Anything wrong with using black to describe ehtnicity?

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Your own words.

And please, lets not say either one of us used facts. This is an opinion thread with a link to one oddball example where someone is arrested for calling someone the N word. You have no fact that both are equal, just as I have no facts otherwise besides how the N word has been created through history.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Roger
Your own words.

And please, lets not say either one of us used facts. This is an opinion thread with a link to one oddball example where someone is arrested for calling someone the N word. You have no fact that both are equal, just as I have no facts otherwise besides how the N word has been created through history.
Yea thanks I wrote that and I don't see where you're trying to go with it. My whole argument here was that Cracker != the N word. No more, no less.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2000
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
If the N word is so bad and carries such negative slavery connotation then why is it that black people call each other that and it is acceptable, its in all the rap songs and again it is acceptable yet anyone else but a black person uses it and its bad...please explain this

Its called making the word their own to remove the significance it carries. When a white person using it against a black person it carries the significance it has historically.

The whole historical significance cracks this cracker up, why? because it is TAUGHT. Young black men are taught to respond to the N word, it's a pavlovian experiment gone wrong.

Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
I see it as the majority vs. the minority. It seems like when derrogatory terms are used as labels against the majority, it is acceptable in this society. I think it's wrong, either way.

DanJ, you said earlier that whites cannot call blacks the N word because it carries a deeper meaning than when blacks call each other the N word. So does that mean Asians and Mexicans can call them the N word? Can Aussies? What if you're half black? Where do you draw the line?

You stated that it was an oddball arrest, I am counter pointing that incorrect statement, are you blind ?

You say one thing, then flip flop.

Both are equally racist therefor if you say one and get arrested, then it should be the same with the other, PERIOD.


I stated ;

Wait a year, what ticks me off is that certain black people can yell cracker all day long, as soon as someone yells the N word, the police show up and people get arrested.

You then stated ;

Oh please, Cracker hardly carries the connotation of the N word.

They are both extremely racist, therefor the law should equally equally to both.


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Roger
You stated that it was an oddball arrest, I am counter pointing that incorrect statement, are you blind ?

You say one thing, then flip flop.

Both are equally racist therefor if you say one and get arrested, then it should be the same with the other, PERIOD.


I stated ;

Wait a year, what ticks me off is that certain black people can yell cracker all day long, as soon as someone yells the N word, the police show up and people get arrested.

You then stated ;

Oh please, Cracker hardly carries the connotation of the N word.

They are both extremely racist, therefor the law should equally equally to both.

as an asian, i must say at some point in this discussion.

black people are WAAYY more racist against asians than white people are. and yet, you ask a black person if mimicing the way asians speak or doing various things that many black people do to mock asians is racist and they will say NO.

no one is more hypocritical regarding this whole racist issue as a race than the black people.

just the other day, i was calling my kids and some black kid on the corner was mimicing sounds. i stared him off and he slunk away sheepishly, but what makes him think it is acceptable to do in the first place??


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Ranger X
I see it as the majority vs. the minority. It seems like when derrogatory terms are used as labels against the majority, it is acceptable in this society. I think it's wrong, either way.

DanJ, you said earlier that whites cannot call blacks the N word because it carries a deeper meaning than when blacks call each other the N word. So does that mean Asians and Mexicans can call them the N word? Can Aussies? What if you're half black? Where do you draw the line?

You must have mis-understood. I'm saying there's typically a deregatory stereotype for every group of some sort. Typically when said amongst a group there is little weight because its a level playing field. Obviously if 2 Asians said the N word to each other it wouldn't make any sense, they wouldn't feel any significance, and there would be no conotation. Now if they used a derogatory word for asians together that would be internalizing it. Just like if 2 people from the same town in the South called each other crackers, it would mean much less then someone outside of that group saying it.

There is no line to draw. Its just logic.


Oct 9, 1999
<enter chapelle humour into serious thread>

"Listen here, n1gger! If anyone's gonna have sex with my sister, it's gonna be ME!"

</end chapelle humour>


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Triumph
<enter chapelle humour into serious thread>

"Listen here, n1gger! If anyone's gonna have sex with my sister, it's gonna be ME!"

</end chapelle humour>

shouldn't that be "cracker".

i thought it was the stereotype of WHITE people that they had sex with their sisters, not of black people.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Roger
You stated that it was an oddball arrest, I am counter pointing that incorrect statement, are you blind ?

You say one thing, then flip flop.

Both are equally racist therefor if you say one and get arrested, then it should be the same with the other, PERIOD.


I stated ;

Wait a year, what ticks me off is that certain black people can yell cracker all day long, as soon as someone yells the N word, the police show up and people get arrested.

You then stated ;

Oh please, Cracker hardly carries the connotation of the N word.

They are both extremely racist, therefor the law should equally equally to both.
Alright, so we branched off from different parts of your post. I was simply grabbing on to the part where it seemed to me you were saying that the N word is equal to Cracker. As for laws, I don't think there should be a law against words, but like I said saying a word doesn't protect you from possible confrontation obviously. But no, they shouldn't be arrested for saying it, so no, the law shouldn't reach both groups because the law shouldn't exist in my opinion.

Again, simply arguing that the words don't equate; no connection to possible arrests due to it.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: oniq
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: oniq
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
If the N word is so bad and carries such negative slavery connotation then why is it that black people call each other that and it is acceptable, its in all the rap songs and again it is acceptable yet anyone else but a black person uses it and its bad...please explain this
Its called making the word their own to remove the significance it carries. When a white person using it against a black person it carries the significance it has historically.
Thats so racist against whites.
Oh please. It happens all the time. There are tons of words that when used in specifical social, gender-based, sexual-orientation, etc.. groups carry different meaning then when someone outside of that group using it against them. Internalizing words to deaden their affect has been going on forever. If you're so naive to think that this is only occuring now through the example of rap music then you need to open your eyes and get out a bit more; talk to people that aren't exactly like you.
It doesn't make any sense. So, black people using N is a way to remove the significance it carries? Then a white person uses it and OF COURSE it has to deal with our historic past? Riight. Maybe white people would like to get rid of the significance it carries as well, wouldn't that make more sense. Stop living in the past.
Why else would a white person use it; to be chummy? If white people want to get rid of the significance STOP SAYING IT. Get off your high horse telling me not to live in the past when you're essentially arguing that its okay for white people to still use it because black people have internalized it. I'd like to live in the now where white people don't have any use for the word anymore.

this whole n word crap is BS.

so slavery happened, its not happening now then why constantly bring it up when the situation doesnt have anything to do with it. I dont owe you for what happened in the past ... i wasnt around and my family was not involved yet when i worked in an inner city store i was made to feel like i owed people something, that because black people were once slaves i should bend over backwards and break the rules.

If someone wanted to return a product and had no reciept and i said we can take it back well all of a sudden it must be because they were black and black people always get treated this way blablabla...

so may times i was called whiteboy cracker whatever, yet i am not even white. but according to danj this is not as bad as being called the n word..cuz they must have been trying to be chummy with me

and it was always the same....shoutign about how this and that wouldnt happen in a white store....well then get your ass to shopping in a white store why keep coming back if you get treated so bad here?

hate is hate whether its the n word or the cracker word. ..if you want to stop the stereoypes and uses of the word stop it all across the board dont be a hypocrite and say you cant use it but me and mine can, because even though we say we hate it we like to use it to greet each other, decribe each other, insult each other thats just bs


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
this whole n word crap is BS.

so slavery happened, its not happening now then why constantly bring it up when the situation doesnt have anything to do with it. I dont owe you for what happened in the past ... i wasnt around and my family was not involved yet when i worked in an inner city store i was made to feel like i owed people something, that because black people were once slaves i should bend over backwards and break the rules.

If someone wanted to return a product and had no reciept and i said we can take it back well all of a sudden it must be because they were black and black people always get treated this way blablabla...

so may times i was called whiteboy cracker whatever, yet i am not even white. but according to danj this is not as bad as being called the n word..cuz they must have been trying to be chummy with me

and it was always the same....shoutign about how this and that wouldnt happen in a white store....well then get your ass to shopping in a white store why keep coming back if you get treated so bad here?

hate is hate whether its the n word or the cracker word. ..if you want to stop the stereoypes and uses of the word stop it all across the board dont be a hypocrite and say you cant use it but me and mine can, because even though we say we hate it we like to use it to greet each other, decribe each other, insult each other thats just bs

Where did I state you should bend over backwards for anyone?
Where did I state that if you're called a cracker that must be being chummy?
Where did I state that black people could use Cracker against white people?

Quit trying to bend my words. I said absolutely nothing that correlates with this response. I was simply arguing that the N word has more baggage then Cracker. I've said over and over again that using any word is bad. I'm against hatred, racism, stereotypes, etc.. on all levels. I just have trouble believing that "Cracker" carries the same power as the N word. Thats it.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
this whole n word crap is BS.

so slavery happened, its not happening now then why constantly bring it up when the situation doesnt have anything to do with it. I dont owe you for what happened in the past ... i wasnt around and my family was not involved yet when i worked in an inner city store i was made to feel like i owed people something, that because black people were once slaves i should bend over backwards and break the rules.

If someone wanted to return a product and had no reciept and i said we can take it back well all of a sudden it must be because they were black and black people always get treated this way blablabla...

so may times i was called whiteboy cracker whatever, yet i am not even white. but according to danj this is not as bad as being called the n word..cuz they must have been trying to be chummy with me

and it was always the same....shoutign about how this and that wouldnt happen in a white store....well then get your ass to shopping in a white store why keep coming back if you get treated so bad here?

hate is hate whether its the n word or the cracker word. ..if you want to stop the stereoypes and uses of the word stop it all across the board dont be a hypocrite and say you cant use it but me and mine can, because even though we say we hate it we like to use it to greet each other, decribe each other, insult each other thats just bs

Where did I state you should bend over backwards for anyone?
Where did I state that if you're called a cracker that must be being chummy?
Where did I state that black people could use Cracker against white people?

Quit trying to bend my words. I said absolutely nothing that correlates with this response. I was simply arguing that the N word has more baggage then Cracker. I've said over and over again that using any word is bad. I'm against hatred, racism, stereotypes, etc.. on all levels. I just have trouble believing that "Cracker" carries the same power as the N word. Thats it.

whether you use n*gger or cracker your still using a word for the sole purpose of insulting someone.

you are either using it out of hate or anger, same purpose same reason


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
this whole n word crap is BS.

so slavery happened, its not happening now then why constantly bring it up when the situation doesnt have anything to do with it. I dont owe you for what happened in the past ... i wasnt around and my family was not involved yet when i worked in an inner city store i was made to feel like i owed people something, that because black people were once slaves i should bend over backwards and break the rules.

If someone wanted to return a product and had no reciept and i said we can take it back well all of a sudden it must be because they were black and black people always get treated this way blablabla...

so may times i was called whiteboy cracker whatever, yet i am not even white. but according to danj this is not as bad as being called the n word..cuz they must have been trying to be chummy with me

and it was always the same....shoutign about how this and that wouldnt happen in a white store....well then get your ass to shopping in a white store why keep coming back if you get treated so bad here?

hate is hate whether its the n word or the cracker word. ..if you want to stop the stereoypes and uses of the word stop it all across the board dont be a hypocrite and say you cant use it but me and mine can, because even though we say we hate it we like to use it to greet each other, decribe each other, insult each other thats just bs

Where did I state you should bend over backwards for anyone?
Where did I state that if you're called a cracker that must be being chummy?
Where did I state that black people could use Cracker against white people?

Quit trying to bend my words. I said absolutely nothing that correlates with this response. I was simply arguing that the N word has more baggage then Cracker. I've said over and over again that using any word is bad. I'm against hatred, racism, stereotypes, etc.. on all levels. I just have trouble believing that "Cracker" carries the same power as the N word. Thats it.

whether you use n*gger or cracker your still using a word for the sole purpose of insulting someone.

you are either using it out of hate or anger, same purpose same reason

Obviously they're both for insulting; they're both bad and I personally would never use them nor hang out with people who do. To me racism is perhaps the worst trait a person can have; its just sheer ignorance. I'm simplying saying to me one is more powerful then the other. Ask a girl what the worst thing anyone can call them is and they'll say the C word. Therefore bitch has less effect then it does. Thats all I'm saying. There are levels and I think the N word is at the top of that.


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Triumph
<enter chapelle humour into serious thread>

"Listen here, n1gger! If anyone's gonna have sex with my sister, it's gonna be ME!"

</end chapelle humour>

shouldn't that be "cracker".

i thought it was the stereotype of WHITE people that they had sex with their sisters, not of black people.

Yeah, keep thinking that fool...:roll:


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by: BooGiMaN
If the N word is so bad and carries such negative slavery connotation then why is it that black people call each other that and it is acceptable, its in all the rap songs and again it is acceptable yet anyone else but a black person uses it and its bad...please explain this

black people feel that society owes them a debt... They carry a grudge wherever they go and are quick to blame mishaps on their color. It is their scapegoat

edit: it should say 'some black people' i didnt mean to stereo type the entire race.


Aug 11, 2000
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Triumph
<enter chapelle humour into serious thread>

"Listen here, n1gger! If anyone's gonna have sex with my sister, it's gonna be ME!"

</end chapelle humour>

shouldn't that be "cracker".

i thought it was the stereotype of WHITE people that they had sex with their sisters, not of black people.

Yeah, keep thinking that fool...:roll:

in the USA, we do not require permission to think what we want to think.

btw, it was not to be taken seriously, it was just a joke. :roll:


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: PlatinumGold
Originally posted by: Triumph
<enter chapelle humour into serious thread>

"Listen here, n1gger! If anyone's gonna have sex with my sister, it's gonna be ME!"

</end chapelle humour>

shouldn't that be "cracker".

i thought it was the stereotype of WHITE people that they had sex with their sisters, not of black people.

Yeah, keep thinking that fool...:roll:

in the USA, we do not require permission to think what we want to think.

btw, it was not to be taken seriously, it was just a joke. :roll:

I didn't give you permission to respond. Now STFU.


May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: DanJ
Originally posted by: Roger
Your own words.

And please, lets not say either one of us used facts. This is an opinion thread with a link to one oddball example where someone is arrested for calling someone the N word. You have no fact that both are equal, just as I have no facts otherwise besides how the N word has been created through history.
Yea thanks I wrote that and I don't see where you're trying to go with it. My whole argument here was that Cracker != the N word. No more, no less.

I'll repeat since you missed/didn't respond and your still posting cracker != Nword.

Both are derogatory, therefor not acceptable, right?

Is one super-duper derogatory and the other just derogatory?

Neither is acceptable, so neither should be used. Anything more than that is 'feelings' around the word that either the speaker or listener are adding to the message, which you quantify as "carries the significance it has historically," which you also claim no knowledge of. :roll:

The fact that you think one derogatory term for one race is somehow better or less harsh than a derogatory term for another race is, by definition, racism.

Since you seem to be the expert can you tell me the order of least to most derogatory terms in this list and why?

beloved patriot
great person


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Just checking to see if we are allowed to say "great person", since Cracker, white-boy, etc. are allowed...


Dec 29, 2002
i have white friends that are african american

i dont have any white friends that are black

you make the call on what is better suited.


Jul 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Twerpzilla
Black people call me white, so I call black people black. Its pretty simple. Those that say african-american, I ask what country in africa they were born. Since mast are americans, they look at you liek your a racist instead of a realist. So black is black, white is white and evrything is allright!

The problem with that is most black people will never know exactly where it is they came from, just the continent. A realist would know that, and saying something like that would come off as insensitive. You must remember that black people didn't immigrate here, they were forced here, and bred like animals. They don't even have their original names, but slave names. Up until 40 years ago they they weren't even considered true citizens of the US.

If someone gets offended by being called black, negro, cracker, beloved patriot, etc, its their right to be offended. Its not up to you to determine the weight of the insult, as there are reasons why someone would be offended. White people are the ones who came up with the terminologies, and if someone gets offended, than thats ok with me.
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