Are you a Werewolf? (game #4: Werewolfs Win)

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
the village kills MAFIA; Driven by the wolves amongst you, the MASON Mafia has been destroyed;

All of a sudden Lightrider goes in to monstrous crinos form and

Jujufish stands up to him, drawing a sword, just then Zeze, a wolf kin, strikes Juju in the back of the head. Light-Rider turns his wolfish eyes toward Infinity Octopus, striking with his monsterous paw; but before Infinity can be mauled Chiropteran severs light-rider’s claw from his arm; The silver smith Chiropteran, smug in his victory, this has his innocent-villager spinal-cord ripped from him by Drum, another werewolf!

Krazy4Real, the town butcher sees this massacre and joins in to protect the village; it is, though, too late as Octopus is sliced into rings! Now fearful but wise, Cuda takes off running but is tripped by schneiderguy, a werewolf kin. Krazy runs for the only place he’s ever felt was safe, the saloon; where Ashenor, a werewolf, gobbles him up!

The fighting and bloodshed are over faster than could be imagined; but in the end the outcome is clear: The werewolves win!

== Votes ==
Ashenor -> InfinityOctopus
Ashenor -> Mafia
JujuFish -> mafia
mafia -> JujuFish
Chiropteran -> mafia
schneiderguy -> Mafia
Krazy4Real -> Mafia

mafia -> Zeze
Cuda -> Zeze
Chiropteran -> Zeze

** Night 4 **
SSSnail is bound for the hangman's noose after having threatened nearly everyone in the village with death... While he tries to explain himself he is ignored and starts repeating a little song, humming while playing a accordion..
All these...
I got SSSnail
I got SSSnail in my room
SSSnail in my bed
SSSnail in my ears
Their eggs in my head
SSSnail in my pockets
SSSnail in my shoes
SSSnail in the way i feel about you
SSSnail on my window
Trying to get in
They don't go nowhere
Waiting, waiting...
SSSnail on my ceiling
Crowded the floor
Standing, sitting, kneeling...
A few block the door
And now the question's:
Do i kill them?
Become their friend?
Do i eat them?
Raw or well done?
Do i trick them?
I don't think they're that dumb
Do i join them?
Looks like that's the one
I got SSSnail on my skin
Tickle my nausea
I let it happen again
They're always takin' over
I see they surround me, i see...
See them deciding my fate
Oh, that which was once...was once up to me...
Now it's too late
I got SSSnail in my on one
That's when i had a chance
I'll just stop now
I'll become naked
And with the...i'll become one

SNAP! The gonorrhea had gotten to his brain, a brain that now sits within a skull, dead for want of oxygen hangs SSSnail

The city now realizes that it has but ONE day remaining and ONE vote before the wolves and their kin out-number the nominal villagers! DEATH is coming! DEATH is coming... everyone goes to sleep hoping simply that they awaken the next day.

The Players:
schneiderguy - town prostitute (a 'woman')
SSSnail - town prostitute (a male)
Krazy4Real - town butcher
Chiropteran - Silver Smith
Lazarus52980 - town priest and spiritual advisor
Ashenor - saloon proprietor
HardcoreRobot -
TOWN CONSPIRACY THEORIST aka crazy person in the tin foil hat
ALIVE - Banker
Zeze - townguard drunk
lightrider44 - technical support and bitcoin x-change
InfinityOctopus - cabbage vendor

Power Roles:

Body Guard
Mason Member
Mason Member
Mason Member
Unknowing Werewolf
Werewolf Kin
Werewolf Kin
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Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
=== Rules ===
For those that are new, the object is simple. If you are part of the town, you want to vote for who you think is the Werewolf during the day and lynch them. If you're a Werewolf, you want to make sure you or your compatriots don't die. At night you choose a villager to make into a snack. Simple enough, right?

1. Roles will be decided on after signups. Each role is random, and I will post what roles exist in this scenario. You will know how many of each role is present.

2. If you want to know how I assign roles: I use an excel spreadsheet to assign random numbers. High numbers are team good low numbers are team evil. If you get assigned a role you didn’t like, you should have considered the possibility of getting it before you signed up.

3. If you get the assigned role, you will get it. 100% random, it's the only way to be sure.

4. If you want to join this, be as active as you can. If you are inactive in the thread for more than 1 lynching, you will be killed and banned from the next mafia game. (Future games will not be off limits). The only exception to this is if you discuss a valid excuse with me.

5. You may not collaborate with other members outside of this thread through PM, IRC, AIM, other forums threads, etc. This is on the honor system. It screws up the game for everyone else.

The new day/night sequence will be:

At MOST 8 hours for night, with it ending with my up-date.

Exactly 16 hours for day, unless everyone agrees to a lynch before 18 hours or the day starts early. The person with the most votes at the 18 hour mark will be the one killed (even if there is no majority).

Game starts at 6AM (mountain time) Thursday; Play will progress with the day phases being from 6am 10pm the same day; night actions must occur before 6am after the day phase ends. Unless there is a unanimous vote (including the person being killed) all days will continue on until their appointed sun-down; even then the 6am to 10pm schedule will hold.

For example:

Thurs 6AM Day 1 starts
Thurs 10PM day 1 ends night starts
Fri 6AM night 1 ends Day 2 starts
Fri 10PM Day 2 ends night 2 starts


7. You may not directly quote any PM that I send you relating to this game.

8. Werewolves and Masons have chat rooms for a reason. They are meant to stay private. Do not post anything from your chat room, or pretend to post anything from your chat room.

9. Role priority goes like this: Everyone's night-action goes off at the same time; though some might counter others.

10. Please do not sign up unless you can commit to interacting regularly.

11. Do not chat in the thread during night phase or if you have become a meal of any kind.

12. The exact role any player that dies is revealed.

You vote to lynch someone by typing their name with bold tags.

Roles (number determined by population of village, some may be zero):

Pro Town

Villager - Team good, likely a butcher or baker or prostitute or something...

Seer - Investigates one person each night to find out if that person is a werewolf

Mason Leader - Attempts to recruit a new mason each night, if he recruits a wolf he dies.

Mason Members- Know each-other, have a chat.

Body Guard - May protect one person from werewolf-attack a night, may not choose the same person twice; Clarification: can guard self, but not two nights in a row.

Werewolf Roles:

Werewolf - Yes, you are a werewolf... best not tell the village. You know each-other, have a chat.

Werewolf Kin - You are not a werewolf, but your cousin is! You know the werewolves and are part of their chat, but only win if THEY win (you do not kill and lose if all werewolves are killed); seer sees you as 'not a werewolf'.

Unknowing Werewolf- is told he is an innocent villager at the start, doesn't get in wolf chat, but the other werewolves are informed of his status (if all other wolves are killed he still kills at night, pick an innocent randomly)


Read through this thread for some insight into how the game plays.
Read through this thread for insight into how wolfs can win the game

** Day 1 **

The village awakens and, as per their folk ways, meets in the village square for breakfast. Shock and horror rolls across the crowd as they realize that DixyCrat the town Mayor has been eaten by a wolf; but this is no ordinary wolf, NO, the signs are unmistakable, it is clearly a werewolf.

The only way to protect the village is to find the werewolves among you and LUNCH THEM!

See post below for full rules and story-teller-archive.

== Votes ==

lightrider44 -> Drum no vote infinityoctopus -> no vote
Cuda1447 -> Alive
Alive -> Cuda Mafia
Zeze -> ElFenix
Mafia -> Alive
Krazy4Real -> Alive
InfinityOctopus -> JuJuFish
Lazarus52980 -> ALIVE

** Night 1 **

The hangman’s noose grows hungry as the sunsets over the dusty horizon. Singing and holding hands Ashenor, HardcoreRobot, Schneiderguy, Effowe and JujuFish, try to convince the rest of the villagers by chanting “Every Lynch is a Pro-Werewolf Lynch!”.

The snake thirsts for blood, and light-rider is ready to feed Drum to hit. No… LR44 joins the hippies… infinity O votes for the JuJu Fish and LR44 remembers that he knows infinityOctopus and that IOP doesn’t like the zeitgeist movement against the monetary system… but before IOP can be strung up, cuda says, vote ALIVE, he’s obnoxious! Alive interjects! CUDA, he has a fedora! Cuda says no one should die… Mafia says, Cuda’s right ALIVE is annoying! ‘No, is waiting’, ALIVE says, ‘lunch Mafia!’ Mafia stands his ground. Infinity Octopus joins the hand-holding peace-nicks and shares with them cold slaw.

Zeze wants ElFenix in the gallows, but it is too late; Audry 2 (the village name for the gallows) is alredy munching on the flesh of ALIVE as Krazy4Real swings on ALIVE’s legs after Lazurus, the town spiritual leader, convinces ALIVE
an INNOCENT Banker
to fall asleep… forever.

Innocent... or so he thought, for ALIVE is the Unknowing Werewolf

The village rejoices, shouting to the heavens and praising the name of Lazurus, Krazy and Mafia! Tonight there is wolf-flesh and wolf-blood for all the merriment and myth-making these three deserve!

The village falls asleep, content in the value of violence to solve their problems

** Day 2 ends 10pm mountain time**
The village awakens to a city center filled with offal. Eyes and testicular matter hang from the trees while a basket of half-eaten organs sit with a rib-cage on the ground. Disturbed, and afraid, the city goes through a head count….

No one has died!

Everyone rejoices and cleans the many deer carcasses from their town square; Clearly murder has kept the werewolves at bay: This must continue then, Someone MUST DIE!

=== VOTES ===
PsyJ-Say -> drum Lightrider HardCoreRobot
Drum -> HardcoreRobot

HardCoreRobot -> PSYJAY
effowe -> psyjsay
schneiderguy -> psyjay
Cuda1447 -> psyjay
SSSnail-> infinityoctopus Lazarus52980 Krazy4real Zeze InfinityOctopus chiropteran psyjsay

lightrider44 -> InfinityOctopus
Zeze -> infinityoctopus

Krazy4Real -> Zeze
Lazarus52980 -> Zeze

** Night 2 **

The city wonders why no one died despite there clearly still being wolves… psyJsay says it may be drum, Lightrider or Hardcorerobot; why? Because, she says, she is the bodyguard, protected herself, and those are whom she upset!

The ruckus that ensues with a drunken zeze also arguing that HE is the bodyguard… but no one takes this seriously… There is an extensive back-and-forth and hardCoreRobot reciprocates psyJsay’s vote by voting for her.

Lightrider doesn’t like how quiet InfinityOctopus is being and says he should DIE and SSSnail agrees!
Just then, Krazy says that Zeze’s drunken antics are pissing him off, and Zeze should be destroyed.
Zeze says that IOP is a fine bandwagon to get on, and votes with Light rider and SSSNail.

Lazurs, so instrumental in the quiet death of ALIVE puts his support behind the execution of Zeze…
To this schneiderguy says he thinks PsyJ-Say is a WOLF, and cuda agrees!
Drum doesn’t think what hard-core says about PsyJ makes any sense; so he votes for HardCoreRobot.

Psy-J, at a disadvantage, now tries desperately to explain her position, explain that the wolves were just going to eat her anyway and that she wanted to do her level best to protect the village… Sensing her own demise, she goes on one last bender with Zeze…
While they drink, SSSnail decides to try and kill, Lazurs, Krazy, Zeze, and IinfinityOcto,
Zeze and psyjay have more drinks and SSSnail finally places his vote for chiropteran and, in the end, joins the “Murder Psy-J” bandwagon.

Reluctantly the village allows HardCoreRobot and his hang’n posse of effowe, schneiderguy, Cuda and SSSnail to wrangle PsyJaySay into the hangman’s noose; drop the bottom out of the gallows and reveal the truth, that PsyJaySay

The village takes this news like Don Quijote might take the news of broken windmills… The deeper philosophical questions start to arise… what is it to murder a dead person? What is the meaning of life and death when death is assured? Have they moved up a lynching, or have they protected PsyJ-Say from the most gruesome of deaths? The village sleeps, content in the knowledge that it has done PsyJ, the city’s most fanatic devotee, the favor of a quick death…

** Day 3 Ends 10pm mountain **
The village awakens to a scene of gruesome horror.

It is clear that while the village slept three sets of bloody-harry paw-prints mucked about in blood. The wolves have stretched out the skin from the back of a corpse into a bloody hammock: which holds the head of the victim, hand firmly sewn to the face!
Looking around, it is clear that someone is missing; it is clear that
ElFenix a MASON
has been destroyed, defiled and mocked…
The village takes the death of ElFenix hard… Desperate to not become the next gruesome sight, you conclude that tonight: Someone Must DIE!

note: So i don't have to wake up at 5 am to do a write-up i'm doing a write-up if all info if I can before I go to sleep

== Votes ==
mafia -> HardcoreRobot
Krazy4Real -> Hardcorerobot
Chiropteran -> Hardcorerobot
JujuFish -> Hardcorerobot
drum -> Hardcorerobot
LightRider44 -> HardcoreRobot
Cuda1447 -> HardcoreRobot
SSSnail -> HardcoreRobot
Lazarus52980 -> hardcore robot

effowe -> SSSnail
schneiderguy -> SSSnail
Lazurus52980 -> SSSnail
HardcoreRobot -> SSSnail

SSSnail -> effowe

** Night phase 3,**

Sorrow for the dead mason fills the hearts of the village while the euthanasia of PsyJay leads to deep questions in the souls of the villagers... some feel tricked, others confused, many are just silent…

Quickly, mafia tries to bring HCR to the gallows; knowing full well that PsyJay had said that he was amongst the three people that she had upset! Soon the others that had not been part of the euthanasia movement join in, Krazy, Chiropteran, Juju, drum, lightRider, SSSnail join in the call for The cities’ conspiracy theorist’s blood!

HCR defends himself vehemently, vociferously, and veraciously! Lazarus, the spiritual leader of the town, proclaims his own agreement with the death of HCR...

But SSSNail brings attention to himself by switching his vote; across a large swath of nearly random villagers, SSSnail tries to kill kill kill kill kill... Though convinced to change his mind SSSnail changes to a vote for effowe!

Effowe too votes for SSSnail, bringing the she-whore schneider against the he-whore SSSnail; Seeing the error in his ways Lazurs moves away from the death of the hardest-core of robots and turns to the mad SSSnail; a move HCR agrees into as well.

But while the ties are turning and JujuFish is unsure of whom to kill; the sun starts to set and with the further strength of Cuda the village kills Hard Core Robot

Chiropteran objects... but it is too late

The village is distraught... why did they do this... why do they murder each other? This is what it sounds like, when villagers cry... themselves to sleep

** Day 4 **

You awaken to a skinless body in the middle of the town square. You can’t recognize the face, as all of the (nsfw)skin has been removed and the body parts have been lain in a pile upon eachother. Going up, you do recognize one thing: Where once the organs lay, there is but werewolf shit… as the village searchers they find the exceptionally happy face of
effowe the town SEER
strung up between two branches.

In a ferocious fugue state the village starts blaming one another; no one is sure who will die; but it is assured that someone Will DIE!

== Votes ==
lightrider44 -> SSSnail
Cuda1447 -> SSSnail
JujuFish -> SSSnail
Lazarus52980 -> SSSnail
Ashenor -> SSSnail
Krazy4Real -> SSSnail
schneiderguy -> SSSnail
Zeze -> SSSnail

drum -> Zeze
SSSnail -> Zeze

Zeze -> Drum

SSSnail -> Lazarus52980
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Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
I'm open to a discussion regarding which roles we'd like in the game and the power:villager ratio: thoughts?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000

will there also be a minimum length to the days?

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008

are we also going to have the rule that days are at minimum 24 hours?

There will be exactly 36 hours.

Days will start at 12:noon eastern and end at midnight eastern. Then the night phase actions will have to be over before 12:noon the next day.
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Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
There will be exactly 36 hours.

Games will start at 12:noon eastern and end at midnight eastern. Then the night phase actions will have to be over before 12:noon the next day.

ah ok

i read
36 hours for day, unless everyone agrees to a lynch before 36 hours.
as allowing shorter days


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
18 hour days with 6 hour nights are probably ok. anyone who needs to be asleep during the night phase can figure out the night's activity and pm dixy before the end of the day.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
18 hour days with 6 hour nights are probably ok. anyone who needs to be asleep during the night phase can figure out the night's activity and pm dixy before the end of the day.

We'll have one 16 hour period for voting during the day.

I may post the info for the night that evening if it takes significantly less time to do night-phase actions. In which case day will start whenever I post but will still, always, end at 10pm mt.


Feb 3, 2005
I like the idea of a day being more like a real day. Also, you might want to clarify that your times are MT in your posts, since I imagine most people on this forum are running on either ET or PT.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
I think it would be fun to give the werewolfs fun little additions.

Bloodthirsty Werewolf- MUST vote to lynch someone in a post every day.

Talky Werewolf- MUST say "werewolf" in a post once per day

Unknowing Werewolf- is told he is an innocent villager at the start, doesn't get in wolf chat, but the other werewolves are informed of his status (if all other wolves are killed he still kills at night, pick an innocent randomly)

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
I like this one
Unknowing Werewolf- is told he is an innocent villager at the start, doesn't get in wolf chat, but the other werewolves are informed of his status (if all other wolves are killed he still kills at night, pick an innocent randomly)
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