apologizing is thread crapping!!


Platinum Member
Jun 3, 2004
i want to know right here and right now who in this place is the jackass who makes the decisions on posts that determine they are thread crap's.

this little punk who is selling a broken 360,, that is "still able to be rma'd" has reported me twice for thread crapping.

the original post of mine was CLEARLY NOT a thread crap but VERY VERY legitimate questions from a potential buyer who wanted to know "if it was able to be rma'd then why dont you just rma it and then come back and sell it for more money"

broken xbox's are a HUGE scam all over the internet, and i saw a VERY suscpicious thread so i POLITELY asked the guy if he would

back up his claim that it had never been opened with pictures
if it was never opened why dont you jsut rma it
if i buy it, and rma it, and MS says it HAS been opened and denies my RMA what will he as the seller do about it since he clearly falsly advertised his item. (if it was denied)

i asked for pictures as PROOF, i POLITELY asked why he was selling it instead of RMA'ing it himself. and i POLITELY asked if he would back up his item as unopened and RMA-able.

well he reported me as thread crapping which i laughed about and just blew it off.

but i said "NO!! if he thinks i am thread crapping i am going to be a man and go in there and apologize for what he childishly called a thread crap"
so thats what i did,

i apologized openly in his thread and said my intensions were never to thread crap but these were IMPORTANT AND LEGITIMATE questions that a buyer had.

and AGAIN he reports me for thread crapping.

I am only going to tell you people this once and once only.


how fvcking blind to you people have to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He REFUSES to back up his claims that he is basing his threead on.
He gets mad and childish when someone asks him to back it up.


I am mad as hell and i have ever god dman right to be because i stood up LIKE A MAN DOES, and apologized to him and he and the mod's spit in my face.

i do not need to say what is on my mind right now because i think you all can guess it.

I want to know who makes these choices and what freaking planet you are living on because you are living in a fantasy land my friend.

this kid is trying to fvck someone over.

i GUARENTEE you that if someone bought that thing and they got it and it WAS opened, or if they sent it in for RMA and MS denied them the RMA this punk would tell the buyer to piss off. that its not his problem that they denied the RMA and then the buyer would be absolutely screwed and you would be seeing ANOTHER troll thread.

This freaking forum is getting BAD!!!! no one here wants to be a man, or woman and stand up and stop all this fvcking bullshit .... stop people from trolling and getting trolled.

this is freaking rediculous.

i am outa here you people enjoy running a forum that is getting over run by trolls.

i will have no part of it!



Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
Whew! Feel better now? I certainly hope so. Would you mind providing some actual information that would allow someone to evaluate your complaint? What thread? Which poster?

PS: not that I'm going to be rushing to assist you since you've started out by making demands and calling the mods jackasses.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:

at the same time, that's a good way to scam people -- they're less likely to question someone with a lot of good feedback and are more likely to get the benefit of the doubt from people in charge.

i'll echo what allisolm said: chill out and post a link and the username of the person you have a problem with so we can all take a look.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DerekWilson
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:

at the same time, that's a good way to scam people -- they're less likely to question someone with a lot of good feedback and are more likely to get the benefit of the doubt from people in charge.
Then why bother even saying it's broken if he was going to scam somebody and ruin his hard earned reputation? Why even bother with Heat if your reputation means squat? If it was a trader who had little or no Heat or a history of negative evals then yes I'd agree with you. I do know that if I had listed an item like that and some clown came posting in that thread bringing up that it may be a scam that I'd be upset and would consider it a major thread crap seeing that I had dozens of positive evals (actually in my case over 300 positive evals)


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2003
i get what the reaction of the member who was questioned must have been ... but i can also understand someone wanting to protect themselves. the issues brought up seem valid -- i would want proof something was RMAable if I was buying it to RMA it no matter how much good feedback someone had.

if they guy trashed the OP before simply asking for more info then i guess i could see that being an issue ... and based on this thread i could see that happening. but a link to the thread would have been nice. it could go either way and it is something that we'd need to look at to evaluate.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DerekWilson
i get what the reaction of the member who was questioned must have been ... but i can also understand someone wanting to protect themselves. the issues brought up seem valid -- i would want proof something was RMAable if I was buying it to RMA it no matter how much good feedback someone had.
Definitely and it should be between the potential buyer and seller to work this out, not some yahoo who has no interest in purchasing the item.



Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: DerekWilson
i get what the reaction of the member who was questioned must have been ... but i can also understand someone wanting to protect themselves. the issues brought up seem valid -- i would want proof something was RMAable if I was buying it to RMA it no matter how much good feedback someone had.
Definitely and it should be between the potential buyer and seller to work this out, not some yahoo who has no interest in purchasing the item.

But he's just raising the issues for any potential buyers that may be caught unawares. However, I can see how the buyer would be pissed off as well.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
I guess the OP is calling me a jackass since I was the mod that removed his posts and told him why. :disgust: This was after another senior mod had warned him for the same offense and also removed his post from the seller's thread.

The OP of this thread (poopypants) actually PMd the seller with the questions he had posted above. The seller then PMd him back with the answers. It was then that poopypants posted the threadcrap in the seller's thread

The OP here decided that he would post the same questions in the seller's thread to get him to answer for everyone to see. That is what I removed it. His questions were answered and it was not his place to make the seller repeat the answers in his thread.

If poopypants was still concerned and as suspicious as he is claiming to be, after he received answers to his previous questions to the seller, the proper way would have been to PM the mod account with his concerns.

We would have looked into it. There are rules for posting in a seller's /buyer's FS/T thread and I posted those with the PM I sent to poopypants. I will also share them here.

rules to trading at FS/T

Forum Courtesy:
  • Except as noted, thread crapping will not be tolerated.* If you are not interested in buying or selling, or you have nothing positive to say, STAY OUT OF THE THREAD! If you think the asking price is too high, or you want to make a lowball offer, contact the seller via email or PM.

    * Some reasons why "thread crapping" may be ok:
    • If you are positive the person is a troll. If you're not sure but 'think' they are, PM us, or contact the Trollhunters.
    • Making a newbie aware of the rules (but please do so politely).

    There are only two reasons for threadcrapping in someone's FS/T thread.

    1) If you are positive the person is a troll.
    This was not the case so no comment was warranted

    2) Making a newbie aware of the rules.
    Again this was not the case so no comment is warranted.

    Your "apology" in the FS/T thread was removed because the OP asked me to and because again you made reference to your concerns about the item. You asked those questions originally in a PM before you even posted in his thread. They were answered by the seller in a PM. You posted the same questions in the seller's FS/T thread and you made reference again to it in your apology post. Below is what I removed:

    ---------removed 2nd post-------------------

    bump for you cuz someone thought my comments were a thread crap.
    they were not, they are however legitimate concerns from a potential buyer.

    i dont know how my comments could EVER be considered crapping because any SMART buyer would be asking you those things. someone who didnt is just asking to get screwed.

    again a free bump for you cuz i never meant to thread crap, just clear up some VERY strange things i saw going on.

    -------------------end of post-------------------------------------------

    Again, anything further concerns should have been sent to the mod account. They were not.

    I won't even get into the profanity laced PM that poopypants sent to the mod account yesterday.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:



Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


So two rare examples is a good enough reason to allow thread crapping. BTW that prick Devil'sAdvocate tried to scam my wife so I'm very familiar with that situation. There is always some inherit risk when selling items at these types of venues, it's up to the buyer and seller to do their homework which would include asking questions via PM. If a member has a questionable history that can be veri9ied then bringing it up in a thread should be tolerated, however if there is none then it should be kept to PM's.

That's my opinion on the subject, an opinion of one of those who helped create that specific forum and no longer recognizes the beast he helped create:shocked:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
so we can't ask those type of questions? they seem legit ones to me. i would rather see them asked in the thread then PM the seller about it.



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: waggy
so we can't ask those type of questions? they seem legit ones to me. i would rather see them asked in the thread then PM the seller about it.

Looks like the answer is right above your post.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


So two rare examples is a good enough reason to allow thread crapping. BTW that prick Devil'sAdvocate tried to scam my wife so I'm very familiar with that situation. There is always some inherit risk when selling items at these types of venues, it's up to the buyer and seller to do their homework which would include asking questions via PM. If a member has a questionable history that can be veri9ied then bringing it up in a thread should be tolerated, however if there is none then it should be kept to PM's.

That's my opinion on the subject, an opinion of one of those who helped create that specific forum and no longer recognizes the beast he helped create:shocked:

I am not saying the OP is right, only that your logic of "someone with a whole lot of heat is not going to screw you" is DEAD wrong, and DA is a prime case. If your wife almost got scammed then you of ALL people should realize NO ONE is beyond reproach.

edit: I can't emphasize enough how WRONG you took these posts. Seriously how the hell do you equate us proving your point incorrect to us saying threadcrapping is ok?


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Point is that if you as a potential buyer have asked the questions by PM and received answers and you are still not satisfied, PM the mods. We will look into it.

Don't bring up troll implications in a persons thread unless you are positive that person is a troll.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


So two rare examples is a good enough reason to allow thread crapping. BTW that prick Devil'sAdvocate tried to scam my wife so I'm very familiar with that situation. There is always some inherit risk when selling items at these types of venues, it's up to the buyer and seller to do their homework which would include asking questions via PM. If a member has a questionable history that can be veri9ied then bringing it up in a thread should be tolerated, however if there is none then it should be kept to PM's.

That's my opinion on the subject, an opinion of one of those who helped create that specific forum and no longer recognizes the beast he helped create:shocked:

I am not saying the OP is right, only that your logic of "someone with a whole lot of heat is not going to screw you" is DEAD wrong, and DA is a prime case. If your wife almost got scammed then you of ALL people should realize NO ONE is beyond reproach.

edit: I can't emphasize enough how WRONG you took these posts. Seriously how the hell do you equate us proving your point incorrect to us saying threadcrapping is ok?
I can't emphasize how wrong you took my point that unless there is verifiable history of a trader being shady there is no reason to post a warning in his thread.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


So two rare examples is a good enough reason to allow thread crapping. BTW that prick Devil'sAdvocate tried to scam my wife so I'm very familiar with that situation. There is always some inherit risk when selling items at these types of venues, it's up to the buyer and seller to do their homework which would include asking questions via PM. If a member has a questionable history that can be veri9ied then bringing it up in a thread should be tolerated, however if there is none then it should be kept to PM's.

That's my opinion on the subject, an opinion of one of those who helped create that specific forum and no longer recognizes the beast he helped create:shocked:

I am not saying the OP is right, only that your logic of "someone with a whole lot of heat is not going to screw you" is DEAD wrong, and DA is a prime case. If your wife almost got scammed then you of ALL people should realize NO ONE is beyond reproach.

edit: I can't emphasize enough how WRONG you took these posts. Seriously how the hell do you equate us proving your point incorrect to us saying threadcrapping is ok?
I can't emphasize how wrong you took my point that unless there is verifiable history of a trader being shady there is no reason to post a warning in his thread.

That's not what you said. You said:

The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:

Fact of the matter: it HAS happened. Admit you are wrong about this and move it along. NO one said that you are wrong means it's ok to threadcrap, just that you are wrong.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: thepd7
Originally posted by: Steve
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:


So two rare examples is a good enough reason to allow thread crapping. BTW that prick Devil'sAdvocate tried to scam my wife so I'm very familiar with that situation. There is always some inherit risk when selling items at these types of venues, it's up to the buyer and seller to do their homework which would include asking questions via PM. If a member has a questionable history that can be veri9ied then bringing it up in a thread should be tolerated, however if there is none then it should be kept to PM's.

That's my opinion on the subject, an opinion of one of those who helped create that specific forum and no longer recognizes the beast he helped create:shocked:

I am not saying the OP is right, only that your logic of "someone with a whole lot of heat is not going to screw you" is DEAD wrong, and DA is a prime case. If your wife almost got scammed then you of ALL people should realize NO ONE is beyond reproach.

edit: I can't emphasize enough how WRONG you took these posts. Seriously how the hell do you equate us proving your point incorrect to us saying threadcrapping is ok?
I can't emphasize how wrong you took my point that unless there is verifiable history of a trader being shady there is no reason to post a warning in his thread.

That's not what you said. You said:

The guy has 87 positive evals on Heat dating back to 2004 and you think he's going to piss it all away to scam somebody out of $150?:roll:

Fact of the matter: it HAS happened. Admit you are wrong about this and move it along. NO one said that you are wrong means it's ok to threadcrap, just that you are wrong.

There are exceptions to every situation as in DA case but for vast majority of the time what I claim is the truth.

This thread has run it''s course so it will be locked

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