Anyone here working a 3 day/12 hour shift? What kind of job is it?


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
I've always worked a 5 day, 40 hour work week. But lately I've been wanting to find jobs with a little more flexibility in scheduling. So for you guys who work the 3 day 12 hour shift, what kind of work are you doing? Nursing, dispatch, EMT, etc.?


Dec 20, 2002
I did factory fri-sun 3x 12hr shifts, paid 40 hours. Had a lot of week left to work a second job. I wish I could have that schedule again.


Sep 20, 2007
I've worked 3 day 10.5hr and 5 day 10.5hr shifts. Depends whether or not you like the job. When I do my volunteer gigs for the local cable station, the day goes by quick. At my day job, which I loath, it feels like the day never ends.

I currently work a 50hr week.


Golden Member
Jan 16, 2004
12 hour shifts are very common in hospitals (e.g., nursing). Some places do 8 hour shifts but the general consensus is that the extra hand-off report per 24 hour period is worse than fatigue after 8 hours.


Sep 12, 2001
Nope, but I'd do it in a heartbeat, especially if you work 36 and get paid for 40 like some do.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I've almost had jobs working assembly line stuff with that schedule. The security forces guys in the base I'm at do 3 on 3 off 2 on 2 off "12" (more like 14) hour shifts, but it might not be the same at every base.


Sep 11, 2005
I think I'd like to do 3x12... the 12 hours would suck, but having 4 days off in a week would be pretty awesome.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
I do 3 days a week, 12.5 hour shifts -- get paid for 40.

Job is in a Network Operations Center, and its at night. 7.30p-8.00a (Usually out by 7.45)

It is usually 4 hours of actual work and 8 hours of downtime.

I love it. 4 day weekends every week (except when I do OT) FTW.

Another plus is swapping shifts with someone, and getting 7 days off in a row without taking any P/V/S days.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
i don't but my brother is a firefighter and does 24 hours shifts.

works 24 hours, off for 72, rinse and repeat.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I did four, 12 hour night shifts at Hynix.
It sucks so bad I think I may have had a breakdown had I gone any longer. Cant sleep during the day, even with melatonin pills. Always pissed off and miserable, couldnt eat right. Couldnt find the energy for exercise. Put on about 40 pounds. Attitude went so bad I couldnt even socialize normally. Didnt have any close friends by the time I left Eugene.

And the worst part is it screwed me up so badly it took about two years to unfuck my brain and 3 to remove the damage to my body. Am better now but I was a horrible person for a long time.
Didnt do much better in the Navy. Watch for 10 hours, work for 10, training and sitting around waiting for another 2. Only had two hours in the whole day to eat, shower, and sleep.
And they were broken up.

I wont get into the whole nocturnal thing but believe me when I tell you staying out late and drinking and dancing is NOT the same thing as working all night. Lots of folks think they can do it but really cant, not for the long run. Recommend avoid.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2004
I did this for anumber of years, as did my wife. Tech support! It was first with Compaq, then with the company itself as IT. My wife worked at the other end of the building. The company did a lot of different companies, including IBM, Ericsson, Gateway...

We did actually 3.5 day shifts. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday at 13 hours. Wednesday 6.5.
It was awesome for a while, having pretty much 4 days off every week.

I also was with a chick who worked overnights on the same schedule as me, so we didn't see each other sunday-wednesday at all, jsut a few hours at night when the schedules matched.

Non-stop sitting and snacking - ordering out, marathon poker games and nerf cube wars. Watching movies, quake tourneys, etc.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2005
I had an extra job for many years, projectionist/tech in NYC movie theaters, 3 14- or 16-hour days, noon or 10AM to 2 AM. Basically, work 3 days, sleep one day, 3 days off. My main job was playing in a band. And I was doing free-lance programming in my spare time.

In case anyone wonders how you can make a living as a musician in NYC.


Feb 18, 2004
shortly before I quit, the data center that I worked at switched over to such a schedule.

I really hated it and it was probably the final nail in the coffin that caused my to jump ship.

4 10-hours isn't so bad, but for whatever reason, spending 12 hours at work every day really sucked the life out of me.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
Sort of. I more or less average 3 12's. I'll never go back to working eight hour shifts. I just could not imagine going back to working five days a week, every week. I'm a police officer.

*actual schedule is screwed up, nice but hard to explain. The short of it is 2 12hr days one week and five the next. It's not as bad as it sounds.


Oct 9, 1999
I'd love to do 3 12's. Hell, even if they paid me for 36 hours (but still get full time benefits), it'd be worth it. For traffic reasons alone, that's two hole days that you wouldn't have to sit in traffic. Plus with those hours, you are probably commuting outside of rush hour, making the commute even shorter.

Think of the total amount of time per week that you're not free to do your own thing. For me right now, it's 5 days x (8 hours work + 2 hours commute) = 50 hours. Doing 3 12's would be 3 days x (12 + 1 hour commute) = 39 hours. 7 total hours of commuting saved by working that schedule, that's almost another whole work day.


Nov 27, 2005
If you don't mind your job I would imagine it might be nice. It's a long day but I think it would be worth it


Golden Member
Jun 27, 2000
I'm not on the 12h shifts here, but i work at a cable manufacturing plant. they do 3 days on 3 days off 2 days on 2 days off 12 hour shifts for most of the floor workers.

I don't know if i could stand 12h shifts even for the longer off times; but that is me i guess.

I would imagine most manufacturing plants/factories would be some form of 12 hour shifts especially if they run on the weekends. When money was really tight here several years ago they went to 3 8 hour shifts and shut down over the weekends for a few months.


Feb 1, 2008
3 - 12 hour days (or nights) sounds great, but they take their toll. I know people that would never swap from the norm 5 - 8 hour day (or night) shift for the tempting 3 - 12 hour shift.
For one... they see what it does to the people that work them.
And second... they like at least some normal functionally to their life.

Working 3 - 12 hour days or nights in a row is very much like one loooooong 72 hour continuous day. You do nothing for three days except work/sleep/work/sleep/work/sleep (if you're lucky). It is one very long stretch. And if you develop other issues, like sleeping or fatigue or attitude changes, or one of multiple health issues, then it can become unbearable.
Especially when working that long term, 3 years or more, and much more so working that during nights.

Most companies set up 12 hour shifts and pay for 40 hours. But is working three long days or nights worth it? And how long might it take to recover when your days off roll around?
If you work 3 - 12 hour days in a row, and more so on nights, your first day off will be basically sleeping. Sleeping most all the day. Trying to shake that spaced out hangover feeling.

And if you develop sleeping problems, then you are really in trouble. Prescription sleeping pills are all way too powerful. You become dependent very fast. After a short time they become less effective, and you need more and more. And the most popular brands prescribed will screw with your brain to the point you totally become another personality. Usually a mean, unhappy, detached from reality, personality. Just google AMBIEN, the most popular sleeping aid, and read all the horror stories.

There is nonsuch thing as using prescription sleeping pills on a temporary basis. That one day or night you skip the pill, you will not be able to sleep one minute. It will be like you drank 50 cups of coffee. Hopelessly wide awake.

Over the counter sleeping pills are just as bad. One day they might work, the next they don't. And regardless, that drugged zombie feeling can easily linger on with you for hours, when you should be awake and alert. There is no such thing as a magic sleeping pill. The side effects can be worse than the feeling of too little sleep.

But I think to work any 3 - 12 hour shift demands a lot of discipline.
Your best bet is to alter your life and try to maintain the same sleeping/waking schedule on your days off as with your days on. Very hard to do if that 12 hour shift is also a night shift. After time, especially a couple years, it becomes depressing having to sleep during the day, and then stay awake all night, when everyone else is asleep. You hardly ever see the sun, or if so, very little of it.

Then comes the real world.... Doctors and dentist just don't do 2am appointments.
If something comes along, appointments, car repairs, meetings, you will really suffer. Imagine if the "day" shift had to get up at 2am to go to an dentist appointment, or take the car in for service, or attend that special work meeting that everyone is required to attend. They just couldn't do it. But YOU, working that 12 hour night shift, YOU will be expected to flip flop you hours to accommodate.

One of the first things you will realize as a 12 hour night shift worker, is how little concern or sympathy those day people have for those night shift people. None!
And that includes your family members too.
I'd love to see those day orientated relatives get up at 2am to go on a family reunion picnic. Nada gona happen. Ever!
But YOU will be expected to party down when it's 2am on your time schedule....

I give working 12 hour shifts about 1 and 1/2 years before it drives you insane, and turns you into a drug dependent brain eating zombie-like walking dead, with no friends or family.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
3 - 12 hour days (or nights) sounds great, but they take their toll. I know people that would never swap from the norm 5 - 8 hour day (or night) shift for the tempting 3 - 12 hour shift.
For one... they see what it does to the people that work them.
And second... they like at least some normal functionally to their life.

Working 3 - 12 hour days or nights in a row is very much like one loooooong 72 hour continuous day. You do nothing for three days except work/sleep/work/sleep/work/sleep (if you're lucky). It is one very long stretch. And if you develop other issues, like sleeping or fatigue or attitude changes, or one of multiple health issues, then it can become unbearable.
Especially when working that long term, 3 years or more, and much more so working that during nights.

Most companies set up 12 hour shifts and pay for 40 hours. But is working three long days or nights worth it? And how long might it take to recover when your days off roll around?
If you work 3 - 12 hour days in a row, and more so on nights, your first day off will be basically sleeping. Sleeping most all the day. Trying to shake that spaced out hangover feeling.

And if you develop sleeping problems, then you are really in trouble. Prescription sleeping pills are all way too powerful. You become dependent very fast. After a short time they become less effective, and you need more and more. And the most popular brands prescribed will screw with your brain to the point you totally become another personality. Usually a mean, unhappy, detached from reality, personality. Just google AMBIEN, the most popular sleeping aid, and read all the horror stories.

There is nonsuch thing as using prescription sleeping pills on a temporary basis. That one day or night you skip the pill, you will not be able to sleep one minute. It will be like you drank 50 cups of coffee. Hopelessly wide awake.

Over the counter sleeping pills are just as bad. One day they might work, the next they don't. And regardless, that drugged zombie feeling can easily linger on with you for hours, when you should be awake and alert. There is no such thing as a magic sleeping pill. The side effects can be worse than the feeling of too little sleep.

But I think to work any 3 - 12 hour shift demands a lot of discipline.
Your best bet is to alter your life and try to maintain the same sleeping/waking schedule on your days off as with your days on. Very hard to do if that 12 hour shift is also a night shift. After time, especially a couple years, it becomes depressing having to sleep during the day, and then stay awake all night, when everyone else is asleep. You hardly ever see the sun, or if so, very little of it.

Then comes the real world.... Doctors and dentist just don't do 2am appointments.
If something comes along, appointments, car repairs, meetings, you will really suffer. Imagine if the "day" shift had to get up at 2am to go to an dentist appointment, or take the car in for service, or attend that special work meeting that everyone is required to attend. They just couldn't do it. But YOU, working that 12 hour night shift, YOU will be expected to flip flop you hours to accommodate.

One of the first things you will realize as a 12 hour night shift worker, is how little concern or sympathy those day people have for those night shift people. None!
And that includes your family members too.
I'd love to see those day orientated relatives get up at 2am to go on a family reunion picnic. Nada gona happen. Ever!
But YOU will be expected to party down when it's 2am on your time schedule....

I give working 12 hour shifts about 1 and 1/2 years before it drives you insane, and turns you into a drug dependent brain eating zombie-like walking dead, with no friends or family.

It ain't that bad. We work two weeks of days and then two weeks of nights. I love it. So do ~80% of my coworkers. Some would like straight days or nights but most like the rotation. I'm married with kids. Yeah there are some days I don't get hardly any sleep when on nights because my wife is working and I have to get and do something but that's rare. If your family isn't supportive of your work you have bigger issues. Three days of 12's in a row does make for a long three days, but the off time is worth it. I can get more done in a couple hours on a Tuesday afternoon that I could all day on a Saturday. With everyone else at work there are no lines anywhere, go and do as you please. I've been doing it for four years and can't stand the thought of going back to 8's.


Oct 9, 1999
3 - 12 hour days (or nights) sounds great, but they take their toll. I know people that would never swap from the norm 5 - 8 hour day (or night) shift for the tempting 3 - 12 hour shift.
For one... they see what it does to the people that work them.
And second... they like at least some normal functionally to their life.

Working 3 - 12 hour days or nights in a row is very much like one loooooong 72 hour continuous day. You do nothing for three days except work/sleep/work/sleep/work/sleep (if you're lucky). It is one very long stretch. And if you develop other issues, like sleeping or fatigue or attitude changes, or one of multiple health issues, then it can become unbearable.
Especially when working that long term, 3 years or more, and much more so working that during nights.

Most companies set up 12 hour shifts and pay for 40 hours. But is working three long days or nights worth it? And how long might it take to recover when your days off roll around?
If you work 3 - 12 hour days in a row, and more so on nights, your first day off will be basically sleeping. Sleeping most all the day. Trying to shake that spaced out hangover feeling.

And if you develop sleeping problems, then you are really in trouble. Prescription sleeping pills are all way too powerful. You become dependent very fast. After a short time they become less effective, and you need more and more. And the most popular brands prescribed will screw with your brain to the point you totally become another personality. Usually a mean, unhappy, detached from reality, personality. Just google AMBIEN, the most popular sleeping aid, and read all the horror stories.

There is nonsuch thing as using prescription sleeping pills on a temporary basis. That one day or night you skip the pill, you will not be able to sleep one minute. It will be like you drank 50 cups of coffee. Hopelessly wide awake.

Over the counter sleeping pills are just as bad. One day they might work, the next they don't. And regardless, that drugged zombie feeling can easily linger on with you for hours, when you should be awake and alert. There is no such thing as a magic sleeping pill. The side effects can be worse than the feeling of too little sleep.

But I think to work any 3 - 12 hour shift demands a lot of discipline.
Your best bet is to alter your life and try to maintain the same sleeping/waking schedule on your days off as with your days on. Very hard to do if that 12 hour shift is also a night shift. After time, especially a couple years, it becomes depressing having to sleep during the day, and then stay awake all night, when everyone else is asleep. You hardly ever see the sun, or if so, very little of it.

Then comes the real world.... Doctors and dentist just don't do 2am appointments.
If something comes along, appointments, car repairs, meetings, you will really suffer. Imagine if the "day" shift had to get up at 2am to go to an dentist appointment, or take the car in for service, or attend that special work meeting that everyone is required to attend. They just couldn't do it. But YOU, working that 12 hour night shift, YOU will be expected to flip flop you hours to accommodate.

One of the first things you will realize as a 12 hour night shift worker, is how little concern or sympathy those day people have for those night shift people. None!
And that includes your family members too.
I'd love to see those day orientated relatives get up at 2am to go on a family reunion picnic. Nada gona happen. Ever!
But YOU will be expected to party down when it's 2am on your time schedule....

I give working 12 hour shifts about 1 and 1/2 years before it drives you insane, and turns you into a drug dependent brain eating zombie-like walking dead, with no friends or family. don't recommend a 3/12 shift?


Jun 5, 2000
i dd a 3 day on, 3 day off 12 hour shift a few times while i was in the air force due to a manning shortage. it sucked donkey balls because by the time you get up, get the armory, draw your weapon, stand guardmount ride the bus out to post, do your shift, wait for the relief bus to drop off your relief, drive back to the armory, stand inline to turn in your weapon and ammo and go home its an easy 15 hour shift. you have just enough time to eat, shine your boots, iron your uniform and go to bed and pray the baby doesnt start crying....

you do this for a good 6 months and it absolutely wears you out. people start flipping out.
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Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2002
4x12 three off in Vegas, SF was different.

12's are very common for healthcare as others have said.
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