AoC Gets a $312 Haircut and Attempts to defend her socialism loving self indulging in elite capitalism

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May 30, 2008
In socialism equality, does everyone get to shop at Saks? Or is it more along the lines of buying your dresses from Target?

Socialists have never really achieved consensus on that question. You have your hair-shirt socialists and your luxury socialists.

Perhaps it will be settled at a future party congress.

But in general, they don't make recipes for future cook-shops and they don't make dress-patterns for future clothes-shops.


Feb 6, 2002
well....#metoo but at least we are honest about it.
I suspect all that hate on her for dumb stuff like her dress or hair cut or shoes or GA Magazine photos are furiously beating off to her in some lonely locked room.
Their hate for her seems pretty hollow when this is what they have. It's like ragging on Obama for his tan suit or singing Al Green. They have secret envy and its eating them up. Despite not agreeing on a lot of things I like her because of her enemies. I would trust AOC in a position of power any day of the week over Trump.


Feb 6, 2002
Socialists have never really achieved consensus on that question. You have your hair-shirt socialists and your luxury socialists.

Perhaps it will be settled at a future party congress.

But in general, they don't make recipes for future cook-shops and they don't make dress-patterns for future clothes-shops.
What do you call people who like certain aspects of socialism while denying it? Hands off my social security and my medicare!!

Kentuckey residents like kynect but hate Obamacare. However they are one in the same.


Jun 23, 2004
Basically: it's racism and bigotry. That's all it is.
That is essentially the foundational thinking of every conservative brain today. It is in there, and determines all of their thinking about EVERYTHING. I'm sure many don't even realize it, because that is exactly how gaslighting works, and exactly why the GOP has deployed it for decades, but that is the basic thought process of every single republican supporter to this day. Without question.

I do not believe you. As economic illiteracy is quite real and VERY prevalent throughout America, if not the world.

People believe in trickle down economics because they've been hard wired and cult fed to believe in a set of very stupid and wrong things. In our example, it is a belief in "America". AKA Bootstraps with a helping of FYGM. The fabled American dream of "Everyone can make it" translates into "Everyone can fuck off" and do it on their own. The Reagan Revolution was "Government bad" despite their love of deficit spending. Ask a Republican today, they believe TAXES are what keeps them down. Poor people who do not pay !@#$ for taxes think Government is a root of all evil and trouble in their lives. And why not? Bootstraps would work and the American Dream is real... if TAXES would just stop stealing it from them.

Income Inequality? TAXES to blame.
Hair loss? TAXES.
Stubbed toe? TAXES.

It is an unthinking dogmatic attachment to a fantasy. Like a religious cult. They do not comprehend a solution where Government works best. Same sort who believe their firearm keeps them safe from the Government. I am not kidding. Same sort who want to strip Government back to what it was in the 19th century. Who, when I show them the future of Automation, would rather we turn back the industrial revolution have us all go farm our own food. Yes, their fantasy involves us devolving into an Agrarian society all so they can feel safe from the big bad Government. So Bootstraps can become real!

And "Socialism" is just "Communism" in their book, and those ideas kill millions. Gulags for all if you don't stop Government from existing.

Their minds are poisoned against reality.


May 30, 2008
What do you call people who like certain aspects of socialism while denying it?

(White) Americans?

My fear is that the financial crash broke people's confidence in triangulation and 'third way' centrism, shipwrecking Blairism and Clintonism, but that without further economic disasters most people aren't desperate enough to embrace anything the3y think is 'socialism'.

Which leaves an opening for cunning populists like Johnson and Trump, who are clever enough to at least _look_ as if they are able to break with neo-liberal orthodoxies (while, in reality, mostly looking after their fellow upper-classes and plutocrats). And who can exploit racial and national divisions among those clobbered by the economic system.

The left needs someone equally cunning, who can hold together liberals and the seriously alienated and angry, by means of creative ambiguity. Talk liberal while acting socialist.


May 30, 2008
It's funny how they bitch and moan about "paying for others and lazy people and sick people that make poor life decisions" if they go with "socialized medicine!" and that their current, status quo, privatized model is so much better...but never acknowledge that they are already doing exactly that same thing (because: how does insurance work?), only they are paying much, much, much more for it, while covering less people, with far, far worse outcomes compared to all of the other known models that actually work....and they prefer it that way.

In the end, when you pull apart this inherently fallacious argument that conservatives make, it is never about "paying for other people." It's about who they perceive they are paying for. That's all it ever is. Nevermind that they already do this, and it already costs them more, their gaslit brains are inherently convinced that doing it a different way will be more expensive (despite no measurable data that supports their argument), and that more of "the bad people" will show up and cause them some immeasurable amount of woe...simply for existing, I guess?

Basically: it's racism and bigotry. That's all it is. Distill every grief that modern conservatives have about every single positive, successful social model, it only ever boils down to decades of GOP gaslighting, convincing them that their old, historical racist ways aren't any different now, we just call them different things: "the welfare queen" (a myth), the drug addict (now, mostly themselves. but it was really really scary when they were inner city crackheads--the evil darkies that made their own terrible decisions in life), and now "the transgendereds" that want me to pay for their gender reassignment!" that's like...0.002% of the population, but nevermind. It's a fucking disaster if we ever allow that happiness within humans that I never want to understand!

because fucking bigots. It's all it is.

Here you go, the Republican strategist that wrote the book that is the modern, current GOP platform of unmistakable bigotry disguised as (inherently untenable) economic and social policy:

That is essentially the foundational thinking of every conservative brain today. It is in there, and determines all of their thinking about EVERYTHING. I'm sure many don't even realize it, because that is exactly how gaslighting works, and exactly why the GOP has deployed it for decades, but that is the basic thought process of every single republican supporter to this day. Without question.

I do not believe you. As economic illiteracy is quite real and VERY prevalent throughout America, if not the world.

People believe in trickle down economics because they've been hard wired and cult fed to believe in a set of very stupid and wrong things. In our example, it is a belief in "America". AKA Bootstraps with a helping of FYGM. The fabled American dream of "Everyone can make it" translates into "Everyone can fuck off" and do it on their own. The Reagan Revolution was "Government bad" despite their love of deficit spending. Ask a Republican today, they believe TAXES are what keeps them down. Poor people who do not pay !@#$ for taxes think Government is a root of all evil and trouble in their lives. And why not? Bootstraps would work and the American Dream is real... if TAXES would just stop stealing it from them.

Income Inequality? TAXES to blame.
Hair loss? TAXES.
Stubbed toe? TAXES.

It is an unthinking dogmatic attachment to a fantasy. Like a religious cult. They do not comprehend a solution where Government works best. Same sort who believe their firearm keeps them safe from the Government. I am not kidding. Same sort who want to strip Government back to what it was in the 19th century. Who, when I show them the future of Automation, would rather we turn back the industrial revolution have us all go farm our own food. Yes, their fantasy involves us devolving into an Agrarian society all so they can feel safe from the big bad Government. So Bootstraps can become real!

And "Socialism" is just "Communism" in their book, and those ideas kill millions. Gulags for all if you don't stop Government from existing.

Their minds are poisoned against reality.

Somehow I find I agree with both of the above comments.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I do not believe you. As economic illiteracy is quite real and VERY prevalent throughout America, if not the world.

People believe in trickle down economics because they've been hard wired and cult fed to believe in a set of very stupid and wrong things. In our example, it is a belief in "America". AKA Bootstraps with a helping of FYGM. The fabled American dream of "Everyone can make it" translates into "Everyone can fuck off" and do it on their own. The Reagan Revolution was "Government bad" despite their love of deficit spending. Ask a Republican today, they believe TAXES are what keeps them down. Poor people who do not pay !@#$ for taxes think Government is a root of all evil and trouble in their lives. And why not? Bootstraps would work and the American Dream is real... if TAXES would just stop stealing it from them.

Income Inequality? TAXES to blame.
Hair loss? TAXES.
Stubbed toe? TAXES.

It is an unthinking dogmatic attachment to a fantasy. Like a religious cult. They do not comprehend a solution where Government works best. Same sort who believe their firearm keeps them safe from the Government. I am not kidding. Same sort who want to strip Government back to what it was in the 19th century. Who, when I show them the future of Automation, would rather we turn back the industrial revolution have us all go farm our own food. Yes, their fantasy involves us devolving into an Agrarian society all so they can feel safe from the big bad Government. So Bootstraps can become real!

And "Socialism" is just "Communism" in their book, and those ideas kill millions. Gulags for all if you don't stop Government from existing.

Their minds are poisoned against reality.

You're not wrong. But you have to understand that just about everyone doesn't really have a problem with taxes in general, it's simply what they perceive to be the benefit of such taxes. For conservatives, they believe in the Nixon-Reagan mythology of the welfare queen first and foremost, and this absolutely defines every thought they have about nearly all taxes. Somewhere lurking in the base of those reptilian brains, they only ever think about the minorities and poors, the "not me's" are the ones that are always benefiting, never themselves.

I don't think all republicans dislike the idea of poor people or those out of luck getting assistance, but they do believe that such people are only ever where they are purely out of life decisions. They believe in another myth of American that is summarized by bootstraps. Largely because of the very policies that they never fail to support, "bootstraps" don't exist for you if you are born in unfortunate circumstances. It's simply how it is. ...and it's not just that they assume people only ever make terrible decisions if they are in unfortunate circumstances, but that helping anyone else, regardless of anything, somehow diminishes themselves--which is the true toxin that infests their brains. Everything is transactional with a conservative--you can't have one person benefiting without another suffering, in some way, due to some natural law that they have invented, purely as an excuse to convince themselves that they aren't inherently racist, only ever voting for policy that is explicitly racist, for generations.

that's exactly what the southern strategy is, as I mentioned in that post: instead of calling people n***ers, you just support policies that squeeze them out of the system. You eliminate them through policy.
Nov 8, 2012
What exactly is your question here?

I would genuinely be interested to learn what the motivating influences of modern american conservatism are if not racism. I’ve got tax cuts for rich people and...

What are the motivating influences of a right-leaning political party?

You think that I'm going to insinuate that they are there just for tax cuts and secretly keeping black men down?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What exactly is your question here?

What are the motivating influences of a right-leaning political party?

You think that I'm going to insinuate that they are there just for tax cuts and secretly keeping black men down?

No, I'M saying that they are just there for tax cuts for rich people and keeping black and brown people down (maybe a little abortion mixed in too, now that I think about it). You appear to think otherwise, so I'm wondering what you think those other reasons are.
Nov 8, 2012
You're not wrong. But you have to understand that just about everyone doesn't really have a problem with taxes in general, it's simply what they perceive to be the benefit of such taxes. For conservatives, they believe in the Nixon-Reagan mythology of the welfare queen first and foremost, and this absolutely defines every thought they have about nearly all taxes. Somewhere lurking in the base of those reptilian brains, they only ever think about the minorities and poors, the "not me's" are the ones that are always benefiting, never themselves.

I don't think all republicans dislike the idea of poor people or those out of luck getting assistance, but they do believe that such people are only ever where they are purely out of life decisions. They believe in another myth of American that is summarized by bootstraps. Largely because of the very policies that they never fail to support, "bootstraps" don't exist for you if you are born in unfortunate circumstances. It's simply how it is. ...and it's not just that they assume people only ever make terrible decisions if they are in unfortunate circumstances, but that helping anyone else, regardless of anything, somehow diminishes themselves--which is the true toxin that infests their brains. Everything is transactional with a conservative--you can't have one person benefiting without another suffering, in some way, due to some natural law that they have invented, purely as an excuse to convince themselves that they aren't inherently racist, only ever voting for policy that is explicitly racist, for generations.

that's exactly what the southern strategy is, as I mentioned in that post: instead of calling people n***ers, you just support policies that squeeze them out of the system. You eliminate them through policy.

The concept of "bootstraps" is simply a way of describing that much of a persons outcome in life is determined by their drive/will. Yes, there are factors that can play a part in determining how willful you are - but it is also something you can change and improve on yourself.

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs (lol), and Jeff Bezos get to where they are through failures. Tons and tons of failures - but also from tons and tons of a willingness to take risk instead of playing it safe.

The bootstraps concept is in reference to people who live inside a bubble where they are constantly living a horrible life of feeling as though other people are weighing you down, and that there is nothing you can personally do to change the outcome. That type of mindset is always going to end in disaster. The truth is simply that it's a constant pessimistic attitude that result in the worst outcome for folks. That's just a fact.

I've just personally seen it in my lifetime time and time again - People that constantly complain about their jobs, their pay - yet do they spend an ounce of their time tweaking up their resume? Of course not. When I send that shit out I'm CONSTANTLY updating it and tweaking it. On top of that, I massively get involved in as many possible ways of finding as many positions as possible. That means opening up 20 tabs of various job websites, recruiter websites, opening a Wikipedia of a certain industry to find all the employers in it and search their homepage, etc.. The majority of stupid lazy Americans search 1 or 2 places - and they are usually searching for EXACTLY the same positions that they currently do.... which is highly limiting yourself. On top of that I'm constantly evaluating how I did in interviews, prepping myself for interviews so I have the perfect answers, etc.

I've switched jobs 4 times in life - each one a hefty bump in pay - and each one was a completely different job role than the previous. Each one was a risk of something worse, and each one was also a risk because they were roles I had never previously done and would have to learn something new and risk hating/sucking at it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No, I'M saying that they are just there for tax cuts for rich people and keeping black and brown people down (maybe a little abortion mixed in too, now that I think about it). You appear to think otherwise, so I'm wondering what you think those other reasons are.

@s0me0nesmind1? Any ideas on what those other reasons are?


Jun 23, 2004
Somehow I find I agree with both of the above comments.

I would say that... the two views cover a lot of ground in the Conservative bloc and are not mutually exclusive. There are more racists than I'd like to believe, but there is so much more going on than just that.


Feb 6, 2002
What exactly is your question here?

What are the motivating influences of a right-leaning political party?

You think that I'm going to insinuate that they are there just for tax cuts and secretly keeping black men down?
They are for secretly keeping black people from voting. That was proven in court
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 26, 2009
The concept of "bootstraps" is simply a way of describing that much of a persons outcome in life is determined by their drive/will. Yes, there are factors that can play a part in determining how willful you are - but it is also something you can change and improve on yourself.

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs (lol), and Jeff Bezos get to where they are through failures. Tons and tons of failures - but also from tons and tons of a willingness to take risk instead of playing it safe.

The bootstraps concept is in reference to people who live inside a bubble where they are constantly living a horrible life of feeling as though other people are weighing you down, and that there is nothing you can personally do to change the outcome. That type of mindset is always going to end in disaster. The truth is simply that it's a constant pessimistic attitude that result in the worst outcome for folks. That's just a fact.

I've just personally seen it in my lifetime time and time again - People that constantly complain about their jobs, their pay - yet do they spend an ounce of their time tweaking up their resume? Of course not. When I send that shit out I'm CONSTANTLY updating it and tweaking it. On top of that, I massively get involved in as many possible ways of finding as many positions as possible. That means opening up 20 tabs of various job websites, recruiter websites, opening a Wikipedia of a certain industry to find all the employers in it and search their homepage, etc.. The majority of stupid lazy Americans search 1 or 2 places - and they are usually searching for EXACTLY the same positions that they currently do.... which is highly limiting yourself. On top of that I'm constantly evaluating how I did in interviews, prepping myself for interviews so I have the perfect answers, etc.

I've switched jobs 4 times in life - each one a hefty bump in pay - and each one was a completely different job role than the previous. Each one was a risk of something worse, and each one was also a risk because they were roles I had never previously done and would have to learn something new and risk hating/sucking at it.
I always love the idolatry bestowed on Musk, a guy who took money from his parents to fund his initial startup.

Ah, yes the boostraps and willfulness of being born able to afford failures.


Feb 24, 2009
I always love the idolatry bestowed on Musk, a guy who took money from his parents to fund his initial startup.

Ah, yes the boostraps and willfulness of being born able to afford failures.
Yea, like Gates bootstraps. I drive by his family compound on the Hood Canal right before you get to the Alderwood Inn. That was there, although much more expanded, before Bill made his fortune cause Gates law firm has been in Seattle for many decades.
Reactions: jackstar7


Jun 30, 2003
The concept of "bootstraps" is simply a way of describing that much of a persons outcome in life is determined by their drive/will. Yes, there are factors that can play a part in determining how willful you are - but it is also something you can change and improve on yourself.

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs (lol), and Jeff Bezos get to where they are through failures. Tons and tons of failures - but also from tons and tons of a willingness to take risk instead of playing it safe.

The bootstraps concept is in reference to people who live inside a bubble where they are constantly living a horrible life of feeling as though other people are weighing you down, and that there is nothing you can personally do to change the outcome. That type of mindset is always going to end in disaster. The truth is simply that it's a constant pessimistic attitude that result in the worst outcome for folks. That's just a fact.

I've just personally seen it in my lifetime time and time again - People that constantly complain about their jobs, their pay - yet do they spend an ounce of their time tweaking up their resume? Of course not. When I send that shit out I'm CONSTANTLY updating it and tweaking it. On top of that, I massively get involved in as many possible ways of finding as many positions as possible. That means opening up 20 tabs of various job websites, recruiter websites, opening a Wikipedia of a certain industry to find all the employers in it and search their homepage, etc.. The majority of stupid lazy Americans search 1 or 2 places - and they are usually searching for EXACTLY the same positions that they currently do.... which is highly limiting yourself. On top of that I'm constantly evaluating how I did in interviews, prepping myself for interviews so I have the perfect answers, etc.

I've switched jobs 4 times in life - each one a hefty bump in pay - and each one was a completely different job role than the previous. Each one was a risk of something worse, and each one was also a risk because they were roles I had never previously done and would have to learn something new and risk hating/sucking at it.

now consider this - you're a median income earner with a spouse and 2 kids. you can barely afford a $400 emergency expense, and more or less live paycheck to paycheck. one of your family members may have a medical condition that requires you to have reasonably good health insurance through your employer. you have a mortgage, and a car payment (possibly two). your skillset may or may not afford you a large degree of mobility, but your financial situation certainly is a limitation.

edit: your town may have suffered economic hardships, has not fully recovered, and is a low- or no-growth region (so not a high-growth major metropolitan area). selling real estate is a more difficult rather than trivial proposition.

exactly how mobile and risk-tolerant are you going to be in this scenario in jumping from one job to another? exactly how can you afford to fail when you have 3 other human beings relying on you for food and shelter? how can you even afford to move in the first place?
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I always love the idolatry bestowed on Musk, a guy who took money from his parents to fund his initial startup.

Ah, yes the boostraps and willfulness of being born able to afford failures.
For sure, those were odd "bootstraps" examples he chose, as all of them had fairly wealthy parents (or adopted parents) who ensured they had healthy upbringings, good educations, and helped finance their early ventures. Not to discount from their achievements in any way, but hardly rags to riches.

"Bootstraps" IMO is an argument for the obtuse. I enjoy gardening, so I find growing plants to be a good analogy for human development. Because you can take 2 identical plants, genetic clones even, and if you tend to them differently, you will get different results. For example, if you properly fertilize and water one but not the other, the cared-for plant will of course produce a higher yield. And if after a time you start caring for the neglected plant, it will still never recover enough to yield as much as the cared-for plant no matter what you do.
And humans are the same way. This is why we as a society need to stop punishing children for being born to the wrong parents. Which is, by very definition of their ideology, the last thing that conservatives want.
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Nov 8, 2012
now consider this - you're a median income earner with a spouse and 2 kids. you can barely afford a $400 emergency expense, and more or less live paycheck to paycheck. one of your family members may have a medical condition that requires you to have reasonably good health insurance through your employer. you have a mortgage, and a car payment (possibly two). your skillset may or may not afford you a large degree of mobility, but your financial situation certainly is a limitation.

edit: your town may have suffered economic hardships, has not fully recovered, and is a low- or no-growth region (so not a high-growth major metropolitan area). selling real estate is a more difficult rather than trivial proposition.

exactly how mobile and risk-tolerant are you going to be in this scenario in jumping from one job to another? exactly how can you afford to fail when you have 3 other human beings relying on you for food and shelter? how can you even afford to move in the first place?

So like I said, your environment can obviously have an effect on how you feel. From your scenario, you're describing someone who has clearly already started their process of digging their own grave. Living paycheck to paycheck while doing things like paying off cars is a result of your own stupidity. You can get a solid working car for $1,500. You don't need a $30k truck... or a $22k car with super dooper upgrades. No matter how much you want to tell yourself that their behavior was acceptable I'm here to just flat out tell you No... No, it isn't an American entitlement that you are entitled to a luxury brand-new vehicle every 5 years or something. I still drive my 2006 Acura TSX that I bought used originally. I still try to do any and all maintenance on my vehicle that I am able to do myself when it's as simple as a 10 minute youtube.

So first off - in your situation described above, you have to first understand when you're in situations like that... you made mistakes. You need to correct those mistakes and ensure you don't repeat it and forever keep spinning in a gerbil wheel. So if (like I said above) you keep convincing yourself that 2 auto-mobile payments wasn't a mistake then you're already doomed to fail.

Secondly, regardless of your current employment - what stops you from seeking other opportunities? What stops you from talking to recruiters? What stops you from working on your resume? What stops you from talking to your manager about moving up and showing initiative? What stops you from stopping by another place on the way to work and asking if they are hiring? If your answer is "I just don't have enough time!" it's just another pessimistic thing that you keep telling yourself to justify your laziness, and thus the gerbil wheel continues turning. Schedule things. Carve out segments of dedicated time.

And like I mentioned - I understand hardships can happen. Everyone's situation is different. It's not a concept of "You can pull yourself up and fix all problems in 3 months with my formula". The problem is a long-term continuous result of bad actions - or rather more specifically, not taking actions.... and that is the crux of the problem that the majority of people have. It's not a one-time down on my luck thing - it's a systematic way of thinking all the time.
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Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
So like I said, your environment can obviously have an effect on how you feel. From your scenario, you're describing someone who has clearly already started their process of digging their own grave. Living paycheck to paycheck while doing things like paying off cars is a result of your own stupidity. You can get a solid working car for $1,500. You don't need a $30k truck... or a $22k car with super dooper upgrades. No matter how much you want to tell yourself that their behavior was acceptable I'm here to just flat out tell you No... No, it isn't an American entitlement that you are entitled to a luxury brand-new vehicle every 5 years or something. I still drive my 2006 Acura TSX that I bought used originally. I still try to do any and all maintenance on my vehicle that I am able to do myself when it's as simple as a 10 minute youtube.

So first off - in your situation described above, you have to first understand when you're in situations like that... you made mistakes. You need to correct those mistakes and ensure you don't repeat it and forever keep spinning in a gerbil wheel. So if (like I said above) you keep convincing yourself that 2 auto-mobile payments wasn't a mistake then you're already doomed to fail.

Secondly, regardless of your current employment - what stops you from seeking other opportunities? What stops you from talking to recruiters? What stops you from working on your resume? What stops you from talking to your manager about moving up and showing initiative? What stops you from stopping by another place on the way to work and asking if they are hiring? If your answer is "I just don't have enough time!" it's just another pessimistic thing that you keep telling yourself to justify your laziness, and thus the gerbil wheel continues turning. Schedule things. Carve out segments of dedicated time.

And like I mentioned - I understand hardships can happen. Everyone's situation is different. It's not a concept of "You can pull yourself up and fix all problems in 3 months with my formula". The problem is a long-term continuous result of bad actions - or rather more specifically, not taking actions.... and that is the crux of the problem that the majority of people have. It's not a one-time down on my luck thing - it's a systematic way of thinking all the time.
The problem is you aren't working from the standpoint of a scarcity mentality. You are in a secure position in life, and so you are able to defer gratification because you know it will pay off. You've experienced this. You grew up in a world where this worked. This concept has been thoroughly studied.

When you come from a background of poverty, your experience is different. Anything you don't spend right now will just be taken from you anyways. So you might as well buy the nice car if you can get it, because it won't make a difference if you don't. You might as well get whatever you can right now, because life is stacked against you.

Additionally, when people live in poverty, it doesn't only affect their perspective on life, it even affects their IQ. A study was done on farmers in undeveloped countries where they would give the farmer an IQ test right before their harvest when they were at their poorest, and then another IQ test right after the harvest when they were at their wealthiest. Their was a difference of 14 points between the two times. In other words, when people are living in poverty, they are actually less capable of solving the problems that hold them in poverty.

Are there exceptions, people that are able to break the cycle and work their way out of poverty? Of course. But those are the exceptions. America has one of the lowest levels of class mobility in the developed world, largely because we are insistent on building our policies around exceptions instead of around the majority.
Reactions: JEDIYoda


Jun 26, 2009
The immaturity of people who ascribe so much responsibility to people for their relative fortunes would be amusing if it weren't the source of so much misery for so many people.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
The immaturity of people who ascribe so much responsibility to people for their relative fortunes would be amusing if it weren't the source of so much misery for so many people.
Is this you or did you quote it from elsewhere?
Cuz you're fuckin brilliant and I need to print it out and frame it.
Reactions: jackstar7
Nov 8, 2012
The immaturity of people who ascribe so much responsibility to people for their relative fortunes would be amusing if it weren't the source of so much misery for so many people.

Understanding some general financial responsibility, and climbing the ranks of responsibilities, job roles, etc... is immaturity?

Okie dokie bud. Whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better at night.

Just to be clear - understanding SIMPLE financial literacy isn't immaturity. Not buying an overpriced vehicle IS NOT fucking immaturity. Asking, inquiring, and perusing additional job responsibilities is the EXACT fucking opposite of immaturity. That is simple learning to put on your big boy pants in life. It's literally the equivalent of learning to zip up your pants without getting your dick caught. It's financial and personal responsibility 101.


Jul 11, 2001
OP, you are obviously a Russian shill. Your table is set with borscht in Moscow, comrade, and rubles are in the envelope.
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