Anyone here ever been involved in a Road Rage incidient?

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Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
What's that?

Twirl the finger above the head, like their light.

EDIT: The gif reminded me of this one time the crazy black lady tried to run people off the road for no reason. Did it to like 3 people that I saw, was laughing hysterically. Crazy is as crazy does. It's why I drive a 300k mile car, no one really messes with me like that. Also, no one asks for money while pumping gas.
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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
This barely counts as an "incident" but closest I can think of, had a biker give me the middle finger once. Honestly not sure what I did to piss him off, I think he was pissed I was going the speed limit, and it was a school zone, so that's pretty slow. There's often cops there so I rather not take a chance. I should have gave him a thumbs up or a "peace" or something just to piss him off. But figured I best to act like I did not notice or care or I might be on some kind of hit list. lol


Nov 18, 2001
I've never experienced road rage, but I don't drive a lot - about 7500 miles a year. The only time I honk at people is when they're obviously not paying attention, like they've sat at a green light for 5 seconds or they took a left turn across the road in front of me that caused me to stop to avoid hitting them. I think the horn shouldn't be used as a sign of annoyance - it should be a correction for inattention.

The one thing that does really annoy me is people who think they're being generous by not obeying the right of way. We have these rules for a reason - don't wave me through on a left turn when you're taking a right. If we all follow the same rules, we'll all get to where we're going even faster.

Edit: Also, a lot of you guys sound like you drive like bags of dicks.
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Jan 29, 2004
I got a guy great a couple of weeks ago. Going slow in the left hand lane, I guess he thought I came up on him too quick and did the right lane slow person block. I got past him but he floored it to stop me from passing. So I passed on the right when I could, pulled up next to him, flipped him off, and floored it. I noticed a not local car dealer decal and figured he didn't know local traffic to be upset over my driving, sure enough he floors it.

And people wonder why all I care about is overwhelming horsepower...

Heated wireless singing dancing rotating flashing cup holders don't mean shit when this kind of pissing contest behavior goes down. The final word is who pwns who when everyone is flooring it. It's usually the person who loses and gets embarrassed and is unable to do anything about it that begins to road rage.

I don't play these ridiculous games. Posture dominance toward me, and it's two seconds on the throttle and your ass is going going gone

I love being able to do 60 to 120 back to 60 in the blink of an eye before anyone has time to look up and notice. It's the road raging sore loser doing 80, 90, 100, 105, 106.....107.....108.....109................ who has to stay in it for 5 minutes to catch up that's going to get seen and pulled over. :biggrin:
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Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
And people wonder why all I care about is overwhelming horsepower...

Heated wireless singing dancing rotating flashing cup holders don't mean shit when this kind of behavior goes down. The final word is who pwns who when everyone is flooring it.

I don't play these ridiculous games. Posture dominance toward me, and it's two seconds on the throttle and your ass is going going gone

I love being able to do 60 to 120 back to 60 in the blink of an eye before anyone has time to look up and notice. It's the road raging sore losing doing 80, 90, 100, 105, 106 who has to stay in it for 5 minutes to catch up that's going to get seen and pulled over. :biggrin:

I did it to someone else once. They tried to slam on the brakes when I was coming up on them but I was no where near them. I knew the cop liked to sit behind the sign, I just popped around to the right and they wanted to race. As soon as they got even I hit the brakes and they flew right past the speed trap. I laughed when the cop came out after them. Was one of those few times the police were there when I needed them.

EDIT: Another time when I lived in Florida, one of the 75 mph speed limits. People were going 70 and I blew past them at 85-90. It started to rain so I slowed down. In Florida the hot roads and water are like ice. Sure enough all 3 come flying up on me. I tried to warn them to slow down, all 3 were in the ditch a couple of miles down the road. Pfft, tourists.
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Feb 5, 2011
I got a guy great a couple of weeks ago. Going slow in the left hand lane, I guess he thought I came up on him too quick and did the right lane slow person block. I got past him but he floored it to stop me from passing. So I passed on the right when I could, pulled up next to him, flipped him off, and floored it. I noticed a not local car dealer decal and figured he didn't know local traffic to be upset over my driving, sure enough he floors it. It was perfect, I let off the gas and let the clutch slow me to the speed limit when he's flying up on me on the hill over which the cop always sits. I couldn't do it so I tapped my brakes and gave the cop sign. He slowed and stopped messing with me.

I lived in Florida with out of state license plates for a bit and learned some tricks. Some are dangerous, so use them with caution. If 2 people try to wedge you to block I do what I call "drunk driving". Basically a slow drift to one side of the lane then a fast adjustment to the other. People will get out of your way fast, but be careful not to do this while intoxicated.

I used to go to work on a 75 MPH highway. I'd be going 80 in the right hand lane and people would tailgate me for no reason, flashing their brights and giving me the finger when the left hand lane was wide open. For them I had the Coogan's Bluff defense, hit the parking lights and accelerate. They think you're going to slam on your brakes and when they see the light will slam on theirs (for what seems to an observer for no reason). Always breaks their heads, they seldom will stay behind you (sometimes they will, but then you hit the brakes for real). Like I said, a little dangerous but don't slam them. Alternatively just keep slowing down until they pass.

I used to drive by the stadium every day and it was a parking lot. When you'd get moving people would hop right out in front of you. I tried slowing for them and they'd wait to jump right in front of me almost causing an accident. I sped up and they'd jump in front of me I guess mad that I was trying to stop them from coming in. What stopped them was I'd steer straight at them if they peeked out onto the road then veer last second. Always fun looking at the scared looks on their faces when they think you're trying to hit them. Not one to do unless it's a real problem (I used to think people were trying to collect insurance, maybe that's why it worked they thought I was as well).

Pure awesome. The drunk driving bit is money.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Nope. When people act stupid, I just get away from them. It may cause me to drive faster than is viewed favorably if it happens, but I end up far away instead of behind and still a target of aggression.

Such occurrences are rare. Maybe 2-3 times in my life.


Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2003
Pure awesome. The drunk driving bit is money.

The problem is that I still do some of those things automatically now that I'm no longer in the crazy driving environment. I remember when I first moved back north someone would edge out part way into traffic and... That was the 1st one I stopped. I still drunk drive a bit but it's mainly because around here people are jerky and aggressive about driving in the left lane for no reason not wanting you to pass when they're driving below the speed limit. No one makes me do the Coogan's move, though sometimes they get aggressive and tailgate I never have issue with just letting them pass (unlike when I was in Tampa they were just kinda idiots during rush hour).

In Tampa I remember rush hour watching people literally freak out. I'd pass this one apartment complex unfortunately located immediately prior to a cruel stoplight. No one would let anyone in for the 15 minutes I'd be stopped several times for the light so I felt obligated to let 2-3 people onto the road. They wanted to kill me.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Had one scary incident when we lived in Virginia. I was driving on a somewhat residential street and came behind some guy that somehow managed to stop himself in the middle of the lane semi-sideways. Didn't know if he was making a left, so I waited a few seconds (no traffic oncoming), then finally honked for him to move (didn't want to go around his front as he was looking down and had no idea if he was actually going to move).

Guy hears the honk and jumps out of his car, walking towards me. I was fairly stupid and rolled down my window enough to exchange words with him. At that point he starts demanding I get out of the car so he can kick my ass. Guy was squared up and ready to go.

Fortunately for me, our American Bulldog was in the backseat, and she was going absolutely nuts barking/growling/slobbering all over the back window. I'm 100% sure she would have ended this guy. So I said something to him like... 'I'll get out, but I'm rolling the back window down when I do and you're responsible for what the dog does after that.' (I'm sure it was much less cool than I want to remember it as). Thankfully he walked back to his car and I got the hell out of there.

In hindsight, I should have never rolled the window down, should have just pulled away the moment he opened his door, and should have called the cops. Just thankful it turned out ok.


Sep 23, 2003
And people wonder why all I care about is overwhelming horsepower...

Heated wireless singing dancing rotating flashing cup holders don't mean shit when this kind of pissing contest behavior goes down. The final word is who pwns who when everyone is flooring it. It's usually the person who loses and gets embarrassed and is unable to do anything about it that begins to road rage.

I don't play these ridiculous games. Posture dominance toward me, and it's two seconds on the throttle and your ass is going going gone

I love being able to do 60 to 120 back to 60 in the blink of an eye before anyone has time to look up and notice. It's the road raging sore loser doing 80, 90, 100, 105, 106.....107.....108.....109................ who has to stay in it for 5 minutes to catch up that's going to get seen and pulled over. :biggrin:

Or, you know, be a responsible driver and avoid situations to begin with. Not encourage them. Not once had a problem in my 4cyl vehicles. Way to go, self proclaimed champ

I suppose if everyone was jumping off a bridge, you'd jump too, determined to get to the bottom first. Showed them!


Jan 29, 2004
Or, you know, be a responsible driver and avoid situations to begin with. Not encourage them. Not once had a problem in my 4cyl vehicles. Way to go, self proclaimed champ

I suppose if everyone was jumping off a bridge, you'd jump too, determined to get to the bottom first. Showed them!

There are bullies and there are victims of bullies.

Then there is a third type who aren't bullies OR victims.

People who just want to mind their own business and be left alone but will destroy anyone who feels the need to poke them with a stick for no reason, especially if said instigator is a bully. These people seek confrontation with no-one, yet will also be victimized or bullied by absolutely no-one.


Its like the lion, the deer, and the elephant.
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Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Not as much as I used to but I do get people who decide to follow me from time to time - its pretty easy to get people to flip out around here as a single quick honk will do it. The most recent one was a guy who was merging into my lane on the highway and was going to put his passenger door into my front end if he kept moving over. So I just honked - not a long 'lay on the horn' just a normal honk. This seemed to set him into a rage and he kept trying to play road games during rush hour and failing when the flow of traffic was completely against his attempted tactics. I didn't play along but just kept too little distance between me and the car in front of me so he couldn't cut me off (sorry car in front of me).

He decides to run the car behind me almost off the road so he could follow me to work. Unfortunately for him I make two turns down some side streets to get to my work parking lot so he was completely out of position and blocked by other cars when I made my turn to go to work.

I guess he decided to turn around and hunt down my car because as I was getting my laptop bag out of the car I see him pull up on the curb and stare at me. I see him and smile and wave (not my the smartest thing likely)

He rolls down his window and we exchange 'pleasantries'. He demands to know when I get off of work. I laugh at him and say "I get off at 5pm but if you want to come back and fight me when my entire office is leaving for home you are even dumber than I thought". I just turned around and left it at that. He yelled something else at me but I didn't understand what he said. He never came back

I don't seek driving confrontations but I don't back down if one happens either. Probably going to get me shot one of these days.

So far not this week...

Don't worry - there is still time

I like to smile and wave if people get pissed off and rage... Not worth getting into a fight or anything... there are some crazy ass people out there that you don't want to mess with.

Smiling and waving is a good way to get them to mess with you. Just saying...
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Nov 8, 2012
Hahahahahaha OP oh lawdy. I pulled out from my neighborhood onto the midway of the road - well apprently the guy coming wanted to turn into the neighborhood. And apparently, I did something wrong because I went into the median and that was what he needed in order to turn into the neighborhood.

Well Mr. Perfect driver apparently got pissy that I got in his way when I got onto the median and apparently followed me. I turned immediately into the parking lot for the Target that I was going to. I look in my rear view and see the same car that honked at me and simply proceeded to go around in circles in the parking lot. It was epic, I love a good troll - so this entire time I was cracking up laughing as this dumbfuck continues to follow me around in circles in a parking lot. It took him about 3 or 4 circles around this huge ass parking lot for him to realize "I see you following me dumbfuck, I'm laughing at you in my car right now."


Sep 23, 2003
There are bullies and there are victims of bullies.

Then there is a third type who aren't bullies OR victims.

People who just want to mind their own business and be left alone but will destroy anyone who feels the need to poke them with a stick for no reason, especially if said instigator is a bully. These people seek confrontation with no-one, yet will also be victimized or bullied by absolutely no-one.


Its like the lion, the deer, and the elephant.

If you consider someone cutting you off in traffic a bully, then you're just setting yourself up as a victim. Considering you can't know the intentions of the other driver, you would have to assume they had bad intentions.

People need to go places, we should all be making it easy for each other.

If you think someone going faster than you is an act of being a bully, you are just looking for it. I couldn't care less. I've not been "victimized" that I can ever recall.
Nov 8, 2012
My road rage story is rather embarrassing. I'm not the type to ever get out of my car to yell at someone, so fortunately, it's not really that confrontational. I was driving my daughter to a lesson, and of course, we were running late and hoping to get there only 5-10mins late. I stopped at a red light (first car) in the left lane, where the right lane was one of those lanes painted with a big right turn only arrow to turn into a mall. Sure enough, as the light turns green, a middle aged woman in an Accord goes speeding past me in the right hand lane and continues straight ahead, exactly as you are not supposed to do. I was neither expecting it nor paying attention, so we came within inches of sideswiping each other. I ended up hitting my brakes, and going over a double yellow line about a foot to avoid the collision. So, of course I give her my horn for like a full 5 seconds.

So what does she do? She slows down to 25 mph (in a 45 mph zone) in front of me, where the road has once again become a single lane. Now angry, I flash my lights at her but this just causes her to slow down some more. Now going 20mph, she proceeds like this for the next few miles, with a line of 4 or 5 cars building up behind me. We finally come to a place where the road widens out to two lanes, where the right lane eventually goes to an on ramp on the highway. I then go to the right lane to try and pass her. She sees me go to the right lane, and she moves to the right in front of me. Meanwhile, the other cars behind me go left and go by her. When I try to go to the left to pass her, she guns it and the road goes back to a single lane before I can get by. Now quite upset (and quite late), I check and see there's no oncoming traffic, and I cross the double yellow to pass her.

Before I even got by her, I saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror, and ended up getting pulled over by the local police. But what's really maddening is that the woman in the Accord pulls over too, even though the police were only pulling me over. The police officer came over to me, and asked me what happened, and why I would try anything so stupid as passing across a double yellow, especially with my daughter in the car. That's when it hit me that I had just totally road-raged, and I felt completely stupid. Anyway, I told him my side of the story, and told him I was truly sorry for losing it. She apparently told the officer some ridiculous story of how she felt threatened by me, and so she was going really slowly to try and lose me at a stoplight. She also said she wanted to give a statement against me. I don't think he bought it, as I think he saw her speed up and not allow me to pass, and basically told her to get lost ("Go home ma'am. Let's let cooler heads prevail."). I still ended up getting a ticket though, and as such, my insurance rates went up a little. And we completely missed the lesson...

1) Flashing Lights / Honking Horns is a yelling scream of "I'M COMPLETELY BUTT-HURT BY YOUR ACTIONS. PLEASE PROCEED TO POKE AND PROD AT ME SOME MORE! Thank you sir may I have another?"

2) If you ever want to takeover and make the other person learn a lesson or be the one trolling. Get in front of them and brake. That's the only way it will get their attention and piss them off

3) See that shit coming. When people are in turn only lanes, I keep up next to them because I know 80% of the time they are being stupid. If they come off the light speeding, fuck it I will too just so they can't play that game.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
2) If you ever want to takeover and make the other person learn a lesson or be the one trolling. Get in front of them and brake. That's the only way it will get their attention and piss them off

Especially if you're on a motorcycle on a NY highway - brake checking someone is a great way to have them plow through you.


Jan 29, 2004
If you consider someone cutting you off in traffic a bully, then you're just setting yourself up as a victim. Considering you can't know the intentions of the other driver, you would have to assume they had bad intentions.

People need to go places, we should all be making it easy for each other.

If you think someone going faster than you is an act of being a bully, you are just looking for it. I couldn't care less. I've not been "victimized" that I can ever recall.

Plenty of people drive faster than me without incident. When nobody is provoking anything I'm actually a calm and conservative driver and will ALWAYS yield to people who ask and I always obey a rule of first come first served in yielding right of way. There is a difference between people who are just clueless and driving fast vs people who deliberately target people and have something to prove with their cute little acts of intimidation and dominance. If you drive you know the difference, quit feigning ignorance.

Example. Burying their lights in your bumper when you are doing 10 over in the right lane and three other lanes are open. Then they swerve out and try to fly by at WOT and then don't even take the next several turns or exits. Lo and behold its a slammed BMW or Mustang or G37 or something. Yeah he's just in a hurry, that's it
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Nov 8, 2012
Especially if you're on a motorcycle on a NY highway - brake checking someone is a great way to have them plow through you.

Well uhhh... wouldn't exactly reccomend it on a motorcycle

However I feel the need to do it everytime some retard teenage woman is in the left lane going 65 because she is looking down at her cell phone constantly.

Works fine, makes them shit a brick the size of a keyboard - they get butt-hurt, I drive away laughing.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Hahahahahaha OP oh lawdy. I pulled out from my neighborhood onto the midway of the road - well apprently the guy coming wanted to turn into the neighborhood. And apparently, I did something wrong because I went into the median and that was what he needed in order to turn into the neighborhood.

Well Mr. Perfect driver apparently got pissy that I got in his way when I got onto the median and apparently followed me. I turned immediately into the parking lot for the Target that I was going to. I look in my rear view and see the same car that honked at me and simply proceeded to go around in circles in the parking lot. It was epic, I love a good troll - so this entire time I was cracking up laughing as this dumbfuck continues to follow me around in circles in a parking lot. It took him about 3 or 4 circles around this huge ass parking lot for him to realize "I see you following me dumbfuck, I'm laughing at you in my car right now."

To me I'd just take it as you were terrified.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Well uhhh... wouldn't exactly reccomend it on a motorcycle

However I feel the need to do it everytime some retard teenage woman is in the left lane going 65 because she is looking down at her cell phone constantly.

Works fine, makes them shit a brick the size of a keyboard - they get butt-hurt, I drive away laughing.

Hopefully one day the driver doesn't panic and pull left or right broadsiding your mother.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
I've had 2 incidents one with a off duty cop who followed me into a mall, blocked my car in and threatened me. I stood my ground asking him to please leave. He asked me to make him. A mall cop watched the whole thing, rolled up and he pulled out his wallet and said "It's ok, I'm a cop!". They threw him off the grounds telling him he should be ashamed to act like that.

The 2nd time I accidentally pulled out in front of a guy that I didn't see due to a large shrub. He slammed his horn at me and tail gated me into a parking lot where I was heading for lunch. He got out with a small baseball bat and approached my car. I got out of the car, placed my hand clearly on my pistol and asked him to calm down. He ran to his car and drove off. I went in to get lunch and the police came because he called the cops.

After listening to our stories, they told the guy he was lucky to be alive and let me go on my way.
Nov 8, 2012
I've had 2 incidents one with a off duty cop who followed me into a mall, blocked my car in and threatened me. I stood my ground asking him to please leave. He asked me to make him. A mall cop watched the whole thing, rolled up and he pulled out his wallet and said "It's ok, I'm a cop!". They threw him off the grounds telling him he should be ashamed to act like that.

The 2nd time I accidentally pulled out in front of a guy that I didn't see due to a large shrub. He slammed his horn at me and tail gated me into a parking lot where I was heading for lunch. He got out with a small baseball bat and approached my car. I got out of the car, placed my hand clearly on my pistol and asked him to calm down. He ran to his car and drove off. I went in to get lunch and the police came because he called the cops.

After listening to our stories, they told the guy he was lucky to be alive and let me go on my way.

See - other than a baseball bat that is VERY little difference from the OP story. A lot of people are bashing the old guy saying they should take away his CCL. Other than taking the gun out, how is that any different of a scenario?

Old man felt threatened - showed he will defend himself if he feels it is necessary, you walk away. Bleh, maybe I'm alone on this one...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2004
Not really road rage, but a funny story. About 10 years ago my friend who lived in SF was cruising around with another friend in his convertible Z3 and these two teenage homophobe idiots pull up next to them at a stoplight and start yelling obscenities at them for no reason. My friend, who'd just gotten through the drive-thru at Jack in the Box, threw his full Dr. Pepper in through their passenger window and it explodes as it hits the punk that was doing most of the talking and zooms off before they can do anything about it.
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