~~~Arguement to keep all Pot Illegal~~~


Jul 12, 2001
Keep All Marijuana Illegal

Today the debate goes on about the legalization of marijuana. Many people on both sides have good arguments about why or why not to legalize marijuana. Opponents of legalizing marijuana state that the evidence points to either, harmful affects, or that there is not enough information to safely support the legalization of marijuana. Proponents of legalizing marijuana say that it would decriminalize the drug trade and that we could tax the drug to raise money for education and prevention. After two decades of telling kids ?Just say No!? how would the children handle a switch in United States drug policy? Many states have new laws for the medical usage of marijuana, even though legalized synthetic equivalents do exist. Keeping marijuana illegal is in the best interest of American society as a whole.

The affects of marijuana usage are varied and not all agreed to. "Despite decades of research, there appears to be no definitive answer to whether marijuana causes severe long-term physiological damage to users. For every expert who says it does not jeopardize a person's health, there is someone to refute the claim. This uncertainty is reason enough to keep the drug illegal." according to The Michigan Daily Online. One place that most the experts agree is that smoking marijuana makes you "high" and that state will make a person impaired. The short-term effects include memory loss, loss of motor skills, increased heart rate, trouble with thinking and problem solving. Some users also experience intense anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia. Therefore, somebody that smokes marijuana and drives would be a hazard to public safety at the very least.

Proponents of legalizing marijuana point out 3 major effects that they believe are good for the United States. First, it would decriminalize the drug trade and make for less crime caused by marijuana users. Legalization would not necessarily wipe out the illegal market of marijuana. Gambling has been legalized in some areas, yet illegal gambling still thrives. In the Netherlands, after drugs were made legal, there was a 33 percent increase in gun deaths, almost all of them drug related. Second, the government could tax marijuana. What the U.S. would do with it is unknown, even though opening up substance abuse clinics on every street corner of the inner cities will take a lot of the funding.

Finally, the price of marijuana would become much cheaper and more widely available. This is really a coup for hardcore users and new users alike. The supporters think this will have a positive effect because it will curb the burglary and robbery by addicts that need money to support their addiction. This will start the wave of new users, similar to what happened in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and even Alaska. In Alaska marijuana was legalized, usage became a big problem, and then the drug was voted back to illegal status by the citizens. Can the U.S. be smart and learn from other countries or states mistakes and not open the same can of worms.

What about our children? How many children will take legalization of marijuana as a green light or just that extra push toward marijuana? According to the DEA ?more teens are in treatment for marijuana use than for any other drug or alcohol. Adolescent admissions to substance abuse facilities for marijuana grew from 43 percent of all admissions in 1994 to 60 percent in 1999.? Kids will be introduced to the number one ?Gateway drug? in greater numbers if it is legalized. Also from the DEA ?Among marijuana?s most harmful consequences is its role in leading to the use of other illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. Long-term studies of students who use drugs show that very few young people use other illegal drugs with out first trying marijuana. While not all people who use marijuana go on to use other drugs, using marijuana sometimes lowers inhibitions about drug use and exposes users to a culture that encourages use of other drugs.? Finally the DEA states ?The risk of using cocaine has been estimated to be more than 104 times greater for those who have tried marijuana than those who have never tried it? 104 times greater! Factor that with more users of marijuana if it was legalized. That could become a national crisis overnight. Inner city kids have it the worst as a good portion of marijuana processed there is laced with PCP or even crack cocaine. Kids that smoke laced joints are never even getting a choice whether or not to try ?hard drugs.? So what do parents tell their children after they have been hearing ?Just say no!? and ?Drugs are bad? for over two decades now? How will a child react if there was a sudden change in the message given by the government?

There is quite a bit of support for medicinal marijuana today. Medical marijuana is the marijuana used by people with Glaucoma, Cancer, and AIDS to help them feel better or to mask the effects of other prescription drugs and chemo-therapy that can make them very ill. According to a USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll ?70 percent of voters support medicinal marijuana? and that ?34% favored legalizing marijuana use while 62% were opposed, the most support for legalization since the pollsters began asking the question in 1969.? While these numbers put marijuana support at a 30 year high there are some myths about medicinal marijuana.
Studies have shown AIDS patients that smoke marijuana damage their immune system, which is already failing. HIV-positive marijuana smokers progress to full blown AIDS twice as fast as non smokers. Cancer patients who smoke take in many cancer-causing substances, many of which are at higher concentrations than in tobacco. The major psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, THC, is legally available in pill form, called Marinol, which may be prescribed by a doctor. Major medical and health organizations stand firmly against the use of marijuana. These organizations include: the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, National Eye Institute, and the American Glaucoma Association. On the flipside, backers of legalizing medical marijuana laws include: the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML), the Drug Policy Foundation, and the Cannabis Buyers Club in San Francisco. A former director of NORML told an Emory University audience that NORML would use the issue of medical marijuana as a red herring to give marijuana a good name, and that it is an integral part of the strategy to legalize marijuana. So it boils down to whom would be trustworthy about the issue of medicinal marijuana.

Legalization of marijuana is not the answer to today?s marijuana epidemic. There will always be a criminal element in marijuana. Marijuana has been proven unsafe and addictive. Our kids would become confused on what to think if their government does an about-face on marijuana if it was legalized. Medical usage of marijuana is just a cover for liberal organizations to get all marijuana legalized. Legalization of marijuana will only increase usage of the number one gateway drug and our problems will continue and evolve into a new pro-drug society with a skewed sense of morality.



Jan 24, 2001
Accually there is a major problem with POT.

When You get pulled over Drunk a simple chemical test can determain you BAC and give a fairly accurate indication of how the alcohol iw effecting your body.

With POT no such test is availible.


Jun 15, 2001
If you want marijuana, you can get it now with no problems. Why not tax the sales that exist now anyway?

Not to mention the jail space we'll save, along with the cost of prosecuting and housing the offenders. Police will also be able to focus their attention on real crimes.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BigFatCow
Originally posted by: Adul
all have to do is look at a pothead and say thank god I never started.

not sure why you chose to respond that way, perhaps some words would help clarify.

anyways, i don't see why we keep it illegal. like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: BigFatCow
Originally posted by: Adul
all have to do is look at a pothead and say thank god I never started.

not sure why you chose to respond that way, perhaps some words would help clarify.

anyways, i don't see why we keep it illegal. like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

its just stereotypical of all pot heads. Everyone i know that smokes pot gets decent grades in school and most of them are active in some sport.

its just like saying im glad i never got a computer because look at those nerds who never go out of the house, and are 45 year old virgins.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BigFatCow
Originally posted by: gopunk
Originally posted by: BigFatCow
Originally posted by: Adul
all have to do is look at a pothead and say thank god I never started.

not sure why you chose to respond that way, perhaps some words would help clarify.

anyways, i don't see why we keep it illegal. like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

its just stereotypical of all pot heads. Everyone i know that smokes pot gets decent grades in school and most of them are active in some sport.

its just like saying im glad i never got a computer because look at those nerds who never go out of the house, and are 45 year old virgins.

i dunno, i define a pothead as someone who doesn't do much other than smoke pot. anyways, if you feel you would have ended up that way, then you would probably be right to make that statement. he's not saying that everybody that smokes pot will end up a pothead...


Jul 12, 2001
like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

you need to read the article too biggun. What if an impaired driver T-bones your car and puts you into a hospital for the rest of your life just cause his mind was not functioning properly due to all the pot he had been smoking. would you care then?


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: EXman
like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

you need to read the article too biggun. What if an impaired driver T-bones your car and puts you into a hospital for the rest of your life just cause his mind was not functioning properly due to all the pot he had been smoking. would you care then?

do you advocate making alcohol illegal too?


Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by: EXman
like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

you need to read the article too biggun. What if an impaired driver T-bones your car and puts you into a hospital for the rest of your life just cause his mind was not functioning properly due to all the pot he had been smoking. would you care then?

Replace "pot" with "beer" and "smoking" with "drinking"



Oct 9, 1999

I'm not going to bother reading that pile you've posted. In my 46 years on this planet I've heard every conceivable argument on this issue, both pro and con. There simply is no logical and truely justifiable reasoning for keeping marijuana illegal.

It should be legalized and controlled exactly as alcohol is.

Russ, NCNE


Jul 12, 2001
do you advocate making alcohol illegal too?

sorry bro my assignment was only pot. Why do people always bring alcohol into the picture? is it a red herring or a crutch or something? why can't you just answer a question? instead of posing a new one? I guess that is part of your arguement not mine.


Jul 12, 2001
It should be legalized and controlled exactly as alcohol is.
I value your opinion but if you do not have the courtesy to read my "Pile" then I guess I'll take your opinion with a grain of salt.


Oct 9, 1999

You have a point. When I saw the thread, I didn't realize it was a class project - just thought you were pasting in something you read. The fact that it is an assignment, and you've obviously worked hard on it earns you the courtesy of it actually being read. I have now done so.

It's a good job but, again, I've heard it all before. Every single argument you've made applies equally well to many other consumables, the most notable of which is alcohol.

Russ, NCNE


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Russ

I'm not going to bother reading that pile you've posted. In my 46 years on this planet I've heard every conceivable argument on this issue, both pro and con. There simply is no logical and truely justifiable reasoning for keeping marijuana illegal.

It should be legalized and controlled exactly as alcohol is.

Russ, NCNE

I agree totally ! reasonable POV
Oct 16, 1999
That is so full of holes I'm not sure where to begin poking, but I'll try.

The affects of marijuana usage are varied and not all agreed to. "Despite decades of research, there appears to be no definitive answer to whether marijuana causes severe long-term physiological damage to users.

This is just not true. There is a definitive answer, the government and opponents of legalizing pot just don't want to accept it. They keep using the 'we don't know enough about it to legalize' mantra as an excuse.

For every expert who says it does not jeopardize a person's health, there is someone to refute the claim. This uncertainty is reason enough to keep the drug illegal."

That's not even an argument, the same can be said about everything from artificial sweeteners to french fries.

The short-term effects include memory loss, loss of motor skills, increased heart rate, trouble with thinking and problem solving. Some users also experience intense anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia. Therefore, somebody that smokes marijuana and drives would be a hazard to public safety at the very least.

Sounds a Hell of a lot like alcohol, caffine, or 100 other legal drugs to me.

Gambling has been legalized in some areas, yet illegal gambling still thrives. In the Netherlands, after drugs were made legal, there was a 33 percent increase in gun deaths, almost all of them drug related.

I'd like to see proof here.

Finally, the price of marijuana would become much cheaper and more widely available. This is really a coup for hardcore users and new users alike. The supporters think this will have a positive effect because it will curb the burglary and robbery by addicts that need money to support their addiction. This will start the wave of new users, similar to what happened in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and even Alaska. In Alaska marijuana was legalized, usage became a big problem, and then the drug was voted back to illegal status by the citizens.

First of all, duh. Secondly, why does more people smoking pot equate to being a 'problem'?

What about our children?

What about them, they should be being raised by their parents, not the government.

How many children will take legalization of marijuana as a green light or just that extra push toward marijuana?

None if their parents would raise them that way.

According to the DEA ?more teens are in treatment for marijuana use than for any other drug or alcohol. Adolescent admissions to substance abuse facilities for marijuana grew from 43 percent of all admissions in 1994 to 60 percent in 1999.?

According to the DEA, drugs are bad, mmkay?

Also from the DEA ?Among marijuana?s most harmful consequences is its role in leading to the use of other illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. Long-term studies of students who use drugs show that very few young people use other illegal drugs with out first trying marijuana. While not all people who use marijuana go on to use other drugs, using marijuana sometimes lowers inhibitions about drug use and exposes users to a culture that encourages use of other drugs.?

Again, duh. Buying marijuana now exposes people to the same market that sells heroin and cocaine.

Inner city kids have it the worst as a good portion of marijuana processed there is laced with PCP or even crack cocaine. Kids that smoke laced joints are never even getting a choice whether or not to try ?hard drugs.?

And god forbid they could get it from legitimate sources and not have to worry about it being laced.

So what do parents tell their children after they have been hearing ?Just say no!? and ?Drugs are bad? for over two decades now? How will a child react if there was a sudden change in the message given by the government?

Probably better than they react now after realizing their parents and government have been lying to them about just how 'bad' pot is.

I'm not even going to touch the anti-medicinal pot argument. Just think about all the corperate fat wallets wanting these sick people buying their drugs instead of smoking pot.

Marijuana has been proven unsafe and addictive.

But wait, one of the first arguments was 'we don't know.' Well we do, and it's no more unsafe than cigarettes and alcohol, and less addictive than either.

Our kids would become confused on what to think if their government does an about-face on marijuana if it was legalized.

Sort of like how me and you would be confused if the government admitted that Vietnam was a mistake.

Medical usage of marijuana is just a cover for liberal organizations to get all marijuana legalized.

Maybe, maybe not, but sometimes people do the right things for the wrong reasons. Much better than doing the wrong things for the right reasons.

Legalization of marijuana will only increase usage of the number one gateway drug and our problems will continue and evolve into a new pro-drug society with a skewed sense of morality.

Legalization of pot would do more to negate it's 'gateway' status than anything else, and since when did laws = morals?



Jul 12, 2001
Thanks Russ you are now a stand up guy in my book. I agree with what you are saying I just had a narrow focus paper. Summer school God love it a Paper a week! next Monday I have one due on Homo ... ahem Gay rights. I do not look forward to that but I do plan on Quoting the Bible just to piss off some classmates


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
How many children will take legalization of marijuana as a green light or just that extra push toward marijuana?

None if their parents would raise them that way.

What are you saying? If their parents raise them what way? To not smoke pot?


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
I have no problems with people who smoke for recreational use, and believe it should be taxed and regulated like cigerettes.

That being said, my best friend totaly screwed up his life with pot. He was a straight A student all though high school and the first year of college. Then he started smoking up because his new roomate did. His grades fell through the floor, broke up with his girl firend ( she was his GF for like, 8-9 years! fricking forever. ) and he started doing other drugs. Now I have heard every damn argument about pot not being ( or is ) a gateway drug to other drugs, but it did hapen in this case.

He ended up geting kicked out of school, and now lives with another friend in an apartment. He wanted to be a journalist. He now works @ wallgreens. Fricking sad. IMHO it was pot that did it. Take it or not, I don't really care.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: EXman
do you advocate making alcohol illegal too?

sorry bro my assignment was only pot. Why do people always bring alcohol into the picture? is it a red herring or a crutch or something? why can't you just answer a question? instead of posing a new one? I guess that is part of your arguement not mine.

why? because laws should make sense. you are asking "what if some pothead t-bones you" as a means to try and convince me to think that pot should be illegal. it would only make sense then, that alcohol should be made illegal.

and i'll answer your question: under no circumstances will i ever give a crap about some idiot who ruins his life. if he ruins mine, i care that he ruined it, but i still won't care about him. i might hate him, despise him, etc. but i will never care about him. in fact, i would hope that he od's on something and dies.


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2000
Originally posted by: gopunk

not sure why you chose to respond that way, perhaps some words would help clarify.

anyways, i don't see why we keep it illegal. like i give a rat's ass if someone chooses to f*ck themselves up. that's their problem.

I really don't care what people do to themselves (unless they're friends of family), but the problem is that the person isn't only harming themselves. If everyone on this planet lived in a sealed chamber and there was no way for them to "interact" with other human beings then it truly wouldn't matter what someone did to themselves because they couldn't affect anyone else. The problem is though that the majority of the time you're not just hurting yourself. I'm not just talking about pot here, this includes any number of things; smoking, drinking, eating habits, gambling, etc... The harm that can be caused could be physical or emotional.

I've seen alcohol tear apart families. I've seen pot (and other drugs) virtually destroy a family. I've seen smoking take away loved ones. I've seen people in tears because of their eating habits (for instance: being "reminded" how large someone is while they're chomping away at a big mac). The list goes on.

People keep saying "I'm not hurting anyone so why do you care?". The problem with that statement is that you invariably do end up hurting someone else. It's true that it might not be physical, but emotional damage can be just as painful. Also, what's wrong with showing a little compassion for your fellow human being? If you see someone hurling their life down the toilet because of "drugs" or "habits" then what's wrong with trying to help them out?


Jul 12, 2001
Gonad that is pretty good but my focus once again was narrow on Pot alone. all that extra stuff I cannot implement into an anti-Pot paper. I really do not agree with you on the gateway issue though I think you are just plain wrong. So if you read the paper just about Pot w/o getting into other vices then you will realize the narrow scope on which I had to keep to my assignment.
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Gaard
How many children will take legalization of marijuana as a green light or just that extra push toward marijuana?

None if their parents would raise them that way.

What are you saying? If their parents raise them what way? To not smoke pot?

To not rely on the government to make their decisions for them.
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