Are discussions about weed banned?

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Nov 28, 2001
I think people still don't realize how much of the drug war "reefer madness" anti marijuana campaign propaganda they have internalized. I'm not at all saying it's a harmless drug. But it's difficult not to pick up on whatever the societal narrative is about almost anything and not take it on as your own.
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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I always found the states so weird with the whole drug testing stuff. Glad there's none of that BS here. The states tends to be obsessed over punishment though. Anything to try to find out if someone has or is doing something illegal so you can punish them.
Apr 20, 2008
Sort of agree. I don't know bout tax the crap out of it. Unless the legal market for it competes price wise with the black market then you aren't going to get rid of a lot of the black market. Indeed simply legalising and taxing the crap out of it is a good way to grow the black market imho. I agree with taxing it and using the revenue for drug education and rehab programs. But the rate at which you tax it has to be carefully monitored. Also your 16 year old does have access to it just like alcohol either if it's legal or not for the most part. Only way to remove access would be to become a Draconian state about it like Singapore. A better idea would be a reasonable drug education program for schools that talks about the dangers of all drugs in a reasonable level headed way. Kids aren't stupid. Well ok yes they are, but you get what I mean ;-)

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According to several friends the legalization has led to extremely better product, with specialization being the norm in commercial products. You can buy high CBD, no THC MJ and you don't get any of the feelings of getting high but all of the pain reduction benefits. You also have to smoke a hell of a lot less to get the same effect. Edibles are hit or miss apparently but even healthier.

This is so much better for individuals than smoking a bunch of shit weed to get a benefit.


Jun 15, 2001
yeah, that's always been my experience and is one thing that makes me wary of it. everyone i know who smokes weed makes just enough money to buy weed. they don't save a dime.

I only know a couple of people who are middle class and higher who use marijuana, but I wonder just how many people use it without anyone knowing. All of the stereotypical "duuuuude" type people I've met who use it are usually just barely able to afford housing, food, and marijuana, but there has to be a large population of functional users.

I've never had a job which didn't explicitly state that marijuana usage was prohibited and that random tests would happen, but apparently there are a number of folks who either don't have those restrictions or are willing to chance it. Seems really risky to me.
Reactions: Thebobo


Nov 18, 2005
I never understood the attraction of smoking weed for the following reasons:

1. Always been illegal in every state I've lived in.
2. Limits job opportunities.
3. Health problems from inhaling smoke (of any kind) into lungs.
4. Too many users don't know where to draw the line between using it responsibly at home vs driving or going to work high.
4. Kinda got soured by the stupid argument that smoking pot is better than drinking alcohol or using harder drugs. It may very well be, but it's not exactly a healthy choice. The only exception would be prescribed medical marijuana for actual medical problems. My little brother has a medical pot card and has absolutely nothing wrong with him. I would hazard a guess that a good portion of "medical" marijuana cards are held by folks who have nothing wrong with them and just like to smoke pot.
5. Ratios of folks I've personally met who's lives are better from smoking weed vs lives are worse due to smoking weed is like 1:100. This is said after a career as a journalist having met a crap-ton of folks from all walks of life who smoke weed.

Still, I think it and many other drugs should be legalized. We're not doing our society any favors by criminalizing casual drug use. If you want to use pot then go ahead, but understand you have a responsibility to not let your recreational drug use negatively effect the rest of us. No smoking in public or driving, going to work, etc. while under the influence.

In the end, who the fuck am I or law enforcement or the government to tell you not to smoke weed if you can do so while remaining an otherwise law-abiding, self-support, productive member of society.

Let me first say that I generally agree wholeheartedly with your stance, but I would like to offer the following retort:

1. Well, not much to say here. Some people don't care to follow 100% of the law to the letter 100% of the time. This includes even things like casual drug use, speeding, piracy, etc.
2. True, but for some people, the kinds of jobs that actively test for marijuana use may not even be the jobs that they would even want. A lot of white collar jobs in even relatively liberal regions don't actively test - they sure as hell don't want you coming to work high or getting high while there, but these are the kinds of employers who would also not like to tell you what you can and can't do on your own personal time. Generally, pretty solid careers if you are otherwise a competent employee.
3. Well, don't smoke it, silly. Vape it, eat it, or some other method with the oils and concentrates. No medical prescription suggests inhalation via combustion. You can, if you want to, as it'll be a slightly different experience versus vaping. But if you are health conscious, it's stupid to do that.
4. No arguments here. Though I would add that, while not necessarily "healthy" it can be decidedly not unhealthy. Depending on method of consumption, the various cannabinoids, terpenes, and other botanicals can play a pivotal role in tumor suppression and hormonal regulation. Not to say it can't make you sick, but it can also [likely] help combat some cancers and prevent others.
5. Sometimes the ones who are obvious are those less likely to succeed in achieving some balance. You may have met many others who didn't proselytize the virtues of weed and yet regularly dabbled in it themselves. They work their 9-5s or other shifts, do what they need to do on the job and in life in order to succeed, and have the occasional toke to relax and enjoy themselves. They may be the rarity, but it's quite common with alcohol in the relatively up-tight law-abiding community. A lot of our common population is able to enjoy a drug, alcohol in this case, perhaps regularly imbibing with a drink or two every evening but possibly letting go at a weekend event. Sometimes the psychiatric community wants to label that alcoholism, but I would disagree in most circumstances. But my point being here, many individuals hold themselves together, hold down a steady job, keep up with bills, keep a family together, etc. And they do so while still occasionally enjoying a drug. They likely wouldn't partake if it were actively prohibited, as it once was... briefly. Give a generation or two of otherwise law-abiding citizens enjoying legal recreational marijuana, I would argue you will see a not-insignificant portion of society enjoying some recreational activities, while otherwise remaining successful in life.
Reactions: Locut0s


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
yeah, that's always been my experience and is one thing that makes me wary of it. everyone i know who smokes weed makes just enough money to buy weed. they don't save a dime.
I've known plenty of white collar types that smoke. But as a general rule they don't stay baked 24/7 unlike hardcore pot heads. So I think it's an individual thing. I think the people that live to get high probably wouldn't be doing a whole lot with their lives even if they were totally straight.

I know that physiology plays a huge role too. Long ago I used to smoke crappy pot and I could barely function. I almost flunked out of grad school it was so bad. But my physiology was completely different back then. Today I can smoke weed that's probably several times more potent than what I used to smoke and the next day I'm almost fully functional. It takes about 24 hours to really get back to normal but even during that time it's just a matter of having a bit less motivation.

Getting high is as much a cultural thing as anything else. Part of the reason you smoke is to hang with your friends and it really can be a lot of fun, much more so than getting drunk. But for a lot of people it's also a form of self-medicating for underlying mental issues. I think those are the people that are more likely to be the really crispy critters.
Reactions: Thebobo


Jun 19, 2006
5. Ratios of folks I've personally met who's lives are better from smoking weed vs lives are worse due to smoking weed is like 1:100. This is said after a career as a journalist having met a crap-ton of folks from all walks of life who smoke weed.

I guarantee there are tons more people who you think don't do cannabis who do. The majority of folks people keep it to themselves for all the reasons you list. And as with anything it's all about moderation.
Reactions: destrekor and Ns1


Nov 28, 2001
I guarantee there are tons more people who you think don't do cannabis who do. The majority of folks people keep it to themselves for all the reasons you list. And as with anything it's all about moderation.
Many years back I was invited over for dinner at my cousin's place. At the the she was dating an extreme successful startup founder. During the course of the dinner they asked if I wanted to smoke some weed, at the time I had never done so so I declined. They had even grown a small crop in their back yard. He was an extremely intelligent successful person. Their relationship didn't work out, largely because she can be a hard person to be around I know. At any rate he's still CEO of said company, it was already very successful then, it's now worth around a billion dollars or more last time I checked. Would not at all surprised me if he still smoked.


Nov 28, 2001
Here's another logical blunder I feel that some here are not realising they are making when it comes to weed. Many are willing to concede that weed is a lot less harmful than alcohol. But given how alcohol has been not only fully legal but highly advertised and promoted by our culture we all know of highly functional heavy alcoholics. Don't get me wrong I'm not at all arguing for being baked 24/7 I think that's sad. But if alcohol is worse and people manage to function on it while having 3 martini business meetings and getting wasted on the weekends while leading successful lives, having a family, and advancing their careers. Well. Then the argument that the same can't be at all possible on weed starts to look a little dubious. Note I'm not arguing that that should be a goal, this is just a point of logical reasoning. Granted sure weed affects you differently than alcohol. But we have all know that alcohol can be so inebriating that you can't even stand up. We all have been witness to the stupid shit people do while drunk. Similarly we have all met those people who can't handle 2 drinks. While others knock back half a bottle of vodka and seem to just slur their speech a bit. Look I'm not arguing that the person who drinks a bottle of vodka a day is to be admired. Far from it. I feel sad for them. But look some people have shitty lives and choose to self medicate. Feeling sorry for them is the appropriate response. Not condescension. And if we all agree that people manage to hold down full time jobs while killing themselves with copious amounts of alcohol, a substance we have all witnessed turn people into non functional looses. Then the argument that weed can't possibly be used responsibly, starts to look a little dubious. Again I'm not arguing for being baked 24/7. I'm mostly just arguing for a little level headed logic to be used. I'm also saying that people are forgetting both the power of the human mind and the power of mental illness. To argue that one can't be successful and still occasionally use weed is really just an extension or modification of the reefer madness arguments. Both claim that weed must be a substance that overpowers the human brain and renders one totally incapable of making sound decisions. The reefer madness route has been rightly derided because it had such a stupid and silly approach to the subject. But the argument that one can't possibly hold down a successful career is really just a form of the same argument, only not as extreme. I'm also arguing for some compassion.
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Nov 28, 2001
One last thing also is that we have to examine what we mean by successful. Not everyone strives for the same things in life. You may view the person who works at McDonald's their entire life as a total loser. While the Billionaire is highly "successful". But at the end of the day if the Billionaire commits suicide due to depression and loneliness (yes it certainly happens ). And the McDonals "looser" goes home to his girlfriend and the 2 of them watch loony toons and get baked every night for their whole life. Who's had the better life? Again I'll add that. Not arguing that the 2nd is the norm. But it happens a hell of a fucking lot more than people think.

Also think of the wonders of art that we all enjoy for which life would be a lot duller without. What would life be like without music, literature, art. It would be a lot less enjoyable. Well it's not exactly a secret that a hell of a lot of artists, musicians and authors have created their masterpieces while living a life steep in drugs up to their eye balls. Again not saying you have to go there, or that that's to be admired necessarily. But it certainly shows people are capable of amazing things even when "druged".


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
Like so many issues troubling this country is comes down to two words: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Whatever you do, if you are responsible about it and don't hurt others then more power to you. I don't care if you drink, smoke weed or even do harder drugs so long as you are still a self-supporting, otherwise law-abiding, responsible member of society. Keep those activities safely in your own home or other places where consumption is appropriate. Unfortunately, way too many abuse substances to the detriment of themselves and others and those folks ruin it for the rest.

The same argument can be made for guns, alcohol, abortion, religion, politics, law enforcement, free sex, fast cars, double bacon cheeseburgers or anything else that causes trouble in America. We are our own worst enemies because half the time we can't seem to act responsibly.


Nov 28, 2001
Like so many issues troubling this country is comes down to two words: PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Whatever you do, if you are responsible about it and don't hurt others then more power to you. I don't care if you drink, smoke weed or even do harder drugs so long as you are still a self-supporting, otherwise law-abiding, responsible member of society. Keep those activities safely in your own home or other places where consumption is appropriate. Unfortunately, way too many abuse substances to the detriment of themselves and others and those folks ruin it for the rest.

The same argument can be made for guns, alcohol, abortion, religion, politics, law enforcement, free sex, fast cars, double bacon cheeseburgers or anything else that causes trouble in America. We are our own worst enemies because half the time we can't seem to act responsibly.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
It's weird that thc wouldn't be water soluble. As long as you decarboxylate the pot first, you can make an alcohol extract (tincture) that's just as potent as the pot you made it from. The problem with that though like most edibles is that they take forever to kick in. You really need to plan your day around getting stoned if you're going to do that since it takes at least 2 hours to really start to kick in and then you're high for several more hours.
Reactions: KMFJD


Nov 18, 2005
It's weird that thc wouldn't be water soluble. As long as you decarboxylate the pot first, you can make an alcohol extract (tincture) that's just as potent as the pot you made it from. The problem with that though like most edibles is that they take forever to kick in. You really need to plan your day around getting stoned if you're going to do that since it takes at least 2 hours to really start to kick in and then you're high for several more hours.

Well technically it is soluble in water, but incredibly poorly.

This has to do with the molecular nature of compounds, and what variety of solvents can work on them. In this case, THC and the other cannabinoids, are all terpenoids and terpenes, which are lipids. Lipids are almost universally insoluble in water, it's more of a freak accident due to sheer chance that any lipid can actually dissolve in water. Water is a polar solvent, while lipids have large non-polar surface areas, and thus are more soluble in non-polar solvents, like alcohol.
Reactions: Charmonium


Aug 11, 2005
I'll grab some concentrate and mix it with some flavoured peg 400 like this

Put a little bit (1-1.5ml) in shot glass with whatever flavour you want, nuke for 10 seconds, then put it in a hot water bath until the shatter is dissolved. You can also add cdb isolate in it as well, you can then vape it, minimal smell, easier on lungs.
Reactions: Charmonium


Jun 19, 2006
I'll grab some concentrate and mix it with some flavoured peg 400 like this

Put a little bit (1-1.5ml) in shot glass with whatever flavour you want, nuke for 10 seconds, then put it in a hot water bath until the shatter is dissolved. You can also add cdb isolate in it as well, you can then vape it, minimal smell, easier on lungs.

Looked that up and watched a video and to be honest it looks like a lot of work just to get stoned. But impressive nonetheless.


Nov 28, 2001
Well technically it is soluble in water, but incredibly poorly.

This has to do with the molecular nature of compounds, and what variety of solvents can work on them. In this case, THC and the other cannabinoids, are all terpenoids and terpenes, which are lipids. Lipids are almost universally insoluble in water, it's more of a freak accident due to sheer chance that any lipid can actually dissolve in water. Water is a polar solvent, while lipids have large non-polar surface areas, and thus are more soluble in non-polar solvents, like alcohol.
I don't know that much about bio chemistry. But isn't the solubility of THC and the other cannabinoids in fat explain why detectable traces of cannabis remains in the body for a month or so after you last use? And similarly why water soluble drugs like some prescriptions exit your system immediately? And also why those that do exit your system so fast require you to taper because if your body becomes acclimatized to them it doesn't like being suddenly withdrawn


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
I'll grab some concentrate and mix it with some flavoured peg 400 like this

Put a little bit (1-1.5ml) in shot glass with whatever flavour you want, nuke for 10 seconds, then put it in a hot water bath until the shatter is dissolved. You can also add cdb isolate in it as well, you can then vape it, minimal smell, easier on lungs.
I've been thinking about getting a vaping rig but a) they're so damned expensive and b) it feels like such a production. But if you really want to get blasted smoking, you pay for it the next day or two with a temporary smoker's cough. That's why I experimented with tinctures, but those really aren't practical unless you vape them.


Aug 11, 2005
Looked that up and watched a video and to be honest it looks like a lot of work just to get stoned. But impressive nonetheless.
takes about 10-15 min and usually lasts me a week...i'd be happy just hitting a bong but everyone complains about the smell...i'm ok with this compromise as long as i can get concentrates
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