Aren't they cute!


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Christians can continue living safely in the Gaza Strip only if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.

WND, sometimes they can be such fun to read. Still looking for articles to back their interview...

still ain't it sweet of Hamas to let them live in "safety"?
In response to the uproar, Hamas chief in Gaza and former foreign minister Mahmoud al-Zahar told WND in a recent interview: "I hardly understand the point of view of the West concerning these issues. The West brought all this freedom to its people but it is that freedom that has brought about the death of morality in the West. It's what led to phenomena like homosexuality, homelessness and AIDS."

and to think some of us find Christian radicals bad, these guys are trying to prove their the best at villifying...

Are there great places to live that totally operate under Islamic law?

Got more "The masked gunmen used rocket-propelled grenades to storm the main entrances of the school and church," he said. "Then they destroyed almost everything inside, including the Cross, the Holy Book, computers and other equipment."


Jul 28, 2006
Letting radicals like this be totally in charge is the best way to destroy their support.
Look at how happy the people living under the Taliban were.
Very few people actually want to live in a radical Islamic state and I think we'll get a sense of that in the coming months. Look at what happened in Anbar province when AQ tried to create an Islamic state there that is when the locals changed their minds about them and started fighting against them.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Christians can continue living safely in the Gaza Strip only if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.

WND, sometimes they can be such fun to read. Still looking for articles to back their interview...

still ain't it sweet of Hamas to let them live in "safety"?
In response to the uproar, Hamas chief in Gaza and former foreign minister Mahmoud al-Zahar told WND in a recent interview: "I hardly understand the point of view of the West concerning these issues. The West brought all this freedom to its people but it is that freedom that has brought about the death of morality in the West. It's what led to phenomena like homosexuality, homelessness and AIDS."

and to think some of us find Christian radicals bad, these guys are trying to prove their the best at villifying...

Are there great places to live that totally operate under Islamic law?
Exactly why seperation of Church and State is fundamental to a properly run government.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Letting radicals like this be totally in charge is the best way to destroy their support.
Look at how happy the people living under the Taliban were.
Very few people actually want to live in a radical Islamic state and I think we'll get a sense of that in the coming months. Look at what happened in Anbar province when AQ tried to create an Islamic state there that is when the locals changed their minds about them and started fighting against them.

how long can you wait. how many generations to sacrifice before the support is really destroyed? look at europe under the catholic church...


Sep 28, 2002
in general attacking another group for religious beliefs is stupid and wrong, but let us read this article
I'll skip the WND daily one because its yellow journalism at its best, and I still have trouble believing the Palestinian foreign minister gave WND an interview

Gaza; June 19, 2007. Christians living in Gaza City on Monday appealed to the international community to protect them against increased attacks by Muslim extremists. Many Christians said they were prepared to leave the Gaza Strip as soon as the border crossings are reopened. The appeal came following a series of attacks on a Christian school and church in Gaza City over the past few days.

Musalam expressed outrage over the burning of copies of the Bible, noting that the gunmen destroyed all the Crosses inside the church and school. "Those who did these awful things have no respect for Christian-Muslim relations," he said.

IE: Idiots who most likely targetted the Church because it was a Church...and stealing computers from a Mosque might be a more difficult task

He estimated damages at more than $500,000. "Those who see the destruction will realize how bad this attack was," he said. "Christians have been living in peace and security with Muslims for many years, but those who attacked us are trying to sabotage this relationship."

Fatah officials blamed Hamas militiamen for the attack on the church and school. However, Islam Shahwan, spokesman for Hamas`s Executive Force in the Gaza Strip, denied responsibility.

I soooooooo wouldn't trust Fatah right here - before you lambast me as a Hamas lover, IIRC Fatah and Hamas are essentially engaged in a mini civil war and Hamas just kicked out Fatah from Gaza and Fatah just banned Hamas from Westbank.
So let us take a guess - THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS RIGHT NOW, so of course one will claim the other side did it.

He nevertheless admitted that a large group of Hamas militiamen had been near the area during the attack. "We have instructed all our men to withdraw from the area," he said. "We will punish anyone who targets churches and public institutions."

Which of course makes sense - who knows maybe there are rogue elements in Hamas that acted on their own. I'm not necessarily giving them the benefit of the doubt, but I see no reason for Hamas to do this.

Everyone knows Hamas is conservative (funny how the conservative groups seems to be the one making a difference and helping a local population while the "moderate secular" Fatah is the corrupt ineffective one mired in bureacracy) and they have tried to even ban books earlier - thank god that was lifted and changed but its clear that they do want a more conservative society. Short of mudering everyone but themselves, they just can't enforce their own views~~and even Muslims would be a target by them since some everyone practices in the same way (sometimes it seems some of you think that Muslims are completely content with conservative Hamas rule simply because they are Muslims)



Nov 23, 2001
Ah yes, that world-renowned enlightened Islamic tolerance showing its true face to the world once again..

Originally posted by: Shivetya
Are there great places to live that totally operate under Islamic law?

No, there are not.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Ah yes, that world-renowned enlightened Islamic tolerance showing its true face to the world once again..

Originally posted by: Shivetya
Are there great places to live that totally operate under Islamic law?

No, there are not.

Astaroth - that type of rule would suck even for Muslims. Hey quite a few of us may not care for alcohol (doesn't mean that people don't drink it anyways!) , but it doesn't mean that most of the PEOPLE living there would get annoyed with restricted internet access, free movement (which Israel already limits to and from the occupied territory! And Hamas wants to make life ALREADY harder on women? Please Hamas, grow up - the only ones who would agree with you right now are the Saudis...)



Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Hey, at least they are not going to kill the Christians. They are the majority, they decide the rules for their society. The minority has to follow suit. Getting killed for not wearing ahead covering is extreme, but I guess the easy way out is to leave or to just follow the rules. In this day of relativism, I find it interesting that so many want to impose their ways of thinking and morality on others.


Jun 5, 2000
humm, i wonder what would happen if Christians broke into a mosque and destroyed it then burned Korans.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: spittledip
Hey, at least they are not going to kill the Christians. They are the majority, they decide the rules for their society. The minority has to follow suit. Getting killed for not wearing ahead covering is extreme, but I guess the easy way out is to leave or to just follow the rules. In this day of relativism, I find it interesting that so many want to impose their ways of thinking and morality on others.

Sorry, but cultural relativism is absolutely ridiculous. You could use that bit of retarded logic to rationalize slavery in the US.


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: spittledip
Hey, at least they are not going to kill the Christians. They are the majority, they decide the rules for their society. The minority has to follow suit. Getting killed for not wearing ahead covering is extreme, but I guess the easy way out is to leave or to just follow the rules. In this day of relativism, I find it interesting that so many want to impose their ways of thinking and morality on others.

Sorry, but cultural relativism is absolutely ridiculous. You could use that bit of retarded logic to rationalize slavery in the US.

You may think it is ridiculous (as do I) but it is the way most people think nowadays. You might actually think that way and not exactly be aware of it. Of course, unless you believe that morality comes from something eternal, than you would have no choice but to believe in moral relativism.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
In the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish sides of the fence, there is no shortage of bigots.----and the US has a long traditions of Christian bigots--and Pat Robertson is every bit as bad.
And as we well know most Christian in the USA that go to church are nominal Christians at best---and only a small fraction of our Christians are really all that committed to their church. And the same thing is true for both Jews and Islamics.

But I find something somewhat odd here given Islam is divided along Sunni Shia lines with Sunni's being the more numerically numerous. But when we think of radical Islam, it usually comes from the Sunni side. And the two nations where Shia's dominate, which is Iraq and Iran, there is little of that reactionary women wear must cover their faces in public and wear the burka---like you find in Sunni Saudi Arabia and in Taliban Afghanistan. And the cited fellow is from Hamas and somewhat Iranian influenced. So he is somewhat an odd duck.---and probably as odd of a duck as Pat Robertson is here. AND NEITHER IS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOCIETY THEY COME FROM.

And its certainly the lesson we should take from this thread---we are not all alike and neither are they---whoever they is.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Letting radicals like this be totally in charge is the best way to destroy their support.
Look at how happy the people living under the Taliban were.
Very few people actually want to live in a radical Islamic state and I think we'll get a sense of that in the coming months. Look at what happened in Anbar province when AQ tried to create an Islamic state there that is when the locals changed their minds about them and started fighting against them.

It's interesting how many people seemed to have ignored or missed what is happening in Iraq with Al-Qaeda. I'm not convinced we'll see peace there for a while because the various groups seem to really hate each other, but if one thing unites them, it's an even greater hatred for Al-Qaeda. This idea that all Muslims either are violent fanatical extremists or support violent fanatical extremists is really taking a beating in Iraq. There are a host of other problems there as well, but I'd say that what's happening in Iraq is actually pretty interesting for those willing to look.


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
hmm I see anandtech got a facelift.
P and N sounds about the same though:shocked:

Sooner the Palestinians figure out the rest of the arab world don't care jack for them the better they will be.
Its only another example of mindless people shaking thier fist at the great satan.
They use palestine as a prop to divert thier peoples attention from thier own crappy conditions. There are a few examples of countries in that region that are sharing the wealth with thier people and building thier economies, but most of them squander it while thier people live in squaller.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Exactly why seperation of Church and State is fundamental to a properly run government.

I agree 100%... now where can I go to live this dream? cause thanks to our suburban right wing the US is not that government.


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Lemon law
In the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish sides of the fence, there is no shortage of bigots.----and the US has a long traditions of Christian bigots--and Pat Robertson is every bit as bad.
And as we well know most Christian in the USA that go to church are nominal Christians at best---and only a small fraction of our Christians are really all that committed to their church. And the same thing is true for both Jews and Islamics.

But I find something somewhat odd here given Islam is divided along Sunni Shia lines with Sunni's being the more numerically numerous. But when we think of radical Islam, it usually comes from the Sunni side. And the two nations where Shia's dominate, which is Iraq and Iran, there is little of that reactionary women wear must cover their faces in public and wear the burka---like you find in Sunni Saudi Arabia and in Taliban Afghanistan. And the cited fellow is from Hamas and somewhat Iranian influenced. So he is somewhat an odd duck.---and probably as odd of a duck as Pat Robertson is here. AND NEITHER IS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOCIETY THEY COME FROM.

And its certainly the lesson we should take from this thread---we are not all alike and neither are they---whoever they is.

No, none of us are alike however you would be hard pressed to find an area in the US where people are forced to convert to Christianity or die. I was never a fan of Pat Robertson, but I don't recall him calling for people to convert or be attacked. While I have no doubt most Muslims in the ME do not personally call for harming those who won't convert, neither do they care enough to speak out against it. Therein lies the real difference.


Nov 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: Lemon law
In the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish sides of the fence, there is no shortage of bigots.----and the US has a long traditions of Christian bigots--and Pat Robertson is every bit as bad.
And as we well know most Christian in the USA that go to church are nominal Christians at best---and only a small fraction of our Christians are really all that committed to their church. And the same thing is true for both Jews and Islamics.

But I find something somewhat odd here given Islam is divided along Sunni Shia lines with Sunni's being the more numerically numerous. But when we think of radical Islam, it usually comes from the Sunni side. And the two nations where Shia's dominate, which is Iraq and Iran, there is little of that reactionary women wear must cover their faces in public and wear the burka---like you find in Sunni Saudi Arabia and in Taliban Afghanistan. And the cited fellow is from Hamas and somewhat Iranian influenced. So he is somewhat an odd duck.---and probably as odd of a duck as Pat Robertson is here. AND NEITHER IS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOCIETY THEY COME FROM.

And its certainly the lesson we should take from this thread---we are not all alike and neither are they---whoever they is.</end quote></div>

No, none of us are alike however you would be hard pressed to find an area in the US where people are forced to convert to Christianity or die. I was never a fan of Pat Robertson, but I don't recall him calling for people to convert or be attacked. While I have no doubt most Muslims in the ME do not personally call for harming those who won't convert, neither do they care enough to speak out against it. Therein lies the real difference.



Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
While I have no doubt most Muslims in the ME do not personally call for harming those who won't convert, neither do they care enough to speak out against it. Therein lies the real difference.

I disagree. According to the koran, the penalty for apostasy is death, and that is part of sharia. Many muslim countries have integrated that portion of sharia into law. The law might be loosely enforced in some countries, however, many converts end up as victims of vigilante violence with the government looking the other way.

Arguably, any muslim who favors the enforcement of sharia is in favor of killing apostates. sharia has a fairly extensive support base among muslims. For example, 1 in 5 UK muslims favor sharia, the percentage can only be higher in muslim countries. Hence, I'd estimate that substantial portion of muslims would personally call for the murder of apostates, simply because it is an established islamic tradition.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
There is an interesting piece at the JPost: Gaza's Christians
"I expect," the sheik declared, "our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza... The situation has now changed 180 degrees."

Klein reported that Saqer accused leaders of the Gaza Christian community of "proselytizing and trying to convert Muslims with funding from American evangelicals."

Jihadia Salafiya is suspected of attacking a UN-run school in Gaza in May that allowed boys and girls to participate in the same sporting event. One person was killed in that attack.

Sweet harmony...
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