Anyone else think McDonalds is trying way too hard to be black?

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Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: dxkj
holy hell, did i read half of that?
I'm thinking the same, except I read all of it! :shocked:

Just wanted to say, great ownage by Mill and others in this thread. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Mill
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: EyeMWing
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Originally posted by: Proletariat

Dude honestly I don't know what your beef is but lets keep this on topic.

lol, you're so typical it's funny.

A highly opinionated liberal college-student type who has Che in his sig. How original.

Keep fighting that conformity, just like everybody else.
Funny... I don't see anyone else with Che in their sig.

I do see a tired rehash of an old Star Wars quote which makes me think you are a big geek. Which on these boards would be VERY typical.


Yes, but I see every god damn "non-conformist" fscktard on the continent wearing Che t-shirts and crap.

And if you're going to diss the boards, remind yourself that YOU ARE HERE TOO!
Only to counteract pale little anti-social retards like yourself my friend.

How do you figure everyone in this thread is an "anti-social retard" or a "nerd" or is that just more hypocrisy, which I'm starting to see in the bane of your existence? Ah, because it is ok when *you* or Classy do it, but lest anyone else question your double-standard and more BLARGHHHHH oozing feces will dribble out of your mouth than NYC sewer after 12 inches of rain. Seriously, get a fvcking clue dude. No one takes anyone seriously that thinks Che was anything more than just some guy who was in the right place at the right time during social upheaval. Seriously, crack a history book and read. How many Cubans live in Miami and came here to escape the "heaven" that Che made "possible." Sh!t, a fvcking assload -- that's how many.

How many Americans are on boats to Cuba? I'd bet zero unless they are going there to Vacation at a place in which the economy is so stagnant and weak that American Dollars are like diamonds. Think what you *want* but it doesn't change FACT, which is obviously what you've got a problem with. Your problem isn't with any of us so-called "nerds." Which is, by the way, something I've never been called in my life, but that your hero is a pure falsehood on which you predicate your entire existence. Congrats on buying into the dumbfvck counter-culture movement, maybe you'll grow up like you parents did after the 60's and realize it was what it was -- bullsh!t! You are how old, 17? You have a job? A House? Education? A woman, etc? If not, then I guess you are embracing your counter-culture roots instead of doing what the rest of us -- which is embracing R-E-A-L-I-T-Y. Feel free to join us once your little "fad" dies down and everyone grows up and becomes a real adult. Or, you can be a burnt out douche hippy.
Well now... where do we start...

1) I have a job, it may be hard for you to understand that people can think beyond materialistic things. I'm sorry that you cannot grasp that. But that is not for me to teach.

2) I have an apartment

3) I have a woman

4) I am embracing reality, it may not be yours but that is subjective.

Moving on, you really are not in touch with young people today at all are you? Che Guevera is not popular at all. Just because your lame-ass wandered into some Hot Topic and saw his T-shirt does not mean that it is a fad.

Just because I admire Che does not devaluate my entire existence. You thinking that only makes your intolerance and conformity plainly apparent.

I am sorry that you do not have any form of higher education. I am sorry you cannot see 10 feet beyond yourself. I am sorry you did not read the article in my sig, which is written by a very prestigious professor and academic figure. That is honestly not my problem. I am not going into a history lesson with you because unfortunately in ATOT that will turn into a living hell.

All I'm going to tell you is that if some lilly white nerd sees a McDonalds ad and thinks its black because it has some hip-hoppish music in it... that is only a very sad comment on his own social abilities. Hip-Hop is the new it thing. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, brown or yellow. If you don't get it thats too bad. Gwen Stefani, Eminem, BEP and plenty of other artists do. Things are moving on. I'm not going to be a burned out hippy douche... you may well be a burned out old white man though. The new America will not be as monolithic as the one you knew.


Oct 10, 1999
1) I have a job, it may be hard for you to understand that people can think beyond materialistic things. I'm sorry that you cannot grasp that. But that is not for me to teach.

Gee, I'm sorry the metaphoric idea of a job = responsibility and adulthood didn't broadside your skull like it should have. In short, it had nothing to do with material things, so your assumption is a blatant attempt to spin the discussion away from my original reply to you.

2) I have an apartment

Congrats on that, I'm sure the Section 8 allow you to live in a real "grand" place. Wait, was that an assumption on my part? I believe it was. See what happens when you predicate a whole post on assumptions?

3) I have a woman

As do most males with a penis, but continue please.

4) I am embracing reality, it may not be yours but that is subjective.

Subjective sure, but reality is still reality, and you live in a reality which is in bitter dispute with society, hence the nomenclature "Counter-Culture."

Moving on, you really are not in touch with young people today at all are you?

Yeah, I'm sure not being a 22 year-old college student and all. I just sit at home drinking my Geritol and trying to get more fiber in my diet.

Che Guevera is not popular at all.

Why sure he is, otherwise how to you explain all the doucebag hippies that fellate the very image of the man? He failed in life. He brought an untenable form of government to a nation in utter turmoil. Last I remember, we don't exactly praise Kim IL from North Korea, or worship Stalin, but hey you've got your heroes and I've got mine. What do you think of Pol-Pot? Obviously another great man, I mean he did the same as Che. He brought Communism to his country (all based on their fear of America during the Vietnam war) and killed most of them. Do you have any pictures of Pol-Pot on your wall, or is he not Counter-Culture enough for you?

Just because your lame-ass wandered into some Hot Topic and saw his T-shirt does not mean that it is a fad.

The fad of fellating Che was around long before the t-shirts were out. The t-shirts were simply proof that it started reaching the lower dredges of society. Intstead of mentioning him in a debate, they just "wore" his t-shirt as a way of fighting the "man" for keeping them down.

Just because I admire Che does not devaluate my entire existence.

What devalues your existence is your pretentious rhetoric, the fact that you are a dumbfvck, and the fact that you likely molest goats.

You thinking that only makes your intolerance and conformity plainly apparent.

Wow, your hypocrisy knows no bounds does it? You weren't exactly tolerant of anyone else in this thread, so don't use such a specious argument on me. Go smoke some grass with your Che loving buds, and then hold hands and cry about how no one in society tolerates your opinions. They don't tolerate it because your opinions are stupid, assface, not because they are intolerant people. I'm not exactly tolerant of small, yapping dogs, but it doesn't mean I'm intolerant of dogs as a whole. My conformity? Oh, you mean that I'm a realist? If so, well then that's a compliment, but I'm certainly not a conformist by any stretch of the imagination -- I'm a realist.

I am sorry that you do not have any form of higher education.

Hi, UAB student here checking in. School of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Where do you attend, Puxatawny Technical School for the stupendously naive?

I am sorry you cannot see 10 feet beyond yourself.

I'm not myopic if that was what you were going for. I guess you have to "dumb" down your rhetoric so that the common man won't think of you as a sell-out.

I am sorry you did not read the article in my sig, which is written by a very prestigious professor and academic figure.

Actually I did, but just because he is considered a prestigious professor and academic doesn't mean he has credibility or his opinion has anymore weight. Just because you get a so-called "prestigious professor" to polish a turd doesn't mean it still isn't a turd.

That is honestly not my problem. I am not going into a history lesson with you because unfortunately in ATOT that will turn into a living hell.

Feel free to debate me over history at any time. It would do you good to realize who your idol actually was. A person of opportunity and nothing more.

All I'm going to tell you is that if some lilly white nerd sees a McDonalds ad and thinks its black because it has some hip-hoppish music in it... that is only a very sad comment on his own social abilities.

Don't remember saying that, so why are you addressing this to me? I listen to Rap and Hip-Hop on a daily basis, but it doesn't mean I have to embrace everything the artist's do to enjoy their work.

Hip-Hop is the new it thing.

Hip-Hop has been around a lot longer than you think, partner.

It doesn't matter if you are white, black, brown or yellow.

Oh, I get it just fine. You slit your wrists every night, think listening to music defines your culture, and think that some washed up rebel was a hero. Well, I've got a bit of frontpage news for you, none of that is reality, which is the whole debate here.

If you don't get it thats too bad. Gwen Stefani, Eminem, BEP and plenty of other artists do.

LOL. Well, if they get it, then I certainly must be out of touch, eh? I mean I always see Eminem rapping about Che, and Gwen talking about how Hollaback Girl is really a tribute to Che. No, I know what you meant, that they've embraced "Hip-Hop" as a way to sell records. Well, duh. Mustic is purely evolutionary, and anything that sells records is certainly going to warrant the industry taking a step in that direction.

Things are moving on. I'm not going to be a burned out hippy douche... you may well be a burned out old white man though.

Ah yes. At 22 I've already managed to become an old man. Thanks, I think. I guess that means I've grown up and don't rely on MTV to determine my politics and my beliefs? If so, well that's great, because I'm a libertarian by nature, and communism is the complete antithesis of my beliefs.

The new America will not be as monolithic as the one you knew.

If you think the USA is monolithic, then you might be dumber than I originally thought. That's what great about this country -- it isn't monolithic in the slightest -- it is free and we are extremely diverse. I think what you advocate (communism) is actually the BEST way to assure that a society becomes entirely uniform. It was fun toying with you, but you don't even have a defensible position or a clue about life. Perhaps when you find reality and get to my level you can give me a "Hollaback." Unfortunately, I actually do like that song, but now you've forever ingrained your idiotic thoughts into my skull any time I hear it.


May 30, 2002
Damn fine post Mill, and I havent read a bit of this thread except it.

Edit: Just read a few posts back, still agree it was a good post. :beer:


Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: duckdown
I just came from McDonalds, and had the woman at the drive-window tell me "Shes Lovin It" and to have a great day.

I was like "What a stupid thing to say. Whats with McDonalds trying to be hip?"

Then I looked at the bag they gave me the food in, its decorated with some loser white guy breakdancing, looking like a major w1gger.

McDonalds is wack, son

I whole heartedly agree that their whole ad campaign is dumb as hell, but that whole comment about the loser white guy breakdancing? Please. Just as many whites/hispanics were involved with the creation and development of breakdancing as african americans. You sound like just as much of an idiot as they do.


Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: Mill
1) I have a job, it may be hard for you to understand that people can think beyond materialistic things. I'm sorry that you cannot grasp that. But that is not for me to teach.

Gee, I'm sorry the metaphoric idea of a job = responsibility and adulthood didn't broadside your skull like it should have. In short, it had nothing to do with material things, so your assumption is a blatant attempt to spin the discussion away from my original reply to you.

2) I have an apartment

Congrats on that, I'm sure the Section 8 allow you to live in a real "grand" place. Wait, was that an assumption on my part? I believe it was. See what happens when you predicate a whole post on assumptions?

3) I have a woman

As do most males with a penis, but continue please.

4) I am embracing reality, it may not be yours but that is subjective.

Subjective sure, but reality is still reality, and you live in a reality which is in bitter dispute with society, hence the nomenclature "Counter-Culture."

Moving on, you really are not in touch with young people today at all are you?

Yeah, I'm sure not being a 22 year-old college student and all. I just sit at home drinking my Geritol and trying to get more fiber in my diet.

Che Guevera is not popular at all.

Why sure he is, otherwise how to you explain all the doucebag hippies that fellate the very image of the man? He failed in life. He brought an untenable form of government to a nation in utter turmoil. Last I remember, we don't exactly praise Kim IL from North Korea, or worship Stalin, but hey you've got your heroes and I've got mine. What do you think of Pol-Pot? Obviously another great man, I mean he did the same as Che. He brought Communism to his country (all based on their fear of America during the Vietnam war) and killed most of them. Do you have any pictures of Pol-Pot on your wall, or is he not Counter-Culture enough for you?

Just because your lame-ass wandered into some Hot Topic and saw his T-shirt does not mean that it is a fad.

The fad of fellating Che was around long before the t-shirts were out. The t-shirts were simply proof that it started reaching the lower dredges of society. Intstead of mentioning him in a debate, they just "wore" his t-shirt as a way of fighting the "man" for keeping them down.

Just because I admire Che does not devaluate my entire existence.

What devalues your existence is your pretentious rhetoric, the fact that you are a dumbfvck, and the fact that you likely molest goats.

You thinking that only makes your intolerance and conformity plainly apparent.

Wow, your hypocrisy knows no bounds does it? You weren't exactly tolerant of anyone else in this thread, so don't use such a specious argument on me. Go smoke some grass with your Che loving buds, and then hold hands and cry about how no one in society tolerates your opinions. They don't tolerate it because your opinions are stupid, assface, not because they are intolerant people. I'm not exactly tolerant of small, yapping dogs, but it doesn't mean I'm intolerant of dogs as a whole. My conformity? Oh, you mean that I'm a realist? If so, well then that's a compliment, but I'm certainly not a conformist by any stretch of the imagination -- I'm a realist.

I am sorry that you do not have any form of higher education.

Hi, UAB student here checking in. School of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Where do you attend, Puxatawny Technical School for the stupendously naive?

I am sorry you cannot see 10 feet beyond yourself.

I'm not myopic if that was what you were going for. I guess you have to "dumb" down your rhetoric so that the common man won't think of you as a sell-out.

I am sorry you did not read the article in my sig, which is written by a very prestigious professor and academic figure.

Actually I did, but just because he is considered a prestigious professor and academic doesn't mean he has credibility or his opinion has anymore weight. Just because you get a so-called "prestigious professor" to polish a turd doesn't mean it still isn't a turd.

That is honestly not my problem. I am not going into a history lesson with you because unfortunately in ATOT that will turn into a living hell.

Feel free to debate me over history at any time. It would do you good to realize who your idol actually was. A person of opportunity and nothing more.

All I'm going to tell you is that if some lilly white nerd sees a McDonalds ad and thinks its black because it has some hip-hoppish music in it... that is only a very sad comment on his own social abilities.

Don't remember saying that, so why are you addressing this to me? I listen to Rap and Hip-Hop on a daily basis, but it doesn't mean I have to embrace everything the artist's do to enjoy their work.

Hip-Hop is the new it thing.

Hip-Hop has been around a lot longer than you think, partner.

It doesn't matter if you are white, black, brown or yellow.

Oh, I get it just fine. You slit your wrists every night, think listening to music defines your culture, and think that some washed up rebel was a hero. Well, I've got a bit of frontpage news for you, none of that is reality, which is the whole debate here.

If you don't get it thats too bad. Gwen Stefani, Eminem, BEP and plenty of other artists do.

LOL. Well, if they get it, then I certainly must be out of touch, eh? I mean I always see Eminem rapping about Che, and Gwen talking about how Hollaback Girl is really a tribute to Che. No, I know what you meant, that they've embraced "Hip-Hop" as a way to sell records. Well, duh. Mustic is purely evolutionary, and anything that sells records is certainly going to warrant the industry taking a step in that direction.

Things are moving on. I'm not going to be a burned out hippy douche... you may well be a burned out old white man though.

Ah yes. At 22 I've already managed to become an old man. Thanks, I think. I guess that means I've grown up and don't rely on MTV to determine my politics and my beliefs? If so, well that's great, because I'm a libertarian by nature, and communism is the complete antithesis of my beliefs.

The new America will not be as monolithic as the one you knew.

If you think the USA is monolithic, then you might be dumber than I originally thought. That's what great about this country -- it isn't monolithic in the slightest -- it is free and we are extremely diverse. I think what you advocate (communism) is actually the BEST way to assure that a society becomes entirely uniform. It was fun toying with you, but you don't even have a defensible position or a clue about life. Perhaps when you find reality and get to my level you can give me a "Hollaback." Unfortunately, I actually do like that song, but now you've forever ingrained your idiotic thoughts into my skull any time I hear it.

Don't know you, probably never will, but you're just as sad as the guy you're arguing with. I have no position whatsoever on anything you're arguing about (actually, looking back now I agree with you quite a bit), but the simple fact that you took the time to reply to each and every thought/idea/point in his post is really dumb. Ironic coming from a man(?) who declares utter idiocy and unintelligence about another person.

You have such the intellectual upperhand, don't you?

Go stomp on some ants.

Al Neri

Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2002
"hiphop" is the "mainstay" culture at the moment. albeit i enjoy rap music, the whole stylized nature of this "hip hop culture" appalls me, i use the quotes on purpose because it is not a culture, imo. if you study anthropology (which i have, very briefly and from that i picked up that) cultures that are past the peak and on a decline's art, pottery and other artifacts become completely stylized (from "Describes the simplification or generalization of forms, often according to specific conventions."), which makes one wonder what holds for the future of arts/sciences if this styilzed lowest common denominator appeals to the masses...


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
As for worshiping Che:

The Beatles said it best...

"But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,
You ain?t gonna make it with anyone anyhow."

Commie murderers aren't cool.

People who wear Che shirts as a "symbol of revolution" (or worse, because they actually admire him) are no better than the skinheads who wear shirts with Hitler on them.

Actually, worse. Communism has killed far more people than fascism could ever dream of.


Senior member
May 31, 2003
yup alll the mc'd by me are uber ghetto and it is really apparent down south. the pop in my city is like 50% african american


Senior member
Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Queasy
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Yup. Worst advertising campaign ever.

Worse than the creepy Burger King King?

No, this campaign is simply stupid.

The Burger King ad pulls from more than a couple of bad stereotypes (everything bad concerning the 70's that only a bonehead would wish to bring back-The clothes, mascot, gaudy jewelry,etc. Also notable is looking to make quasi-homoerotic-stalking look fine by comparison? Give me a break l4wl.)


Senior member
Mar 12, 2001
"2:10 what's up with your friend?"

"You need to get in touch with your feminine side."
"What I need is Mickey D's could you give me a ride."

Speaking of stupid commercials. That Snickers commercial where all the hunters throw snickers at the deer is completely stupid. It wouldn't even make sense in another dimension.


Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
I was at a McDonald's in Germany and all they played on TV were hip hop music videos and nothing else.
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