are all people that play video games for hours each day losers?

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Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: klah
How the hell does this work?

Average television viewing per week for Americans is 29 hours per week for an adult male and 34 hours per week for an adult female, which is somehow perfectly acceptable.

If someone plays video games for 4 hours per day they are an addict or loser that will go postal at any moment.

:disgust: :disgust: :disgust: :disgust:

people obsessed with tv and/or gaming are in the same category to me but this thread was just about gamers cuz there are lot of geeks on here and some threads about being addicted to gaming and all that crap.


Mar 18, 2000
Originally posted by: klah
How the hell does this work?

Average television viewing per week for Americans is 29 hours per week for an adult male and 34 hours per week for an adult female, which is somehow perfectly acceptable.

If someone plays video games for 4 hours per day they are an addict or loser that will go postal at any moment.

:disgust: :disgust: :disgust: :disgust:

because the average tv user doesnt say "Damhn I like t0ta77y p000ned that guy" in real life


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I know people who claim they never play video games, never watch tv, etc. I always wonder what exactly they do with all their free time. Because personally, I spend the majority of mine watching tv and playing video games. Without that, I'd be bored senseless most of the time. When you think about it, any recreational activity is a "waste of time" for the most part. We all can't be making valuable contributions to society every waking moment.

I choose to stay at home and watch tv/movies and play games. Others use that free time to go to bars/clubs. Others are obsessed with sports. Others are always working out/exercising. 5 years from now, can any of them look back and say yeah, that was a productive way to spend that time of my life? Probably not, but if you enjoy it while you are doing it, thats all that really matters.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: oculus
"if the shoe fits ..... "

Do you consider yourself a winner? Or are you simply going to ignore that post?

Yes i do.

And what confirms you as a winner?

obviously your own criteria confirms it correct? because to someone else using their criteria you might be a loser.....i'm not saying i think you are, but so far in my opinion you havnt shown yourself to be a you agree its possible for someone to be in the middle ground, the grey area, not a winner or loser? some people say there can only be one winner, so is everyone else in the world a loser? if so what makes you the winner, i think its plain to see there are many people who would be considered winners before you....
Oh, and you like to attack peoples decisions on what makes their world tick, and i think most people agree that someone who attacks with no reason to is the bigger loser

anyway, work over, time to go home...think i'll get in a couple of hours on CS:S, trialling for a new clan as i had a break from playing for a while to get in some Worm time....heh

ta ta, this 'loser' is signing out for now ;-)



Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
I know the answer: MODERATION! anything in excess can catogorize you as a bad thing. Have I had days where thats all I Do? yes! Do I feel like sh1t the next day? YES! lol

I never am bored though, I must say, I always find something to do, run my business, game , bike, swim , whatever it takes, but I think the keyword we are all describing here is MODERATION!

and props to knyghtbyte


Aug 4, 2005
You cross the line to loserdome when you are unable to distinguish reality from the games you are playing. As long as you dont cross that line you'll be fine playing games.


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Jeraden
I know people who claim they never play video games, never watch tv, etc. I always wonder what exactly they do with all their free time. Because personally, I spend the majority of mine watching tv and playing video games. Without that, I'd be bored senseless most of the time. When you think about it, any recreational activity is a "waste of time" for the most part. We all can't be making valuable contributions to society every waking moment.

I choose to stay at home and watch tv/movies and play games. Others use that free time to go to bars/clubs. Others are obsessed with sports. Others are always working out/exercising. 5 years from now, can any of them look back and say yeah, that was a productive way to spend that time of my life? Probably not, but if you enjoy it while you are doing it, thats all that really matters.

most hobbies other than gaming and watching tv enrich you as a person in some way.


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: sonoma1993
it sad that gigapet is calling people who play games way to long losers, but he spends alot of time on these boards having close to 7000 post.

its really not all that difficult of an achievement if you nef at work 40 hours a week

Someone that waste's a companies time, bandwith and hurts productivity sounds a lot more like a loser to me than someone enjoying a hobby in there free time.


Oct 9, 2001
Who cares? It's all just passing the time until you reach the big checkout counter in the sky.


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: oculus
"if the shoe fits ..... "

Do you consider yourself a winner? Or are you simply going to ignore that post?

Yes i do.


Keep in mind your post count.

How much time do you spend in Off-topic every week?


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: knyghtbyte
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: oculus
"if the shoe fits ..... "

Do you consider yourself a winner? Or are you simply going to ignore that post?

Yes i do.

And what confirms you as a winner?

obviously your own criteria confirms it correct? because to someone else using their criteria you might be a loser.....i'm not saying i think you are, but so far in my opinion you havnt shown yourself to be a you agree its possible for someone to be in the middle ground, the grey area, not a winner or loser? some people say there can only be one winner, so is everyone else in the world a loser? if so what makes you the winner, i think its plain to see there are many people who would be considered winners before you....
Oh, and you like to attack peoples decisions on what makes their world tick, and i think most people agree that someone who attacks with no reason to is the bigger loser

anyway, work over, time to go home...think i'll get in a couple of hours on CS:S, trialling for a new clan as i had a break from playing for a while to get in some Worm time....heh

ta ta, this 'loser' is signing out for now ;-)

this is how I see it you may think this point of view is absurd or even arrogant but it has served me well in the time that i've incorporated it into my life.

I only make the distinction between two types of people that encounter.

We can call them winners and losers for the sake of keeping it consistent.

A winner would be someone I would categorize as wanting in my life in some way shape or form they enrich my life in a positive way to the extent that I would want them to remain in it.

I do not have time to deal with people that don't have anything to offer me. PERIOD. So if you are not helping me move forward in someway in my life....I DONT WANT YOU THERE. This type of person I would categorize as a loser.

Now you mentioned there being a middle ground and yes to a certain extent there is a small middle ground. Generally these are people that I do not know at all and have no basis for previous categorization into the two aforementioned categories of people. This person in the middle ground has something intriguing to me about them so they will remain in this purgatory if you will until they have demonstrated one way or the other where they belong in my system of categorization.

I do tend to generalize people alot because I dont have time to go through a formal character evaluation with everyone in the world I encounter. For example if I see someone alll goth or punked out, I will block them out of my vision entirely as in my experience I have yet to come across anyone fitting those characteristics with anything positive or of value to offer me. Now that is not to say that tommorow by some unforseen chance of events something could happen to radically change my opinion.

I forgot my conclusion: To that end, I consider myself a winner because I very consistently add something positive and of value to the lives of people I know and associate with.

i hope this had made things clearer for you.


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
it is my opinion they are as I haven't met anyone that does that I would consider a winner or I would like to spend any amount of unpaid time with.

God, you're such a a$$ muncher. What the hell do you care what someone else does with there free time? You have nearly 7000 posts on a message board for christ's sake. Are you still trying to live up to your daddy's expectations of being a "winner"? 1987 called, it want's it's slang back.
is someone cooking pwnage soup? thought i smelled some...

Needs a dash more of "go fvk a cactus, gigapet" me thinks

your ego is clearly hurt here. I'm sorry you cant claim you've accomplished anything worth noting in your life other than leveling up.

hahahaha! This is the kind of post I would expect from you. Just a dumb flame baiter. I won't bother listing my accomplishments for your reading pleasure, as you obviously just want to be an asshat. No, my ego is not offended by some little man that said bad words about me on the intarweb.

The only game that I play regularly is Madden 2005 with my nephew. My brother is in Iraq now, so I try and spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't feel lonely. This is something interactive we can do together that entertains us both. Some of our best talks have come over a game of football (real or virtual) It's no different than when kids used to play hide and go seek 40 years ago.

I've tried a few different FPS's but I find them boring and repetitious. I just find it ignorant that anyone can look at another person and say "you're wasting your life." Unless you're Jesus or Budda, I don;t want to hear how you're better than anyone else. No one can presume to tell someone else what to care about. Entertainment is entertainment. Regardless if it's reading a book, playing a game, watching tv or collecting things. I work 45-50 hours a week making a living for my family, so if I want to pop in a game and veg for a hour or two it's no one's buisness but mine (and the wife of course)

Now I'm going to try out Madden 2006, I'm going to create a player named Gigapet just so I can fire him and giggle.


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: knyghtbyte
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: oculus
"if the shoe fits ..... "

Do you consider yourself a winner? Or are you simply going to ignore that post?

Yes i do.

And what confirms you as a winner?

obviously your own criteria confirms it correct? because to someone else using their criteria you might be a loser.....i'm not saying i think you are, but so far in my opinion you havnt shown yourself to be a you agree its possible for someone to be in the middle ground, the grey area, not a winner or loser? some people say there can only be one winner, so is everyone else in the world a loser? if so what makes you the winner, i think its plain to see there are many people who would be considered winners before you....
Oh, and you like to attack peoples decisions on what makes their world tick, and i think most people agree that someone who attacks with no reason to is the bigger loser

anyway, work over, time to go home...think i'll get in a couple of hours on CS:S, trialling for a new clan as i had a break from playing for a while to get in some Worm time....heh

ta ta, this 'loser' is signing out for now ;-)

this is how I see it you may think this point of view is absurd or even arrogant but it has served me well in the time that i've incorporated it into my life.

I only make the distinction between two types of people that encounter.

We can call them winners and losers for the sake of keeping it consistent.

A winner would be someone I would categorize as wanting in my life in some way shape or form they enrich my life in a positive way to the extent that I would want them to remain in it.

I do not have time to deal with people that don't have anything to offer me. PERIOD. So if you are not helping me move forward in someway in my life....I DONT WANT YOU THERE. This type of person I would categorize as a loser.

Now you mentioned there being a middle ground and yes to a certain extent there is a small middle ground. Generally these are people that I do not know at all and have no basis for previous categorization into the two aforementioned categories of people. This person in the middle ground has something intriguing to me about them so they will remain in this purgatory if you will until they have demonstrated one way or the other where they belong in my system of categorization.

I do tend to generalize people alot because I dont have time to go through a formal character evaluation with everyone in the world I encounter. For example if I see someone alll goth or punked out, I will block them out of my vision entirely as in my experience I have yet to come across anyone fitting those characteristics with anything positive or of value to offer me. Now that is not to say that tommorow by some unforseen chance of events something could happen to radically change my opinion.

I forgot my conclusion: To that end, I consider myself a winner because I very consistently add something positive and of value to the lives of people I know and associate with.

i hope this had made things clearer for you.

Ah, so really it's only about you and what people can do for you

That attitude is very judgmental and self-centered. I question your ability to grow as a person with the above attitude.



Oct 9, 1999
Hmm I play WOW with my nephew 2-3 a day and we really enjoy it. I am a Loser?!? I guess if you classify a person who pays more money in taxes you make in a year a loser you must have high standards



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
it is my opinion they are as I haven't met anyone that does that I would consider a winner or I would like to spend any amount of unpaid time with.

God, you're such a a$$ muncher. What the hell do you care what someone else does with there free time? You have nearly 7000 posts on a message board for christ's sake. Are you still trying to live up to your daddy's expectations of being a "winner"? 1987 called, it want's it's slang back.
is someone cooking pwnage soup? thought i smelled some...

Needs a dash more of "go fvk a cactus, gigapet" me thinks

your ego is clearly hurt here. I'm sorry you cant claim you've accomplished anything worth noting in your life other than leveling up.

hahahaha! This is the kind of post I would expect from you. Just a dumb flame baiter. I won't bother listing my accomplishments for your reading pleasure, as you obviously just want to be an asshat. No, my ego is not offended by some little man that said bad words about me on the intarweb.

The only game that I play regularly is Madden 2005 with my nephew. My brother is in Iraq now, so I try and spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't feel lonely. This is something interactive we can do together that entertains us both. Some of our best talks have come over a game of football (real or virtual) It's no different than when kids used to play hide and go seek 40 years ago.

I've tried a few different FPS's but I find them boring and repetitious. I just find it ignorant that anyone can look at another person and say "you're wasting your life." Unless you're Jesus or Budda, I don;t want to hear how you're better than anyone else. No one can presume to tell someone else what to care about. Entertainment is entertainment. Regardless if it's reading a book, playing a game, watching tv or collecting things. I work 45-50 hours a week making a living for my family, so if I want to pop in a game and veg for a hour or two it's no one's buisness but mine (and the wife of course)

Now I'm going to try out Madden 2006, I'm going to create a player named Gigapet just so I can fire him and giggle.

oh you clever bastard!!! you set me up the bomb! haha. You feigned like you were pissed off just to get my predicted response!!! you are so clever!!!!!! omg! you taught me something today i'll never forget! thanks phoenix15!


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Ausm
Hmm I play WOW with my nephew 2-3 a day and we really enjoy it. I am a Loser?!? I guess if you classify a person who pays more money in taxes you make in a year a loser you must have high standards


:beer: heres to your giant e-penis!!! cheers!


Jun 22, 2001
Classic "My Stereotypes are always right" by Gigapet. You people know better than to respond to his trolling. You can't change his mind: Gigapet

My definition of a loser? I have many, but one of them includes listening to 50 Cent in my free time, then logging into Anandtech and putting it in my sig.
Edit: Looks like he changed his sig.


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: oculus
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: knyghtbyte
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: oculus
"if the shoe fits ..... "

Do you consider yourself a winner? Or are you simply going to ignore that post?

Yes i do.

And what confirms you as a winner?

obviously your own criteria confirms it correct? because to someone else using their criteria you might be a loser.....i'm not saying i think you are, but so far in my opinion you havnt shown yourself to be a you agree its possible for someone to be in the middle ground, the grey area, not a winner or loser? some people say there can only be one winner, so is everyone else in the world a loser? if so what makes you the winner, i think its plain to see there are many people who would be considered winners before you....
Oh, and you like to attack peoples decisions on what makes their world tick, and i think most people agree that someone who attacks with no reason to is the bigger loser

anyway, work over, time to go home...think i'll get in a couple of hours on CS:S, trialling for a new clan as i had a break from playing for a while to get in some Worm time....heh

ta ta, this 'loser' is signing out for now ;-)

this is how I see it you may think this point of view is absurd or even arrogant but it has served me well in the time that i've incorporated it into my life.

I only make the distinction between two types of people that encounter.

We can call them winners and losers for the sake of keeping it consistent.

A winner would be someone I would categorize as wanting in my life in some way shape or form they enrich my life in a positive way to the extent that I would want them to remain in it.

I do not have time to deal with people that don't have anything to offer me. PERIOD. So if you are not helping me move forward in someway in my life....I DONT WANT YOU THERE. This type of person I would categorize as a loser.

Now you mentioned there being a middle ground and yes to a certain extent there is a small middle ground. Generally these are people that I do not know at all and have no basis for previous categorization into the two aforementioned categories of people. This person in the middle ground has something intriguing to me about them so they will remain in this purgatory if you will until they have demonstrated one way or the other where they belong in my system of categorization.

I do tend to generalize people alot because I dont have time to go through a formal character evaluation with everyone in the world I encounter. For example if I see someone alll goth or punked out, I will block them out of my vision entirely as in my experience I have yet to come across anyone fitting those characteristics with anything positive or of value to offer me. Now that is not to say that tommorow by some unforseen chance of events something could happen to radically change my opinion.

I forgot my conclusion: To that end, I consider myself a winner because I very consistently add something positive and of value to the lives of people I know and associate with.

i hope this had made things clearer for you.

Ah, so really it's only about you and what people can do for you

That attitude is very judgmental and self-centered. I question your ability to grow as a person with the above attitude.

so you didnt even read my conclusion did you?


Golden Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
it is my opinion they are as I haven't met anyone that does that I would consider a winner or I would like to spend any amount of unpaid time with.

God, you're such a a$$ muncher. What the hell do you care what someone else does with there free time? You have nearly 7000 posts on a message board for christ's sake. Are you still trying to live up to your daddy's expectations of being a "winner"? 1987 called, it want's it's slang back.
is someone cooking pwnage soup? thought i smelled some...

Needs a dash more of "go fvk a cactus, gigapet" me thinks

your ego is clearly hurt here. I'm sorry you cant claim you've accomplished anything worth noting in your life other than leveling up.

hahahaha! This is the kind of post I would expect from you. Just a dumb flame baiter. I won't bother listing my accomplishments for your reading pleasure, as you obviously just want to be an asshat. No, my ego is not offended by some little man that said bad words about me on the intarweb.

The only game that I play regularly is Madden 2005 with my nephew. My brother is in Iraq now, so I try and spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't feel lonely. This is something interactive we can do together that entertains us both. Some of our best talks have come over a game of football (real or virtual) It's no different than when kids used to play hide and go seek 40 years ago.

I've tried a few different FPS's but I find them boring and repetitious. I just find it ignorant that anyone can look at another person and say "you're wasting your life." Unless you're Jesus or Budda, I don;t want to hear how you're better than anyone else. No one can presume to tell someone else what to care about. Entertainment is entertainment. Regardless if it's reading a book, playing a game, watching tv or collecting things. I work 45-50 hours a week making a living for my family, so if I want to pop in a game and veg for a hour or two it's no one's buisness but mine (and the wife of course)

Now I'm going to try out Madden 2006, I'm going to create a player named Gigapet just so I can fire him and giggle.

oh you clever bastard!!! you set me up the bomb! haha. You feigned like you were pissed off just to get my predicted response!!! you are so clever!!!!!! omg! you taught me something today i'll never forget! thanks phoenix15!

I have read your idiotic post before, but just ignored them. This was above and beyond your usual drivel so I thought I would respond. I'm not pissed, I just think you're a douche.


Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Classic "My Stereotypes are always right" by Gigapet. You people know better than to respond to his trolling. You can't change his mind: Gigapet

My definition of a loser? I have many, but one of them includes listening to 50 Cent in my free time, then logging into Anandtech and putting it in my sig.



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: Phoenix15
Originally posted by: gigapet
it is my opinion they are as I haven't met anyone that does that I would consider a winner or I would like to spend any amount of unpaid time with.

God, you're such a a$$ muncher. What the hell do you care what someone else does with there free time? You have nearly 7000 posts on a message board for christ's sake. Are you still trying to live up to your daddy's expectations of being a "winner"? 1987 called, it want's it's slang back.
is someone cooking pwnage soup? thought i smelled some...

Needs a dash more of "go fvk a cactus, gigapet" me thinks

your ego is clearly hurt here. I'm sorry you cant claim you've accomplished anything worth noting in your life other than leveling up.

hahahaha! This is the kind of post I would expect from you. Just a dumb flame baiter. I won't bother listing my accomplishments for your reading pleasure, as you obviously just want to be an asshat. No, my ego is not offended by some little man that said bad words about me on the intarweb.

The only game that I play regularly is Madden 2005 with my nephew. My brother is in Iraq now, so I try and spend a lot of time with him so he doesn't feel lonely. This is something interactive we can do together that entertains us both. Some of our best talks have come over a game of football (real or virtual) It's no different than when kids used to play hide and go seek 40 years ago.

I've tried a few different FPS's but I find them boring and repetitious. I just find it ignorant that anyone can look at another person and say "you're wasting your life." Unless you're Jesus or Budda, I don;t want to hear how you're better than anyone else. No one can presume to tell someone else what to care about. Entertainment is entertainment. Regardless if it's reading a book, playing a game, watching tv or collecting things. I work 45-50 hours a week making a living for my family, so if I want to pop in a game and veg for a hour or two it's no one's buisness but mine (and the wife of course)

Now I'm going to try out Madden 2006, I'm going to create a player named Gigapet just so I can fire him and giggle.

oh you clever bastard!!! you set me up the bomb! haha. You feigned like you were pissed off just to get my predicted response!!! you are so clever!!!!!! omg! you taught me something today i'll never forget! thanks phoenix15!

I have read your idiotic post before, but just ignored them. This was above and beyond your usual drivel so I thought I would respond. I'm not pissed, I just think you're a douche.

thats nice there was a poll option set up for people like you.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: gigapet
Originally posted by: Ausm
Hmm I play WOW with my nephew 2-3 a day and we really enjoy it. I am a Loser?!? I guess if you classify a person who pays more money in taxes you make in a year a loser you must have high standards


:beer: heres to your giant e-penis!!! cheers!

bend over so you know where I am going to put it ....

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