Are You A Werewolf - Forum Game 8: *Game Over - Villagers Win*


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2002
Night 4:

The wolves are, yet again, on the prowl this night. Tonight they are not angry. They are not full of rage. No, tonight, they are lethargic and mostly apathetic to this whole villager-eating thing they have done since the dawn of time. It's been too many nights without a meal, and they are not hopeful this night will be any different.

So sullen are the wolves that on this night, the villagers have no fear and fill the streets with drunken revelry and merriment. As the wolves approach the village, this sight throws them deeper into depression and all they can do is trod through the streets, wide-eyed in amazement at the brazen villagers.

The villagers take note of the wolves in full werewolf form and lob tomatoes and heads of lettuce as the wolves make their nightly journey through town. Why no one kills them in their weakened, depressed state is anyone's guess...though the drunken revelry probably hindered logical decision making abilities.

It looks again as if no one dies this night. However, as the wolves reach the edge of town the largest of them slips on a head of lettuce and falls directly on top of A Casual Fitz, crushing him into a nice paste. The wolves see this accidental killing as a sign and regain their bloodlust, quickly demolishing the paste to fill their stomachs and give them strength for the coming day. They finish their meal and quickly slink away back to their lair.

A Casual Fitz, the
is dead.

*Day 5 Begins*
Day 4

It's the fourth day after the demise of their Penguin and the villagers are fairly certain they know the next party responsible. Following the lead of their Seer, the villagers launch their voting assault against Storma.

Always having been different from the others, Storma does not put up a fight. Storma knows that this is simply what the village must do to get some semblance of peace. Not being responsible for the death of Penguin doesn't mean that Storma may not have eventually committed atrocities all the same.

Riding a multicolored unicorn up to the gallows, and seeing the bright rainbow colored rope, Storma marches proudly up the steps with a smile. The noose is put in place. The lever is pulled. Storma, the Cursed, is dead.

*Night 4 Begins*
Night 3, a.k.a. Night 2, Redux:

The wolves are, again, on the prowl this night. Tonight they are angry, not only at the loss of one of their brothers, but also at the fact they can't seem to find any villagers to eat during the night. They begin their nightly rampage immediately upon the setting of the sun.

Again, they storm into houses looking for villagers, any villager, to make a snack. Their stomachs rumble with emptiness as the march down barren streets. Suddenly they see a light emanating from the ground floor window of the house next to the apothecary. The rush over to the house, knock in the door and find Possessed Freak prostrated on the floor. Their mouths salivate in anticipation...Possessed Freak will be their snack this night. Or, so they think.

As the wolves approach Possessed Freak, it is quite obvious to their keen wolf nose that he is riddled with disease...syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, herpes... his body is filled with the germs responsible for each. Possessed Freak sees the disgust in their face and smiles a big smile. "I know...I love prostitutes way too much."

The wolves sulk back to their den, once again being denied of a meal.

No one dies this night.

*Day 4 Begins*
Day 3:

Apart from a few straggling souls and a ghost or two, who will most likely be punted into oblivion by the god of this universe, the morning started off the villagers quietly rising from their beds. Xed, fresh off his morning coffee, and maybe a tad bit too hyped up, runs to the village square screaming at the top of his lungs that ElFenix is the wolf.

A simple challenge to the reasoning behind his claim is enough for the villagers, once again conflicted, beginning their morning accusing Xed. As the villagers pile on, again in a one-by-one nature, Xed makes the bold claim that he is, in fact, the village’s Seer. Why they don’t recognized the most powerful man in the village is, at this time, beyond their comprehension; however, they decide to trust him with the qualifying statement that is he is wrong, he is dead.

Despite some villagers expressing their desire to lie with the Fenix this night, his fate is sealed by the majority vote of the town. ElFenix will die this day. As he marches towards the ever familiar gallows, the executioner standing tall with a smile hiding beneath his hood, the Fenix stands tall and proud. As he takes his place beneath the noose, the Fenix shows a slight grin and yells out to the town, “No matter what lies in my genes, beneath my skin, and in my mind; I am now, and will forever be your Prostitute. I love you Arcenite. I never meant to hurt you…I just wanted us to have this one last night together.” The lever is pulled…the noose grows tight…The Fenix is dead.

the Werewolf
, is dead.

*Night 3 Begins*
Night 2:

The wolves are on the prowl this night. Angry at the loss of their Alpha, the night fills with howls and screams as the beasts rampage up and down the empty town streets. The villagers, idiots all the same, but smart enough to know that after the death of an Alpha, it's best to remain indoors.

One by one, the beasts knock down doors only to find seemingly empty homes. This enrages them further, and they begin to knock down entire storefronts in retribution. The night goes on, and the beasts begin to tire. Looking up at the sky, they see the moon begin to set. The night draws to a close, and they are not one step closer to seeking their revenge. They toss one last food cart up into the sky and retreat toward their lair, for the know they must put on their disgusting human facade for another day of co-mingling with the putrid villagers.

No one dies this night.

*Day 3 Begins*

Day 2:

The villagers, still uncertain and with no further idea on who could possibly be responsible for Penguin’s death, begin their usual random voting pattern. Up on the chopping block today is ElFenix, though Glenn1 was suspect for a brief moment. That is until JujuFish calls a town meeting in which he claims to be a mason and tells the grisly details behind the killing of Ctbaars the night previous. Charmonium was the responsible party!

The villagers rally around this information and one by one begin to accuse Charmonium, his future almost solidified in stone as he begins his desperate attempt to explain his alibi the night previous. The villagers will have none of it, and Charmonium even casts a vote for himself due to the hopelessness of his situation.

Charmonium takes his place in the gallows, the noose taught around around his neck. The executioner asks if he has any last words, to which Charmonium responds, “Only one. Bang.” Charmonium transforms into his werewolf form, pulls out one of his canine fangs and throws it kunai-style straight into JujuFish’s neck. The fish falls to the ground and quickly bleeds out, the villagers stunned at the events that just occurred. The executioner pulls the lever, as he slowly mutters, “That was three words moron.” Charmonium drops, the rope breaking his neck.

Charmonium, the
Alpha Wolf
, and JujuFish, the
, are dead!

*Night 2 Begins*
The moon sets and the sun begins to rise. The villagers stagger out of their individual huts, though some stumble out of the same huts. It's been a night of celebration as their savior executioner killed one of the villains that was responsible for the death of their Penguin.

As the being their journey to the town square, they notice there are two missing from the voting pool the day before. Searching amongst themselves, they can't seem to find either dustb0wlkid or ctbaars. Chalking this up to a simple hangover, the villagers continue the journey to the town square.

Once they arrive, their initial suspicions are proven wrong...oh, so wrong. Flayed out in the same position as their lovely Penguin and uglyish Freak, dustb0wlkid and ctbaars are in a deep embrace, their bottom halves missing. It seems the town has some serial werewolves.

the Bodyguard
the Mason

are dead!

Day 2 Begins...
Day 1:

The death of their beloved Penguin caused the villagers to go into a mass hysteria, fingers pointing wildly left, right, up, down, and sideways. Accusations are made without basis, propaganda posters are somehow created instantaneously, and references to old comedy movies somehow become a logical basis to lynch a human.

Eventually, the villagers begin to calm down and focus their wrath on two individuals, arcenite and bubbleawsome. However, some of the villagers remain stuck on their original, random choice and refuse to go along causing a tie between the two main accused. Then, DixyCrat notices that dustb0wlkid appears to be absent from their group. Using this suspicious absence as a launching pad, he rallies the villagers in support of lynching that no-good, two-face dustb0wl kid.

Dixy takes great pride as he leads dustb0wlkid to the executioner and hands him off. Dustb0wlkid puts up no fight, almost as if his mind is completely absent from the village, as he walks up the stairs to the hanging rope. The executioner places the rope around dustb0wlkids neck and walks back to the lever to pull it and end dustb0wlkid’s life.

As the executioner places his hand on the lever and begins to apply the pressure necessary to activate the device, a pigeon lands on his shoulder and drops a rolled up letter at his feet. The executioner takes his hand off of the lever and bends down to pick up the letter, opening it he reads its contents in silence. Sighing ever so softly and without looking up from the letter, he pulls out a pistol and shoots Bubbleawsome square in the forehead.

the Cultist
, is dead!

Night 1 Begins...

Ever the party “animal,” PenguinPower was doing his usual table dances inside the town’s favorite strip club, The Lumberyard, while the rest of the town enjoyed their drinks. The town had been through a economic slump for the previous few years until Penguin and his band of voracious prostitutes and strippers sauntered into town about 6 months ago, the most notable of them being the famed Possessed Freak. Ever since the band of lascivious lads and lasses had shown up, the economy had been on the rise and the villagers all prosperous.

As Penguin climbed down from the table, he slightly bumped into Freak causing Freak to spill his drink across his dress. The two had been in a lover’s quarrel for the past week, though the reason why was unknown. Tempers began to flare and the villagers all saw Penguin and Freak go outside to settle things. The villagers’ attentions turned, understandably, back to the dancers on stage. What seemed like mere minutes, but was more likely an hour, went by when the villagers heard a scream they were all too familiar with…the scream of death.

The villagers rushed out into the alleyway only to find Penguin and Freak, arms wrapped around each other in tight embrace, with the bottom half of Penguin’s body missing completely. He was, of course dead. Freak, weeping, sobbing, crying inconsolably, screamed at the villagers, "A werewolf killed my Penguin! And I'm not going to help find out!” Somewhat tired of their luck, the villagers vowed to find the killer whom they knew lurked among them.

Day 1 Begins
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Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2002
(Names will to to strikethrough as they are lynched)

People Signed up: 16

JujuFish the
A Casual Fitz the
Charmonium the
Alpha Wolf
Bubbleawsome, the
dustb0wlkid, the
the_outsiders the
ctbaars, the
ElFenix the
Storma the

=== Rules ===
You are part of a town and vote to lynch someone. If you're a Wolf, you want to make sure you or your compatriots aren't lynched. If you are part of team "Other" you want to make sure you end up on the winning team.

At night Wolves choose a player to make into a snack. The village wins if there are no more wolves (or the Hunter is the last villager alive). The wolves win if they kill all of the villagers, or make it so they cannot win. Individuals on team "Other" win if they are on the winning team when the game ends.

1. Roles will be decided on after signups.

2. You need to play your role so that everyone else can play.

3. Be as active as you can. Inactivity leads to death and banning from the next game. 1 day/night cycle of inactivity leads to death and banning, unless discussed with me prior.

4. Don't "prove" a role by sharing your PM (etc.)

5. I will post when the day or night ends. If I can end it early I will.

6. Game starts at 8:30pm (Central time) Wednesday, 12/16.

7. You may not directly quote any PM that I send you relating to this game.

8. Werewolves and Masons may have separate chat rooms that stay private. Be friendly.

9. Everyone's night-action goes off at the same time; though some might counter others.

10. Do not chat in the thread during night phase.

11. Do not chat in the thread at all if you have become a meal of any kind.

12. The exact role of any player that dies is revealed.

13. No PMs, except to me.

14. In the event of a tie, there will be no lynch.

You vote to lynch someone by typing their name in bold

Depends on population of village, some may be zero others multiple:

Pro Town

Normal Villager - No special powers. Definitely a prostitute.

Seer - Each night, he will have a vision of one other player (his choice). The
player's true nature (villager or werewolf) will be revealed to him.

Masons - Begin the game knowing each other's identities. May recruit once per night. If they recruit a wolf one of them, chosen at random, dies.

Witness - Once per game, may witness a werewolf (chosen randomly) killing the night's victim. The werewolf will also see the witness.

Monk - Each night, he may meditate on one person who voted for the party lynched that day. That player's role will be revealed to him. If he wishes, he may send this information (anonymously) to all the other players in a vision by contacting God (me)

Governor - Once per game, he may pre-empt a normal lynching and decide to execute any player he chooses.

Prince - The first time this player is to be lynched, his role is revealed and the lynching is called off. This will count as a successful lynching and no one will be hung that night

Knight - Cannot be killed by a werewolf attack. If chosen as the target of a werewolf attack, the villagers will be told that no-one was killed that night.

Hunter - If he is the last villager alive, the villagers win. If he is lynched, he may kill any player before he dies.

Bodyguard- Each night, he may protect one other person. He may not protect the same person two nights in a row, and may not protect himself. If the protected person is attacked by werewolves, the villagers will be told that no-one was killed that night.

Werewolf Roles:

Cultist - A traitor who helps the werewolves, though they don't know who he is. While he counts as a villager, he wins if the werewolves win.

Common Werewolves - Your standard half-man, half-wolf creature of the night. They know each other's identities.

Alpha Wolf - Much like a regular werewolf, just bigger and hairier (with worse breath). If he is lynched, he may kill any player before he dies.

Team "Other" Roles:

Doppleganger - Starts teamless. Picks a player. When that player dies, the Doppleganger secretly becomes that player's role. The Doppleganger can jump only one time.

Cursed - Starts on team villager. If he is chosen by the werewolves as a victim, he becomes another werewolf. The villagers will be told that no-one was killed that night.
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Sep 6, 2000
Not sure if I entirely get the game, but will give it a try for a cycle.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Not sure if I entirely get the game, but will give it a try for a cycle.
At the beginning it's sort of random. You can start by accusing someone of being a wolf (or were-bee) - even if you happen to be a wolf. Then as people respond you try to get a sense for who is pro-village and who is anti.

Usually on the first day whomever is lynched is pretty random. But once someone dies, their role is revealed. You can then see how they interacted with other players and see if that gives you any clues to who their compatriots are.

Honestly though, it is mostly guesswork unless someone slips up (or pretends to slip up). A big part of the game is trying to deceive other players as to your role (if you're a wolf) or convince them that you're on their side (if you're a villager).


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
I'm totally new to this:
At Day the town votes to lynch someone.
At night Wolves choose a player to make into a snack.
Doesn't this automatically give away who is town and who is wolf; solely on who is posting a vote?


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2013
Everyone votes in the day, wolves vote in their own private chat and PM who to kill to the Overseer.

A Casual Fitz

Diamond Member
May 16, 2005
I'm totally new to this:
At Day the town votes to lynch someone.
At night Wolves choose a player to make into a snack.
Doesn't this automatically give away who is town and who is wolf; solely on who is posting a vote?

The wolves vote just like the town. The town people don't know who the wolves are so it's deceptive.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
The wolves vote just like the town. The town people don't know who the wolves are so it's deceptive.
Yes but:
"Werewolves and Masons may have separate chat rooms that stay private. Be friendly."
So you could be posting in both chat rooms based on who invites you to one that was set up by them at some third part web site.


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2002
Yes but:
"Werewolves and Masons may have separate chat rooms that stay private. Be friendly."
So you could be posting in both chat rooms based on who invites you to one that was set up by them at some third part web site.

I set up the chat room and am present for the duration of the game. Obviously, there is some degree of trust that must be extended in online games like this.

A Casual Fitz

Diamond Member
May 16, 2005
Yes but:
"Werewolves and Masons may have separate chat rooms that stay private. Be friendly."
So you could be posting in both chat rooms based on who invites you to one that was set up by them at some third part web site.

The chats are separate and set up by Penguin. It works, trust me.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Yes, they work. Even though I had personal problems with other aspects, the chat system works. Check your PMs (make sure you have them enabled). You will get one by the host. Depending on the role, you may get a link to a room. Go there and use your forum username and converse with that subgroup.

If you are a non team member (villager, seer, etc) you will not get a link to a chatroom.

(no, I am not in).
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