Anyone into LowCarb Baking ?

Quirky Chick

Sep 2, 2010
Hi I just love my sweet treats, but I was told by the doctor to lose weight and diabetes runs in my family on both sides. I thought if I could get a low carb buddy we coukd exchange recipes. Please NO rude remarks. Any help would be greatly aporeciated. Thank you for reading my post.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
You might want to go post this in the Health & Fitness sub-forum:

Also, according to my Type II friends, it's not so much about limiting sugar & carbs as it is about protein-loading before you eat those things. Like if they want a cupcake, they'll eat something with some protein beforehand & also not eat half a dozen of them so their system doesn't get overloaded.

If you enjoy baking as a hobby, check out Anna's website - she combines protein powder with baked treats so you can literally have your cake & eat it too:

Also if you're looking for low-carb wraps, Paleo Wraps are great. Not cheap ($1.50 each, minimum order of 7 wraps off Amazon for $10.49 shipped), but they work very well:


Feb 14, 2001
A lot of the recipes basically change out the flour/carb parts of the recipes for things like almond meal/flour. But then you read about eating way too much almond product. There are lots of natural sweeteners out there, so I try to switch between all of them so that I'm not overloading on any. I tend to gravitate towards coconut based stuff since it is a more "common" product in my mind compared to some plant that a tribe somewhere has been using for thousands of years.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
A lot of the recipes basically change out the flour/carb parts of the recipes for things like almond meal/flour. But then you read about eating way too much almond product. There are lots of natural sweeteners out there, so I try to switch between all of them so that I'm not overloading on any. I tend to gravitate towards coconut based stuff since it is a more "common" product in my mind compared to some plant that a tribe somewhere has been using for thousands of years.

Coconut is awesome, I am still finding new ways to use it:

Which is funny because I don't like eating coconut straight up (like the hairy shredded coconut they sometimes put on frosting and stuff) & I don't like the bottled coconut water (fresh out of a coconut is super tasty, but the canned/boxed stuff = yuck). Coconut flour is weird stuff (just 1/2 cup flour + 4 eggs = cupcakes, it's like a sponge!). I use this recipe for cupcakes, as well as plain for "cornbread" with chili (I'm allergic to corn) - only changes I make is using maple syrup instead of agave & omitting the milk:

And yeah, almond flour has its pros/cons. Some good reading here:

And here:

A cup of almond flour requires literally about 90 almonds to make, so you can eat a surprising amount of them in one sitting because a lot of recipes calls for a couple cups of almond meal per recipe. On the flip side, these almond-flour cookies are some of my favorite chocolate-chip cookies ever, they're just brilliant: Chip Cookies


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2014

I have a sweet tooth. In my younger days I could eat cookies and ice cream with the best of them. Now if I eat any sweets i get a huge headache. I don't do any low carb cooking, but I have cut tried to cut down on the carbs. Instead of cookies after dinner, I will have some type of nut mix.

I used to drink Snapples, then found that each one has 60 grams of carbs. Now I drink diet soda. It is interesting to look at carbs. A Vitamin water has a bunch of carbs, but a vitamin water zero has only about 4 carbs.


Feb 14, 2001
Coconut is awesome, I am still finding new ways to use it:

Which is funny because I don't like eating coconut straight up (like the hairy shredded coconut they sometimes put on frosting and stuff) & I don't like the bottled coconut water (fresh out of a coconut is super tasty, but the canned/boxed stuff = yuck). Coconut flour is weird stuff (just 1/2 cup flour + 4 eggs = cupcakes, it's like a sponge!). I use this recipe for cupcakes, as well as plain for "cornbread" with chili (I'm allergic to corn) - only changes I make is using maple syrup instead of agave & omitting the milk:

And yeah, almond flour has its pros/cons. Some good reading here:

And here:

A cup of almond flour requires literally about 90 almonds to make, so you can eat a surprising amount of them in one sitting because a lot of recipes calls for a couple cups of almond meal per recipe. On the flip side, these almond-flour cookies are some of my favorite chocolate-chip cookies ever, they're just brilliant: Chip Cookies

What about fresh coconut flesh? I absolutely HATE that dried flaky coconut stuff you'll find in most desserts. I'm good with it anywhere else.


Diamond Member
Sep 7, 2006
Interesting. I love cooking and might just try one of these, or get my wife to try one for the hell of it.

I'd imagine the texture is quite different, but are the calories really that much lower?


Feb 14, 2001
Interesting. I love cooking and might just try one of these, or get my wife to try one for the hell of it.

I'd imagine the texture is quite different, but are the calories really that much lower?

Honestly, usually not that much. Sometimes even higher because of the higher caloric content of a gram of fat compared to a gram of carb. I think the focus tends to be more of avoiding the carbohydrates in "sweets" or to tend towards fat/protein energy if you're on a certain kind of diet.

The almond meal pancakes I would make when I'm on a keto diet is often 2 or 3 times the calories of a regular pancake.


Aug 17, 2000
Black bean brownies are very good, way better than they sound.

As for sweeteners, my vote goes for Stevia.


Nov 11, 2009
Stay away does not mean substitute.

You are not addressing the core issue OP, just pretending to be doing so......


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
What about fresh coconut flesh? I absolutely HATE that dried flaky coconut stuff you'll find in most desserts. I'm good with it anywhere else.

Yeah, you can do a lot with it too. I don't use it much because coconuts are $2.50 EACH where I live, so it's not very economical to buy them because you can so little meat out of them. But you can get good products like cans of coconut cream (no coconut milk or water inside, just the cream) from Trader Joe's, which is pretty good for like a whipped cream topping if you mix in a sweetener with it.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Stay away does not mean substitute.

You are not addressing the core issue OP, just pretending to be doing so......

Eh, substitutes works too if you're meeting requirement. I can't do dairy or grains (allergies), so I just find other random stuff to make meals out of. I think I'd die of food boredom if I didn't have the Internet to look up strange recipes on :biggrin: Plus, you can make healthier versions if you want. My latest cheesecake is made out of cashews & coconut:

It was pretty good! Coworkers went to town on it for potluck day :thumbsup:


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Interesting. I love cooking and might just try one of these


I'd imagine the texture is quite different, but are the calories really that much lower?

Depends on the recipe. If you just try blindly substituting, then it usually turns out fairly terrible. A lot of recipes are specifically designed using a combination of ingredients to resemble the original, so if you find a highly-rated recipe, chances are it will be pretty decent.


Jul 9, 2000
I've tried almond flour, coconut flour, carbquik, carbalouse, etc, and its just not going going be good when you try to make low carb baked goods or things like pancakes. Its best just to avoid it, and once you lose the weight, just eat baked goods in moderation. Dont be fooled by people in the comments of a low carb recipe saying it tastes usually doesn't.

The closest thing I have gotten to making something baked that was edible was using coconut flour, but I don't like the taste of coconut. I can always taste it in coconut flour. Actually I take that back, cheesecake can be done well using a nut crust. For a sugar substitute, I've have good success with Xylitol and Erythritol, and I mainly use Erythritol Xylitol Erythritol. The only inconvenience is powerding it. Carbquik does make good biscuits, but its really fiber dense.
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Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I've tried almond flour, coconut flour, carbquik, carbalouse, etc, and its just not going going be good when you try to make low carb baked goods or things like pancakes. Its best just to avoid it, and once you lose the weight, just eat baked goods in moderation. Dont be fooled by people in the comments of a low carb recipe saying it tastes usually doesn't.

The closest thing I have gotten to making something baked that was edible was using coconut flour, but I don't like the taste of coconut. I can always taste it in coconut flour. Actually I take that back, cheesecake can be done well using a nut crust. For a sugar substitute, I've have good success with Xylitol and Erythritol, and I mainly use Erythritol. The only inconvenience is powerding it. Carbquik does make good biscuits, but its really fiber dense.

Yeah, you get perspective distortion over time. I have to label my foods "good...for gluten-free" because the alternative stuff starts tasting decent after awhile (food version of Stockholm syndrome :biggrin.

Speaking of pancakes, these 2-ingredient pancakes come out great (if you like banana pancakes) - just 2 eggs & a ripe banana:

Even fries up with a nice texture pattern, unlike a lot of other gluten-free pancake mixes (I always end up adding banana to them so they get brown & don't just stay white, which is weird visually to eat).


Jul 9, 2000
Speaking of pancakes, these 2-ingredient pancakes come out great (if you like banana pancakes) - just 2 eggs & a ripe banana:

I like banana pancakes a little too much. I was trying to make low carb versions. Then I'm thought f it, I need to taste the real thing. It was so good I started eating them on the weekends, and since I had eggs, flour and sugar it was just as easy to make cupcakes. Then Toffee Nut cookies. 6 months later, I gained 20 pounds! Now I just remove all baking! Although I still have a bunch of bananas sliced and vacuum sealed in the freezer...waiting for when I get back to that 200lb mark.

These almost look like Swedish pancakes or small crepes. I usually dont eat any fruit when I'm doing low carb. Only 31g of carbs. I'll bookmark this recipe for when I convert to a more paleo like diet.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I like banana pancakes a little too much. I was trying to make low carb versions. Then I'm thought f it, I need to taste the real thing. It was so good I started eating them on the weekends, and since I had eggs, flour and sugar it was just as easy to make cupcakes. Then Toffee Nut cookies. 6 months later, I gained 20 pounds! Now I just remove all baking! Although I still have a bunch of bananas sliced and vacuum sealed in the freezer...waiting for when I get back to that 200lb mark.

These almost look like Swedish pancakes or small crepes. I usually dont eat any fruit when I'm doing low carb. Only 31g of carbs. I'll bookmark this recipe for when I convert to a more paleo like diet.

Yeah, they're very thin. Tasty tho, if you like bananas.

Ban Bot

Senior member
Jun 1, 2010
I have been on low carb for 1 year.

I don't bake a lot anymore but have had good success when using the alternatives in "proven" recipes. I have a good Waffle recipe I use on Saturdays. I get a lot of my stuff from Netrition.

"Flour Substitutes"
Carbalose. Slight off taste, good flour "base" substitute.
Coconut Flour. Absorbs a lot of moisture so you don't need much. Adds coconut flavor. Difficult to work with IMO due to amount, crumb. But there are good recipes out there that use coconut flour.
Almond Flour. Crumbly crumb, makes good muffins.
Whey Powder. Adds a fine "sticky" consistency. A good minor ingredient to displace real flour and accent other choices.
Gluten. Adds stickiness and elasticity.

Tip: I find the best solution is a combo of ingredients as none is a perfect flour substitute. Carbalose with some "help" is the closest.

Erythritol. 70% as sweet as sugar. Can give cooling effect (Have had problem in frostings). Does not caramelize.
Xylitol. Love the taste but gives me horrible GI issues. Does not carmelize, ~ as sweet as sugar.
Stevia. Can give an aftertaste. Brands vary in strength. Trying Now Brands glycerate and powdered Better Stevia.

Tip: I have shifted away from Sucralose. It and caffeine seem to make me stall. I prefer natural sweeteners if possible although Erythritol+Stevia+Splenda is a nice combo. Use liquid Sucralose as the granuals have a bit of carbs.

"Helper Ingredients"
Polydextrose. Will give your baked goods that carmelization. This is a fiber used in a lot of commercial goods as it gives a sugar/fat mouthfeel. Can cause some GI in some people (stinkies) but a killer ingredient when you need that "melted sugar" texture in brownies, cookies, etc.
Cream Cheese. A binder/filler. e.g. my Waffle recipe uses both this and carbalose and has a surprisingly close "wheat flour" crumb.
Guar Gum. Very powerful. Good suspender and binder. I like to mix into my dry ingredients but slowly added to a fluid in a blender works, too. A must for smoothies.
Xanthan Gum. Twice as powerful as Guar Gum. They amplify each other. Supposedly Guar is better in cold and Xanthan in hot fluids. I like both. Make a killer smoothie combo.
Citric Acid. Good way to get tartness without orange/lemon and the associated carbs.

There are other goodies: Flax meal, oat fiber, lecithin, etc.

My biggest problem with low carb is I love fruit & veggies (the latter is ok but not much of the former) and am not a big "fat" eater. I have a problem of getting too much protein and not enough fat. And while I am OK for long stretches without any cakes/muffins/cookies/baked goods I miss starchy stuff like potatoes. I am not a big salad fan (much prefer steamed veggies or stir frys) and don't like most dressings.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Erythritol. 70% as sweet as sugar. Can give cooling effect (Have had problem in frostings). Does not caramelize.
Xylitol. Love the taste but gives me horrible GI issues. Does not carmelize, ~ as sweet as sugar.
Stevia. Can give an aftertaste. Brands vary in strength. Trying Now Brands glycerate and powdered Better Stevia.

Tip: I have shifted away from Sucralose. It and caffeine seem to make me stall. I prefer natural sweeteners if possible although Erythritol+Stevia+Splenda is a nice combo. Use liquid Sucralose as the granuals have a bit of carbs.

A few more interesting options for sweeteners:

Special K

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
"Helper Ingredients"
Guar Gum. Very powerful. Good suspender and binder. I like to mix into my dry ingredients but slowly added to a fluid in a blender works, too. A must for smoothies.
Xanthan Gum. Twice as powerful as Guar Gum. They amplify each other. Supposedly Guar is better in cold and Xanthan in hot fluids. I like both. Make a killer smoothie combo.

How much Guar and/or Xanthan Gum do you use for a given amount of smoothie liquid? I just started mixing 1/4 tsp of Xanthan Gum into my protein shakes that contain 16 oz of liquid (milk and cold brew coffee) and they come out with a nice consistency.

I wonder if I should try the Guar Gum given that my smoothie uses all cold ingredients.


Jul 14, 2000
i like to bake bacon. does that count? you warm up the oven, and put the bacon in, and take it out when its done.
/otherwise mostly high-carb baking.
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