Are people really proud that they or their child went to xxx community college?

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Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
I went to Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) and my folks are proud of me.


Senior member
Aug 17, 2000
I go to MDCC (Miami Dade Community College)
it's supposedly one of the best colleges in U.S, it's a pretty good school IMO.

the stickers are given out to students as parking decals, not to show off.
May 31, 2001
Hmmm, go to a CC and get a grade you actually earned, or go to Harvard where they pass you out of fear of your mummy and daddykins suing them for not teaching your dumb self anything. Decisions, decisions.


Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2003
Originally posted by: gotsmack
Around where I work 90% of the people have MBAs or are going for theirs part time (I do acquisitions FOR the Army). Some of them even finished up law school and decided they don't like being lawyers.

I would have never landed my job if I didn't go to college. If I stopped after HS I'd most likely be stuck doing some sales/retail job, manual labor, or maybe starting my own business.

I've done all that before (except starting my own business) and it is not what I want to do for a living.

I should have pointed this out before (since it's a huge factor, my mistake), but it all depends on what you want to do for a living. There are many jobs where you need a degree. For instance, I wouldn't expect to be a doctor without going to med school, and I wouldn't expect to be a college professor without going to college.

But I always was set to go into the IT industry, and since it changes so fast a degree in this field isn't always necessary.

Jan 25, 2001
My brother was a total f*ckup in HS. He graduated in the last 7 in his class of 400.

He just didn't care and was more involved in partying.

Still, he got his sh!t together and went to CC, and ultimately obtained a Masters from a State university.

That's what's great about this country--to have the flexibility and opportunity to *make* it if you want to.

This type of flexible system is non-existent in other 1st-world countries.

Be happy that we have this system in place. Some of the *smartest* I've ever met in my life were HS screw-ups b/c they just didn't care. Now, they are macking it.......this would not be possible without CC baby!
Jan 25, 2001
BTW, many people that put Ivy League stickers and such on their cars are poseurs or wanna-be's.

The other legit folk that have attended Ivy and use shirts, stickers to display their alma mater are *idiotically vain*. They think people care where they went--in truth, *nobody* cares and these schmucks don't get it!

I went to *top* schools and would never wear/display my alma mater....that's plain tacky and pseudo-elitist.

BTW, I *hate* those parents that put stickers "I'm the proud parent of a middle school honor student." So f*cking what??!! That means sh!t!! Damn, I'd *hate* if my parents would put a valedictorian sticker about me.
Who f*cking cares?!


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2002
Originally posted by: crab453
Well, I goto a community college because I'm a C5-C6 quadriplegic...I can't walk, can't use my hands correctly, etc etc. I can't even survive on my own. Since I can't get about 99.99999% of the jobs out there available to somebody my age, I can't buy myself a van. I can't afford transportation, and can't find a free ride to anywhere further. Getting a ride isnt too simple either, remember I have a 300lb $20,000 powerchair strapped to my ass. Can't catch a regular bus, ask friends, etc.

Did you consider anything of the sort? In some cases it isn't a representation of a person's intellect or effort, but rather their situation and/or finances. I used to fly airplanes, I sure as hell can do better than a CC, but i'm very proud of my accomplishments, and have no problem saying so.

Universities are all built to support others like you. Buses have ramps, buildings all have elevator and ramps, lecture rooms have special equipment, etc... And, they have special scholarships/financial aid for disable people too.

That brings me to another point, that they are a lot of smart people that cannot afford to go to a big school, and thus forced to go to a CC. BS. Complete BS. That is the stupidest excuse ever. Ever heard of scholarships? How companies, organisations, and schools are giving out free money, available to anyone? How all the information is easily obtainable, how if you goto your local library or counselor's office they can whip out a folder several inches thick crammed with info? All they ask back is a piece of paper with an essay type on it. Hell, most don't even require the paper anymore. If you are too lazy to spend a couple hours typing, you deserve to go to CC. And I would even venture to say that you aren't that smart, you're a tool. A smart person isn't just good at something(s), they also know how to use the resources provided to them. Any monkey can learn to do something well, but a smart monkey will know how to use all tools laid out before him.

Finally, universities are centers of learning. Learning doesn't just happen in a classroom, it also occurs in the research labs. CCs just don't have the funding to afford all the research that a university can. This is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, CCs can focus on their students. However, if you're a student with a craving for research, CCs are not the way to go.
Jan 25, 2001
Originally posted by: OulOat
Originally posted by:
Finally, universities are centers of learning. Learning doesn't just happen in a classroom, it also occurs in the research labs. CCs just don't have the funding to afford all the research that a university can. This is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, CCs can focus on their students. However, if you're a student with a craving for research, CCs are not the way to go.

That's absolutely not true.

The first 2 years of college is just prep work to "find" your yourself/your major--more of a formality really. All intro. courses can largely be self taught or taught by a monkey--no joke. One won't get anything more out of Chem 1 at Harvard than CC--it's still basic Chemistry! The Harvard Chem book doesn't have special, unique top-secret pages that other books don't have--trust me. Plus distinguished Profs that are bullied into teaching Chem 1 are LOUSY teachers. They're nerds alright, but have *no* clue how to get thur to students. CC profs are much more approachable and are generally better at relating material to students.

Now, since CCs are 2 years, the learning gets a little more intense from thereon. Thus, CC students need to go to a 4 year university.

It's only at the Masters and PHd level that it helps to go to a distinguished Dept. to get the best training in your field from solid, ground-breaking intellectuals.

Scholarship at 4 years are not enough for many people to go that route. CCs is a God-send for many people--especially those who didn't get their act together earlier.



Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2002
Originally posted by: TheeeChosenOne
Originally posted by: OulOat
Originally posted by:
Finally, universities are centers of learning. Learning doesn't just happen in a classroom, it also occurs in the research labs. CCs just don't have the funding to afford all the research that a university can. This is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, CCs can focus on their students. However, if you're a student with a craving for research, CCs are not the way to go.

That's absolutely not true.

The first 2 years of college is just prep work to "find" your yourself/your major--more of a formality really. All intro. courses can largely be self taught or taught by a monkey--no joke. One won't get anything more out of Chem 1 at Harvard than CC--it's still basic Chemistry! The Harvard Chem book doesn't have special, unique top-secret pages that other books don't have--trust me. Plus distinguished Profs that are bullied into teaching Chem 1 are LOUSY teachers. They're nerds alright, but have *no* clue how to get thur to students. CC profs are much more approachable and are generally better at relating material to students.

Now, since CCs are 2 years, the learning gets a little more intense from thereon. Thus, CC students need to go to a 4 year university.

It's only at the Masters and PHd level that it helps to go to a distinguished Dept. to get the best training in your field from solid, ground-breaking intellectuals.

Scholarship at 4 years are not enough for many people to go that route. CCs is a God-send for many people--especially those who didn't get their act together earlier.

What part of what I is not true? What you said just renforced my argument.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Doggiedog
I see so many car stickers around here of people who went to this or that community college or a real low tier school. I can understand if you went to Harvard or MIT (though it is a bit vain) and put it on your car but isn't kind of silly to advertise to the world that went to some cheesy local community college? Are these people really that proud?

Somebody's a little uppity...

Look, not everyone can afford to go to a big fancy school like you probably did/are. And God bless em, some people aren't as good of students, either, though that says nothing of them as a person, and frankly, nothing of their intelligence either.


Nov 26, 2000
I went to a community college for my first year, ended up being larger than the four year I attended. 35,000 students. (COD in dupage county, IL) Certainly nothing wrong with the education I recieved there.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: OulOat
Originally posted by: crab453
Well, I goto a community college because I'm a C5-C6 quadriplegic...I can't walk, can't use my hands correctly, etc etc. I can't even survive on my own. Since I can't get about 99.99999% of the jobs out there available to somebody my age, I can't buy myself a van. I can't afford transportation, and can't find a free ride to anywhere further. Getting a ride isnt too simple either, remember I have a 300lb $20,000 powerchair strapped to my ass. Can't catch a regular bus, ask friends, etc.

Did you consider anything of the sort? In some cases it isn't a representation of a person's intellect or effort, but rather their situation and/or finances. I used to fly airplanes, I sure as hell can do better than a CC, but i'm very proud of my accomplishments, and have no problem saying so.

Universities are all built to support others like you. Buses have ramps, buildings all have elevator and ramps, lecture rooms have special equipment, etc... And, they have special scholarships/financial aid for disable people too.

That brings me to another point, that they are a lot of smart people that cannot afford to go to a big school, and thus forced to go to a CC. BS. Complete BS. That is the stupidest excuse ever. Ever heard of scholarships? How companies, organisations, and schools are giving out free money, available to anyone? How all the information is easily obtainable, how if you goto your local library or counselor's office they can whip out a folder several inches thick crammed with info? All they ask back is a piece of paper with an essay type on it. Hell, most don't even require the paper anymore. If you are too lazy to spend a couple hours typing, you deserve to go to CC. And I would even venture to say that you aren't that smart, you're a tool. A smart person isn't just good at something(s), they also know how to use the resources provided to them. Any monkey can learn to do something well, but a smart monkey will know how to use all tools laid out before him.

Finally, universities are centers of learning. Learning doesn't just happen in a classroom, it also occurs in the research labs. CCs just don't have the funding to afford all the research that a university can. This is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, CCs can focus on their students. However, if you're a student with a craving for research, CCs are not the way to go.

humm, you're a dick :disgust:

while scholarships and grants can help cover the costs of going to a 4 year university, they certainly do not give full rides to anyone and everyone that is so qualified.

life is all about character, and you certainly seem to have very little of it :frown:


Golden Member
Nov 6, 1999
I think it depends on the situation. Some people I know are happy their kids went to a community college since its more education than they received.

Does it really matter in the end of things? If parents are proud of their child, thats all that matters.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Gatsby
I think it depends on the situation. Some people I know are happy their kids went to a community college since its more education than they received.

Does it really matter in the end of things? If parents are proud of their child, thats all that matters.

i don't think it should matter whether or not the parent of proud of their child, it's if the child is proud of his/herself.


Dec 4, 2001
Now, I know that UC's are not exactly Ivy League, but I would say there is still a difference between the education your get at a UC and at community colleges. I know, I've been to both (UC Irvine and two community colleges).

But here's the catch: the community colleges are better. Way better. Smaller classes, professors are more accessible and usually just as qualified, etc, etc. You get instructors who have (gasp!) actually worked in the field they are teaching instead of the usual "research-class university" professors who have inflated egos and no useful experience. And that's assuming you're lucky enough to even get a professor at the UC. Lots of classes are taught by grad students, who are just as likely to suck because they don't want to be there and they think everyone in the class is a moron. My particular community college transfers a lot of students to UC Berkeley, and from what I hear, a while back, Berkeley actually had to ask the college to tone down the difficulty of their coursework because it was too hard, so there's definitely not any problem with wimpy classes.

You can combine those advantages with everything everyone else has mentioned in terms of money, convenience, parking, nicer/newer facilities, same books/curriculum, etc.

In terms of the social aspects, yes there are people there who have no clue what they are doing, or aren't really that bright. But I've seen plenty of that at UC Irvine, too. And at a community college you also get to mingle with a broader spectrum of people, because there are far more older people with more life and work experience to talk to, especially if you take night classes.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2000
Originally posted by: Geekbabe

I came from nothing, at age 28 I managed to get my GED and went to Community College as a night student while working a fulltime job and taking care of 3 kids, am I proud? you bet your ass I am!

Btw, I went to a minority oriented CC, many of our instructors were tenured Prof's at places like BC,Harvard and MIT, they taught night school because they felt a desire to give back to their community.I got champagne instructors on a beer budget,it don't get better than that
Good for you!



Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Cyberian
Originally posted by: Geekbabe

I came from nothing, at age 28 I managed to get my GED and went to Community College as a night student while working a fulltime job and taking care of 3 kids, am I proud? you bet your ass I am!

Btw, I went to a minority oriented CC, many of our instructors were tenured Prof's at places like BC,Harvard and MIT, they taught night school because they felt a desire to give back to their community.I got champagne instructors on a beer budget,it don't get better than that
Good for you!

YAY Geekbabe!!!! I can't remember if I saw your post before or not, but I am seeing it now and smiling, ear from ear.

If you ask me, that is more of an accomplishment than most people achieve, ever.



Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Willoughbyva
I went to a pretty good community college. I don't have a sticker on my car or anything like that, but I enjoyed my time there and liked it for the most part. It costs a lot less than the first two years at a four year school too. Also in my state community college offers 4 year degrees through a 4 year institution. There is an off campus site at each community college in the state plus some in Washington State, Navada, the Bahammas, and other places.

No these schools are not MIT or Harvard, but they offer a decent education and most of the people I talked to liked being there. You can park at a 5 minutes walk from class and the schools are not old and run down etc. The school I go to always has better computers and equipment (in general) than the 4 years schools in my area.
I'm just finishing my 2nd year up and I'm transferring to Western Illinois for at least another two years.


Platinum Member
Aug 4, 2002
Hmmm let me guess, you wear a pale yellow sweater tied around your shoulders and go play tennis down at the yacht club with the boys!


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2002
Originally posted by: masterxfob
Originally posted by: OulOat
Originally posted by: crab453
Well, I goto a community college because I'm a C5-C6 quadriplegic...I can't walk, can't use my hands correctly, etc etc. I can't even survive on my own. Since I can't get about 99.99999% of the jobs out there available to somebody my age, I can't buy myself a van. I can't afford transportation, and can't find a free ride to anywhere further. Getting a ride isnt too simple either, remember I have a 300lb $20,000 powerchair strapped to my ass. Can't catch a regular bus, ask friends, etc.

Did you consider anything of the sort? In some cases it isn't a representation of a person's intellect or effort, but rather their situation and/or finances. I used to fly airplanes, I sure as hell can do better than a CC, but i'm very proud of my accomplishments, and have no problem saying so.

Universities are all built to support others like you. Buses have ramps, buildings all have elevator and ramps, lecture rooms have special equipment, etc... And, they have special scholarships/financial aid for disable people too.

That brings me to another point, that they are a lot of smart people that cannot afford to go to a big school, and thus forced to go to a CC. BS. Complete BS. That is the stupidest excuse ever. Ever heard of scholarships? How companies, organisations, and schools are giving out free money, available to anyone? How all the information is easily obtainable, how if you goto your local library or counselor's office they can whip out a folder several inches thick crammed with info? All they ask back is a piece of paper with an essay type on it. Hell, most don't even require the paper anymore. If you are too lazy to spend a couple hours typing, you deserve to go to CC. And I would even venture to say that you aren't that smart, you're a tool. A smart person isn't just good at something(s), they also know how to use the resources provided to them. Any monkey can learn to do something well, but a smart monkey will know how to use all tools laid out before him.

Finally, universities are centers of learning. Learning doesn't just happen in a classroom, it also occurs in the research labs. CCs just don't have the funding to afford all the research that a university can. This is a blessing and a curse. Because of this, CCs can focus on their students. However, if you're a student with a craving for research, CCs are not the way to go.

humm, you're a dick :disgust:

while scholarships and grants can help cover the costs of going to a 4 year university, they certainly do not give full rides to anyone and everyone that is so qualified.

life is all about character, and you certainly seem to have very little of it :frown:

Humm, a Platinum Member still acting like a 5 year old :disgust:

If you would so carefully reread my argument, I never mentioned full scholarships did I? There are many different scholarships, and applying for one doesn't restrict you that just that one. 500 dollars here and there doesn't seem like much individually, but summed together could lower tution to CC level. 500/1000/2000/10000+ for 3 hours of work, hmm...

Smart students will recognize that scholarships, instead of jobs, are the way to go. Less work, and tax-free, and looks good on a resume. The sad thing is, too many people are too lazy/afraid to do so. Every time one of my friends recieve a scholarship, I always ask him/her, "how hard was it." Except of the extremely popular scholarships, his/her response would usually be "easy, I just applied and got it." The CS department even resorted to sending out emails about scholarships, pleading for people to apply. What people have to realize is that applying for scholarships is like applying for a job, EXPECT that you will get rejected sooner or later. But don't give up till you reach your goal.

General Scholarship that almost anyone can get: Armed Forces ROTC
Federal Scholarship: Tution (forgot, it might even include housing) paid, plus stipend, plus extras. Required service after your Freshman year, before that is free, no contract.
Illinois State Scholarship: Tution paid. 2 (freshman-sophomore) years free before you are required to join the State National Guard.
There, two scholarships with no competition. Almost anyone can get it. And the money is free for the first couple years. Plus you play with guns. The only thing easier is me stuffing wads of $100 bills down your throat.


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2000
BTW 90% of my professors had Ph.Ds from Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Yale, Brown etc. So Im getting educated by the same people that you are, but mine was $2,000 a semester (including dorms).

Just out of curiosity, I checked out the ut web page to see the make up of the faculty. I couldn't find anything about L&S (I was too lazy to search thoroughly), but the proffs in the business school are
here. Not that I care or anything, but since you mentioned it, I didn't see any one with a degree from the schools you listed. There was one guy with a PhD from stanfurd, but most had degrees from schools in texas.

Granted, I realize you might not be a business major, but I can't imagine the faculty make up is much different for the rest of the school.


Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
Originally posted by: VTrider
Originally posted by: vman
hey hey Bush went to Yale....that means he's uber-smart right?

You're exactly right!!


Wow, he majored in History? I always thought that was a worthless degree. I guess if you can become president with a B.A in History it can't be that bad.

i can barely see what that says.......

is it suppose to be good or bad?.....anyways, he DID get a graduate degree @ go to graduate school, you have to work your ass off in college...

well, doggiedog has a good point..i've always wondered stupid xgf went to some school called of missouri, kansas city?..never heard..not even ranked...why go there....when u can just study a bit during high school and go to a UC or cal poly SLO or some equivalent and get a world class education ...

<---- attends UCSD....i slacked off during High school and got A's..didn't do sh!t and hated the SAT's and got a stupid 1330 on high school was a joke...
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