Anyone here ever been involved in a Road Rage incidient?

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Feb 8, 2000
Yep, two annoying incidents in the span of a few minutes worked me up. Then I realized that one of those incidents was likely due to an SUV driving in the left lane, right behind a slow car in the right lane, so no one could pass.... Well, I passed and there was barely a car length between those two cars -- shot the gap. SUV with two fat, middle-aged ladies decided to follow me, drive pretty close for the next half hour. They probably complained to my company because there was a company wide notice about aggressive driving a few weeks later.


Jun 19, 2013
I like to smile and wave if people get pissed off and rage... Not worth getting into a fight or anything... there are some crazy ass people out there that you don't want to mess with.
Oct 20, 2005
I am glad I had not had any real road rage. Yes I get pissed at retarded drivers and will honk at people who blindly swerve into my lane, give a dirty look, etc. However, I don't ever escalate anything beyond that. I know how scary it can be when some crazy driver starts trying to tailgate you, run you off the road, flash a gun, or act like a maniac and the such. I would not want to make anyone else feel that way and ruin their day or scar them in that manner.


Dec 20, 2002
When I worked at BK I went to do a bank drop and had the previous night deposit with me along with a change buy. Exiting the parking lot I had the exit on my right (therefor right of way) and a guy cut me off nearly running into me. I gave him a thumbs up (seriously) and mouthed "Nice driving". The exit immediately comes out to a stop light with him in front of me. He proceeded to get out of his car and come back to mine yelling at me. I locked my doors at which he decided to try to open the door. My co-workers saw this and thought I was being robbed so they called the Police.

The Police took our statements but we never made anything of it. He wasn't there to rob me, I knew that. I saw him at BK again later, he sure has a lot of balls coming back to a place where people handle his food... :shifteyes;
Apr 27, 2012
You should have called the cops, chances are he would have lost his CC permit, assuming he had one.

I can only speak for my state, but if you show a weapon only to intimidate someone, you are guilty of brandishing a weapon.

Either way there were two jerks there, and you were both guilty of escalating a situation, but only one of you used a deadly weapon to do it.

Agree with this. He should lose his CC permit. He started the whole thing and then the moron wants to pull out his gun, nothing but a punk.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2011
For the life of me I'll never understand would would possess anyone to do something as crazy as what the OP described.

Lots of people are terrible at driving, especially people that are more than two years older or younger than me. Why would you ever force them off the road then get out and start screaming at them?

OP is lucky the old man stayed calm, or else he would be in a box.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
A couple years ago a guy cut into my lane forcing his way into a rapidly closing gap between my car and the car I was overtaking in the right lane. It was a very close call so I laid on the horn nonstop, probably for a full minute. We came to a stop at the next traffic light and I was behind him with my horn blaring. He opened his door and got out, passenger was doing the same. I figured the message was sent, so I ceased. Thereupon the driver flipped me off and got back into his car.

That's about as close to an altercation I've ever got.


Golden Member
Jun 19, 2000
When I pass slow drivers by using the emergency lane they end being upset at me and start honking as if I insulted them. WTF is wrong with people?


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Two that involved physical altercations. It was one sided though, they never laid a finger on me. Well one did grab the front of my shirt but that was the last time he touched me.

Another time a guy was honking at my brother and I for something we must have done. We had no clue what his problem was. My brother was driving. At the next stop light the guy got out of his car and came towards us. I got out to meet him half way but when he saw me, he took off running. I reached in his car, pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them in to the woods. Then my brother and I left.


Jan 29, 2004
Nope. Most people give up when I floor it and they can't possibly hope to keep up.

Like the V10 M5 this morning that tried to be a big man. After, he slowed down and stayed behind me like 10 cars despite 3 open lanes.
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Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
When I pass slow drivers by using the emergency lane they end being upset at me and start honking as if I insulted them. WTF is wrong with people?
I've never heard on an emergency lane and I've worked for the transportation department for 24 years. Must not be a California thing.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
I have a few road rage stories, but I'm not going to talk about them for a change of pace.

Instead I'll tell you a different kind of encounter I've had a few years ago.

It was a two lane road going in the same direction, I made a somewhat unfortunate choice to get stuck at the red light behind a bunch of slowpokes in the right lane. Annoying, but not deadly. The left lane at the time ended up having 4 cars less than the right one, but as the traffic was slowing down coming up to red light, I decided it was too late to safely merge into the left lane, so I stayed in the right lane to be safe. Well, the last car in the left lane, a huge land rover driven by this cute 20'ish year old gal with dark curly hair decided to stop waaaaaay too early. In fact, she stopped so early, that not only did she have about 4 and a half empty car spaces in front of her but there was also enough space between her car in the left lane and the car in front of me in the right lane for me to squeeze in. I generally dislike suboptimal car distribution between lanes, especially if I end up in the longer lane, so I decide to remedy the situation by cautiously merging into the left lane. So I waited about 5-10 seconds to make sure she has stopped for good and slowly inched my way forward into that opening. As I crawled my way into the left lane and pulled to the front of the left lane I checked my rear view mirror to see what she would do. She was looking at me with her mouth half open and eyes full of strange mix of disbelief and amazement. And as she looked at me, she slowly started clapping... Slow, deliberate, bravissimo applause kind of clapping... Honestly, it took me aback a little, but as a true gentleman, I turned around in my seat, waved my hand, blew some kisses to the imaginary crowd, and took a bow as well as I could while still buckled to my seat. She smiled, the light turned green, we took off, and I never saw her again...

Part of me regrets not getting out of the car and giving her my number, I bet she would have been a fun person to hang out with, but alas, at the time I didn't think it.

Anyway, whenever someone talks of road rage stories, this is the day I usually remember and wish everybody would just take it easy.


Golden Member
Jun 19, 2000

fix your trolldar, it's broken.

When asshats drive side by side and take up all the lanes so no one can pass, the only way to pass them is by going in the emergency lane. However they get upset after I pass them using the emergency lane.


Oct 30, 2000
I've never heard on an emergency lane and I've worked for the transportation department for 24 years. Must not be a California thing.

He's being a troll. He's talking about using the shoulder lane of the highway to drive down when traffic is locked up completely. Something that is illegal and dangerous to do.


Golden Member
Jun 19, 2000
He's being a troll. He's talking about using the shoulder lane of the highway to drive down when traffic is locked up completely. Something that is illegal and dangerous to do.

it maybe illegal but it is not dangerous if you have common sense.

why should i be inconvenienced in order to make selfish drivers blocking me not angry?


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2004
Just witnessed an incident during my lunch. Middle age guy in a lexus chasing after another guy in a mercedes. Don't know what caused it but I could see the mercedes trying to throw off the follower by weaving through cars and faking turns. Finally the mercedes turns down the street leading to the city PD.


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2003
My road rage story is rather embarrassing. I'm not the type to ever get out of my car to yell at someone, so fortunately, it's not really that confrontational. I was driving my daughter to a lesson, and of course, we were running late and hoping to get there only 5-10mins late. I stopped at a red light (first car) in the left lane, where the right lane was one of those lanes painted with a big right turn only arrow to turn into a mall. Sure enough, as the light turns green, a middle aged woman in an Accord goes speeding past me in the right hand lane and continues straight ahead, exactly as you are not supposed to do. I was neither expecting it nor paying attention, so we came within inches of sideswiping each other. I ended up hitting my brakes, and going over a double yellow line about a foot to avoid the collision. So, of course I give her my horn for like a full 5 seconds.

So what does she do? She slows down to 25 mph (in a 45 mph zone) in front of me, where the road has once again become a single lane. Now angry, I flash my lights at her but this just causes her to slow down some more. Now going 20mph, she proceeds like this for the next few miles, with a line of 4 or 5 cars building up behind me. We finally come to a place where the road widens out to two lanes, where the right lane eventually goes to an on ramp on the highway. I then go to the right lane to try and pass her. She sees me go to the right lane, and she moves to the right in front of me. Meanwhile, the other cars behind me go left and go by her. When I try to go to the left to pass her, she guns it and the road goes back to a single lane before I can get by. Now quite upset (and quite late), I check and see there's no oncoming traffic, and I cross the double yellow to pass her.

Before I even got by her, I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror, and ended up getting pulled over by the local police. But what's really maddening is that the woman in the Accord pulls over too, even though the police were only pulling me over. The police officer came over to me, and asked me what happened, and why I would try anything so stupid as passing across a double yellow, especially with my daughter in the car. That's when it hit me that I had just totally road-raged, and I felt completely stupid. Anyway, I told him my side of the story, and told him I was truly sorry for losing it. She apparently told the officer some ridiculous story of how she felt threatened by me, and so she was going really slowly to try and lose me at a stoplight. She also said she wanted to give a statement against me. I don't think he bought it, as I think he saw her speed up and not allow me to pass, and basically told her to get lost ("Go home ma'am. Let's let cooler heads prevail."). I still ended up getting a ticket though, and as such, my insurance rates went up a little. And we completely missed the lesson...
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Feb 5, 2011
No, and OP is asking to get shot with his violent temper.

I have seen a lot of crazy shit though and recently started driving with a high def dash cam so next time it goes down I will have video and call po-po.

Edit: actually I lied. I got a trucker once to open his door and get out of his truck. I was in a small car and he decided to aggressively merge in front of me. Although he presumably thought my diminutive vehicle would encourage submission he was wrong and I was not going to be mistreated by the likes of him so I refused his merge. He kept pressing the matter as did I. Finally he gave up and got in behind me. I was not satisfied that he had learned his lesson and so deliberately drove ahead very slowly in this bumper to bumper traffic while giving him the finger. He got out, I drove along a bit, he got back in. It was a glorious victory for me.
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Jan 29, 2004
My road rage story is rather embarrassing. I'm not the type to ever get out of my car to yell at someone, so fortunately, it's not really that confrontational. I was driving my daughter to a lesson, and of course, we were running late and hoping to get there only 5-10mins late. I stopped at a red light (first car) in the left lane, where the right lane was one of those lanes painted with a big right turn only arrow to turn into a mall. Sure enough, as the light turns green, a middle aged woman in an Accord goes speeding past me in the right hand lane and continues straight ahead, exactly as you are not supposed to do. I was neither expecting it nor paying attention, so we came within inches of sideswiping each other. I ended up hitting my brakes, and going over a double yellow line about a foot to avoid the collision. So, of course I give her my horn for like a full 5 seconds.

So what does she do? She slows down to 25 mph (in a 45 mph zone) in front of me, where the road has once again become a single lane. Now angry, I flash my lights at her but this just causes her to slow down some more. Now going 20mph, she proceeds like this for the next few miles, with a line of 4 or 5 cars building up behind me. We finally come to a place where the road widens out to two lanes, where the right lane eventually goes to an on ramp on the highway. I then go to the right lane to try and pass her. She sees me go to the right lane, and she moves to the right in front of me. Meanwhile, the other cars behind me go left and go by her. When I try to go to the left to pass her, she guns it and the road goes back to a single lane before I can get by. Now quite upset (and quite late), I check and see there's no oncoming traffic, and I cross the double yellow to pass her.

Before I even got by her, I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror, and ended up getting pulled over by the local police. But what's really maddening is that the woman in the Accord pulls over too, even though the police were only pulling me over. The police officer came over to me, and asked me what happened, and why I would try anything so stupid as passing across a double yellow, especially with my daughter in the car. That's when it hit me that I had just totally road-raged, and I felt completely stupid. Anyway, I told him my side of the story, and told him I was truly sorry for losing it. She apparently told the officer some ridiculous story of how she felt threatened by me, and so she was going really slowly to try and lose me at a stoplight. She also said she wanted to give a statement against me. I don't think he bought it, as I think he saw her speed up and not allow me to pass, and basically told her to get lost ("Go home ma'am. Let's let cooler heads prevail."). I still ended up getting a ticket though, and as such, my insurance rates went up a little. And we completely missed the lesson...

REEEEP done in 2 seconds, would have got around that bitch the second she started acting up and she wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. And that would have been the end of it.

Not playing games with people.
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Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
I got a guy great a couple of weeks ago. Going slow in the left hand lane, I guess he thought I came up on him too quick and did the right lane slow person block. I got past him but he floored it to stop me from passing. So I passed on the right when I could, pulled up next to him, flipped him off, and floored it. I noticed a not local car dealer decal and figured he didn't know local traffic to be upset over my driving, sure enough he floors it. It was perfect, I let off the gas and let the clutch slow me to the speed limit when he's flying up on me on the hill over which the cop always sits. I couldn't do it so I tapped my brakes and gave the cop sign. He slowed and stopped messing with me.

I lived in Florida with out of state license plates for a bit and learned some tricks. Some are dangerous, so use them with caution. If 2 people try to wedge you to block I do what I call "drunk driving". Basically a slow drift to one side of the lane then a fast adjustment to the other. People will get out of your way fast, but be careful not to do this while intoxicated.

I used to go to work on a 75 MPH highway. I'd be going 80 in the right hand lane and people would tailgate me for no reason, flashing their brights and giving me the finger when the left hand lane was wide open. For them I had the Coogan's Bluff defense, hit the parking lights and accelerate. They think you're going to slam on your brakes and when they see the light will slam on theirs (for what seems to an observer for no reason). Always breaks their heads, they seldom will stay behind you (sometimes they will, but then you hit the brakes for real). Like I said, a little dangerous but don't slam them. Alternatively just keep slowing down until they pass.

I used to drive by the stadium every day and it was a parking lot. When you'd get moving people would hop right out in front of you. I tried slowing for them and they'd wait to jump right in front of me almost causing an accident. I sped up and they'd jump in front of me I guess mad that I was trying to stop them from coming in. What stopped them was I'd steer straight at them if they peeked out onto the road then veer last second. Always fun looking at the scared looks on their faces when they think you're trying to hit them. Not one to do unless it's a real problem (I used to think people were trying to collect insurance, maybe that's why it worked they thought I was as well).
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