I just installed it the other day. Got it from my MSDNAA account. Love that thing.
Does it support C99 (...yet)?
Not really, and I doubt that it ever will fully support the standard. According to the dev team there just isn't enough demand for it to justify the investment.
An another point, has anyone else noticed that 2010 occasionally opens solutions in full-screen mode, apparently for reasons of its own? I use a widescreen monitor and have multiple solutions open most of the time, so I never run fullscreen, and I'm not sure where it got the idea that I wanted to .
Nope haven't had that happen. Are you opening VS then having it open the solution or opening the solution directly?
Something else made me super-happy: when you pause your cursor on a variable, all occurrences of that variable within the scope are now highlighted. So if you're in a method and you're processing a parameter, the IDE recognizes that that parameter is part of the method signature, and highlights only the necessary occurrences. KICKASS! I have been waiting for this feature since 2005... good thing MS is listening.
Anyone noticed the camel-cased intellisense? You can type the acronym of a property or method and it will find it. For example, try writing Console.WL and WriteLine will pop up.
I have VS 2005 and 2008 from MSDN AA while at school but I no longer have access to it. I've been thinking about dabbling in some .NET development (primarily have worked on embedded systems and Unix shell dev only) so I may have to just get VS 2010 Express. I'm not sure it's limitations but I doubt for my basic usage that I'd need anything from the Standard or Pro series so I might as well get into the latest and greatest.
I want to stay in embedded development but it wouldn't hurt to expand my skills and all I hear about is .NET and Silverlight and all this fancy stuff.
private int blah;
private int foo;
private int bar;