Are you homophobic?

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Oct 19, 2000
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: blurredvision
Originally posted by: rudeguy
I guess I don't understand why some guys are so afraid of gay people. While I am perfectly straight, I have no problem with making jokes about taking it up the pooper. If I find out that someone is really homophobic, I will mess with him non-stop.

Just because I don't like talking about anal sex with gay guys doesn't mean I'm homophobic.

yes it does.

Now come on over and snuggle up. Lets talk about it.

If a gay guy didn't like making jokes about sticking his dick in a vagina, would that make him heterophobic?


Sep 4, 2006
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: TridenTBoy3555
I am gay, and I love it! :|

That's nice.

I know.

:clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock:


Jun 5, 2006
People on either side who care enough about the subject to get angry at the other side need to take a chill pill. Sexual orientation doesn't matter. Who cares? What the hell does it matter ONE BIT what someone else's preferences are?

If you don't like gays, then don't be gay. If you don't like heteros, then go back to listening to george michael. Why does this even have to be an arguement :frown:

You, stay on your side. And you, you stay on your side. Don't make me pull this car over! :|


Apr 26, 2001
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
I am not homophobic. I do however refuse to be around that small percentage of homosexuals who are the "loud and proud" type who want to be as in-your-face with it as possible. No better than any other couple making out non-stop around you. I think a passionate kiss is awesome to see, shows passion thats there. Non-stop deepthroating your partner's tongue I can do without though.

Don't worry, most of the gay community feels the same way.
We're called self-hating gays :roll:

To address the thread.. anyone who thinks gay people should somehow have less rights because of their hardwired sexual preference are no different than the ignorant whites who wanted to deprive black people the right to drink from the same water fountain and the right to vote. There's nothing you can possibly do to justify denying another American equal rights and doing so makes you look absolutely fucking foolish and frankly unAmerican. It's disgustingly pathetic and makes me ashamed you dare call yourself as such.

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: TridenTBoy3555
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: TridenTBoy3555
I am gay, and I love it! :|

That's nice.

I know.

:clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock:

He loves the clock.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2004
I don't believe that being gay is a choice, but personally I don't see why it would matter one bit if it is. It seems like the "religious right" are forcing homosexuals to defend themselves for something which should not need to be defended. So what if someone likes anyone of the same sex whether it is "hardwired" or not. Since when did we take away freedom of choice.

Also to everyone who says "I'm ok with gays unless they hit on me", I understand this point of view - at one point I probably felt the same way. But thnk about it this way - if you didn't know a woman was a lesbian, and you hit on her, should she be upset with you? Most likely she would feel flattered (on some level). I think most people who hold the "unless they hit on me" point of view have probably never been actually hit on by someone of the same sex.

As for gay marriage, I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that there is even a debate on this issue - first of all, what harm does it do to John Q. Homophobe if gays do get married? Secondly, how is this not intrinsically a civil rights issue - a significant minority of people is being denied "the pursuit of happiness". Personally I think that marriage in itself should really just be a religious issue. Everyone should get civil unions, which would then be implied in marriage (so it would seem exactly the same for anyone who wanted to get married), and let the various churches decide if they are going to marry certain people or not, just as they do already.

Oy. frickin. Vey.

Now all of you, go watch Milk.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Jeff7
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
This is more or less my own viewpoint. The idea behind those who insist that EVERY CASE of homosexuality is choice (besides the impossibility of the Good Lord making bit of a goof every now and then) is that it is impossible for that little bit of wiring that controls our sexual orientation to malfunction. Why in the world would anyone think that? Yet there it is every time someone claims that being homosexual is not a genetic predisposition.
And that I think is the key problem that the religious community encounters, before rationalizing it away an instant later.

If being gay is a sin, then it MUST be a choice. Otherwise, it would be God's own doing in assigning a person's sexual orientation before birth. The possibilities that creates are:
1) God assigns a sinful sexual orientation to a person, condemning them to eternal damnation. Ergo, God sentences a person to Hell before that person is even born.
2) Being gay isn't really a sin, since God assigns sexual orientation during the "miracle" of conception.
3) God is a psychotic hypocrite.
4) 1, 2, or 3 cannot be possible at all, therefore homosexuality MUST be a choice, meaning that we humans can freely judge and persecute these horrid sinful creatures. Oh, what a shame that the Christian God doesn't condone stoning to death, or we'd probably be doing that too, just as Jesus intended. Love thy fellow man. Unless he loves you back.

This, combined with your previous post where you replied to me, I completely agree with.

It's a matter of looking at this situation as both one of nature and one of society, but one is backwards from the other, and I'll give you one guess as to which one is the wrong one.
So that makes all of this a tough argument to take a side on. I naturally want to take the side of nature, but if we took to nature to the degree I'd prefer, we'd damn ourselves to a terrible life. Hell, go the other route and take the side of society to the degree we do today, and then some... and we damn ourselves as well. We aren't making the right decisions period, and sometimes the right decisions have terrible consequences to either our egos or consciences. Life, and specifically not just maintaining life, but moving forward, is a precious balancing act that is both great and terrible at every turn. And that's the path I believe we should choose. It'll test our own ability as a species, and we'll better our species at the same time.
Best path to do so: genetic engineering. Yep, morality is going to weigh itself based on the idea of stamping out genetic defects or not... but, what's the best path for the species? What will see us get our rancid selves off this ever-so-damned rock and into space to potentially live for eons?
Or, figure out a way to live forever, and thus we'll negate the need to breed, and ooops.. we just made ourselves Gods. :laugh: Of course we'll go to war with each other over this very concept, and kill off so many that only a handful survive, make a pact with each other, and go off on their own godly paths.
I like this idea. Let's do it. :laugh:

Back on topic:
Religion itself is obviously a farce in that it makes humans judge and essentially become the most supreme hypocrites.
But back to the nature vs society concept.
Birth defects are a terrible thing in general. Those with them don't want the normal public to feel bad for them, and the public does everything possible to treat them like normal. Sometimes, and I hate to say it, but sometimes these individuals are a burden. Either they cost all of society a great deal, or their parents must pay large sums to keep them alive. And for what? Just to have a taste at life?

The problem is religion too: We place life on too high of a pedestal, it is cherished and valued more than it ever should be. Sure, it's great, but there is a limit.
Nature has a different attitude towards birth defects. Death by nature. It happens. Tribes either abandoned kin, animal families will treat them with less attention, or they are just more susceptible to death by other animals. We, being at the top, don't have this issue nearly as often, especially not with man having the numbers it currently has across the globe. In some regions animals still hunt us, like remote regions of Africa, but in other regions we dominate and intimidate other animals unless separated from the group. We act the same exact way.
But we don't do it with each other, which is weird because many other species basically abandon their weak. We give our weak more love than our strong on many occasion. And our strong get hated for gloating. Shit, the strongest should gloat and get the best mates imho. Then again, there's that whole love and emotions thing. Screws us up a lot.

I don't really favor either one. But look at what the Greeks did, well specifically those in Sparta - they abandoned/killed any baby that didn't look like it could become strong. Morally that might seem extreme to some people, but in all honesty, it leads to a better species. So what do we do? Be weak minded and let all of our weak live, just because life is so special? Or actually care about our species and do what we can to improve it? Now that can be taken to an extreme, and I don't mean to say we should go for that extreme. But incorporate such a philosophy into life a little bit I think... maybe not by abandoning our weak, but rather by stamping out the genes that make the weak even possible. I'm fine with it personally.

Oh, and a few other posts have brought up the issue of civil rights:
I full support civil rights, but somethings don't belong as a right. And all you damn hippies need to get this through your skull: the USA is not a damned free state, where you can get away with everything. We are a federal republic that has granted much needed freedoms to its people, but never stated you can do everything.
So personally, I do feel that as such, being gay is legal, because no law was ever written saying otherwise. BUT, that's not a federal law. Rights regarding marriage and sex is state and local level. Protest your states, but if they pass a law saying gay love is illegal, then so be it, or legally protest the law. Don't get killed over it though, but protest it if you desire. If the state government cares, they'll change it, or they won't and so be it. Move, or get on with life.
But, that's back to the nature/society thing. Neither is wholly right for us as a species in our current state, but we need to moderate them both. Just because legally one can choose to be a homosexual... is it right? As an animal, is it something we want to exist forever? Sure, it's some strange way to control population numbers, but I'd rather let viruses and whatnot do that.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: loup garou
Originally posted by: TridenTBoy3555
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: TridenTBoy3555
I am gay, and I love it! :|

That's nice.

I know.

:clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock: :clock:

He loves the clock.


Being gay is pretty disgusting, especially the flamboyants. That being said, it really isnt my business, and I would never try and tell them that they shouldnt love the man-meat anymore.



Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2004
Originally posted by: destrekor
I full support civil rights, but somethings don't belong as a right. And all you damn hippies need to get this through your skull: the USA is not a damned free state, where you can get away with everything. We are a federal republic that has granted much needed freedoms to its people, but never stated you can do everything.

This is a little off topic, but regarding the idea of government and us damn hippies:

The natural state of things is not to have constraints. Something isn't prohibited until it is explicitly allowed, and the view that it is is rather Orwellian of you. Freedoms are not granted unless they have been taken away. The first amendment does not give freedom of speech, it protects against having it taken away.

That being said, I'm really trying to understand where you all are coming from, but I personally feel that the view that being gay is somehow wrong is akin to racism, classism, sexism, and all the other isms that are essentially rooted in bigotry and ignorance.

Also your apparent embrace of eugenics is rather disturbing.


Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
I don't think I'm homophobic. At least not consciously or intentionally.

Do you have homosexual thoughts?

Only ones involving Rossman .... Does that count?

Perfectly normal actually.

Now if nik was involved, you should be concerned.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: morkus64
Originally posted by: destrekor
I full support civil rights, but somethings don't belong as a right. And all you damn hippies need to get this through your skull: the USA is not a damned free state, where you can get away with everything. We are a federal republic that has granted much needed freedoms to its people, but never stated you can do everything.

This is a little off topic, but regarding the idea of government and us damn hippies:

The natural state of things is not to have constraints. Something isn't prohibited until it is explicitly allowed, and the view that it is is rather Orwellian of you. Freedoms are not granted unless they have been taken away. The first amendment does not give freedom of speech, it protects against having it taken away.

That being said, I'm really trying to understand where you all are coming from, but I personally feel that the view that being gay is somehow wrong is akin to racism, classism, sexism, and all the other isms that are essentially rooted in bigotry and ignorance.

Also your apparent embrace of eugenics is rather disturbing.


I often remind myself of the AT member (I forget the name) who posted a simple, yet concise Confucian statement regarding the issue of gay marriage a few months ago:

"Those who do not want a gay marriage, should not get one."

That's really all that needs to be said.

Personally, I don't want to marry another dude, so I'm not going to.

....How can this possibly be a problem with anyone?


Jun 5, 2006
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
I don't think I'm homophobic. At least not consciously or intentionally.

Do you have homosexual thoughts?

Only ones involving Rossman .... Does that count?

Perfectly normal actually.

Now if nik was involved, you should be concerned.



Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Nik


You weren't supposed to come in here.

Why are you so curious about how other feel about homosexuality? Are you trying to tell us something?


Mar 6, 2004
Don't think I'm homophobic at all, subconsciously or intentionally; what a dude puts in his pooper is his business and only his business

I refuse to believe the "woman stuck in a man's body" etc. stuff though. If you're born XY and you end up gay, they only reason you want cock is because you like cock, not because you're hardwired for it. Seems like so many gays are just afraid to admit they like teh cock?


Jun 5, 2006
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: Nik


You weren't supposed to come in here.

Why are you so curious about how other feel about homosexuality? Are you trying to tell us something?

I'm as straight as they cum!


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
Originally posted by: rudeguy
Originally posted by: BurnItDwn
I don't think I'm homophobic. At least not consciously or intentionally.

Do you have homosexual thoughts?

Only ones involving Rossman .... Does that count?

Perfectly normal actually.

Now if nik was involved, you should be concerned.

My love for nik is very much platonic. For he is the king of the "Wrong Forum" posts. Or at least was at one point in time.
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