the people that say "once you go flat, there's no going back" is a lie, everyday i look at my $359 "17 flat screen viewsonic PF77 & then i go use my other computer, a "15 .28mm dot pitch big bubble screen, i go back & forth flat to bubble everyday without a problem, so i'm here to say there is going back! also, all the new monitors today, tube or flat have some glare to it, especically the tube ones, but back in the days, like my old "15 monitor has no glare at all & geometry problems didn't even exist, but now, as monitors get bigger & technology changes, the chances of getting a droop in the middle of the screen seems to get higher, good thing? i really wonder what happened on the way to improving monitor size & technology, i hope a 2nd generation flat screen tube comes out soon & has no glare at all & a lower chance of geometry problems. only if i had a time machine, i would go 2000 years ahead of time & grab a monitor & bring it back, but 2000 years is a long time & by then all of earth's resources could be gone & might be a savage land where humans fight for whatever resources they can find.