and then call me out for BS. OK Chucklehead, but your ignorance is hanging out.
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Jun 9, 2016
You said Verbatim and them call me out for BS. OK Chucklehead, but your ignorance is hanging out.
I guess that's as close to an admission of your bubbleheaded horseshitery that we'll ever get. And, as pathetic as that admission was, I must admit that it was way more than I expected you were capable of.

Typical american conservatives who can't take any responsibility for higher HC costs than everyone else in the world as result of their dumbshit ideology.

If the country were actually run like a business they'd all be fired.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Here's a fact, my man: The ACA is the republican wet dream that the republicans always wanted and only hated because blackie was behind it.
Why do you guys persist in this?

We went through this back when Obamacare was being debated. The few Repubs who supported it couldn't get enough of the other Repubs on board to even bring it to a vote. That's how unpopular it was among the Repubs then.

"Wet dream that the repubs always wanted"? Of course not, that's just being silly.



May 15, 2000
Why do you guys persist in this?

We went through this back when Obamacare was being debated. The few Repubs who supported it couldn't get enough of the other Repubs on board to even bring it to a vote. That's how unpopular it was among the Repubs then.

"Wet dream that the repubs always wanted"? Of course not, that's just being silly.


Lol, by that logic the vote that would have taken place for the AHCA and failed wouldn't have been a Republican plan.
Reactions: Bitek


Nov 11, 1999
Why do you guys persist in this?

We went through this back when Obamacare was being debated. The few Repubs who supported it couldn't get enough of the other Repubs on board to even bring it to a vote. That's how unpopular it was among the Repubs then.

"Wet dream that the repubs always wanted"? Of course not, that's just being silly.


That was over 20 years ago, when a lot bigger % of the population had employer sponsored insurance. The only reason Repubs offered up any alternatives was because Hillarycare looked like it might have a chance. When that faded, they went right back to Free Market! & left it at that. They'd do the same today if it weren't poison for too many of their politicians.

Repubs' problem is too much success at concentrating the wealth, income & economic power of this country into the hands of the financial elite. I mean, that's what dog eat dog capitalism is all about, isn't it, achieving Oligarchy?

Combine that with enormous advances in Tech to understand what obsession on the balance sheet & automation does to ordinary Americans- it cuts them out in a variety of ways. Hedge fund ownership doesn't care about anything but the bottom line.


Jul 16, 2001
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.”

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

(Barack Hussein Obama) Liberals have to lie to other liberals to get garbage like this accepted.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.”

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

(Barack Hussein Obama) Liberals have to lie to other liberals to get garbage like this accepted.
^ Kremlin Gremlin


May 15, 2000
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.”

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

(Barack Hussein Obama) Liberals have to lie to other liberals to get garbage like this accepted.

You apparently are too stupid to understand the difference between a campaign promise and outright lying. Did Obama attempt to do the things he said he would? The data says more often than not he at least attempted.


Jun 9, 2016
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.”

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

(Barack Hussein Obama) Liberals have to lie to other liberals to get garbage like this accepted.

Given even the ACA/Romneycare is evidently superior to whatever conservatives could come up with nowadays, it perfectly illustrates how much the GOP has stayed true to the ideology of regression.
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Jun 12, 2005
You apparently are too stupid to understand the difference between a campaign promise and outright lying. Did Obama attempt to do the things he said he would? The data says more often than not he at least attempted.

These were known lies even before he said it.


Aug 5, 2000
Heard the news that the Repubs are going to give Repeal and Replace another go. The only thing I'm wondering about is how will the Repubs get any better at attempting to hide the fact that any plan they can possibly offer will feature take-aways from the middle class and poor while blessing the very wealthy with a huge tax cut in order to satisfy their far right ultra conservative members of the Legislature, of whom will refuse anything less.

Add to that the fact that their own constituents have been quite vocal at many of their town hall meetings warning their politicians about the dire consequences they face should the ACA get repealed and replaced with something that is a mere shadow of what the ACA now offers to them.

It's going to be some kind of epic shell game that the Repubs are going to have to pull off in order to save their own skins while yielding to the demands of their far right fanatics.


Jul 16, 2001
As the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out , the Trump administration has until May 22nd to decide whether they will continue to pursue the Obama administration's appeal to provide subsidies to insurers who participate in the federal exchanges.

Of course, any decision to remove those subsidies would likely result in yet another massive round of premium hikes and further withdrawals from the already crippled exchanges where an astounding number of counties across the country have already been cut to just 1 health insurance provider. And, as pointed out before, higher rates = lower participation = deterioration of risk pool = higher rates....and the cycle just repeats until it eventually collapses.So do nothing and just let obama care choke to death on it's already broken neck. Even the obama knew his signature "legacy" was a fraud. It was designed to fail.
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Jun 9, 2016
As the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out , the Trump administration has until May 22nd to decide whether they will continue to pursue the Obama administration's appeal to provide subsidies to insurers who participate in the federal exchanges.

Of course, any decision to remove those subsidies would likely result in yet another massive round of premium hikes and further withdrawals from the already crippled exchanges where an astounding number of counties across the country have already been cut to just 1 health insurance provider. And, as pointed out before, higher rates = lower participation = deterioration of risk pool = higher rates....and the cycle just repeats until it eventually collapses.So do nothing and just let obama care choke to death on it's already broken neck. Even the obama knew his signature "legacy" was a fraud. It was designed to fail.

The republican romneycare plan which does nothing to control costs sure does suck when you put it that way. Everyone take note this is what you get for appeasing degenerates.


Oct 18, 2009
Guess you missed this part of the article, eh?

Ironically, while the GOP health-care bill was criticized by many health-care industries, it contained provisions that would have helped insurers, including...a risk stabilization fund that could have been used to help buoy insurers.

"We expect [marketplace] health insurers will continue to flee the marketplaces in 2018 or raise premiums significantly as they will no longer enjoy the substantial risk stabilization fund proposed by the American Health Care Act, destabilizing and shrinking the marketplaces," Leerink Partners analyst Ana Gupte wrote in a research note.

Last two paragraphs of your linked article. Do you not see the utter hypocrisy of the Republicans in this? The Repub. proposed AHCA plan, which never came up for vote, included a risk stabilization fund to stabilize the ins. cos. for increased usage/higher than expected losses. But at the same time, the ACA, which has that exact provision within it to accomplish the exact same thing, stabilize markets, keep premium costs from escalating too much/too fast due to higher than expected "losses", etc.....this same risk stabilization fund has constantly been defunded, year by year, by the Repub. congress.

So, sure, the ACA will be doomed if the Repubs. stop funding for it....what else could happen? On the other hand, it's rather disingenuous to point out the projected outcome without speaking to why it's happening.

As the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out , the Trump administration has until May 22nd to decide whether they will continue to pursue the Obama administration's appeal to provide subsidies to insurers who participate in the federal exchanges.

Of course, any decision to remove those subsidies would likely result in yet another massive round of premium hikes and further withdrawals from the already crippled exchanges where an astounding number of counties across the country have already been cut to just 1 health insurance provider. And, as pointed out before, higher rates = lower participation = deterioration of risk pool = higher rates....and the cycle just repeats until it eventually collapses.So do nothing and just let obama care choke to death on it's already broken neck. Even the obama knew his signature "legacy" was a fraud. It was designed to fail.
Reactions: Ns1


Nov 11, 1999
As the Atlanta Journal Constitution points out , the Trump administration has until May 22nd to decide whether they will continue to pursue the Obama administration's appeal to provide subsidies to insurers who participate in the federal exchanges.

Of course, any decision to remove those subsidies would likely result in yet another massive round of premium hikes and further withdrawals from the already crippled exchanges where an astounding number of counties across the country have already been cut to just 1 health insurance provider. And, as pointed out before, higher rates = lower participation = deterioration of risk pool = higher rates....and the cycle just repeats until it eventually collapses.So do nothing and just let obama care choke to death on it's already broken neck. Even the obama knew his signature "legacy" was a fraud. It was designed to fail.

So, the ACA is doomed because Repubs can kill it, not because it doesn't work?

Tell us something we don't know, OK?
Reactions: Ns1


Jun 3, 2002

Obamacare repeal talks break down in divided GOP

House Republicans’ latest last-ditch effort to revive a GOP Obamacare replacement faltered late Wednesday night after talks between conservatives and moderates broke down.

Senior members of the centrist Tuesday Group and far-right House Freedom Caucus have been trying to find a deal that would bring the two polar opposite flanks of the conference to "yes.” They met on Tuesday night, and had hoped to have another meeting Wednesday evening, but it was canceled amid sharp policy disagreements.

“There are lots of different people talking but I don’t know it has matured to the level of decisions being made,” said Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Greg Walden, indicating the conference is nowhere close to a deal.

A number of members in both groups had opposed the House bill but for very different reasons: conservatives don’t think the legislation repealed enough of the 2010 health care law while centrists worried too many people would lose health insurance.

After Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill last Friday, GOP leaders encouraged the two sides — which effectively tanked the bill together — to get in a room and work out their differences. Leadership, however, has stayed out of the talks.

“What I’m encouraging our members to do is figuring out what solutions get us to a bill that everybody can vote for and pass,” Ryan said during a Thursday press conference. "This is too big of an issue to not get right."

But while some sources said the groups came close to a deal on Wednesday, any progress was quickly reversed. Once it became clear that leadership would not be leading the discussions, some moderates backed out, suspicious of the motives of the Freedom Caucus.

Those members balked at conservatives wanting the same repeal of Obamacare regulations that centrists were leery of axing last week. And some centrists said the hard-liners just wanted to deflect blame for tanking the bill.

“The Tuesday Group will never meet with the Freedom Caucus. Capital N-E-V-E-R,” said Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.), a Tuesday Group member furious with the conservative group. “It is not the role of ad hoc members to get together and suggest at all that we represent 237 members of the conference or the committees of jurisdiction. It’s just not going to happen and it shouldn’t happen.”

In fact, the Tuesday Group made a formal decision Wednesday night to not negotiate with the Freedom Caucus.

Other rank-and-file members who sit on the relevant panels privately steamed that leaders would allow lawmakers who were not on those committees to craft some kind of deal.

"We on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce spent a lot of time on that legislation, and to all of a sudden have it delegated to other members who were not on the committee, who hadn’t dedicated years on the policies, was not good," said New York Republican Tom Reed, who sits on the tax-writing panel.

Still, some conservatives expressed optimism. Freedom Caucus member Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) said, "There’s a lot of great discussion going on" and "cooler heads are prevailing."

Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker, who has also been in the room for the negotiations, agreed there's been "progress” in resurrecting the failed bill. He pegged their odds of getting a replacement passed at "a little better than 50-50."

“I’m not at liberty to say what that may or may not be,” he said, but added that lawmakers would like to see a “conclusion” to the negotiations before or during the Easter recess.


But you do have to feel at least a little bit sorry for the voters who actually thought these turds would get anything done on healthcare.
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