Anyone who tells me all Southerners are stupid

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Dec 20, 2002
I did not know that "pens" was a two syllable word. Learn something new everyday

My wife is from Texas originally. As a relationship "bonus" I get the pleasure of dealing with her parents from time to time. It just grinds me every time her mom asks me to get her a "pein". I don't know if I'm supposed to get her a pen or a pin. I once brought both.

The other one that gets me is how every day of the week ends with "ee". Mondee, Tuesdee, Wednesdee, etc. Yet they know how to pronounce the word "day"...


Apr 15, 2004
Temperature is temperature period. RH/Dewpoint/Windspeed have an affect on how APPARENTLY cold it is to mammals but that is not the question here.

Its colder, because it FEELS colder. You asked which is colder, its a valid question because temperature alone doesn't dictate how cold it could be.


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Its colder, because it FEELS colder. You asked which is colder, its a valid question because temperature alone doesn't dictate how cold it could be.

That's not how measurements work.

Temperature is different than comfort index.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
It is inevitable during the course of my working day, i have to deal with people who work in Spartanburg, SC.

Spartanburg, SC is, without a doubt, the home to the dumbest people on the planet.
Most of them cannot spell their name... don't know what company they work for, and don't have a clue as to who their supervisor is.

The answer i receive to 90% of the questions i ask is .. "i need to get access to this thingie"

Interesting, especially since I am from Spartanburg. And my high school competed in academic decathlons with all the other states in the US. I believe we came in 26th overall while I was on the team.

However, we were at a huge disadvantage overall compared to the other teams competing. Our school is who represented our state where most states picked the best individual students. So when you consider that a lot of other states had a huge population to pick the best students, we just sent the best school.

Have you ever thought maybe you deal with idiots in Spartanburg because your job is just full of idiots in general?

Now don't get me wrong. Spartanburg is a shit town. That is why I got the hell out of it. There is very little redeeming about Spartanburg, however my dislike of Spartanburg has nothing to do with the general intelligence of the people there.

As someone who has travelled all over the country and all over the world, I don't think southerns are any worse or better intelligence wise than other parts of the country. Academically, there is much to be desired from the SC school system but there are some excellent schools in SC. There just happen to be more piss poor ones.

I know in college, I had no problem competing with northerners or even the indians in my classes(computer science if you couldn't guess).

I find it pretty funny that most of you have probably never interacted with a variety of southerners from different walks of life but like to make gross generalizations.

I will back out of the thread so you guys can continue having your fun....


And SC does have the 12th best high school in the nation.
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Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2010
I find it pretty funny that most of you have probably never interacted with a variety of southerners from different walks of life but like to make gross generalizations.

Me too. Stereotypes are stereotypes. I lived almost all my life in the northeast, been in Texas for 5 years. And I know what y'all are sayin', there are some stupid people down here. I remember a conversation I had with the guy at the corner store from Louisiana. He talked about how driving in Texas was quite an experience for him until he figured out what "yield" means . But I've met a lot of intelligent people. Then again I live on the edge of a city, it's different up in the Hill Country. All they talk about is their hogs and other things I can barely understand (the local dialect).

Having said that, I find people are a LOT more open and friendly than up north. It's a slower pace of life and I also think the heat has something to do with it. I love it here and don't miss the cold. I do get a kick out of the reaction when it does dip down a bit (28 - 30 degrees). It's not uncommon to be watching the weather on local news and they show a picture someone sent in with something like a bird bath with a crust of ice on it! WooooHoooo.

I've never seen snow here in San Antonio but sometimes they get some over in El Paso or even Houston. They shut everything down for just a dusting - schools etc. Man I wish it would have been like that where I grew up, I'd be off all winter! But they're just not used to it, and especially not equipped to deal with snow removal if does accumulate.
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Jun 15, 2001

It appears that many of the top schools on that list are in the south and the west.

As for northerners being less friendly, they are when it comes to casual conversation, which makes them pretty boring on a day to day basis, but once you get to know them they're as friendly as anyone else. I worked in upstate New York for a while, and the people there were fine on average. The people from Albany and NYC were far friendlier, and the people from the small bedroom communities had their heads up their asses. Same as everywhere else.


Dec 27, 2001
and you guys really think the lady from AL put that much thought and research into her statement?


Jun 15, 2001
and you guys really think the lady from AL put that much thought and research into her statement?

Nope, absolutely not. As an aside, it was colder in Fort Payne, AL on that day than it was in Harbor Springs, MI. Of course, she didn't know that.

If I went and said that everyone from the midwest made sweeping generalizations based on your posts, the statement would have no real credibility, much like most of the stories in this thread.

Speaking of anecdotal evidence, I've lived in different parts of the country and people seem to be about the same everywhere. I didn't look hard, but I found one site which purported to contain IQ information by state, but the data was supposed to have been based off of ACT/SAT scores (which would point to education rather than intelligence), and even then it was pulled by The Economist as possibly fraudlent.

Anyway, yes, I'm a southerner, and yes, we have shit tons of problems, but we're not all a bunch of inbred moron racists. In my mind it's lack of education and it could be fixed in a few generations if we really tried. It begins at home and when you have uneducated parents having children and failing to educate them, it leads to a viscious cycle. Unfortunately there is little to draw the best educators down here. I was lucky, my grandparents adopted me from their drug-addicted daughter and taught me to question and then taught me how to find answers.

Oh, and before the "umad bro"-ers jump in here, no I'm not offended or mad, the south is fucked up and no one is fixing it. I'm just trying to inject a little clarity. You may now resume picturing us all as Brett Farve's sister...

Enjoy the snow.


Jun 12, 2005
I love how all the Northerners in this thread play off all Southerners as stupid. Most of this is just pure stereotype BS. I fine lots of northern people to be egotistical and they tend to look down at others. Yet they are usually the first people to complain about stereotyping others when they are guilty of the same.

Every area of the country has stupid people in equal ratios.

Every area of the country has variations in their speech patterns.
People in Britain think Northerners slaughter the English language as much as you think Southerners do.

The south can hold its own with any northern state when it comes to intelligence. There are however exceptions in all states.

Just because you live in a northern state and talk funny doesn't mean you are smarter.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Southern Etiquette In General…
1. Always identify people in your yard before shooting them.
2. It is considered tacky to take a cooler to church.
3. If you have to vacuum the bed, it’s time to change the sheets.
4. Even if you’re certain that you’re included in the will, it’s rude to drive a U-haul to the funeral.

Southern Entertaining in your home
1. A centerpiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist.

Southern Personal Hygiene
1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this job should be done in private using one’s own truck keys.
2. Even if you live alone, deodorant is not a waste of money.
3. Use of proper toiletries can only delay bathing for a few days.
4. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a social no-no, as they tend
to distract from a woman’s jewelry, and alter the taste of finger foods.

Southern Dating (outside the family)
1. Always offer to bait your date’s hook, especially on the first date.
2. Be assertive, Let her know you’re interested: “I’ve been wanting to go
out with you ever since I read that stuff on the bathroom walls two years ago.”
3. Establish with her parents what time she is expected back. Some will
say 10:00 PM. Others might say “Monday,” If the latter is the answer; it is
the man’s responsibility to get her to school on time.

Southern Theater Etiquette
1. Crying babies should be taken to the lobby and picked up immediately after the movie has ended.
2. Refrain from talking to the characters on the screen.. Tests have proven that they can’t hear you.

Southern Weddings
1. Livestock usually is a poor choice for a wedding gift.
2. Kissing the bride for more than 5 seconds might get you shot.
3. For the groom, at least, rent a tux. A leisure suit with a cummerbund
and a clean bowling shirt can create a tacky appearance.
4. Though uncomfortable, say ‘yes’ to socks! and shoes for this special occasion.

Southern Driving Etiquette
1. Dim your headlights for approaching vehicles, even if the gun is loaded and the deer is in sight.
2. When approaching a four-way stop, the vehicle with the largest tires does not always have the right of way.
3. Never tow another car using panty hose and duct tape.
4. When sending your wife down the road with a gas can, it is impolite to ask her to bring back beer too.
5. Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession.


Jun 22, 2001
The south can hold its own with any northern state when it comes to intelligence. There are however exceptions in all states.

Just because you live in a northern state and talk funny doesn't mean you are smarter.

I can tell you that the stereotype exists because it is partly true.

The only southern state in the top 25 for Elementary schools in 2003 was NC. Not counting VA as a southern state because we have 3 of the top 10 richest counties in the country near DC and vote democrat. NC/TN is where the south starts IMO.

For middle schools, no southern state made the top 25 in 2003.

Don't have the data for the other years because I'm not signing up/paying for that data.


Jun 15, 2001
I can tell you that the stereotype exists because it is partly true.

The only southern state in the top 25 for Elementary schools in 2003 was NC. Not counting VA as a southern state because we have 3 of the top 10 richest counties in the country near DC and vote democrat. NC/TN is where the south starts IMO.

For middle schools, no southern state made the top 25 in 2003.

Don't have the data for the other years because I'm not signing up/paying for that data.

Intelligence isn't the same thing as education. If the students aren't being taught properly at school or at home, how are they supposed to score well?


Jun 12, 2005
I can tell you that the stereotype exists because it is partly true.

The only southern state in the top 25 for Elementary schools in 2003 was NC. Not counting VA as a southern state because we have 3 of the top 10 richest counties in the country near DC and vote democrat. NC/TN is where the south starts IMO.

For middle schools, no southern state made the top 25 in 2003.

Don't have the data for the other years because I'm not signing up/paying for that data.

Sorry for your failure in geography, but Virginia is part of the South. No matter how hard you try to deny it. It makes no difference how rich you are or how you vote. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Spell Mason-Dixon Line for starters.

Your references have nothing to do with intelligence.

Get out and see the country. Every state has its share of retards. Denial is futile.

Most of the "southerners are stupid" idea comes from stereotyping from TV. And the northerners are gullible enough to believe it.

I laugh as all the northern industry moves south to take advantage of our lower cost of living, highly technical work force, excellent work ethics and to escape the unreasonable demands of unions. Boeing recently moved from Washington State to Charleston SC for these very reasons.

Good luck with your urban and city slums and you suffer a mass movement of your industry to the south.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Sorry for your failure in geography, but Virginia is part of the South. No matter how hard you try to deny it. It makes no difference how rich you are or how you vote. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Spell Mason-Dixon Line for starters.

Your references have nothing to do with intelligence.

Get out and see the country. Every state has its share of retards. Denial is futile.

Most of the "southerners are stupid" idea comes from stereotyping from TV. And the northerners are gullible enough to believe it.

I laugh as all the northern industry moves south to take advantage of our lower cost of living, highly technical work force, excellent work ethics and to escape the unreasonable demands of unions. Boeing recently moved from Washington State to Charleston SC for these very reasons.

Good luck with your urban and city slums and you suffer a mass movement of your industry to the south.

"Most of the "southerners are stupid" idea comes from stereotyping from TV. And the northerners are gullible enough to believe it."

Nope, I learned it from living there and traveling amongst them. Good try though. Just make up a reason and use it as fact.

You think industries move to the south because of... work ethic? AHAHAHAHA. Brilliant! Are we playing the game where we just make up what we would like the world to be based upon and then use it as fact?

Ooh ooh, I could play that one too! The reason the south is considered stupid is- they are all slack jawed yokels who fanatically believe in a sky wizard.
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Jun 12, 2005
"Most of the "southerners are stupid" idea comes from stereotyping from TV. And the northerners are gullible enough to believe it."

Nope, I learned it from living there and traveling amongst them. Good try though. Just make up a reason and use it as fact.

And you are from New Jersey. Where they don't even know how to pump their own gas. You prove my point. Gullible.


You think industries move to the south because of... work ethic? AHAHAHAHA. Brilliant! Are we playing the game where we just make up reasons that we would like the world to be based upon and then use it as fact?

These facts are not made up. Read a news paper once in a while.


The list continues on and on ...
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Jun 15, 2001
"Most of the "southerners are stupid" idea comes from stereotyping from TV. And the northerners are gullible enough to believe it."

Nope, I learned it from living there and traveling amongst them. Good try though. Just make up a reason and use it as fact.

Anecdotal evidence isn't that much better. Show us verifiable source material.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
Sorry for your failure in geography, but Virginia is part of the South. No matter how hard you try to deny it. It makes no difference how rich you are or how you vote. Your opinion doesn't matter.

Spell Mason-Dixon Line for starters.

What would you consider Maryland? In my experience people down south tend to consider Maryland as a northern state. I don't think it's out there to count DC and its surrounding areas (including parts of Maryland and Virginia) as the north. It's certainly part of the Northeast Corridor, more of a "northern" thing.

Also, the Mason-Dixon line was created to settle territory disputes between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Using it to separate "north" from "south" is an arbitrary decision.

Really, both states (Maryland and Virginia) have areas that could be considered northern as well as areas that could be called southern. Additionally, neither state is a stranger to snow, something I don't think many southern states can claim (this year being an outlier).

But in the end, what do you care? You can call Maryland whatever you want, but the area where I live definitely feels more "northern". DC metro, MD, for reference. Work up in Baltimore.
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