Are you a Hillary supporter? Why?

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Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
So not leading an angry mob is the same as having no one behind you? Interesting.
Well where are they? The few people you can find that say they support her only do so, because they falsely believe she has a better chance in the general.

I support Hillary. She's at least talking about high cost of health care. Which is not to say I don't support Bernie. I will be happy with either as the Democrat nominee. That's the luxury of being a Democrat, the primaries are not a freak show like they are in the GOP.
She is a lying manipulative corporate whore.... She will say and do anything to be president! She has been copying Bernie in the primary from the start, and relying on her name recognition to win. That's why the establishment is doing everything it can to ensure people don't hear about Bernie.
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Apr 10, 2000
If it came down to Hillary vs absolutely any Republican in the nation, it'd be Hillary all the way. Then again, considering the current Republicans have less brain activity than Terry Shiavo did towards the end, that's not saying much. Bernie seems like the only good candidate. If the Dems wanted to make this a legitimate race then we'd need Elizabeth Warren or Kirsten Gillibrand to enter the race. Both of them would make me consider them even over Bernie.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
I see nobody willing or able to form a progressive anti-war third party. That means that any who support such a position and want their vote to count even slightly are forced to choose the party that most closely resembles them. Since the Republican party is filled with insanity crazed fearful bigots who hate any and all 'others', that leaves only the Democratic party as a possible contender. At least in that party, somebody like Sanders can find a voice, if not as yet, a means to fully effective leverage.

This means that the insane will vote Republican and the morally pure ivy tower idealists to a wasted vote for a third party or not voting at all. All the Republicans have to do is engage in sufficient brain washing to drive enough left leaning folk away from their natural party by buying it off and smearing it as just the alternative evil. We have yet to see a Progressive Tea Party on the left try to take over the establishment Democrats and effect any real change. Liberals are easily depressed and beaten down because life is so hopeless. How could somebody as worthless as I am make any real difference.

Let me crawl under a rock so I can get what I deserve. Hope went up in Marijuana smoke back with the Hippies in the 60s.

The system is manufactured in such a way that 3rd parties aren't given a real chance. Also, there is the belief, which you professed later, that it's a wasted vote, because we HAVE to pick the lesser evil.

The democrats smear themselves more than enough. You need to stop watching the puppet show, and look at the puppeteers. The democrats aren't your friends, they aren't on your side, and they don't represent you. To be clear, the Republicans don't represent the conservatives either.

The people voting 3rd party are the only real people exercising their right to vote. The R & D drones are mindlessly pulling levers, and hoping against hope the casino house develops a conscience.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
they're here --

tbh, pretty much everyone I know IRL either supports Hillary or isn't paying attention to the primaries, except one guy in my group who's such a die-hard Berniebro he's turning everyone off from Sanders because he won't stfu about it on social media.

Ignoramuses vote based on name recognition. In their mind they aren't even voting for Hillary, they are voting against the GOP candidate. That doesn't qualify as a true supporter. I am curious as to why an informed voter would pick Hillary.

So, this is great! You can ask all your informed colleagues why they support Hillary, and report back, because I am dying to know.

the issue is that those polls are basically meaningless... Hillary's been under attack for 20+ years, while Bernie has been untouched. his head-to-head numbers have the potential to crater should he win the nomination and Republicans start blanketing the airwaves with ads where Bernie proudly calls himself a socialist.

there's also the question of how effectively he could even lead his own party, having been a Democrat for all of like 4 months, not to mention dealing with the wall of opposition that Republicans will be. thus far in his political career, he's shown absolutely zero interest in helping down-ticket races and helping to get people elected outside of Vermont.

Polls are far from meaningless. If they were meaningless, they wouldn't be used.

Hillary has had it light honestly.

Bernie has caucused with the Democrats from the start. He has worked out far more meaningful deals with republicans than Hillary But he actually does his job, so that's sort of to be expected.

The only person Hillary has help get elected is herself, and fellow corporatist whores.
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Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Ignoramuses vote based on name recognition. I am curious as to why an informed voter would pick Hillary.

So, this is great! You can ask all your informed colleagues why they support Hillary, and report back, because I am dying to know.

Probably because the Republican candidates scare the ever living shit out of them.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
Probably because the Republican candidates scare the ever living shit out of them.

Yah, I edited with that, lol. These people aren't even supporters of Hillary, they are merely voting against the GOP.

That's basically our political process in a nutshell. We all vote against the party we hate, because no one actually represents us.
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Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Well where are they? The few people you can find that say they support her only do so, because they falsely believe she has a better chance in the general.

She is a lying manipulative corporate whore.... She will say and do anything to be president! She has been copying Bernie in the primary from the start, and relying on her name recognition to win. That's why the establishment is doing everything it can to ensure people don't hear about Bernie.

I'll take a lying manipulative corporate whore (this is generally known as a "politician" anyway) over people agitating to bring the US into open conflict with other nuclear nations, invade more middle east countries, strip social programs and healthcare from those who can least afford to loose it, and are proposing blatantly unconstitutional plans that nakedly play to the basest xenophobic and nativist sentiment imaginable...views we purport to abhor in other countries.

Hillary can win the general. A vote for Bernie, however well intentioned, is a vote for the abyss offered by the GOP. Thanks but no thanks.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Yah, I edited with that, lol. These people aren't even supporters of Hillary, they are merely voting against the GOP.

Well we are in the ultimate Catch-22 here aren't we? I would give a every single candidate an F. I have chosen not to vote. It would just seem to disgusting to pull the lever. I can understand why others would choose to do so. We are in for an extremely rough ride the next 5 years. I fully expect everything to go into the shitter.

I'll take a lying manipulative corporate whore (this is generally known as a "politician" anyway) over people agitating to bring the US into open conflict with other nuclear nations, invade more middle east countries, strip social programs and healthcare from those who can least afford to loose it, and are proposing blatantly unconstitutional plans that nakedly play to the basest xenophobic and nativist sentiment imaginable...views we purport to abhor in other countries.

My problem is that I see to much of the neo-con in Hillary. I could totally see her wanting to mix it up with the Russians.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Ignoramuses vote based on name recognition. In their mind they aren't even voting for Hillary, they are voting against the GOP candidate. That doesn't qualify as a true supporter. I am curious as to why an informed voter would pick Hillary.

So, this is great! You can ask all your informed colleagues why they support Hillary, and report back, because I am dying to know.

They do so because she's ideologically acceptable to them and presents the best chance of winning. It's pretty simple.

You seem to be basing your idea that EDIT: Sanders is a better overall candidate in general election polling right now, which is badly mistaken. Go look at how well polling at this time correlates with general election outcomes. (Hint: it basically doesn't at all). There are quite a few other factors that do however, and Hillary leads in those.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
I'll take a lying manipulative corporate whore (this is generally known as a "politician" anyway) over people agitating to bring the US into open conflict with other nuclear nations, invade more middle east countries, strip social programs and healthcare from those who can least afford to loose it, and are proposing blatantly unconstitutional plans that nakedly play to the basest xenophobic and nativist sentiment imaginable...views we purport to abhor in other countries.

Hillary can win the general. A vote for Bernie, however well intentioned, is a vote for the abyss offered by the GOP. Thanks but no thanks.

Hillary is in bed with the military industrial complex too.... She is going to escalate the endless war on the middle east, and has said just as much.

No one is going to nuke anyone. You are confusing incompetence with corruption, and pandering to idiots.

Again, you have no argument! There is no data to prove Bernie would lose the general, in fact, the data said the exact opposite for roughly 6 months.

You seem too entrenched in this false dichotomy that is our political system. You aren't voting for Hillary, but against the GOP. You are entranced by the puppet show you see on the media. Ignore the marionettes, and look at the puppeteers.

The problem is that you can't see the forest for the trees. They are one in the same! They are opposite sides of the same coin! There is one party in this US oligarchy, the corporatist party. It's not going to make much, if any, difference if it's corporatist R or D in the white house. We are fucked either way!
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Feb 5, 2006
Well where are they? The few people you can find that say they support her only do so, because they falsely believe she has a better chance in the general.

She is a lying manipulative corporate whore.... She will say and do anything to be president! She has been copying Bernie in the primary from the start, and relying on her name recognition to win. That's why the establishment is doing everything it can to ensure people don't hear about Bernie.

You sound like a Trump supporter. Calm down and think rationally. If Bernie wins in the primaries I will vote for Bernie in November. If Hillary wins, I will vote for her. Both are much better options than not voting or voting Republican.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Again, you have no argument! There is no data to prove Bernie would lose the general, in fact, the data said the exact opposite for roughly 6 months.

The general election polling is worse than worthless right now. Eskimo makes that point above.

You're being led by bad numbers and blind faith just like the other side is. Who is it here who really can't see the big picture?


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
They do so because she's ideologically acceptable to them and presents the best chance of winning. It's pretty simple.

You seem to be basing your idea that EDIT: Sanders is a better overall candidate in general election polling right now, which is badly mistaken. Go look at how well polling at this time correlates with general election outcomes. (Hint: it basically doesn't at all). There are quite a few other factors that do however, and Hillary leads in those.

But, if they were well informed, they would know her voting history, thus enabling them to sift the bullshit to find her actual positions on policy. Such an informed voter would then come to the only logical conclusion, her political strategy is to copy Bernie and silence Bernie. She copies him, so he doesn't stand out, while the establishment downplays his very existence to the public, thus ensuring she wins solely based on name recognition.

But, I am sure your 'friends' considered this, seeing as they are 'informed, correct?

The general election polling is worse than worthless right now. Eskimo makes that point above.

You're being led by bad numbers and blind faith just like the other side is. Who is it here who really can't see the big picture?
. You realize you still haven't made an argument, right?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Hillary is in bed with the military industrial complex too.... She is going to escalate the endless war on the middle east, and has said just as much.

No one is going to nuke anyone. You are confusing incompetence with corruption, and pandering to idiots.

Again, you have no argument! There is no data to prove Bernie would lose the general, in fact, the data said the exact opposite for roughly 6 months.

You seem too entrenched in this false dichotomy that is our political system. You aren't voting for Hillary, but against the GOP. You are entranced by the puppet show you see on the media. Ignore the marionettes, and look at the puppeteers.

The problem is that you can't see the forest for the trees. They are one in the same! They are opposite sides of the same coin! There is one party in this US oligarchy, the corporatist party. It's not going to make much, if any, difference if it's corporatist R or D in the white house. We are fucked either way!

So here's Nate Silver's evaluation of your data as it relates to the general election:

Funny thing is that this was written when Ben Carson... Ben Carson was leading in general election polls.

“The Doctor Is In As Carson Ties Trump In GOP Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Carson Tops Clinton By 10 Points In General Election”

That was the headline on a press release for the Quinnipiac University poll last week. My reaction? I hoped no one spent more than two seconds thinking about anything past the semi-colon. Since 1944, general election polls around a year before Election Day — where we are now — have only been weakly predictive of the eventual result.

If you look at polls that tested the eventual Democratic and Republican nominees in the last two months of the year before the election, the average absolute error of the polling average is 10.6 percentage points.

Average absolute error of 10.6 points? Almost entirely useless.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
You sound like a Trump supporter. Calm down and think rationally. If Bernie wins in the primaries I will vote for Bernie in November. If Hillary wins, I will vote for her. Both are much better options than not voting or voting Republican.

But that's just it, she isn't a better option. She is worse than Obama, who was only slightly better than Bush jr.

So here's Nate Silver's evaluation of your data as it relates to the general election:

Funny thing is that this was written when Ben Carson... Ben Carson was leading in general election polls.

Average absolute error of 10.6 points? Almost entirely useless.
. Bernie beats trump by 14points.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
But, if they were well informed, they would know her voting history, thus enabling them to sift the bullshit to find her actual positions on policy. Such an informed voter would then come to the only logical conclusion, her political strategy is to copy Bernie and silence Bernie. She copies him, so he doesn't stand out, while the establishment downplays his very existence to the public, thus ensuring she wins solely based on name recognition.

But, I am sure your 'friends' considered this, seeing as they are 'informed, correct?

If your argument is that she is more conservative than Bernie, no shit. That's what happens in primary elections: candidates move away from the center.

The question isn't which candidate's policies someone prefers. I overall prefer Sanders' positions on most things, although he seems to have some bad ideas on trade policy. That doesn't matter though. Hillary is a perfectly acceptable candidate to me and would likely be far stronger in the general election than Sanders would be. The relative distance between Hillary and Sanders is much smaller than the relative distance between Hillary and any of the GOP candidates, so the choice is easy for a lot of well informed people.

Hope that clears it up.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
. Bernie beats trump by 14points.

You completely missed the point of that article, which was that the polls you are using to argue that Bernie is a better general election candidate than Clinton are effectively worthless.

Don't evaluate evidence based on if it tells you what you want to believe.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
If your argument is that she is more conservative than Bernie, no shit. That's what happens in primary elections: candidates move away from the center.

The question isn't which candidate's policies someone prefers. I overall prefer Sanders' positions on most things, although he seems to have some bad ideas on trade policy. That doesn't matter though. Hillary is a perfectly acceptable candidate to me and would likely be far stronger in the general election than Sanders would be. The relative distance between Hillary and Sanders is much smaller than the relative distance between Hillary and any of the GOP candidates, so the choice is easy for a lot of well informed people.

Hope that clears it up.

You can't just say that without justification. QUANTIFY the difference and be specific.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2015
If your argument is that she is more conservative than Bernie, no shit. That's what happens in primary elections: candidates move away from the center.

The question isn't which candidate's policies someone prefers. I overall prefer Sanders' positions on most things, although he seems to have some bad ideas on trade policy. That doesn't matter though. Hillary is a perfectly acceptable candidate to me and would likely be far stronger in the general election than Sanders would be. The relative distance between Hillary and Sanders is much smaller than the relative distance between Hillary and any of the GOP candidates, so the choice is easy for a lot of well informed people.

Hope that clears it up.

My argument is she is a liar, and will do absolutely anything to get elected. When she wins, she will be a repeat of Bush Jr. Hell, there is a very good chance the economy bursts again, just like Bush.

Then we get the real republican potus, instead of the pseudo one, and we slide a little deeper into a full blown oligarchy. At which point none of this really matters anymore, because by the next term your vote will be completely worthless at the federal level.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
My argument is she is a liar, and will do absolutely anything to get elected. When she wins, she will be a repeat of Bush Jr. Hell, there is a very good chance the economy bursts again, just like Bush.

What specific actions do you think that she will take which will lead to a 2008 style financial crisis? What actions by Sanders will prevent this?

Then we get the real republican potus, instead of the pseudo one, and we slide a little deeper into a full blown oligarchy. Then by the next term your vote will be completely worthless at the federal level.

Oh? What exactly will the next Republican do to render my vote useless at the federal level? Be specific.

Just so you know, I don't vote and both my vote and your vote have been entirely useless at the federal level for probably the last century or more at least. It's just math.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Yah, I edited with that, lol. These people aren't even supporters of Hillary, they are merely voting against the GOP.

That's basically our political process in a nutshell. We all vote against the party we hate, because no one actually represents us.
Exactly this. And why we will never break out of this rut
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