Are you guys READY for a female US President?

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Jul 17, 2003
Yes I think the country is ready for a female president, and yes Hillary has a good shot at it for that matter. Rice, on the other hand, no way. Her past dishonesty and spinelessness at the 9/11 Hearings (on top of 'sleeping on the job' for 9 months at the begining of her current job) is easily all worthy of me never voting for her, ever.

Not so sure the fundie right will go for Guiliani, and I'm not so sure the sensible right will want to risk splitting the party over abortion. A McCain ticket might hold some water though... :thumbsup:

I'd vote for Barack over Hillary though. It'd be nice to have some intellect back in the White House again, but more importantly he's not a PNAC lackey. In fact, I can't say I've ever heard a single negative thing about him. Too good to be true? Wish I could vote in Democrat primaries!
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: CSMR

Yes I have been reasonably coherent.

So this is coherent?

I agree think being black and female won't hurt her chances with republicans at all.

I don't really understand this either:

Many republicans feel strongly about expressing public approval of homosexual activity (e.g. in Gay marriage); many also feel strongly about limiting the rights of people who are "actively homosexual"; almost none I would suggest want to restrict the rights of people who have homosexual inclinations or of people who do not marry or have heterosexual relationships.



Golden Member
Apr 24, 2004
Yes, it is coherent. Even if it is wrong, it makes sense. It means that the characteristics of being black and female won't hurt her chances of being voted for by republicans in the nomination contest and in the presidential election. That is in agreement with your statement (insofar as it concerns being a woman and being black):
"None of those are characteristics that are likely to alienate a lot of the Republican base."

The paragraph of mine you quoted relates to your "lesbian" claims and that she would not go down well with republicans who want to limit "'gay' rights". But you have to be careful what you mean by "gay rights". By "gay" you mean homosexual. But if you allow homosexual to include being asexual or include having homosexual inclinations but not acting on those inclinations then you can't say that republicans are against "gay rights". Hardly any republicans want to restrict the rights of homosexual people if they don't engage in homosexual behaviour. And certainly hardly any will want to restrict the rights of people who don't have heterosexual "relationships".


Aug 5, 2000
sure i'd vote for a female president.

i just don't think that there are any truly qualified ones positioned to step up at this time.

hillary will get the same treatment that gore got (guilt by association to bill).
condi has taken on the image of being more of a dependent than of being a take-charge kind of leader that the repubs like to offer, imo.

I'd vote for Barack over Hillary though. It'd be nice to have some intellect back in the White House again, but more importantly he's not a PNAC lackey. In fact, I can't say I've ever heard a single negative thing about him. Too good to be true? Wish I could vote in Democrat primaries!

a worthy foe indeed, but he needs a little more thickening of the skin. i'm sure the repubs are wary of him and have already drawn up contingency plans for his demise. if the last two pres. elections are indicative of what obama is going to have to deal with, he'll definetly need more bulking up before he tosses in.


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: kage69
Yes I think the country is ready for a female president, and yes Hillary has a good shot at it for that matter. Rice, on the other hand, no way. Her past dishonesty and spinelessness at the 9/11 Hearings (on top of 'sleeping on the job' for 9 months at the begining of her current job) is easily all worthy of me never voting for her, ever.

Not so sure the fundie right will go for Guiliani, and I'm not so sure the sensible right will want to risk splitting the party over abortion. A McCain ticket might hold some water though... :thumbsup:

I'd vote for Barack over Hillary though. It'd be nice to have some intellect back in the White House again, but more importantly he's not a PNAC lackey. In fact, I can't say I've ever heard a single negative thing about him. Too good to be true? Wish I could vote in Democrat primaries!

Barack lacks experience. He'll be ready by the time Hillary steps down. I predict a 'golden age' of Democratic politics in Washington - 8 years of Hillary, followed by a further 8 years of Obama. This will be Dumbya's legacy.



Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Hillary is way to far to the right for me (though I will vote for her if push come to shove). A person like Hillary is what I hope one day will be the "far right" that not even the right votes for because her ideas are too far out there.


Senior member
Dec 27, 2005
I'll vote for a straight/gay, male/female, republican/democrat candidate/bystander... apparantley those exist somewhere...
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: ScottyB
Hillary is way to far to the right for me (though I will vote for her if push come to shove). A person like Hillary is what I hope one day will be the "far right" that not even the right votes for because her ideas are too far out there.

Ummmm... Apparently you lean so far left you've fallen over and hit your head. Yikes.


Aug 24, 2004
Rudy, Jeb, Frist or any other Republican has good chances of winning on 08. The Democrat party's bright spot, Hillary, will probably not even get the nomination. I really like her politics, she knows quite a bit about dealing with controversy and can take a lot of heat.

The Democrats have had such a long time to go on the offensive and launch their ideas towards the public, but they have failed in every way. The Alito case showed how the Democrats seem misguided in every step they take. It's not good for America as one party has taken control. The Republicans have made so many mistakes in the past few months yet the Democrats still have not gone on the offensive. What is it going to take?

Moveon and other fringe groups do not count. The attack has to come from mainstream Democrats.


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: EatSpam
Originally posted by: aidanjm
'cos you're gonna have one in less than 2 years

How will America adjust to a female President? Discuss.

There will be a lot of Red State types complaining. We'll probably see a lot of closet misogynists come out of the woodwork.

Personally, I'll vote for the most qualified person, male or female, gay or straight, any color. Unfortunately, I'll probably won't get to vote for an atheist, but that'll be soon enough, I suppose.

Actually, no. You're one of the people here who likes to spread the usual BS about "red states vs blue states". This is America and like every other country, different parts of this country are just that, different. Not all states are going to be Democratic like you want and not all states are going to have the same beliefs as a whole.

You keep saying your usual hateful stuff about red states. Have you ever been down south? Have you ever been to the neighborhoods and talked to people? The south is just as tolerant as the north. Its just the lies spread by the usual people about the south being bigoted.

It's no worse than Boston or any other of your "enlightened" cities.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: raildogg
Rudy, Jeb, Frist or any other Republican has good chances of winning on 08. The Democrat party's bright spot, Hillary, will probably not even get the nomination. I really like her politics, she knows quite a bit about dealing with controversy and can take a lot of heat.

The Democrats have had such a long time to go on the offensive and launch their ideas towards the public, but they have failed in every way. The Alito case showed how the Democrats seem misguided in every step they take. It's not good for America as one party has taken control. The Republicans have made so many mistakes in the past few months yet the Democrats still have not gone on the offensive. What is it going to take?

Moveon and other fringe groups do not count. The attack has to come from mainstream Democrats.

Some don't believe Rudy could get nominated. I feel quite differently about that. I think the guy's got alot to offer. Look what he did for NY, prior to 9/11. We definitely need someone like him running the country.



Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
Originally posted by: raildogg
Rudy, Jeb, Frist or any other Republican has good chances of winning on 08. The Democrat party's bright spot, Hillary, will probably not even get the nomination. I really like her politics, she knows quite a bit about dealing with controversy and can take a lot of heat.

The Democrats have had such a long time to go on the offensive and launch their ideas towards the public, but they have failed in every way. The Alito case showed how the Democrats seem misguided in every step they take. It's not good for America as one party has taken control. The Republicans have made so many mistakes in the past few months yet the Democrats still have not gone on the offensive. What is it going to take?

Moveon and other fringe groups do not count. The attack has to come from mainstream Democrats.

Some don't believe Rudy could get nominated. I feel quite differently about that. I think the guy's got alot to offer. Look what he did for NY, prior to 9/11. We definitely need someone like him running the country.

That is very true. He turned the city compleltely around, him and his great police commissioners. He took the city, which was a complete mess under Dinkins and turned it around. Many say his policies were harsh, but I say that they worked. The police finally got tough and really started to act like police. He turned New York City into one of America's safest cities. I feel things are going down under Bloomberg however.

He was an excellent mayor.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Frackal
I'm confident I know more about the political climate in your country than most Americans. But that's not saying much.


The rules here prohibit me from fully summarizing my opinion on your attitude.

Unbelievable? Your faith that the average American gives a sh1t about politics past uninformed, knee-jerk bias is unbelievable. You're politically expressing yourself on a COMPUTER hardware forum for god's sake. If the majority of your peers were politicallly informed and motivated enough to have a decent conversation with you wouldn't even be here; none of us would. Hence, the man's point


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
I was more irritated about the second part, the "but that's not saying much" [because Americans are pretty stupid in general] seemed to be the extension of that comment.


Jul 17, 2003
The south is just as tolerant as the north. Its just the lies spread by the usual people about the south being bigoted.

You're welcome to that opinion no matter how badly it contrasts with reality, but I think you should get out and travel more before making statements like that. Have you traveled at all in these regions? I mean, beyond it flying by through a car window on I95? The most extreme rascists and bigots I've come across in my travels ALL came from the Deep South. Hell, some of them are family members of mine. I'm not saying bigots and rascists don't exist elsewhere as well, but I've never seen them in such abundance or with such acceptance, as in the Alabama, Georgia, and Florida panhandle area. I never encountered racialy motivated violence in school until I moved to Florida as well (and I was born in Detroit!) Seriously though, I am in constant transit up and down the East Coast. I've lived in Michigan, New England, Maryland and Virginia, both tips of Florida and now currently have homes in Maine and Florida. If you are really trying to say there is no discernable difference between Southern Alabama and say, rural Massachusetts in regards to racial and religious tolerance, and that it's all just a pack of lies...sure, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I've heard stranger from you before.

Edit: Made me remember a funny thing that happened in Pensacola; I moved from an apartment to renting a house while in college. While moving in, I saw the neighbors behind my lot chilling on their lawn watching me. I go over to say hi and intro, and the first words out of the wife's mouth were, and I quote "Are you a pagan by any chance?" :laugh: Days later I was chewed out for not having a wife and for having female visitors. Muahaha. Tolerant. Yeah.



Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
she'd have to be nailz like a martha type.

and no southern or whatever accent. it'd make me think she's baking apple pies in the WhiteHouse.



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
If you vote in Hillary, you could argue you get Bill again by proxy, lot of voters who wouldn't mind that I bet.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2006
I don't know if anyone else has noticed yet, but both Chile and Liberia elected female presidents....I personally think that is interesting but they undoubtedly will face difficult challenges (particularly liberia) notwithstanding any scrutiny based on them being women.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Tom Vislack will be the 2008 Democratic Nominee and eventual president. You heard it here first.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2004
Originally posted by: aidanjm
'cos you're gonna have one in less than 2 years

How will America adjust to a female President? Discuss.

****** no. I am not voting for a female president ( clinton).
Jun 27, 2005
It's from Drudge... So take it for what it's worth.

Wed Jan 25 2006 10:50:26 ET

Most voters now say there's no way they'd vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton if she runs for president in 2008 - while just 16 percent are firmly in her camp, a stunning new poll shows.

CNNGALLUP found that 51 percent say they definitely won't vote for Clinton (D-N.Y.) in 2008, another 32 percent might consider it, and only 16 percent vow to back her. That means committed anti-Hillary voters outnumber pro-Hillary voters by 3-1. The poll suggests she can forget about crossover votes - 90 percent of Republicans and 75 percent of conservatives say there's no way they'd back her.

Meanwhile, 46% said they would oppose Secretary of State Rice if she ran for President - a step Rice has repeatedly said she won't take.

Granted, 2008 is a looooooong way away in the political universe and that 16% will at least triple if she gets the Dem nom. But it looks like Hill has a long row to hoe if she wants to win.

I wonder if anyone will publish this poll?



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: aidanjm
'cos you're gonna have one in less than 2 years

How will America adjust to a female President? Discuss.
And just who is this going to be?

Hillary? Not a chance in hell.

Condi? See above.


Feb 6, 2002
I am ready for a female president, but I want someone with some character and personal values. Hillary does not fit that bill. She does not represent mainstream America. She is a leftist eletist radical. She is the opposite of Buchanan.

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
For a female president: yes, I am.

For Hillary Clinton: Hell no. Can't we find another woman to be first? Please?
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