Are the next gen consoles the realization of AMDs HSA dream?

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Golden Member
Apr 10, 2013
How about this?

Play a good but direct console port (ME 3, Dishonoured) on a xbox and a laptop with a 630m. Both have similar theoretical performance (250 gflops for the xbox, ~300 for the 630m) and will play the game pretty much identically at the same settings.

Dishonoured gets about 40-50 fps at 768p on the 630m.

How about this?

Drive a 200 HP motorbike and a 250 HP car on a speed-limited way, with dense traffic, and radar. You would believe that both have what you call "similar theoretical performance", but nothing more far from reality.

And NO developer wants 8 weak cores vs 4 cores that are twice as strong. They are using the 8 core jaguar design for 1) power as jaguar uses much less power than piledriver 2) price.

The quote did not mention weak or strong. And the quote only mentioned 4-core vs 8-core. Nowhere it said Jaguar 8-core vs Piledriver-4 core.
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Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
Well, let's come out of car analogies, because an analogy can never represent reality perfectly. Let's look at another point here:
plium said:
For platform-exclusive titles, that is - which are few and far between. For cross-platform development, PS3 and Xbox360 will remain important targets, due to the sheer number of installed systems and thus potential profit. The new systems will get better textures and higher polygon counts, maybe new PhysX-like eyecandy, but that will be all.

PS4/XBoxNext shouldn't be a primary development target until 2015/2016, by which time PCs will outperform them easily. Just as last time. And the time before that. Next time might be different, because we don't know what will happen with the PC market during the next 6-8 years, but for this generation it will be the same old same old.
What's your refutation for that? So far, you've provided testimony from the people who developed the PS4 and people who make first party exclusives, and you've made some pretty extraordinary claims about the computational ability of the PS4 without hard numbers to back it up.

So let's move to your strength: feelings and quotes. Can you say that the PS4 will break the trend of consoles until now? And why? I mean, look at the XBox. It was literally beyond the bleeding edge of CPUs back then, but it fell behind in a year or two. How can you expect the PS4, which does not even match top end hardware in raw computational power (no API call BS: we're comparing TFLOPs to TFLOPs) to do even that?
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Senior member
May 13, 2010
These are the reasons which, in summation, explain why the PS4 will blow away even high end PCs for a few years.

1. The general substantial performance advantages of programming to a single hardware spec. This applies to all consoles vs. PCs. In the case of the PS4 in particular Sony in encouraging programming much closer to the metal than MS is allowing with the Xbox 720.

2. (NEW) Single chip APU solution - this has obvious and substantial speed and efficiency (performance) advantages over a discrete CPU + GPU, which currently comprises the high end PC gaming solution.

3. (NEW) HSA/HSAIL + Fully Unified Memory Address + 8GB GDDR5 - there are enormous efficiency/performance gains available here that will not be realizable on even the highest end gaming PCs.

4. The GPU was verified in an AMD blog to be an 18CU next generation (8xxx) GPU, which AMD says will provide @25-30% more performance/mm2 than the 7xxx generation. The performance of the PS4 is more like a 7870+ GPU.

5. The PS4 hardware was carefully optimized to eliminate bottlenecks in a way no PC can match. Putting together off the shelf components always introduces bottlenecks.

6. 7870+ class GPU, 8GB GDDR5, 8 core CPU, HSA, fully unified memory, strenuous bottleneck elimination ... ... the ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE POTENTIAL of the PS4 is truly staggering.

7. PS4 exclusive games that target only the PS4 will supercharge the performance envelope and (already very easy) learning curve across all games. Optimization of the performance potential of the PS4 will certainly occur far faster than occurs in high end gaming PCs with newer generation CPUs and GPUs.

All of the above is why the Epic Games boss referred to the PS4 as "a really perfect gaming PC".

When considering the PS4 vs PC debate it's necessary to consider the sum of all these speed, efficiency, performance and programming advantages that will allow the PS4 to keep up with and even surpass high end gaming PCs over the next few years.
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Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012
How about this?

Drive a 200 HP motorbike and a 250 HP car on a speed-limited way, with dense traffic, and radar. You would believe that both have what you call "similar theoretical performance", but nothing more far from reality.

The quote did not mention weak or strong. And the quote only mentioned 4-core vs 8-core. Nowhere it said Jaguar 8-core vs Piledriver-4 core.

This is the GFLOP argument. It was aimed to show that using strictly gflops there is no major efficiency (more perf per gflop) for consoles vs your modern standard equivalently powerful gpu. You do not need anything like a 20 tflop gpu to match the ps4 gpu.

What I mean by the eight cores is that it would be better for everyone if AMD had been able to put four cores at 3.2 ghz rather than 8 cores at 1.6 ghz because more cores is harder to code for and increases development costs for games.

I think the first wave of ps4 games will not be using the full power of the hardware (though it will be better than last launch because devs already know how to code for x86) because of backward compatibility for the older consoles and the fact that it will take a while to implement efficient HSA/etc.

Last gen used top of the line components, this gen is using midrange.


May 20, 2011
4. The GPU was verified in an AMD blog to be an 18CU next generation (8xxx) GPU, which AMD says will provide @25-30% more performance/mm2 than the 7xxx generation. The performance of the PS4 GPU won't be in the 7850/7870 ballpark, it'll be in the 7950 ballpark.

Could I get a link please?


May 20, 2011
I was under the impression that AMD wasn't planning on launching any "next generation" parts for now and that the 7000 series will be "stable" throughout 2013. According to techreport the 7790 which was recently released is still based on the same architecture as the rest of the 7000 series. Even so, where was the 25-30% claim made?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
The Xbox 360 had a unified memory architecture, and it's CPU/GPU together were able to put up a theoretical 115.2 GFLOPS--far more than the Athlon II X2 CPUs (ones from the Windsor generation got around 3 GFLOPS) that ruled PCs at the time. Even the mighty Geforce 6800 Ultra and Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition failed to compete, running at roughly 54 and 67 GFLOPS each.

The very next year, Nvidia got onto K70 and released the Geforce 7800 GTX, which gets a theoretical 165 GFLOPS per pipeline, which could not only play the ported Xbox games, but generally at a higher framerate and with more details than the Xbox. A unified memory, more memory, and even vastly more power upfront are no guarantee of staying ahead.
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Senior member
May 13, 2010
I was under the impression that AMD wasn't planning on launching any "next generation" parts for now and that the 7000 series will be "stable" throughout 2013. According to techreport the 7790 which was recently released is still based on the same architecture as the rest of the 7000 series. Even so, where was the 25-30% claim made?

That Sea Islands has been pushed to Q42013 doesn't change the fact it's the 'next generation' 2013 GPU referenced in the blog.

After further research I changed my post from 7950 to 7870+ performance taking into account additive system optimizations.
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May 20, 2011
Except the blog never specifically names the 8000 series. They leveraged products from their 2013 roadmap, and the 7000 series is on that roadmap.


Senior member
Sep 16, 2011
People are hyping this like Playstation 3 - they're gonna get butthurt once it actually comes out.

the GDDR5 ram and other things are expensive - i'd be worried about price before you claim the PS4 is the gaming livingroom god.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2011
No, I think he means the APU side roadmap--in other words, Richland. That makes sense given the characteristics of the APU inside (unified memory and GDDR5). The 2013 GPUs ARE the 2012 GPUs (rebadged on the OEM and mobile side).
Actually unified memory address space is a feature from Kaveri . Richland is just souped up Trinity, a solid improvement on a process node and binning side (also Turbo algorithms are much improved and more balanced now).


Senior member
Feb 18, 2013
These are the reasons which, in summation, explain why the PS4 will blow away even high end PCs for a few years.

Right, if you ignore the fact that GPU's used in high end PC's will use the most bleeding edge fabrication process, will use larger die sizes and more transistors, will have unified virtual memory, will have stacked DRAM, will have CPU cores integrated on the GPU die, will have improved GPU feature set for improved image quality, etc. in the year or years to come after the PS4 is introduced.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
People are hyping this like Playstation 3 - they're gonna get butthurt once it actually comes out.

I don't know about the butthurt (people may remain delusional forever, it happens), but I am definitely having dejavu here between the PS4 hype and the PS3 hype.

And not because the PS4 is being hyped, because truth is that outside of what is always expected the PS3 itself wasn't the thing that was hyped.

What was hyped, to the moon and back, was CELL. ZOMG is was gonna be the next thing in computing. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing about how great CELL was and how unstoppable it was going to be.

Then reality came. CELL was good, but it was little more than yet-another-microprocessor.

Now the same kind of hype is coming up again, only this time it is Jaguar and HSA. And naturally everyone doing the hyping starts the hype with "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Man that is the oldest "pump and dump" type psychology playbook rules used on wall street. Every bubble that has ever come, popped, and crashed, started out its existence by being compared to the previous bubble followed by the hypsters saying "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Nothing is different here, just the labels have changed. But psychologically it is all the same. Rinse and repeat.
Aug 11, 2008
I don't know about the butthurt (people may remain delusional forever, it happens), but I am definitely having dejavu here between the PS4 hype and the PS3 hype.

And not because the PS4 is being hyped, because truth is that outside of what is always expected the PS3 itself wasn't the thing that was hyped.

What was hyped, to the moon and back, was CELL. ZOMG is was gonna be the next thing in computing. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing about how great CELL was and how unstoppable it was going to be.

Then reality came. CELL was good, but it was little more than yet-another-microprocessor.

Now the same kind of hype is coming up again, only this time it is Jaguar and HSA. And naturally everyone doing the hyping starts the hype with "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Man that is the oldest "pump and dump" type psychology playbook rules used on wall street. Every bubble that has ever come, popped, and crashed, started out its existence by being compared to the previous bubble followed by the hypsters saying "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Nothing is different here, just the labels have changed. But psychologically it is all the same. Rinse and repeat.

Another car analogy (groans).

It is like going into a new car showroom and talking to a salesman. Is he going to say, yea, our cars are OK, but the dealer down the street has a better product? Of course not. It is just human nature and salesmanship to say your product is the best.

I have no doubt that PS4 will be a very good product. Whether it lives up to the unqualified hype of the statements of some of the developers and some on these forums will have to wait for solid data.


Golden Member
Apr 10, 2013
This is the GFLOP argument. It was aimed to show that using strictly gflops there is no major efficiency (more perf per gflop) for consoles vs your modern standard equivalently powerful gpu. You do not need anything like a 20 tflop gpu to match the ps4 gpu.

You wrote about "similar theoretical performance", but then provided an example which was not comparing theoretical performance.

What I mean by the eight cores is that it would be better for everyone if AMD had been able to put four cores at 3.2 ghz rather than 8 cores at 1.6 ghz because more cores is harder to code for and increases development costs for games.

Read the GDC quotes. Sony offered either 4 or 8 cores designs to game developers and game developers chose the 8-cores design.

Last gen used top of the line components, this gen is using midrange.

No. Last generation used a non X_86 architecture, whose 'theoretical' peak performance could be achieved only under strict lab-like conditions, which was translated to lower performance in real world games.

This was even true on console vs console. 'Theoretically' the PS3 had more raw potential, but every programmer knows that the 360 allowed for better games, due to incorrect core architectural decisions made with the cell processors.


Golden Member
Apr 10, 2013
The Xbox 360 had a unified memory architecture, and it's CPU/GPU together were able to put up a theoretical 115.2 GFLOPS--far more than the Athlon II X2 CPUs (ones from the Windsor generation got around 3 GFLOPS) that ruled PCs at the time. Even the mighty Geforce 6800 Ultra and Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition failed to compete, running at roughly 54 and 67 GFLOPS each.

The very next year, Nvidia got onto K70 and released the Geforce 7800 GTX, which gets a theoretical 165 GFLOPS per pipeline, which could not only play the ported Xbox games, but generally at a higher framerate and with more details than the Xbox. A unified memory, more memory, and even vastly more power upfront are no guarantee of staying ahead.

No. The GeForce 7800 (165 GFLOP) was released the same year than the XboX 360. It was the more powerful Geforce 8800 which was released a year later, together with the PS3.
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Senior member
Mar 27, 2013
This is the GFLOP argument. It was aimed to show that using strictly gflops there is no major efficiency (more perf per gflop) for consoles vs your modern standard equivalently powerful gpu. You do not need anything like a 20 tflop gpu to match the ps4 gpu.

What I mean by the eight cores is that it would be better for everyone if AMD had been able to put four cores at 3.2 ghz rather than 8 cores at 1.6 ghz because more cores is harder to code for and increases development costs for games.

I think the first wave of ps4 games will not be using the full power of the hardware (though it will be better than last launch because devs already know how to code for x86) because of backward compatibility for the older consoles and the fact that it will take a while to implement efficient HSA/etc.

Last gen used top of the line components, this gen is using midrange.

8 Jaguar cores take up less die space than 4 Vishera cores. The less space the CPU takes up the more space they have to add GPU cores. In a device made specifically to play games which would you say is more important.


Golden Member
Apr 10, 2013
I don't know about the butthurt (people may remain delusional forever, it happens), but I am definitely having dejavu here between the PS4 hype and the PS3 hype.

And not because the PS4 is being hyped, because truth is that outside of what is always expected the PS3 itself wasn't the thing that was hyped.

What was hyped, to the moon and back, was CELL. ZOMG is was gonna be the next thing in computing. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing about how great CELL was and how unstoppable it was going to be.

Then reality came. CELL was good, but it was little more than yet-another-microprocessor.

Now the same kind of hype is coming up again, only this time it is Jaguar and HSA. And naturally everyone doing the hyping starts the hype with "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Man that is the oldest "pump and dump" type psychology playbook rules used on wall street. Every bubble that has ever come, popped, and crashed, started out its existence by being compared to the previous bubble followed by the hypsters saying "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Nothing is different here, just the labels have changed. But psychologically it is all the same. Rinse and repeat.

Nothing is different except on the details... Cell was the pet project of PlayStation creator Ken Kutaragi, whereas now PS4 creator asked first to game developers what hardware they would want:


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
And not because the PS4 is being hyped, because truth is that outside of what is always expected the PS3 itself wasn't the thing that was hyped.

What was hyped, to the moon and back, was CELL.
The PS3 itself was hyped to the Moon and back, I remember it clearly. It was a super computer, it was going to allow Toy Story like graphics, CELL was set to revolutionize the industry. People were going to want to use the PS3 in a super computer lab. The hype was all encompassing.
Now the same kind of hype is coming up again, only this time it is Jaguar and HSA.
We all see things differently, but I don't see the hype surrounding HSA and the PS4 to anything even close to the same level as the PS3. And if you look at the actual technical details, the PS4's APU is really cool, I keep saying it but unified GDDR5 memory basically kicks ass. This is what we've been waiting for, I sincerely hope we get the same architecture on high end PCs in some form.
Man that is the oldest "pump and dump" type psychology playbook rules used on wall street. Every bubble that has ever come, popped, and crashed, started out its existence by being compared to the previous bubble followed by the hypsters saying "yeah, but this time it will be different because..."

Nothing is different here, just the labels have changed. But psychologically it is all the same. Rinse and repeat.
Pretty much everything is different, if you actually look at the technical details.


Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2012
You wrote about "similar theoretical performance", but then provided an example which was not comparing theoretical performance.

Read the GDC quotes. Sony offered either 4 or 8 cores designs to game developers and game developers chose the 8-cores design.

No. Last generation used a non X_86 architecture, whose 'theoretical' peak performance could be achieved only under strict lab-like conditions, which was translated to lower performance in real world games.

This was even true on console vs console. 'Theoretically' the PS3 had more raw potential, but every programmer knows that the 360 allowed for better games, due to incorrect core architectural decisions made with the cell processors.

8 Jaguar cores take up less die space than 4 Vishera cores. The less space the CPU takes up the more space they have to add GPU cores. In a device made specifically to play games which would you say is more important.

I am comparing theoretical GFLOPS. The ps3 used basically a modified off the shelf desktop gpu, the xbox 360 used a newer (unified) architecture. This is a gpu comparison, not a cpu comparison.

And yes anyone is going to take 8 jaguar cores over 4 because 4 would be a huge cpu bottleneck (run a 7850 on a FX-4300 at 1.6 ghz).

I'd rather have nice AI, physics and an immersible world over a little more shading.


Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2004
I don't know why some people are getting so bent out of shape about this honestly. If the PS4 ends up being a mediocre piece of hardware, it won't matter all that much on the PC side. We're still going to see much better console ports for obvious reasons. The PS4 is a mini PC in many ways right down to the processor ISA. What's not to like, porting to the PC will be dead simple in comparison to what we're dealing with now.

It's a win win, even more a win seeing the Xbox next is an AMD64 device.


Senior member
Sep 16, 2011
I don't know why some people are getting so bent out of shape about this honestly. If the PS4 ends up being a mediocre piece of hardware, it won't matter all that much on the PC side. We're still going to see much better console ports for obvious reasons. The PS4 is a mini PC in many ways right down to the processor ISA. What's not to like, porting to the PC will be dead simple in comparison to what we're dealing with now.

It's a win win, even more a win seeing the Xbox next is an AMD64 device.

I don't think that's what some of us are arguing.

More the fact that - people are crazy to expect a low power, low IPC, low clocked x86 CISC design to somehow magicly be able to make a 7850ish design (under more rough locked power constraints) do 1080p 60 fps with 4x MSAA.

You save some latency and gpu cycles on sharing memory....but that's it.
UNIFIED doesn't magicly give a 50% increase in performance.

The exact same hype from NEARLY(look it up, during ps3 launch) the same studios were going on.

The fact is if you do a direct flop tests - the DX overheard has shrunk overtime. Especially with win7 and dx11.

It's going to be even worse in the long run because:
A. Weaker pure raw performance that last generation
B. Faster and easier development for developers allows no down the road optimizations gains as big as the last generation.

They're gonna end up in that hole 2011 games were - where PC was so monstrously ahead in both quality and resolution it's a joke.

That's gonna happen in 2015 Q3 now.
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Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
Pretty much everything is different, if you actually look at the technical details.
Are they really though? The Xbox 360 not only had an unified memory architecture, but was also more powerful than any consumer PC hardware by double or more in terms of GFLOPS, even the top end cards like the Geforce 6800 Ultra and Radeon X850 XT Platinum Edition. The XBox 360 became "weak" in only a few years because of how fast GPUs improve.

The PS4 can't even claim to produce more TFLOPS than top end cards (the 7970 gets something like 3.79 TFLOPS in single-percision). Sure, it's stronger than any console we've seen yet. But relative to the desktop tech, it's not that great.
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