Are people really proud that they or their child went to xxx community college?

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Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: masterxfob
this is all about social status, is your head really that big?

money isn't everything, it's about character.

I wholeheartedly agree. There are many possibilities in the world, and don't let anyone try to hold you down just because you made different decisions than them. No matter where you go or what you do, you're always stuck with yourself anyway, so one might as well work on their character.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: masterxfob
this is all about social status, is your head really that big?

money isn't everything, it's about character.

I wholeheartedly agree. There are many possibilities in the world, and don't let anyone try to hold you down just because you made different decisions than them. No matter where you go or what you do, you're always stuck with yourself anyway, so one might as well work on their character.

some of the kindest people i've met have had little or no education. some of the rudest and cockiest people i've met were born into wealth and ended up making their way through their parents network. i'm not saying the the rich don't work hard to stay there, but some of them could really use a lesson on character.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Marshallj
Originally posted by: gotsmack

If that person is so smart why didn't they get a full ride to go to school?

A little off topic, but I'm going to wager a guess...

You replied twice to my posts about people making it without going to college. Instead of admitting that it's a good possibilty for a capable person to be successful without a degree, you seemed to try to shoot down that notion. You seem to have a vested interest in school being the only way to go.

I'm willing to bet that you're a young guy who is still going to school, and therefore you are arguing with me because you see my suggestion as devaluing your decision to go to school.

If that's the case, I'm not going to argue with you, since my reality will never be as exciting as your possibility. It's so easy to say, "you're only making $XXX, while I'm going to make $xxx*2. It's the same as when I argue with someone about cars, they may put down my car and say the one they're going to get will be so much better/faster/more expensive. It's pointless arguing what already exists vs. what is possible... the possibilities are endless, and they're always going to claim they'll get the high side of those possibilities.

I replied 2X because you had 2 seperate posts. I'm too lazy to combine the quotes from the 2 posts.

I think its been already answered why Bill G dropped out. He saw his future while in school and decided that it was better to follow his dreams now and finish school later if things didn't pan out.

I've got a few months of work experience under my belt, but I'm going to go do my MBA (full time) in the fall.

Around where I work 90% of the people have MBAs or are going for theirs part time (I do acquisitions FOR the Army). Some of them even finished up law school and decided they don't like being lawyers.

I would have never landed my job if I didn't go to college. If I stopped after HS I'd most likely be stuck doing some sales/retail job, manual labor, or maybe starting my own business.

I've done all that before (except starting my own business) and it is not what I want to do for a living.


Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Imdmn04
many classes in college are curved, that means everybody is competing against each other.

people in CCs are simply not that competitive, even if you get an A in your local CC class, so what? that doesnt equal to an A in harvard or MIT. people who graduate from decent 4 year schools goes through way more competition than a student from a typical community college. heck most people that goes to the community colleges are already weeded out from 4 year colleges right outta high school through the admission process.

MIT is a different story..but at Harvard, Stanford, Yale,'re going to get a degree no matter if you go to class once a week or once a long as you can pay for your piece of paper. Seriously, lower division classes at those universities aren't as hard as people would have you believe. You should never assume a class is harder just because it's at a higher prestiged university.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
I see so many car stickers around here of people who went to this or that community college or a real low tier school. I can understand if you went to Harvard or MIT (though it is a bit vain) and put it on your car but isn't kind of silly to advertise to the world that went to some cheesy local community college? Are these people really that proud?

Elitist people like you is what is wrong with this country.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Syringer
Originally posted by: Imdmn04
many classes in college are curved, that means everybody is competing against each other.

people in CCs are simply not that competitive, even if you get an A in your local CC class, so what? that doesnt equal to an A in harvard or MIT. people who graduate from decent 4 year schools goes through way more competition than a student from a typical community college. heck most people that goes to the community colleges are already weeded out from 4 year colleges right outta high school through the admission process.

MIT is a different story..but at Harvard, Stanford, Yale,'re going to get a degree no matter if you go to class once a week or once a long as you can pay for your piece of paper. Seriously, lower division classes at those universities aren't as hard as people would have you believe. You should never assume a class is harder just because it's at a higher prestiged university.

proof? I know a lot of top tier schools encourage you to drop out. They only want the strong students in their programs.


Senior member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: masterxfob
this is all about social status, is your head really that big?

i was accepted into a couple UC campus's but i chose to go to a JC instead. my family wasn't doing all that great financially at the time and one of my sisters (just a year behind me) wanted to enter a UC school. i made a small sacrifice for my sister and went to a JC, does that make me any less of a person than the person who's parents could afford to send their kid to Harvard or Stanford?

money isn't everything, it's about character.

word up



Golden Member
Nov 21, 1999
Originally posted by: Marshallj

Sure, someone with money may be able to brag that they got into Yale. They could be a dunce and got in due to a rich daddy who went to there for all you know.

LOL! No just made my morning



Golden Member
Sep 29, 2000
Maybe they are parking permit stickers. Are they kind of small and look slightly different every year?


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
I see so many car stickers around here of people who went to this or that community college or a real low tier school. I can understand if you went to Harvard or MIT (though it is a bit vain) and put it on your car but isn't kind of silly to advertise to the world that went to some cheesy local community college? Are these people really that proud?

I came from nothing, at age 28 I managed to get my GED and went to Community College as a night student while working a fulltime job and taking care of 3 kids, am I proud? you bet your ass I am!

Btw, I went to a minority oriented CC, many of our instructors were tenured Prof's at places like BC,Harvard and MIT, they taught night school because they felt a desire to give back to their community.I got champagne instructors on a beer budget,it don't get better than that


Golden Member
Mar 4, 2003
I went to my "safe" school. I got stuck in the honors dorm (I declined the honors program) and lived with people who were attending their dream school. Why? Because they were Chemical Engineering students and the school was a top Chem-E school. Of course because of the course abbreviations I called them CHEGs...And that's when the CHEGs came at me...Anyway, I have a point and my point is that the topic of this thread labels you an egocentric, narrow minded, self-important asshole. I have a friend who grew up in Manila in the Phillipines where scavenging for garbage and reselling is a common occupation. For him to work his ass off to get to this country and attend a community college is a mind-numbing achievement to a spoiled little bastard like me who almost flunked out from sheer laziness. He should be fvcking proud and you should be ashamed.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dullard
Yes they are. And they should be too. There is no difference between a good community college and Harvard or MIT. You take the same courses. You use the same books. You cover the same material, do the same work. And guess what you learn the same amount of stuff. But one way cost you $1000 for two years and the other cost you $50000. And for the majority of jobs, the place you got your education won't make any difference. I'll let you think about that and say who should be more proud.

True. Very true. However, I don't think that people should go as far as putting the bumper stickers on their car.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: vi_edit
I guess it's better than having a bumper sticker that says "My kid is a worthless piece of crap that finished high school, didn't go on to college, flips burgers for a living, and sleeps in my basement".

Nice. - Actually, I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said: "Smoke Saddam, Not Pot"


Senior member
Oct 10, 2001
I don't know about anyone else's neighborhood, but here where I am the real reason peope put those stickers on their cars is:

For 13 years (more, with nursery school) we've been driving these kids to school, activities, etc, and so have lots of other people. There are a LOT of people I know only because I've waited in my car behind their car, waiting for our kids to get done with whatever. Now, after all these years, a Harvard or Oklahoma State or Bergen Community College sticker appears on the back of the car. That may be the only way we know where the kid has gone. It's not majorly important, but it's nice to know.

In my case my daughter goes to community college, she had a baby right after high school, and lots of people see my car with the sticker and they're happy to see that she's in school. We're amazed at the quality of the community college and thrilled with the tiny cost. Haven't even dipped into her college fund yet, and she's had 2 years of college. Yay.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: dullard
Yes they are. And they should be too. There is no difference between a good community college and Harvard or MIT. You take the same courses. You use the same books. You cover the same material, do the same work. And guess what you learn the same amount of stuff. But one way cost you $1000 for two years and the other cost you $50000. And for the majority of jobs, the place you got your education won't make any difference. I'll let you think about that and say who should be more proud.

I would also like to add the fact that 90% of the graduating class from Harvard last year graduated with honors, it was like 12% at Texas A&M. They did a study and found out that Harvard just gives "A"s and doesnt make the students work for it. However, at Texas A&M I am pretty dang sure they work they arse off to get "A"s. I went to UT: Permian Basin, and I know I did more work than any Ivy league prick. At least my mom doesnt have scruffed up knees. I went to a university that was closest to home. I lived on campus but Im a family man and wanted to be closer to my family.

I am proud of any person who goes to college, in any form or fashion.

BTW 90% of my professors had Ph.Ds from Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Yale, Brown etc. So Im getting educated by the same people that you are, but mine was $2,000 a semester (including dorms).


Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: sciencetoy
I don't know about anyone else's neighborhood, but here where I am the real reason peope put those stickers on their cars is:

For 13 years (more, with nursery school) we've been driving these kids to school, activities, etc, and so have lots of other people. There are a LOT of people I know only because I've waited in my car behind their car, waiting for our kids to get done with whatever. Now, after all these years, a Harvard or Oklahoma State or Bergen Community College sticker appears on the back of the car. That may be the only way we know where the kid has gone. It's not majorly important, but it's nice to know.

In my case my daughter goes to community college, she had a baby right after high school, and lots of people see my car with the sticker and they're happy to see that she's in school. We're amazed at the quality of the community college and thrilled with the tiny cost. Haven't even dipped into her college fund yet, and she's had 2 years of college. Yay.

I agree... Yay!

I think that you have to be a parent and understand what it means to be part of a group of parents who actually care about their kids to relate to the whole sticker thing.

I don't put stickers on my car, but I did just laminate my middle daughter's first Principal's Honor Roll certificate. Yeah, it is just a blue piece of paper with the principal's name stamped on it, but it means something to us.

I also frame their artwork. I don't care if they are not Monet or Van Gogh!

When you love your kids, you are proud of them... even when they make mistakes, even if compared to someone else's kid, they didn't do as 'well'.

Love is not a competition.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
Originally posted by: Zugzwang152
Originally posted by: mryellow2
Maybe they are. Does it bother you?

sounds like it does. if i'm proud of something i'll damn well put as many stickers as i want on my car.

Edit: Maybe they should post how much they make in their instead then. That might be a better measure of how much success they are having. I'd rather know that than what school they went to in case I get into an accident with them.

Hmm, i feel a good ole' country butt whippin coming. You are the lowest form of life that I have ever seen. What a moron.

So, if you were to hit Bill Gates, you not be expecting any money, because he never graduated from any college. I guess he is a dumb*ss then. :Q I bet my parents, whom one has an Associates and the other a few hours, make way more than 50% of any Ivy League graduate.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2002
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Why not be proud of what your child is doing, as long as it is admirable. A community college is a great place for people to go that do not know what they want to get into. Why spend more money on a larger school to get an associate's when you can spend less and have that time to decide what you want to do with it?

And there are no problems with not going to college. Some of us can find jobs without a degree

Actually, in Florida, all public colleges (community colleges and the University of Florida alike) use the exact same undergraduate curriculum. Credits are 100% transferrable and course numbers are teh same at any school. It makes more sense to go to a community college and save some cash for two years, then go graduate from whatever Florida school you want, be it FSU, UF, UCF, Miami, whatever.


Nov 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
Originally posted by: optoman
Its better than your kid not going to anykind of school after high school.

True but why advertise it?

Maybe the parents have only a 6th grade education, a not very wealthy, and to them having a child graduate from any type of college is an accomplishment to be proud of.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
Originally posted by: optoman
Its better than your kid not going to anykind of school after high school.

True but why advertise it?

Maybe the parents have only a 6th grade education, a not very wealthy, and to them having a child graduate from any type of college is an accomplishment to be proud of.

True. The community college education could have been paid for with hard-earned money - or, even money from the student working and paying their own tuition. The Harvard graduate had their education paid for by their parents - which was probably derived from an agressive growth stock fund & good market timing.


Diamond Member
Nov 24, 2000
Why knock on people who had their education paid for by their parents? Just be happy for them and happy for those people who worked full time to get by college.

Honestly, it doesn't matter where you go, but how hard you work. As many business people know here, it isn't about what you know, but who you know. In my opinion, business is something that you either have it or don't have it, unlike being an engineer or doctor, which are skilled professions. You can be the "best" business person, but if you don't know anyone, it is quite useless. That is what Harvard, Yale and universities in general provide; they provide business connections that is invaluable in real life. However, just like in any situation, a person can be given the opportunity; however, it is up to the individual to make the best of it.

However, there are those people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Michael Dell that were destined to succeed, no matter what situation there are in. They could have not gone to college, more or less high school, and they still would have succeeded in life.



Jun 2, 2000
Speaking as the parent of college age kids, I can shed some light on the multiple bumper sticker syndrome. They are to hold the old POS car together for one more year - thats all the parents can afford.


Jul 12, 2000
I don't have any more respect for someone who went to college at all than I do for someone who did not. There are people who have had their way paid for them and did so simply because it was what was expected of them, to become the status quo. There are other people who have had no formal education and have moved on to become among the most profitable individuals in the world. What are ladder climbers really worth? If it's that important to you build you own damn ladder, if you are intelligent and work hard you don't need other people to make your success. Despite what you'd like to feed your ego, I'm afraid that your money, your education, and your job do not make you better than anyone else nor give you a reason to look down on them. So if they are proud for their accomplishments? It doesn't hurt you. I think the source of your aggravation in the matter is the fact that you have difficulty taking pride in any of your own accomplishments so you have to deny those of other people. Grow up.
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