are chiropractors legit?


Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
Background <skip if desired>
I've had a nagging upper back pain between shoulder and spine for the better part of 4 months. I had thought that it was a golf related injury as of late fall of last year (August - October 2013), and figured I would take the winter off and hopefully it would be better in spring. It was better in Nov and Dec, but then I was active in early January of this year (snowmobiling, throwing football, moving heavy things) and the exact same pain flared up again. It actually hurts when I run, cough, etc. I know it will get better if just do nothing, but that's kind of a crap life.
I did get a physical in late Dec of 2013, but of course my upper back was not bothering me so I just gave it a cursory mention. So now I'm on the verge of making a new appt. with my PP to discuss my upper back issues.

<important part here>
It has also crossed my mind to consult a chiropractor, as some people that I know do swear by them. My last visit to a chiropractor was approx. 10 yrs ago for an unrelated lower back issue, and my recollection is that it was much like joining a cult or becoming a scientologist. I watched a mandatory video explaining to me how important it was to keep coming back to the chiropractor at a regular interval, to keep my spine "in tune". They then proceeded to give me a very aggressive back massage. They did also take x-rays, but found nothing significantly wrong. They did want me to keep coming back tho. . That experience led me to believe that all chiropractors are quacks, but I'm open to AT HaF explaining to me otherwise.
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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I'm surrounded by people with back pain and take the following with a grain of salt.
1. The ones who only go to the chiropractor have been going for years. They still have back pain. they continue to justify the chiro visit because it "helps" (for a day or 2) before problem flare up again.

2. I use to train a guy who had back issues. He stopped having back issues after I got him into dead lifts and back exercises.

3. For those who had experienced pain AND were involved in a strength training program, a few sessions of massage therapy resulted in no more back pain.

My opinion is that the for some people, a good start is a few sessions with a good masseuse and making sure they give the affected muscle groups time to rest\heal before stressing the area through exercise.
They should also consult with a doctor.

If all else fails, see the chiropractor

Keep in mind that its my personal exposure.Very limited sample size
Mar 22, 2002
I'm surrounded by people with back pain and take the following with a grain of salt.
1. The ones who only go to the chiropractor have been going for years. They still have back pain. they continue to justify the chiro visit because it "helps" (for a day or 2) before problem flare up again.

2. I use to train a guy who had back issues. He stopped having back issues after I got him into dead lifts and back exercises.

3. For those who had experienced pain AND were involved in a strength training program, a few sessions of massage therapy resulted in no more back pain.

My opinion is that the for some people, a good start is a few sessions with a good masseuse and making sure they give the affected muscle groups time to rest\heal before stressing the area through exercise.
They should also consult with a doctor.

If all else fails, see the chiropractor

Keep in mind that its my personal exposure.Very limited sample size

You've pretty much described physical therapy in #2 and #3. The hands on portion of treatment is usually just for symptom relief. Unfortunately, chiropractic care is largely this manual portion. Physical therapy includes exercise, postural re-education, home management, and return to recreational activities. I see a ton of people with neck, mid, and low back pain and they have a good prognosis. Usually, my goal is to see them for 4-8 weeks and then get them out of the clinic. From there, they typically return to sport and other activities. I usually only see them if they have another issue.
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Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
I see a chiro regularly. I equate it to brushing your teeth. if you want to have the continued benefits you need to continually go. I have an issue in my back that doctors threw pills at for 2 yrs (which I didn't take). I found a chiro through my gym and he resolved it in a matter of 5 seconds with a proper adjustment. the stresses of my day/job/working out still play in and I still feel the spot, but I go get adjusted and all is good again.

They have helped me with my knees and neck as well. if you find the right one, chiros are good. Personally it is the best money I have spent for my own personal healthcare/well being.


Oct 12, 1999
In short yes. One helped me get back to lifting after not being able to lift for almost 4 years. They can work some miracles.


May 17, 2008
It may help solve pain/problems, but they will return if you ONLY use them. For long term fixes, you need to do what SC says and do PT, etc.

I've found medical/sports type massage coupled with lifting and stretching help the most. I may go to the chiro 2 times per year, just to get aligned..But generally having loose muscles (not tight pulled ones that will yank on your spine) are the best way to avoid misalignment.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
It may help solve pain/problems, but they will return if you ONLY use them. For long term fixes, you need to do what SC says and do PT, etc.

I've found medical/sports type massage coupled with lifting and stretching help the most. I may go to the chiro 2 times per year, just to get aligned..But generally having loose muscles (not tight pulled ones that will yank on your spine) are the best way to avoid misalignment.

what you say is true and of value, but our bodies aren't 100% symmetrical. we have imbalances in our muscles and structure. we favor one side or the other. We experience stresses in our everyday lives that cause imbalances.

I go back to brushing teeth. You don't just do it one day and then stop.

I incorporate weight training, stretching, I get massages, use foam roller, ice and heat.... but I don't ever go over 2 weeks without getting an adjustment. For me it is an integral part in keeping me feeling as close to the best I can feel as I can get.

twice a year is not enough for me. It might be plenty for you, we are all different


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004
I've had luck with them after I've had an auto accident. To put it simply, I was knocked out-of-whack and I needed to be physically manipulated back into-whack.

I just got rear ended at the end of last week and my neck and shoulders just aren't feeling better (took some Aleve for to reduce any inflammation and for discomfort relief). So, I called for a Chiropractor appt. My current guy is a sports doctor who has a whole lotta letters after his name. Every time I see him with a problem, he also gives me exercises to do along side the treatments. I couldn't be happier with him.

So, I'd suggest, you find a Chiropractor / Sports Doctor / Physical Therapist. They are out there if you look.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
A good chiropractor can help make a huge positive difference. That said, I think it's about 50 / 50 in finding a good one, and bad ones can do harm. Thankfully I found a good one some years ago.

My background: I was told I needed back surgery. I tried drugs via my MD and physical therapy. Neither helped. After months of walking with a cane and keeping vicodin close by, some friends talked me into trying a chiropractor. Wish I hadn't waited. Today my back is doing great! Never had surgery, thankfully.


Mar 30, 2007
The quality varies more so than than most people appreciate. The best Chiropractors that I have experienced in my travels are usually experienced in Chinese Medicine and Tui-na or however thats spelled now adays.
Dont forget to stretch and consider mixing up some Yoga poses like downward facing dog to your routine. I about eight months ago started training again after a 4 year absence and my stretching and Chi Gung allowed me to push for 3-4 hours a day.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
A good chiropractor can help make a huge positive difference. That said, I think it's about 50 / 50 in finding a good one, and bad ones can do harm. Thankfully I found a good one some years ago.

I definitely agree with this.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2014
In short yes. One helped me get back to lifting after not being able to lift for almost 4 years. They can work some miracles.
I don't know about "miracles," but they are legit. At least the ones who work back/neck issues and don't try to pretend like they can work all kinds of magical "cures" for things unrelated to their profession with mystical pills or herbs or silly homeopathic blah blah etc. Happily they are not the norm but they are out there.


Sep 27, 2003
A good chiropractor can help make a huge positive difference. That said, I think it's about 50 / 50 in finding a good one, and bad ones can do harm. Thankfully I found a good one some years ago.

My background: I was told I needed back surgery. I tried drugs via my MD and physical therapy. Neither helped. After months of walking with a cane and keeping vicodin close by, some friends talked me into trying a chiropractor. Wish I hadn't waited. Today my back is doing great! Never had surgery, thankfully.

Ding ding ding...nailed it. I've seen some good ones (all sports chiropractors, specializing in ART, Graston, some other similar manual techniques) and some that obviously just want to bill the heck out of your insurance. Just a matter of finding the right one that doesn't view you as a perpetuity.

It's really no different with other fields, like your MD or PTs - I've seen some shitty ones that apply to both of those fields too.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2010
Yes, many Chiropractors are legit. I'm amazed at how many people say they are quacks because the back pain they have comes back if they don't make multiple trips to see one. Just as was mentioned, it's kind of like blaming a dentist for cavities or complaining that you need to go in for a tooth cleaning every 6 months.

Chiropractors adjust your back (and other bones and muscles) and put it back into alignment to alleviate back pain, headaches, etc. The problem is that your chiropractor cannot solve a patient's poor posture, or order the patient to strengthen his or her back muscles, or make the patient sleep in a better posture or use a more ergonomic chair at work, so putting the back into alignment is only a temporary solution. Now if you go once per week for a month or two you can start training your back to stay in alignment and work on your posture then things get a lot better a day you will have to go only on a rare occasion after that.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2010
It's not a recognised science/medical branch, but then it does work. It's like homeopathy in that sense.
Mar 22, 2002
It's not a recognised science/medical branch, but then it does work. It's like homeopathy in that sense.

That's not entirely true. See this: While I'm not pro-chiropractic, I am by no means anti-chiropractic.

In studies, it is recognized as having physical mechanics by which manipulation works, reduces pain, and improves mobility. Some of these include reduction of mechanoreceptor excitation, increased water content within the nucleus pulposus, and more.

Some of the other stuff isn't really based in reserach - i.e. fixing ailments outside of the neurologic and orthopedic realm.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2000
A good chiropractor can help make a huge positive difference. That said, I think it's about 50 / 50 in finding a good one, and bad ones can do harm. Thankfully I found a good one some years ago.

This. Mine is great and really helps. For example, I was having foot pain and the chiro said it was plantar fasciitis. After 1 treatment (graston technique) it was significantly improved. I'd had the pain for over a month and wish I'd mentioned it to him sooner.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
Depends on what they try to treat.

A good friend of mine is a pediatrician. Years ago a couple brought their toddler to him suffering from spinal meningitis. They had first taken the baby to a chiropractor who actually tried treating him for several days. By the time my friend was able to treat the child it was too late and he died.

You see similar things with head-cases in other health professions. I knew a fellow who was a massage therapist. He was actually a very good at it, but he was also one of these people into new-age homeopathic, herbal healing. The guy was in his early 30s, married with two kids. Healthy as a horse. He got the flu, treated himself with herbs and potions, it gradually got worse and he died at home without ever even seeing a doctor. Just plain nuts.


Jul 18, 2003
Yes, many Chiropractors are legit. I'm amazed at how many people say they are quacks because the back pain they have comes back if they don't make multiple trips to see one. Just as was mentioned, it's kind of like blaming a dentist for cavities or complaining that you need to go in for a tooth cleaning every 6 months.

Chiropractors adjust your back (and other bones and muscles) and put it back into alignment to alleviate back pain, headaches, etc. The problem is that your chiropractor cannot solve a patient's poor posture, or order the patient to strengthen his or her back muscles, or make the patient sleep in a better posture or use a more ergonomic chair at work, so putting the back into alignment is only a temporary solution. Now if you go once per week for a month or two you can start training your back to stay in alignment and work on your posture then things get a lot better a day you will have to go only on a rare occasion after that.

This has been my experience. I had back and shoulder pain and he (my chiropractor) had me come in twice a week for a couple of months for adjustments. We also did spinal decompression during this time. I felt remarkably better very quickly, but I also started doing more back exercises, which he also directed me to do. Easy stuff at first and then harder as I got stronger. Any chiropractor who doesn't have a plan that includes some work outside of his/her offices is a quack or just out for your money, but the legit ones can really help you. Also, the activator thing never really did work for me at all. Manual manipulation is where it's at IMO.

I now consider myself pretty darn fit and healthy, but I still visit him as needed or every month to 1.5 months depending on how I feel. There is no pressure from him to go more or less, it's basically up to me now. Since I'm doing less chiropractic work, I'm spending some of that money on a monthly deep tissue massage to aid me in becoming much stronger than I've ever been. Right now I've lost about 3 waist sizes (down to a 36 and ideal is about a 34 for my body type), lost 20 lbs (I finally got over worrying about weight and just concentrated on body composition), and I can bench around 250lbs (I'm 6'2" and 220 lbs currently), I can run or run/jog a 5k no problem, and generally I can lift about 40% more weight in all muscle groups than I used to be able to. It was a great 2013 and I look forward to getting ripped for summer in the first half of 2014.


Senior member
May 9, 2002
Literally changed my life, and allowed me to avoid a very frightening surgery and having to give up my two preferred activities.

All this in 6 months. There isn't a day I don't thank listening to the friend to convinced me to see one.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2006
Avoid their neck popping.

Do not trust positive anecdotes about anything.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Chiropractors like any other medical profession has their good and bad.

There are a lot of chiropractors in the personal injury line of work that side up with attorneys.

One of my good friends from High School and a personal friend still is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He has to fix things 'quacks' mess up and knows when to pull in a specialist or surgeon.


Jun 22, 2001
They're legit and can help you heal when you're messed up. Long term, I would suggest you learn to foam roll/stretch properly and an inversion table will do wonders if you use it every day to decompress that spine you've been sitting on all day.
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