Anyone interested in a tutorial: How to get 6 pack in 2 weeks?


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
so i was thinking of making a tutorial for any average joe* that would be willing to work hard for any 2 weeks (14 days) to get a six pack. would anyone be interested? the tutorial i post WILL NOT be using conventional workouts such as sit ups, crunches, pushups, etc.

Furthermore, this workout DOES NOT HAVE A DIET. Therefore you are free to slob away at whatever you usually eat. i eat LOTS OF junk food everyday cause i love em. training to be physically fit shouldn't be self torture, therefore you should not have to restrict your food intake when you train to get fit! so it's ok to buy a big mac everyday if you do already haha .

i'm not a personal trainer nor an expert at body building or w/e. i just like to stay fit and healthy and not become a slob.

so if anyone's interested reply back and i'll post up a tutorial! .

*AVERAGE JOE = anyone who's slightly overweight (around 5-15 lbs) to overweight (15-20 lbs)... if your OBESE like over 20lbs overweight this tutorial will not help you, this is only for average folks . although your free to try if you can handle it.

**OTHER REQUIREMENTS: must be able to dedicate MINIMUM 75 minutes (includes time for stretching warm up) per day for 12 days outta 14 days in the two weeks time span. Optimum time dedication would be 100 minutes.

of course there will be people who might doubt me and call BS and to post a pic or w/e so uhm i'll just post a quick vid of me... make sure to watch until the end (last 5 seconds) to see a quick pic of my 6 packs.

my physique:

height: 173cm (morning height 175cm)
weight: 141lbs (when i don't train i'm around 142-150 lbs)
body fat: 8.3xx% (when not training it hovers around 10%)

by the way please suscribe to my channel if u like what you see! it'll motivate me to get the tutorial done faster and shows appreciation... THANKS!!!
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Mar 22, 2002
There's already a fat loss sticky for people who want to lose weight, get that six pack, and remain healthy for the rest of their lives. There is no way you can guarantee abs without dietary restriction. On top of that, losing 5-15lbs in two weeks is unhealthy and wouldn't be supported by any health professional in his/her right mind (unless the patient was morbidly obese). Please do some research on your own before you think about pursuing this further.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
i didn't say you have to lose 5-15 pounds. i said you should be within 5-15lbs overweight or else this exercise won't work cause then you'll be too fat to help in 2 weeks time. read more carefully.

and yes you can get abs eating what you want. my tutorial deals with high impact exercises, not conventional training that you see from programs such as P90X or regular work outs at the gyms.

edit: your thinking with the gym training mindset where people go "you must lose weight to get a defined body".. my method doesn't necessarily work that way, yes losing fat is the easiest way to get fit but it doesn't mean you'll get a six pack. although if you do follow my tutorial you'll lose some weight, but doing high impact is not about losing weight, its about defining your body.

i read your thread just now and i agree it's a good way to lose FAT, but my tutorial will be mainly about getting that six pack, NOT about how to lose fat all over your body and as a bonus if you do follow this tutorial i'll post you'll lose fat anyways because of the training.

most people think that to get a good body you must become obsessed with losing body fat, but my training will not make you approach training with that mindset. not saying i'm an expert at fitness, but there are other ways to get fit other than sweating your ass off at the gym on the treadmill or running.
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Mar 22, 2002
i didn't say you have to lose 5-15 pounds. i said you should be within 5-15lbs overweight or else this exercise won't work cause then you'll be too fat to help in 2 weeks time. read more carefully.

and yes you can get abs eating what you want. my tutorial deals with high impact exercises, not conventional training that you see from programs such as P90X or regular work outs at the gyms.

To acquire definition in the abdominal area, excess adipose tissue must be reduced. To shrink that down, you have to lose fat through dietary restriction or excessive caloric expenditure through exercise. However, aerobic exercise (typically the way people expend calories) has been shown to increase protein degradation, therefore resulting in lost muscle mass. If you lose both muscle and fat, you maintain the same body fat percentage at a lighter mass. Because of that, you don't get any abs and just become the skinny fat guy.

And no, you cannot get abs eating whatever you want. You may not be a personal trainer or health expert, but I am. Have you read any research on this? There are years of research and thousands of articles that show a caloric deficit is necessary for reduction of body fat percentage. Reducing body fat is essential to abdominal visibility.

You know what's funny? P90x has gotten more people abs than any other program I know. My fat loss sticky itself has gotten people abs as well. People didn't gain 5-15lbs in 2 weeks. Why should they lose it in that time? Please, I'm being serious. Go look up some research articles on the effectiveness of exercise alone as a weight loss tool. Dietary intervention is a much easier way to lose weight. Dietary intervention + exercise (resistance training, in particular) is the most effective way at reducing body fat percentage and therefore enabling an individual to have definition in their core. Exercise is most effective for weight maintenance, rather than weight loss (look up Exercise as an Adjunct to Weight Loss and Maintenance in Moderately Obese Subjects in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989:49:1115-23).
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Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
I wouldn't call p90x conventional. You might be able eat what you want but you're not going to be losing any weight if you're eating more calories then you're burning. Doesn't really have anything to do with what kind of workout you're doing.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
To acquire definition in the abdominal area, excess adipose tissue must be reduced. To shrink that down, you have to lose fat through dietary restriction or excessive caloric expenditure through exercise. However, endurance exercise has been shown to actually increase protein degradation, therefore resulting in lost muscle mass. If you lose both muscle and fat, you maintain the same body fat percentage at a lighter mass. Because of that, you don't get any abs.

yes exactly, my method focuses on refining your muscles which in turn also lowers body fat.

And no, you cannot. You may not be a personal trainer or health expert, but I am. Have you read any research on this? There are years of research and thousands of articles that show a caloric deficit is necessary for reduction of body fat percentage. Reducing body fat is essential to abdominal visibility.

yes with a conventional workout where you go to a gym and work with a personal training on cardio, bikes, weight lifting, etc you'll need to go on a diet. when you do high impact you cannot expect to do it for 75 minutes a day starving yourself.

You know what's funny? P90x has gotten more people abs than any other program I know. My fat loss sticky itself has gotten people abs as well. People didn't gain 5-15lbs in 2 weeks. Why should they lose it in that time? Please, I'm being serious. Go look up some research articles on the effectiveness of exercise alone as a weight loss tool. Dietary intervention is a much easier way to lose weight. Dietary intervention + exercise (resistance training, in particular) is the most effective way at reducing body fat percentage and therefore enabling an individual to have definition in their core.

i didn't say people are going to lose 15lbs in 2 weeks why do you keep repeating this? and yes p90x is a excellent program, but it's not high impact, that's the difference (it has some, but not the ones i'll be including). and as i said this tutorial IS NOT about losing body fat, i did not say anywhere that you'll be losing 15lbs of weight in 2 weeks.
Mar 22, 2002
yes exactly, my method focuses on refining your muscles which in turn also lowers body fat.

yes with a conventional workout where you go to a gym and work with a personal training on cardio, bikes, weight lifting, etc you'll need to go on a diet. when you do high impact you cannot expect to do it for 75 minutes a day starving yourself.

i didn't say people are going to lose 15lbs in 2 weeks why do you keep repeating this? and yes p90x is a excellent program, but it's not high impact, that's the difference (it has some, but not the ones i'll be including). and as i said this tutorial IS NOT about losing body fat, i did not say anywhere that you'll be losing 15lbs of weight in 2 weeks.

Firstly, what do you mean with your terms like "refining" and "high impact?" They're extremely vague. You cannot increase definition in your abs without reducing body fat. You cannot reduce body fat without a caloric deficit. That is founded in science, whether or not you want to believe it.

How do you expect for an individual to lose fat mass when not in a caloric deficit? That is physiologically and physically impossible (first law of thermodynamics).

Ok, here's why I keep mentioning weight loss. If someone is 5-15lbs overweight (i.e. 5-15lbs of fat covering their body so that they do not have abdominal definition), how do you expect to shed that fat without losing that weight? You obviously do not understand how the body works if you're saying increasing muscular definition isn't about body fat.

Muscular definition is a function of muscle size and fat deposits. If you have large muscles, they poke through the fat easier. If you have low body fat, you have little covering your muscles. Body fat is the biggest predictor of abdominal definition.

Also, please describe what you mean by high impact exercise. If you're referring to things that involve high intensity training, then that alone will not allow an individual to get abs in two weeks. If they are not in a caloric deficit, the only variable you can act on is muscle size. In two weeks at caloric maintenance, there will be no significant hypertrophy and therefore no increase in muscle size. Because there's no reduction in body fat and no increase in muscle size, there is no change in visibility of abs.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
Firstly, what do you mean with your terms like "refining" and "high impact?" They're extremely vague. You cannot increase definition in your abs without reducing body fat. You cannot reduce body fat without a caloric deficit. That is founded in science, whether or not you want to believe it.

How do you expect for an individual to lose fat mass when not in a caloric deficit? That is physiologically and physically impossible (first law of thermodynamics).

Ok, here's why I keep mentioning weight loss. If someone is 5-15lbs overweight (i.e. 5-15lbs of fat covering their body so that they do not have abdominal definition), how do you expect to shed that fat without losing that weight? You obviously do not understand how the body works if you're saying increasing muscular definition isn't about body fat.

Muscular definition is a function of muscle size and fat deposits. If you have large muscles, they poke through the fat easier. If you have low body fat, you have little covering your muscles. Body fat is the biggest predictor of abdominal definition.

Also, please describe what you mean by high impact exercise. If you're referring to things that involve high intensity training, then that alone will not allow an individual to get abs in two weeks. If they are not in a caloric deficit, the only variable you can act on is muscle size. In two weeks at caloric maintenance, there will be no significant hypertrophy and therefore no increase in muscle size. Because there's no reduction in body fat and no increase in muscle size, there is no change in visibility of abs.

lol i didn't really intend to go into a big debate so i'll just say watch the vid later and you'll see.

and also i was nvr overweight or anything as a little kid so i just threw in a ballpark figure that an average american would be 5-15lbs overweight, i never said that this is about losing weight, i said that you must be an average joe and not some obese pig to make sure this exercise is successful. maybe the ballpark figure i threw out is just too high? well if it is feel free to correct me.

high impact, i'll be including various moves taken from traditional north-eastern asian martial arts, new york breakdancing, and western gymnastics. that is all.

i think the thing that mainly threw you off was when i said 5-15lbs. this isn't about losing weight once again. not every physical training/exercise is about torturing yourself with a diet and working out at the gym to get a good body. look at the physiques of your regional gymnasts or break dancers, most gymansts... they don't usually train in exercises that just works out a specific muscle, but rather do training that works out the entire body.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
i never said that this is about losing weight...
Which is exactly why what you are suggesting is basically preposterous. If you want to see your ab muscles, you need to get the fat that's covering them up out of the way. The only way to do that is to lose weight.* The only way to lose weight is to be in a caloric deficit. You can't "eat whatever you want" and achieve a caloric deficit.

*EDIT: I should amend this to say, specifically, that the only way to do that is to reduce body fat percentage, which is conceivable to do while gaining weight, as long as that weight gain is basically exclusively lean body mass, and which would be basically imposssible to do in only 2 weeks as you suggest.

high impact, i'll be including various moves taken from traditional north-eastern asian martial arts, new york breakdancing, and western gymnastics. that is all.
Those aren't much less vague than "high impact" was originally.
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Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
~10% bf is very low for walking around not training. hell my goal is to hit 10% while training, sitting at ~18%@232 lbs right now and I have some sort of ab definition. SC is right though but I thought similar to the way you do until I came here of all places and it made a huge impact on my weight loss and over all physical appearance
Mar 22, 2002
lol i didn't really intend to go into a big debate so i'll just say watch the vid later and you'll see.

and also i was nvr overweight or anything as a little kid so i just threw in a ballpark figure that an average american would be 5-15lbs overweight, i never said that this is about losing weight, i said that you must be an average joe and not some obese pig to make sure this exercise is successful. maybe the ballpark figure i threw out is just too high? well if it is feel free to correct me.

high impact, i'll be including various moves taken from traditional north-eastern asian martial arts, new york breakdancing, and western gymnastics. that is all.

i think the thing that mainly threw you off was when i said 5-15lbs. this isn't about losing weight once again. not every physical training/exercise is about torturing yourself with a diet and working out at the gym to get a good body. look at the physiques of your regional gymnasts or break dancers, most gymansts... they don't usually train in exercises that just works out a specific muscle, but rather do training that works out the entire body.

Go read the fat loss sticky at the top of these forums. It's not about torture - it's about being smart. If you know what to eat (1.0g of protein per pound of body weight, moderate fat intake, high fiber intake), then you don't have to suffer at all. You can be full all of the time, in a caloric deficit, and lose fat. You don't get abs in two weeks unless you only have 2-3 pounds to lose. This thread has officially failed at science.

Also, I'm curious - if you're not a health professional, why do you feel you're qualified to give advice? Have you ever been overweight? I believe you said no. Have you ever read research about losing weight? It doesn't seem like it. Therefore you don't have personal (anecdotal) or scientific backgrounds on the subject. Just like I don't try to talk about music composition or ecosystems (because I don't have experience in those fields), you shouldn't talk about getting people abs.
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Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
Which is exactly why what you are suggesting is basically preposterous. If you want to see your ab muscles, you need to get the fat that's covering them up out of the way. The only way to do that is to lose weight.* The only way to lose weight is to be in a caloric deficit. You can't "eat whatever you want" and achieve a caloric deficit.

*EDIT: I should amend this to say, specifically, that the only way to do that is to reduce body fat percentage, which is conceivable to do while gaining weight, as long as that weight gain is basically exclusively lean body mass, and which would be basically imposssible to do in only 2 weeks as you suggest.

Those aren't much less vague than "high impact" was originally.

ahh well i duno i said before my tutorial is NOT ABOUT losing weight, this means it doesn't put you into the mindset of "you must lose X weight by X time". i said before in the first reply back doing the training will make you lose weight, but i DO NOT emphasize this as a weight losing training regime. do you understand?

you don't have to have the mindset of going into training saying "i'll lose X weight by X time" to get a good body. you can think of other things too besides that.

eg: most breakdancers tend of have a good physique as a result of their hobby, but do you see them thinking in their head "hrm if i bboy for 2 hrs everyday for the next week i should be able to lose some fat around my ab area". no they don't, at least all the ones i met don't because it's more of a fun thing instead of a gruelling gym training thing. this is the point i was trying to get across. you don't have to torture yourself to get a good physique.

and it's only vague right now because it's not a tutorial, i was only seeing if anyones interested.

Go read the fat loss sticky at the top of these forums. It's not about torture - it's about being smart. If you know what to eat (1.0g of protein per pound of body weight, moderate fat intake, high fiber intake), then you don't have to suffer at all. You can be full all of the time, in a caloric deficit, and lose fat. You don't get abs in two weeks unless you only have 2-3 pounds to lose. This thread has officially failed at science.

Also, I'm curious - if you're not a health professional, why do you feel you're qualified to give advice? Have you ever been overweight? I believe you said no. Have you ever read research about losing weight? It doesn't seem like it. Therefore you don't have personal (anecdotal) or scientific backgrounds on the subject. Just like I don't try to talk about music composition or ecosystems (because I don't have experience in those fields), you shouldn't talk about getting people abs.

ok maybe not everyone thinks of it as torture, but some people do when they see they have to change their diet.
and no i said before i'm not a professional. i'm just saying, if your good at something why not share it? am i hurting anyone for posting a tutorial? if someone can't handle it they'll most likely quit.

and this isn't about losing weight (as i mentioned many times before). it's about doing specific training that i'll post up to get specific results. as i said before this exercise doesn't put you into themindset that you MUST lose X amount of weight. naturally if you follow this training you'll lose weight, it just doesn't put into your head that of the mindset that most personal trainers put into your head. that is why i said i'm not a profesional or a personal trainer.

my training doesn't come from a personal gym trainer approach cause it takes a different approach so i don't really see why i have to be a professional at weight loss.
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Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
ahh well i duno i said before my tutorial is NOT ABOUT losing weight, this means it doesn't put you into the mindset of "you must lose X weight by X time". i said before in the first reply back doing the training will make you lose weight, but i DO NOT emphasize this as a weight losing training regime. do you understand?
I understand that you didn't understand what I've already said, so I will say it again more explicitly. You WILL NOT reveal a six-pack which was previously hidden by a layer of belly fat by eating whatever you want for two weeks, regardless of the exercise training regiment.

There are two ways to reduce body fat percentage: lose body fat while preserving muscle, or gain muscle without gaining body fat. The former is much easier to do that the latter, but you MUST diet yourself into a caloric deficit to do that. In either case, however, the likelihood that you will be able to reveal a presently hidden six-pack within 2 weeks, even WITH a strict dietary regiment will be incredibly difficult, and likely amount to an unhealthly loss of weight in such a short time period.

you don't have to have the mindset of going into training saying "i'll lose X weight by X time" to get a good body. you can think of other things too besides that.
You're not comprehending the things that are being told to you.

eg: most breakdancers tend of have a good physique as a result of their hobby, but do you see them thinking in their head "hrm if i bboy for 2 hrs everyday for the next week i should be able to lose some fat around my ab area". no they don't, at least all the ones i met don't because it's more of a fun thing instead of a gruelling gym training thing. this is the point i was trying to get across. you don't have to torture yourself to get a good physique.
This debate is not about whether or not achieving a good physique should be easy or hard. It is about you making claims that do not describe any reality in which sane people dwell.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
I understand that you didn't understand what I've already said, so I will say it again more explicitly. You WILL NOT reveal a six-pack which was previously hidden by a layer of belly fat by eating whatever you want for two weeks, regardless of the exercise training regiment.

There are two ways to reduce body fat percentage: lose body fat while preserving muscle, or gain muscle without gaining body fat. The former is much easier to do that the latter, but you MUST diet yourself into a caloric deficit to do that. In either case, however, the likelihood that you will be able to reveal a presently hidden six-pack within 2 weeks, even WITH a strict dietary regiment will be incredibly difficult, and likely amount to an unhealthly loss of weight in such a short time period.

You're not comprehending the things that are being told to you.

This debate is not about whether or not achieving a good physique should be easy or hard. It is about you making claims that do not describe any reality in which sane people dwell.

me making claims that sane people dwell? do you really think that an average joe cannot get some definition of 6 pack within 2 weeks if they tried?
well i duno what to say i guess nobody is interested then. didn't even give me a chance to post a tutorial and your already saying it's impossible.

first you don't even know what i was going to post as the training and you already say it's impossible.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Maybe the best thing to help you understand would be for you to post this "tutorial" of yours and let us explain exactly how it won't acheive what you claim it will.

If it's a video like you linked in the beginning, I can't watch it from here. Type out the regiment, if at all possible.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
Maybe the best thing to help you understand would be for you to post this "tutorial" of yours and let us explain exactly how it won't acheive what you claim it will.

If it's a video like you linked in the beginning, I can't watch it from here. Type out the regiment, if at all possible.

ok well the thing is that what harm can my tutortial do if anyone tries it?

*average AT forum user tries my training and doesn't get 6pack in 2 weeks "o damn i just wasted 2 weeks of my time o well"*

even if it doesn't work i don't see how it can hurt to try. but i do guarantee that you'll be working your ass off if you had tried it.

i just don't see why you guys are saying it's impossible without even seeing it yet. give it a try first or something.

also it'll be easier for me to do a video tutorial cause i can visually show how to do each move. and that video in the first post was of myself.

i'll just explain 1 of the moves really quick.

backflip: it uses all your core muscle groups to do this move and is an excellent workout for the abs.

obviously i'm not going to make you do this move on the first day but it's one of the moves. and before you go "are you stupid what i'm gonna break my neck", i will also show how to use materials from your house to create a kinda "crash pit" in which even if you face planted or landed straight ontop of your head you won't die.

maybe now you can understand that the training isn't about going to the gym and treading hard on the bike for 1 hr to burn X amount of fat.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
me making claims that sane people dwell? do you really think that an average joe cannot get some definition of 6 pack within 2 weeks if they tried?
First of all, what you described as "average joe" is probably so far from "average" that it is silly to even use the term.

2nd, being "overweight" isn't the same thing as having a high percentage of body fat. Ronnie Coleman is 5'11" and like 300lbs. By those stats alone he's "obese." His body fat percentage is in the single digits when he's competing, though, and his abs would knock you out from across the room.

Now, if you want to stipulate that the "average joe" has 20% body fat, then I absolultely do not believe you have training regiment that will give that person a visible sixpack in 14 days.

well i duno what to say i guess nobody is interested then. didn't even give me a chance to post a tutorial and your already saying it's impossible.
I'd probably be interested if I could be convinced that you actually have any idea what you're talking about.

first you don't even know what i was going to post as the training and you already say it's impossible.
I don't need to know. If getting a six pack was achievable in 14 days for average guys, then every motherfucker would have a six pack. It wouldn't be a secret.


Sep 4, 2006
The whole idea of losing weight to see your amazing 6-pack is assuming you actually have muscles underneath all that flab.

My BF is pretty low from what I've seen and I have no muscular definition there, nor anywhere.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
First of all, what you described as "average joe" is probably so far from "average" that it is silly to even use the term.

2nd, being "overweight" isn't the same thing as having a high percentage of body fat. Ronnie Coleman is 5'11" and like 300lbs. By those stats alone he's "obese." His body fat percentage is in the single digits when he's competing, though, and his abs would knock you out from across the room.

Now, if you want to stipulate that the "average joe" has 20% body fat, then I absolultely do not believe you have training regiment that will give that person a visible sixpack in 14 days.

I'd probably be interested if I could be convinced that you actually have any idea what you're talking about.

I don't need to know. If getting a six pack was achievable in 14 days for average guys, then every motherfucker would have a six pack. It wouldn't be a secret.

it's not a secret, did you read the later half of my post? as i said earlier in my replies, i said 5-15lbs was just a ballpark figure i threw out, u dont have to take it literally that everyman reading must be 15lbs overweight. my definition of average joe is probably different from yours. i just gave the 5-15lbs figure because i figure'd most people from amerca would be around that much overweight while im not from america, so that's why i said i just threw a ballpark figure. u are concentrating too much on what i said about 5-15lbs and then saying it's impossible to lose 15lbs when the entire point of my post isn't to get someone to lose 15lbs.
Mar 22, 2002
ok well the thing is that what harm can my tutortial do if anyone tries it?

*average AT forum user tries my training and doesn't get 6pack in 2 weeks "o damn i just wasted 2 weeks of my time o well"*

even if it doesn't work i don't see how it can hurt to try. but i do guarantee that you'll be working your ass off if you had tried it.

i just don't see why you guys are saying it's impossible without even seeing it yet. give it a try first or something.

also it'll be easier for me to do a video tutorial cause i can visually show how to do each move. and that video in the first post was of myself.

i'll just explain 1 of the moves really quick.

backflip: it uses all your core muscle groups to do this move and is an excellent workout for the abs.

obviously i'm not going to make you do this move on the first day but it's one of the moves. and before you go "are you stupid what i'm gonna break my neck", i will also show how to use materials from your house to create a kinda "crash pit" in which even if you face planted or landed straight ontop of your head you won't die.

maybe now you can understand that the training isn't about going to the gym and treading hard on the bike for 1 hr to burn X amount of fat.

Your lack of experience is further demonstrated by not understanding human psychology. People who try weight loss programs get very disappointed quickly. If they work for two weeks, see no results, and still feel like crap, they give up hope on losing weight. Trust me, I've dealt with a ton of clients who yo-yo on diets or exercise programs for a couple of weeks, don't see any results, and quit. If they quit, they are less likely to pursue a program in the future that actually improves their health and body composition.

Also, a back flip is a relatively advanced gymnastic move. You think an average Joe, overweight, and underconditioned will be able to complete this? Perhaps your friends (young, skinny, possibly athletic) have been able to in the past, but the average individuals cannot learn a back flip in two weeks, let alone utilize it as part of a weight loss program.

This is my last post in this thread. You are turning a deaf ear to actual critique of your logic. You say this isn't about losing weight/fat, but that is the main variable defining abdominal visibility. You can't NOT lose weight without a caloric deficit. If you think you can get abs without changing anything except adding your "high impact" program, you are mistaken. Also, the human body does not respond as quickly as you'd like to think. Sure, you can write a program for breakdancers and martial artists to improve their skills and conditioning. You cannot, however, write a program for fat loss (or your mutually exclusive term of ab definition without fat loss) with your knowledge base.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Attention everyone! If you are at 8% bodyfat, have been lean your whole life, and already have a 6 pack, my videos will show you how to get a six pack! And if you order now, I'll toss in my other greatest - "Gain no muscle mass in two weeks!" and "The 5 minute status quo solution!" - for free!


Senior member
Dec 12, 2007
Your lack of experience is further demonstrated by not understanding human psychology. People who try weight loss programs get very disappointed quickly. If they work for two weeks, see no results, and still feel like crap, they give up hope on losing weight. Trust me, I've dealt with a ton of clients who yo-yo on diets or exercise programs for a couple of weeks, don't see any results, and quit. If they quit, they are less likely to pursue a program in the future that actually improves their health and body composition.

Also, a back flip is a relatively advanced gymnastic move. You think an average Joe, overweight, and underconditioned will be able to complete this? Perhaps your friends (young, skinny, possibly athletic) have been able to in the past, but the average individuals cannot learn a back flip in two weeks, let alone utilize it as part of a weight loss program.

This is my last post in this thread. You are turning a deaf ear to actual critique of your logic. You say this isn't about losing weight/fat, but that is the main variable defining abdominal visibility. You can't NOT lose weight without a caloric deficit. If you think you can get abs without changing anything except adding your "high impact" program, you are mistaken. Also, the human body does not respond as quickly as you'd like to think. Sure, you can write a program for breakdancers and martial artists to improve their skills and conditioning. You cannot, however, write a program for fat loss (or your mutually exclusive term of ab definition without fat loss) with your knowledge base.

well now i can flip the book on you on being a "professional". backflip isn't actually an advanced gymnastics move, it's a beginner gymnastics move. and i even said that i will not be starting right off the bat with this move. and yes the avearge joe can indeed do a backflip, i've taught a 48 year old father who's overweight how to do a backflip in 5 minutes. he never had any prior experience of doing a backflip.

also i don't want to use the term ignorant and start a flame fest, but that is exactly what your being. your saying something is impossible without even seeing how it can be done.

my entire point wasn't here to start an argument with you guys. i just don't see why you start coming in here saying somethings impossible when i haven't even shown you guys how yet.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
it's not a secret, did you read the later half of my post? as i said earlier in my replies, i said 5-15lbs was just a ballpark figure i threw out, u dont have to take it literally that everyman reading must be 15lbs overweight. my definition of average joe is probably different from yours. i just gave the 5-15lbs figure because i figure'd most people from amerca would be around that much overweight while im not from america, so that's why i said i just threw a ballpark figure. u are concentrating too much on what i said about 5-15lbs and then saying it's impossible to lose 15lbs when the entire point of my post isn't to get someone to lose 15lbs.

Like SociallyChallenged, this will be my last post in the thread, and I'm going to basically repeat what I've already said.

To have a visible sixpack, you must eliminate the fat that covers your abs.

You promise a program that will deliver visible abs, but insist that no dietary control is required.

Without dietary control, you cannot eliminate the fat that covers your abs. It does not matter what exercises you do. If you are not in a caloric deficit, the fat covering your abs will not disappear.

Even with strict dieting, an untrained "average joe" is extremely unlikely to lose enough weight in two weeks to reveal whatever abs that he has. Losing that much weight that fast would be unhealthy anyway, and no professional would advise it.

To sum up: You are a moron, and you should not be giving anybody training advice.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Attention everyone! If you are at 8% bodyfat, have been lean your whole life, and already have a 6 pack, my videos will show you how to get a six pack! And if you order now, I'll toss in my other greatest - "Gain no muscle mass in two weeks!" and "The 5 minute status quo solution!" - for free!

You ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
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