Are anandtechers mostly liberal, or are there just more libs in P&N?

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Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: ELP
Answer these two questions:

What's a liberal?

What's a conservative?
You won't get a straight answer, because they honestly don't know. The libs will preach compassion and diversity while the cons will talk about old homey values and The Flag, but otherwise they have no clue except one voted for Kerry and the other for Bush.

Anyway, there are a lot of Pub voters in P&N. There used to be even more but a few of them had this habit of just spamming thread after thread of meaningless rhetorical propaganda from dubious sources (things like "Kerry ate a baby in Vietnam") until the entire page would be filled with nothing but these threads. Then they would defend this questionable propaganda as though it were gospel, but their idea of a debate was to be as insulting and offensive as possible, as though arguments are won simply by yelling. Because of this, I left P&N, as decent debate had simply become impossible. But then the mods saw the wisdom to ban the offenders, and the board became a place where people could discuss again.

Additionally, if we were to add "moderate" to the terms Liberal and Conservative, trying to see the differences between them is even harder.



Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: gutharius
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: Tylanner
I'll make the liberals response for them.

All the conservatives are out shooting their next meal, at a christian rock concert, or don't have regular computer access.

Sadly, you are wrong on all 3 accounts.

1) I don't own a weapon and I hate the taste of wild game.
2) Christian music sucks.
3) I have constant Internet access from my home from two computers connected to a high-speed Internet connection.

Try again.

I'm curious, Do you subscribe to Bush's more religious overtones or are you more of a classic republican?

I keep great distance from Bush's religious overtones.

Mind if I ask if your vote for Bush was because of party loyalty? If not why did you vote for him (I am assuming you did)...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: gutharius
Mind if I ask if your vote for Bush was because of party loyalty? If not why did you vote for him (I am assuming you did)...
Lots of reasons:

- Strong military backing/belief
- He's demonstrated a strong demeanor to terrorists - whether one likes it or not.
- He's had fewer criminals on his cabinet than Clinton did. :Q
- Keeping religion out of it, he appears to have a better moral understanding.
- And, finally, party loyalty. However, this is a very small part of it.



Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: ELP
Answer these two questions:

What's a liberal?

What's a conservative?
You won't get a straight answer, because they honestly don't know. The libs will preach compassion and diversity while the cons will talk about old homey values and The Flag, but otherwise they have no clue except one voted for Kerry and the other for Bush.

Anyway, there are a lot of Pub voters in P&N. There used to be even more but a few of them had this habit of just spamming thread after thread of meaningless rhetorical propaganda from dubious sources (things like "Kerry ate a baby in Vietnam") until the entire page would be filled with nothing but these threads. Then they would defend this questionable propaganda as though it were gospel, but their idea of a debate was to be as insulting and offensive as possible, as though arguments are won simply by yelling. Because of this, I left P&N, as decent debate had simply become impossible. But then the mods saw the wisdom to ban the offenders, and the board became a place where people could discuss again.

Additionally, if we were to add "moderate" to the terms Liberal and Conservative, trying to see the differences between them is even harder.

Agreed. It is a matter of extremities and understanding as well as the willingingness to try to understand all sides of an issue. Moderates will emotionally and intellectually stay open to both left and right perspectives and choose to make pink lemonade out of the rights red lemonade and the left white lemonade. Moderates look for compormise and try to mix the 2 sides solutions to a given problem to produce a better solution that everyone can agree with. At least this is my philosophy and I do subscribe to it even tho I have more of a liberal lean in my perspectives.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
Originally posted by: AntiEverything
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
I would guess that the demographics that a computer tech forum would attract would be more liberal...especially with the number of college students.

I don't know if being tech oriented has anything to do with it. In contrast to the recent idea floated around here that educated city dwellers vote Democrat, the 15 person IT department I'm the lead developer for in Minneapolis has only two Democrats, the rest are Republicans or independent.

I am very suprised it took this long in the thread for someone to pick up on Rabids little jab...Hate to break it to you Rabid, but being technically enclined...and dare I say "college educated" does not automagically = Democrat.

I will stick my head out and agree with the "college student" comment, however the words "naive" and "inexperienced" quickly come to mind. The Democratic party can have all the college students it wants, I take great comfort in knowing the party I voted for is primarily made up of people who have been out in the real world, and arent just sitting back looking at it. You know it IS said that people get wiser as they grow older...ohh, and they become Republicans.


Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: gutharius
Mind if I ask if your vote for Bush was because of party loyalty? If not why did you vote for him (I am assuming you did)...
Lots of reasons:

- Strong military backing/belief
- He's demonstrated a strong demeanor to terrorists - whether one likes it or not.
- He's had fewer criminals on his cabinet than Clinton did. :Q
- Keeping religion out of it, he appears to have a better moral understanding.
- And, finally, party loyalty. However, this is a very small part of it.

Personally the Traditional Republican in me sees the iraq war as a way of luring the terrorists away from america and causing them to pay attention to Iraq instead of focusing on america. But the Liberal side in me moarns the deaths of our soldiers and iraqi civilians and is worried that this tactic will only create terrorisits out of todays iraqi children and teenagers who hate the USA for the unjustified (As Iraqi's See it) attack on Iraq.


Feb 18, 2004
the majority of people who hang out on internet forums are young (ie: highschool - early 30's). the majority of people in that age group tend to be liberal.

ergo, the majority of people hanging out on an internet forum will skew liberal.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2004
Originally posted by: ELP
Answer these two questions:

What's a liberal?

What's a conservative?

In my view what seperates the two the most is:

Liberals (in general) want to create more government funded programs and have more government involvment in business.

Conservatives (again in general) want less governmnet funded programs and less government involvment in business.

I tend to lean more towards the conservative view of things, but I do think the government should create laws and put boundaries on business. I do not like the Government getting involved in business and screwing with the markets. Every industry the Government has supposedly stepped in to save was worse off in the long run. I believe in Tariffs and Fees on SOME foriegn goods. This is the only way I see us being competitive in the world market.

We cannot compete with the labor in Asia and it is only a matter of time before the technology will be available to outsource more and more jobs, (no industry is immune, in my opinion) until there are no more jobs avialable in the US. From the Statistics I have seen we (the US) consume 75% of all material goods in the world (not including the basics: food and shelter). If those Statistics are true, everyone wants to sell their goods in the US. My view is if they want to sell their goods here they better provide jobs and help build OUR economy not some foriegn country's economy, and I feel it is our Governments RESPOSIBILITY to protect our economy. That is what tarriffs provide. They level the playing field and make us (our labor force) competitive.

I also hate the Government playing favorites. (both parties do this) I believe in a minimalist Government. I guess you could call me a Libertarian.


Golden Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: jackace
Originally posted by: ELP
Answer these two questions:

What's a liberal?

What's a conservative?

In my view what seperates the two the most is:

Liberals (in general) want to create more government funded programs and have more government involvment in business.

Conservatives (again in general) want less governmnet funded programs and less government involvment in business.

I tend to lean more towards the conservative view of things, but I do think the government should create laws and put boundaries on business. I do not like the Government getting involved in business and screwing with the markets. Every industry the Government has supposedly stepped in to save was worse off in the long run. I believe in Tariffs and Fees on SOME foriegn goods. This is the only way I see us being competitive in the world market.

We cannot compete with the labor in Asia and it is only a matter of time before the technology will be available to outsource more and more jobs, (no industry is immune, in my opinion) until there are no more jobs avialable in the US. From the Statistics I have seen we (the US) consume 75% of all material goods in the world (not including the basics: food and shelter). If those Statistics are true, everyone wants to sell their goods in the US. My view is if they want to sell their goods here they better provide jobs and help build OUR economy not some foriegn country's economy, and I feel it is our Governments RESPOSIBILITY to protect our economy. That is what tarriffs provide. They level the playing field and make us (our labor force) competitive.

I also hate the Government playing favorites. (both parties do this) I believe in a minimalist Government. I guess you could call me a Libertarian.

So higher tariffs help to make goods manufactured overseas more expensive than those created here in the US which causes companies to keep factories here in the US so they can be more competitive in the local market. Is that correct?


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Originally posted by: gutharius
Mind if I ask if your vote for Bush was because of party loyalty? If not why did you vote for him (I am assuming you did)...
Lots of reasons:

- Strong military backing/belief He and his defense secretary tried to cut Family Separation Allowance and Hazardous Duty pay as our troops rolled into Baghdad. The only reason the military still has the rates they do is because CONGRESS blocked it. Perpahs you believe that posturing such as "bring it on" or "mission accomplished" equate to a strong military backer, but the truth is he's downsizing the "Clinton" military. Bet you didn't know that....
- He's demonstrated a strong demeanor to terrorists - whether one likes it or not. Hell its not just the actual terrorists that are scarred out of their wits, its the entire f#cking planet!! And by the way, I threw terrorists in there for emphasis, but in actuality they aren't scared of Bush at all. Think about it, these are men who value their lives only as much as how many people they can take with them as they detonate the bomb strapped to their chest. And here we're attempting to coerce them with the occupation of some random Isalmic (although when we rolled in it was secular mind you) nation? Oh sure, lets threaten the lives of men with nothing to live for. Sounds like a plan!
- He's had fewer criminals on his cabinet than Clinton did. :Q Hmm... did it not occur to that your man Bush was on the brink of committing a felony for almost 20 years OF HIS LIFE? Yes, I'm exploiting the fact that he was a known alcoholic and drug abuser convected of DUI prior to his discovery of the almighteh Chrizist. Good thing he did that before he ran for president, how else could we wash all that aside!
- Keeping religion out of it, he appears to have a better moral understanding.How could you possibly keep religion out of consideration with Bush Inc.? His morals do not exist sepparate from his religion. Period. Fin. Keep pandering to his paradigm of morality and you just might find yourself promising a god you don't believe that you won't hold any other gods you don't believe in before him!
- And, finally, party loyalty. However, this is a very small part of it. As I told Rob 9873421789432 in another post, way to compromise your integrity by claming allegience to goals and ideals you don't believe in. Very admirable.

Refer above.


Aug 1, 2002
Most of P&N forum has a common game. Their room mod played dual agent role. They always have a dozen of nick name. They will make you life miserable with a liberal nick. So you will spend 24 hrs in the forum to argue with them. 2 minute later, they will use a republican nick name to save your a$$. And another liberal nick come to kick you?re a$$. Well you are talking to one guy who has 3 difference nicks names. This is my experience from other forum
I notice this forum has a little liberal gang ( Don Vito, red dawn, ect...) they attack people as the same time. One after one jump in to yell at you (few minute after the first guy start). You won?t tell this is a coincident. We can tell this gang are not professional
Politic in the forum is just for fun. Do not take it so serious with moron. If you see some one has some ideal that you are interesting on. Just approach them to share your feeling or your political opinion. The problem of user is they want to proof they are smart. Liberal kid in this forum hurt John Kerry more than they help him. So far I can tell oldman ,lunar ray and few guy are good. The rest of them are moron
I hope anandtech will improve after this election. If someone just give a name to anandtech as a liberal. They could be right. Just do like fox new: Fair and balance. It is nothing wrong to express your political opinion like CBS news. But we also see the CBS news problem. Bootom line, I called room mod by name (two times) when liberal use ?motherfvker? in their post. I didn?t see any action from room mod

I keep telling people that political in internet is a carefure game. Netters are unknown back ground. They could be Middle east people who want to interfere to US politic. This is the easy way to make american kid go crazy. If you don't fell that you are strong enough . Or some thing you don't have good knowledge. Don't go to political forum. Go learn somewhere else like tivi, news. Those place (tivi, new) you know for sure they won't make you do crazy thing to hurt our country. Politic forum, bad place to go, if you are younger than 30 years old


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2001
I'm a conservative replublican and try to stay away from P&N (I'm sure you haven't seen me much) for a few reasons. Many of the arguements are so over hashed that I'm just bored with them. The reference to everyone who voted republican is a religious bigot. In my experience there is no sense trying to discuss politics with many here (or elsewhere) because it becomes an unnecessary fight. I'm not going to convince you and you won't convince me so why should I waste my time?

There are more reasons but I don't feel like discussing it anymore.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: vanln
Most of P&N forum has a common game. Their room mod played dual agent role. They always have a dozen of nick name. They will make you life miserable with a liberal nick. So you will spend 24 hrs in the forum to argue with them. 2 minute later, they will use a republican nick name to save your a$$. And another liberal nick come to kick you?re a$$. Well you are talking to one guy who has 3 difference nicks names. This is my experience from other forum
I notice this forum has a little liberal gang ( Don Vito, red dawn, ect...) they attack people as the same time. One after one jump in to yell at you (few minute after the first guy start). You won?t tell this is a coincident. We can tell this gang are not professional
Politic in the forum is just for fun. Do not take it so serious with moron. If you see some one has some ideal that you are interesting on. Just approach them to share your feeling or your political opinion. The problem of user is they want to proof they are smart. Liberal kid in this forum hurt John Kerry more than they help him. So far I can tell oldman ,lunar ray and few guy are good. The rest of them are moron
I hope anandtech will improve after this election. If someone just give a name to anandtech as a liberal. They could be right. Just do like fox new: Fair and balance. It is nothing wrong to express your political opinion like CBS news. But we also see the CBS news problem. Bootom line, I called room mod by name (two times) when liberal use ?motherfvker? in their post. I didn?t see any action from room mod

I keep telling people that political in internet is a carefure game. Netters are unknown back ground. They could be Middle east people who want to interfere to US politic. This is the easy way to make american kid go crazy. If you don't fell that you are strong enough . Or some thing you don't have good knowledge. Don't go to political forum. Go learn somewhere else like tivi, news. Those place (tivi, new) you know for sure they won't make you do crazy thing to hurt our country. Politic forum, bad place to go, if you are younger than 30 years old

Well, you've got the game right, but the players mixed up a little Don Vito is pretty reasonable, but I'm afraid if he sees 100 more threads about how the Democratic party needs to be reformed, he may go postal (& I wouldn't blame him). Red Dawn is much more non-partisan, he has this horrible habit of being a realist, there's a big difference..

Don't know about the multiple active accounts, but I doubt it. The mods are secret & I suspect many are active posters. I've seen many folks pick up on multiple accounts much more accurately than me.

Where are you from?



Aug 1, 2002
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: vanln
Most of P&N forum has a common game. Their room mod played dual agent role. They always have a dozen of nick name. They will make you life miserable with a liberal nick. So you will spend 24 hrs in the forum to argue with them. 2 minute later, they will use a republican nick name to save your a$$. And another liberal nick come to kick you?re a$$. Well you are talking to one guy who has 3 difference nicks names. This is my experience from other forum
I notice this forum has a little liberal gang ( Don Vito, red dawn, ect...) they attack people as the same time. One after one jump in to yell at you (few minute after the first guy start). You won?t tell this is a coincident. We can tell this gang are not professional
Politic in the forum is just for fun. Do not take it so serious with moron. If you see some one has some ideal that you are interesting on. Just approach them to share your feeling or your political opinion. The problem of user is they want to proof they are smart. Liberal kid in this forum hurt John Kerry more than they help him. So far I can tell oldman ,lunar ray and few guy are good. The rest of them are moron
I hope anandtech will improve after this election. If someone just give a name to anandtech as a liberal. They could be right. Just do like fox new: Fair and balance. It is nothing wrong to express your political opinion like CBS news. But we also see the CBS news problem. Bootom line, I called room mod by name (two times) when liberal use ?motherfvker? in their post. I didn?t see any action from room mod

I keep telling people that political in internet is a carefure game. Netters are unknown back ground. They could be Middle east people who want to interfere to US politic. This is the easy way to make american kid go crazy. If you don't fell that you are strong enough . Or some thing you don't have good knowledge. Don't go to political forum. Go learn somewhere else like tivi, news. Those place (tivi, new) you know for sure they won't make you do crazy thing to hurt our country. Politic forum, bad place to go, if you are younger than 30 years old

Well, you've got the game right, but the players mixed up a little Don Vito is pretty reasonable, but I'm afraid if he sees 100 more threads about how the Democratic party needs to be reformed, he may go postal (& I wouldn't blame him). Red Dawn is much more non-partisan, he has this horrible habit of being a realist, there's a big difference..

Don't know about the multiple active accounts, but I doubt it. The mods are secret & I suspect many are active posters. I've seen many folks pick up on multiple accounts much more accurately than me.

Where are you from?

I'm a californian


Nov 9, 2000
Originally posted by: TMPadmin
I'm a conservative replublican and try to stay away from P&N (I'm sure you haven't seen me much) for a few reasons. Many of the arguements are so over hashed that I'm just bored with them. The reference to everyone who voted republican is a religious bigot. In my experience there is no sense trying to discuss politics with many here (or elsewhere) because it becomes an unnecessary fight. I'm not going to convince you and you won't convince me so why should I waste my time?

There are more reasons but I don't feel like discussing it anymore.

What he said.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: MidasKnight
A bit of both really. A & B.

LOTS of educated people here, that are fervently liberal, and they make eloquent points. It is the "I saw in Farenheit 911" crowd that posts the most BS. The RED voters here (me ) just call em like we see em.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: daveymark
I notice anytime there is a poll in here, the libs overwhelmingly have the majority of the votes.

So either:

A) Anandtech is mostly liberal,


B) all the conservatives stay out of P&N

thoughts, opinons on this?

Most of the thoughtful conservative posters have abandoned P&N or were shown the door.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Tylanner
I think you misread, I was pointing out how the some liberals here think anyone who votes for bush is dumb, traditional, a redneck, or a born again christian.

I only think that about the 80% that voted based on moral values (instead of issues).


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: vanln
If you don't fell that you are strong enough . Or some thing you don't have good knowledge. Don't go to political forum. Go learn somewhere else like tivi, news. Those place (tivi, new) you know for sure they won't make you do crazy thing to hurt our country. Politic forum, bad place to go, if you are younger than 30 years old

I think you've got a better chance of hearing the truth on a political forum than you do from TV and news.


Aug 1, 2002
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: vanln
If you don't fell that you are strong enough . Or some thing you don't have good knowledge. Don't go to political forum. Go learn somewhere else like tivi, news. Those place (tivi, new) you know for sure they won't make you do crazy thing to hurt our country. Politic forum, bad place to go, if you are younger than 30 years old

I think you've got a better chance of hearing the truth on a political forum than you do from TV and news.

Well If you fell that is the right way, go for it. But you better learn how to identify user. Before you accept their opinion you must know who are they. Build a political forum is not easy. You can not built a place and tell people that you have a place and let people play. You must work harder to monitor people. Sometime you must identify user and raise the red flag to everybody. You must banned and let other people know that the nick abc is from middle east.
I encourage all political forum in US must understand the concept of fair and balance. Don't allow people from other countries interfere with our country politic. A large size forum like anandtech is not easy to monitor. But you guy must have some concept. We do it for our country, and we must do

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: vanln
Don't allow people from other countries interfere with our country politic.
Does that include WTF are you doing here then?


Aug 1, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: vanln
Don't allow people from other countries interfere with our country politic.
Does that include WTF are you doing here then?

Sorry dude, you must understant immigrants are patriot same as other american. I know for sure that i have my citizenship . What about you? I don't know. and I don't give a damn
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