Are you a Werewolf?: (game #5: Night 6 It is over!)

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
** Night 6 **

The village looks its own mortality in the eyes; each remaining player standing ready for battle. ElFenix stands in the village square, ready to lay down his fire breathe; respectful of its awesome power. Cuda, engages El-F’s gaze and readies his keen sword, should the need arise to cut the dragon’s throat. PsyJ looks deeply into the intricacies of the dyadic relation between the two, one has just gotten the other’s number; the other had it all along…

PsyJ turns her piercing mind to an even more potent conflict: Krazy has declared that HE alone has the sight beyond sight that allows him to look into the heart of another, and tell the innocent from the guilty. He has looked into the heart of each of those here, he says, and they are all innocent… all except one, whom he has not looked into yet. While he explains that he voted for T_Y early on, he never looked into his heart: PsyJ finds this unbelievable.

T_Y and Cuda take this time to flame PsyJ's doubts, as T_Y has long known the social graces that allow one to influence the mind of another, for he is a Yakuza; having killed 88 men for the honor of his own blades. Cuda and he have long worked with one-another, and now work together to help PsyJ show Krazy for the evil deciver they know him to be. PsyJ starts to question Krazy, feigning misunderstanding, ignorance, weakness and eventually even friendship so that she may get at the truth. To the dismay of T_Y and Cuda, though, PsyJ’s insidious questioning satisfies her and she joins with Krazy against T_Y.

Immediately Cuda strikes against T_Y’s Krazy attacker, PsyJ uses her keen insight into human nature to deceive T_Y into thinking she has been injured in the Melee. As T_Y's feet pound down like meat against the pavement, PsyJ lifts her Taurus Judge to shoot T_Y. Just then, like sand dust under a full moon, Cuda appears silently in front of T_Y: The full moon shimmers off of his blade and then the blood of PsyJ's severed bloody fingers. T_Y and Cuda turn to run from the murderous villagers, but turn right into the fire-breathe of ElFenix, and as Cuda’s sword melts in the fire the village realizes that
T_Y was a WEREWOLF! And Cuda was the Cultist

Happy and safe the remaining villager, PsyJ the Mason ElFenix and the Seer Krazy all work together, unhampered by werewolves, to resurrect the rest of the village; An intense and unending party is had by all and the three left are honored with all the respect and admiration the town can muster; People come from all around to celebrate!

New rules:
you may pm, but only those next to you and one at a time.This is a 'whisper'. Wolves have no chat, masons have no chat. Wolves kill by sending me a rank-order kill list. They simply know who each other are. Cultists know who the werewolves are and the werewolves know them; they only win if the werewolves win.

Voting: unless there is a majority vote, the top two vote-getters have a run-off between 6pm and midnight where they can beg for their lives and assert the guilt of their compatriots. Everyone that did not vote for one of the top two is obligated to vote during the run-off. If you will be AFK you are welcome to PM me a rank-order list.
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Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
The essential difference in this game is that I am simulating the live-game as closely as I can.

==The roles==
Team good:
1 seer

2 masons

Team evil:
2 werewolves

1 cultist

=== Rules ===

For those that are new, the object is simple. If you are part of the town, you want to vote for who you think is the Werewolf during the day and lynch them. If you're a Werewolf, you want to make sure you or your compatriots don't die. At night you choose a villager to make into a snack. Simple enough, right?

To join write the number of the seat you are taking (this allows you to sit near people you may want to work with)

1. Roles will be decided after signups. Each role is random, and I will post what roles that exist in this scenario. You will know how many of each role is present.

2. If you want to know how I assign roles: I use an excel spreadsheet to assign random numbers. High numbers are team good low numbers are team evil. If you get assigned a role you didn't like, you should have considered the possibility of getting it before you signed up.

3. If you get an assigned role, you will get it. 100% random, it's the only way to be sure. I will send you your 'card'. Your 'card' will be revealed when you die.

4. If you want to join this, be as active as you can. If you are inactive in the thread for more than 1 lynching, you will be killed and banned from the next mafia game. (Future games will not be off limits). The only exception to this is if you discuss a valid excuse with me.

5. You may collaborate with other members outside of this thread but ONLY people you are sitting next to!. It is cheating to contact ANYONE that is not to your immediate right or left and you may only contact those people 1 at a time. This simulates the "whispering" that might occur during the game.

6.The day/night sequence will be:

At MOST 8 hours for night, with it ending with my up-date.

At LEAST 18 hours for day. If there is a majority of people voting for one person, that person has until 6pm to get people to withdraw their votes for him; this is a 'last stand' If there is no majority at 6PM then the two people with the most votes are selected for a second vote

At MOST 6 hours for a second vote is allowed. As soon as any one of them has the majority vote that person is lynched: At this point you MUST vote for one of the two people This phase will last until a majority is reached. If you already voted for one of the top two, you do not need to reaffirm your vote. If you will be AFK you are welcome to PM me a rank-order kill-list.

Game starts at 6PM (mountain time) Wednesday; Play will progress with the day phases being from when the village awakens to 6pm the same day. Night actions must occur before 6am after the day phase ends. Unless there is a unanimous vote (including the person being killed) all days will continue on until their appointed sun-down.

For example:

Wed 6PM Day 1 starts
Thurs 6PM day 1 ends night starts, day 2 starts after night-actions
Friday 6PM Day 2 ends, there is no majority, the top two are listed and the majority-vote-getter, after six hours, is lynched. night2, day 3 starts after night-actions

7. You may not directly quote any PM that I send you relating to this game. You may not directly quote ANY PMs regarding the game or any conversations with anyone, at all. You CAN lie about what the person to your right whispered to you when talking to the person on your left (and vice versa)

8. Werewolves and Masons have no chat room. Werewolves should PM me during the night with a rank-order list of kill preference.
Joining the list:
number 1 on both lists gets one point
number 2 on both lists gets two points
I will add the point-value up between the lists and the person with the lowest number will be eaten.

9. I must be included in PMs

10. Please do not sign up unless you can commit to interacting regularly.

11. Do not chat in the thread during night phase or if you have become a meal of any kind.

12. The exact role of any player that dies is revealed.

13. When someone dies the chair is removed and a if that person was to your right or left, there is a new person to your right or left.

You vote to lynch someone by typing their name with bold tags.

Roles (number determined by population of village, some may be zero):

Pro Town

Villager - Team good, likely a butcher or baker or prostitute or something...

Seer - Investigates one person each night to find out if that person is a werewolf

Mason Members- Know each-other.

Body Guard - May protect one person from werewolf-attack a night, may not choose the same person twice; Clarification: can guard self, but not two nights in a row.

Werewolf Roles:

Werewolf - Yes, you are a werewolf... best not tell the village. You know each-other.

Cultists - You are not a werewolf, but you live to serve them! You want the werewolves to win, and you know who the werewolves are but the werewolves do not know who you are seer sees you as 'not a werewolf'.


Read through this thread for some insight into how the game plays.
Read through this thread for insight into how wolfs can win the game

** Day 1 ends 6pm mountain time **

==The players==


The villagers meet in the town square, as is their custom, for a hearty breakfast. Upon arriving they realize that the beautiful Astrid,
the town heirophant,
has had her breasts ripped from her torso and eyes gouged out!

This MUST be the work of werewolves! There's only one reason the heirophant would be killed and only one thing this could mean: You're next!

Not wanting to die the most horrible and gruesome death, the town steels its courage and decides it must lynch someone, tonight: someone must die!

== Votes ==
InfinityOctopus -> lightrider
Krazy4Real -> LightRider
JujuFish -> LightRider
Ashenor -> LightRider
Cuda1447 -> LightRider

lightrider44 -> InfinityOctopus
Cuda1447 -> Xed
Xed -> Cuda1447
Chiropteran -> Drum
PsyJSay -> elfinix

** Day 1 Stand-Off Ends midnight tonight**

Because the majority did not vote for any one person during the lynch phase everyone is now required to vote for one of the top two!

The assumed votes stand as such:

InfinityOctopus -> lightrider
Krazy4Real -> LightRider
JujuFish -> LightRider
Ashenor -> LightRider
Cuda1447 -> LightRider
schneiderguy -> LightRider
Chiropteran -> LightRider
ElFenix -> lightrider

lightrider44 -> InfinityOctopus Krazy4Real
Xed -> Cuda1447
drum -> ElFenix
PsyJSay -> elfinix
T_Yamamoto -> Drum (this was illegal because I made a mistake)
T_Yamamoto -> ElFenix
Chiropteran -> Drum

you may now ONLY vote for LightRider, InfinityOctopus, Cuda1447, Krazy4Real or ElFinix

If you have not voted you MUST vote You are welcome to change your mind on who you are voting for as well

** Night 1 **
Lead by the murder-rage of IOcto, Krazy and his Fish friend rip the jaw from the disgusting Light-Mubbler… Ashenor and Cuda join in, stabbing this monstrous harry man in the eyes. Schenider and Chiropteran follow suit, ripping the flesh from his chest like so many wolves ripped at the heart of the Hierophant!

ElFenix stands above it all, sad to see murder afoot and barely surviving a lynching attempt of his own. He drops the killing below, a pair Chinese Bronze Jain … LightRider gurgles from a half-removed neck I am the SEER why can’t you SEE THAT!; but as ElFenix pulls back the dragon-hilt-blades from the heart of LightRider
He reverts to his WOLF FORM

The city rejoices! A long day and the many hours of fighting are over. DEATH has been wrought down upon the overly-obvious werewolf! The villagers enjoy the night with revelry and joy, happy that they have no innocent blood on their hands…. Yet… and with that yet in the back of their minds, the village sleeps

** Day 2 **

==The players==

note that new people may whisper to each-other now

Day 2

The village awakens with hope and anticipation; last night was a good night!

Why, while they've been sleeping someone has strung red streamers about the court yard! The merriment ensues and an anonymous sausage breakfast is had by all! Soon though your merriment is turned to woe as you realized that one one amongst you is missing! Shortly after the village starts to turn dizy at it realizes that the anonomous streamers are well cut strips of human flesh... to the person the villagers vomit and cry as they realize their sausage breakfast consisted of
Xed an INNOCENT villager!

What kind of monsters would do such a henious thing to the town Alkymist?! Someone will pay for Xed's murder! someone must die!

== Votes ==
Ashenor -> InfinityOctopus
Krazy4Real -> T_Yamamoto
JujuFish -> Chiropteran
PsyJSay -> Chiropteran
** Day 2 STAND OFF ends Midnight**
In the town square many villagers don't want to commit to a murder. All but a few have no innocent blood.. But still, Ashenor is incredulous of the hate presented by LightRider against InfinOcto. Krazy4Real says that T_Yamamoto's unwillingness to vote for LightRider is much more telling; but even more vociverous are JujuFish and PsyJSay who think that the analytical and level headed Chiropteran is much too suspicious!

You MUST vote for someon, it can only be one of these three:

== Votes ==

Krazy4Real -> T_Yamamoto
drum -> T_Yamamoto
Ashenor -> T_Yamamoto
Chiropteran -> T_Yamamoto
ElFenix -> T_Yamamoto

JujuFish -> Chiropteran
PsyJSay -> Chiropteran
InfinityOctopus -> Chiropteran
schneiderguy -> Chiropteran
Cuda1447 -> Chiropteran
Ashenor -> InfinityOctopus
Ashenor -> InfinityOctopus

** Day 3 ends 6pm mt**
The night was disconcerting for few, as not spilling innocent blood is a driving motivation for all who poses a normal psyche. After a long night of restful sleep the village awkaens!

The sun is extra bright, making dim the image you encounter in the well shaded town square. As the haze of light turns into a clarity that can only exist when a life is on the line, you notice Drum on the ground.. gurgling.

You approach him, try to stop the bleeding from his neck but know it's a lost cause. Your emotions take over, the strategy of asking "who did this" becomes unreasonable as what now makes sense is only that which makes Drum feel better...

Pulling his body closer, hopefully to prop up his bleeding neck, you draw his upper torso away from his body... He screams in pain; the wolf tore him in half, but pushed him back together... leaving his writing body on the ground, nerve endings exposed and spinal-cord still intact...

The blood loss and pain end Drum's life; it is only then that you realize that drum was
an INNOCENT villager!

Shocked by the inhumanity of the wolf, driven to furry by the ever-present image of Drum's intestines spilling from his torso like an egg from its shell: you see and feel nothing but hate for that wolf! Someone among you did this someone must DIE!

** Night 2 **

The village screams about who they might kill, fights break out in a drunken brawl, the town is split; but only because T_Y refuses to kill, saying he'd rather just kill himself... but the words are not back up with deed and the town falls asleep having killed no one.
== the players ==

** Night 3 **

The day end sand the village has decided that simply not voting and allowing themselves to be eaten is the best choice. Content to be slowly eaten one-at-a-time the village falls asleep

** Day 4 **

The village awakens, unwilling to kill anyone the day before each villager can't help but feel intense guilt they come upon the head of ashenor
on a spike in the center of the town square.

== the votes ==
Cuda1447 -> krazy4real
Chiropteran -> krazy4real

Krazy4Real -> InfinityOctopus
psyjsay -> InfinityOctopus
T_Yamamoto -> InfinityOctopus
JujuFish -> InfinityOctopus

== the players ==

** Night 4 **

The city slices I/O into an Infinite number of tentacle rings... only then do they realize that InfinityOctopus was

With fear and trembling the city works out its own sleep.

** Day 4 Stand off **
The villagers have awoken to death that is assured if they are not willing to kill to protect themselves. Realizing this Cuda and Chiropteran come after Krazy4Real whle Krazy, PsyJ and T_Y determine the most likely culprit is InfinityOctopus!

Someone MUST die so that the rest might live.

** Day 5 **
The village awakens, to find a leathery confetti dotting the village square... After careful attention is paid to the evidence at hand, it becomes apparent that
Chiropteran an INNOCENT villager
is dead!

There is no doubt that something wicked is afoot! Someone must die!

** Night 5 **

Despite the objections of Cuda, Krazy, Juju and Psy gang up against Schenider Guy, pushing him into the noose and gallows; disgusted by his leather-face ElFenix pulls the switch and Schneider's neck breaks!

Swinging there, like so many apples, the village realizes they have killed
an INNOCENT villager!

The greatest guild for this innocent blood falls to those that didn't kill at all... they should be ware, as they werewolves may well eat more than one person this evening!

Questioning everything about themselves the village falls fast asleep

** Day 6 **

The village awakens to find scales and tiny bones strewn about! The village quickly realizes that
JujuFish a MASON
has been killed!

Clearly in pain the village lashes out, forms a mob and seeks to cover the pain inside with murder Someone MUST Die!

* ShowDown! *

This is it. If the village fails to kill a werewolf or his helper tonight, and team evil knows each-ohter, then it's BLOODY DEATH for the villagers!

The scent of death, sweat and old corpuses hangs heavy in the air.

Standing on one side are Cuda and PsyJay wanting to kill Krazy
On the other stands Krazy, saying he's the seer, says the wolf is Y_T

This standoff will end at high-midnight, mountain time.
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Senior member
May 10, 2001
Proposal - All lynch votes should be in bold red to make them stand out better and symbolize the ruthless murderings that they cause.

For example, I think InfinityOctopus is a murderous wolf and expect him to be launched. Into the sun.


Mar 4, 2011
Can't play this time, off to a vacation.

Best of luck my previous team.

I just wanted to say thanks to Dixy for hosting a very fun game.

Dr. Zaus

Oct 16, 2008
Any thoughts on the seating-simulation to allow for whispering?

It is a common tactic for the seer to suss-out someone to their right and someone to their left and then let either person know what they find; may be even passing it a few up the chain so that a villager can "come out as the seer" without losing the seer.

Similarly, making things up about this can be a useful gambit for a wolf-kin and a dangerous but profitable one for a wolf.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
I'm hoping that by sitting next to him, I'll be able to really tell if Ashenor is a wolf or not... this time.
Oct 9, 2011
Proposal - All lynch votes should be in bold red to make them stand out better and symbolize the ruthless murderings that they cause.

For example, I think InfinityOctopus is a murderous wolf and expect him to be launched. Into the sun.

I agree, this should avoid confusion by OP.


I once heard a story from DixyCrat that his friend in rl once had a very awkward situation with a family dog. Lightrider44 apparently had an intimate experience with a confused dog and did not force the poor animal to stop its' maddening thrusts as Lightrider44 craved the brevity of physical contact, this is why he is the werewolf and should be lynched. much different than a more official posting signifying your vote...

Lightrider44 is a young man who is much more well known in several anthropomorphic enthusiast groups under a very colorful name that I will not state. His personal "fursona" is a large neon blue cat who wears a black trench coat and oozes cool while fighting the oppressive elements of the government that hinder the technological advancements that would bring about the Zeitgeist revolution. This is why I think Lightrider44 is a werewolf and should be lynched.

I agree that this makes it much easier to scan the forum effectively while still promoting conversation.


Golden Member
May 9, 2012
I'm hoping that by sitting next to him, I'll be able to really tell if Ashenor is a wolf or not... this time.

I could not believe last game when Drum, Zeze, and me were wolves again, plus we had Alive as the unknown wolf, i just said let him die from the start, no use us looking suspcious trying to save him.

I will end up being the Seer this game and lunched the first day by the town hah.
Nov 7, 2000
sitting this one out, unsure i can dedicate the time for the whispering. clarification on rules though, when you say cant talk to more than one neighbor at a time, that just means no group convos right? bc your left and right are not adjacent to each other?


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
sitting this one out, unsure i can dedicate the time for the whispering. clarification on rules though, when you say cant talk to more than one neighbor at a time, that just means no group convos right? bc your left and right are not adjacent to each other?

I am hoping for clarification also, but my assumption right now is it just means you must PM them individually, you can't send one PM and cc both of your neighbors.

As I read it you could repeat a message to send the same information to each, in succession, you just can't send one message to both simultaneously, and no chat boards.


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
i pass this game i go for holiday
i wont be lunched
i wont be the first to be lunched
i win
i win


Golden Member
May 9, 2012
i pass this game i go for holiday
i wont be lunched
i wont be the first to be lunched
i win
i win

Alive is going to be alive at the end of day one!

Have a good vacation.


Senior member
May 10, 2001
Obviously, elaborate falsehoods are exactly the kind of thing that werewolves would employ in order to draw suspicion away from themselves.

Isn't that right, InfinityOctopus?!


Golden Member
May 21, 2012
Alive is going to be alive at the end of day one!

Have a good vacation.
the funny think is
that 2 games ago i was so afraid i will be still playing and i will have to go on voacation
lol i was so optimist how long i will stay in the game
good game to all
see you all at tuesday
next game i will host it
it will be vampires
i will be the vampire and you can not lunch me lol
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