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Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Right in the pocket book. Every time some nutjob or pandering politician decides to "put god back in the schools" my taxes go up to cover the legal costs of the nutjobs' grandstanding. Creationists lost the argument in the private sector decades ago so they took the fight to the public arena. Oil companies don't hire creationists to find oil and biotech firms don't hire creationists to develop new drugs because creationism is an intellectual dead end. It provides nothing useful.

It fills collection plates at church!

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
First its being broadcasting live from inside the Arc by some folks. Its being broadcast to Facebook not sure if they are doing anywhere else. Yesterday they broadcast for a couple hours from in side the creation museum, was hilarious,

Just think if they would of spent all that money on helping their fellow man instead of stroking Ken Hams ego. Sorry If I seem bitter but what a bunch of tools. Anyone with even the slightest bit of logic would relise the ark story as folks like Ken Ham (creationist) represent it is impossible. A fairy tale. Yet look at all those folks, scary world we live in.

BTW I have an idea if the ARC folds we could turn into a jail and put all the terrorist in it, or would that be cruel and unusual punishment? Or is the arc part in the Quran as well.


How much have YOU donated to helping your fellow man? And secondly, how do you know he hasn't already before building his boat?

Now you morons want to tell someone what to do with their money...well, when they decide to spend it on something you disagree with...


Dec 11, 2006
How much have YOU donated to helping your fellow man? And secondly, how do you know he hasn't already before building his boat?

Now you morons want to tell someone what to do with their money...well, when they decide to spend it on something you disagree with...

While I will support and defend your right to spend your money as foolishly as you so please it is very unfortunate and saddening that someone spent so much on literally making people dumber.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
The flood is framed as a miracle and pseudo scientists here are trying to prove a negative?

A "miracle"? Why does the Bible go to such great lengths to paint it as a natural occurrence then? An understanding of Ancient Peoples understandings of Earth makes the Noah story make sense and even seem feasible. They thought the Earth floated on a giant plane of water. Under that Model a Global Flood wouldn't require a Miracle.

Whether it was a "Miracle" or not, such an event would leave plenty of Evidence of its' occurrence. Evidence that does not exist. There was no "Miracle", there's just someone attempting to remain ignorant because they want to believe some Ancient Myth that they can't even fully appreciate since they do not understand the context of those who wrote it in the first place.

Retro Rob

Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2012
While I will support and defend your right to spend your money as foolishly as you so please it is very unfortunate and saddening that someone spent so much on literally making people dumber.

So what? Its his money. People chose what to believe anyway, no matter how much he spends on it.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Religion can be traced to Muslim terrorism, abortion clinic bombings, murder and oppression of gays, etc.... It is the substitution of reason for faith. It justifies any evil on earth by a call to an invisible being. I wouldn't have a problem with religion if those who practiced were not always doing their level best to impede progress and make the world a worse place to live in. It is no coincidence that religion is more popular in the most backward and barbaric countries and less popular in advanced civilizations.

For the record, America has started on a steep steep decline. I expect most religions to be functionally extinct in a century or two in 1st world nations. I came from a religious background. My children and most of their cousins are atheists.

Money talks bullshit walks, as long as religions are well funded they will never go extinct no matter how much you wish it to be,

as long as the religious believe in large families while the so called enlightened westerner does not it is they that are going to be extinct

And the saddest most ironic thing is that same so called intellectually superior liberal types who love to ridicule and put down the religious right of the west like in this ark thread, are welcoming, defending and apologizing for the millions of the religious right of the middle east into their countries while calling anyone who points out the stupidity and threat to the very secular state that has protected all our western rights, a bigot, a racist, a xenophobe.

So no, the hardcore religious type a'int going extinct anywhere anytime soon, rather you will see the irritating but mostly toothless western variety being replaced by the dangerous and violent middle eastern type no thanks to the apologist pretend liberals who will cut off their nose to spite their face and the billionaire oil sheiks that have no problem funding the hate.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Money talks bullshit walks, as long as religions are well funded they will never go extinct no matter how much you wish it to be,

as long as the religious believe in large families while the so called enlightened westerner does not it is they that are going to be extinct

And the saddest most ironic thing is that same so called intellectually superior liberal types who love to ridicule and put down the religious right of the west like in this ark thread, are welcoming, defending and apologizing for the millions of the religious right of the middle east into their countries while calling anyone who points out the stupidity and threat to the very secular state that has protected all our western rights, a bigot, a racist, a xenophobe.

So no, the hardcore religious type a'int going extinct anywhere anytime soon, rather you will see the irritating but mostly toothless western variety being replaced by the dangerous and violent middle eastern type no thanks to the apologist pretend liberals who will cut off their nose to spite their face and the billionaire oil sheiks that have no problem funding the hate.

Um right... This stuff is no secret and I am witnessing it on the ground level. The religiosity of my son's generation is nearly non-existent when compared to my generation. My son doesn't have a single friend that attends church regularly. He has several that attend irregularly and many that do not attend at all.

There are plenty of sources out there and they all are witnessing the same thing. Do the search yourself. The internet will end up murdering religion in 1st world nations. There is simply too much information out there to retain beliefs in fairy tales.

If you believe the mathematicians, it looks like religion will be almost completely dead soon in nine major Western countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland. According to Daniel Abrams, et al,
We present a new treatment of the competition for adherents between religious and irreligious segments of modern secular societies ... Data suggest a particular case of our general growth law, leading to clear predictions about possible future trends in society.
Basically they treat human society as a big interconnected system with predictable properties. You can't predict any one person's behavior, but by the time you're dealing with millions of people, the laws of large numbers and statistics make it possible to make accurate forecasts of seemingly non-mathematical traits like religion and love.

And guess what? Religion is going out of business in a bunch of countries. The trends are clear.

This matches what we know from a number of other sources. They're describing the same phenomena predicted by the Second-Generation Effect, the spread of science and atheism memes, the problem of Mushy Christians, and the effects of wealth and good health. But they're doing it in their abstract mathematician's language that ignores the causes and only measures the results.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
In the US.... the drop is absolutely staggering. This is organized religion at the point it went over the cliff. The long fall has begun. Remember this is PEW, you can't get a better source than that.

Christianity is on the decline in America, not just among younger generations or in certain regions of the country but across race, gender, education and geographic barriers. The percentage of adults who describe themselves as Christians dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years to about 71 percent, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

“It’s remarkably widespread,” said Alan Cooperman, director of religion research for the Pew Research Center. “The country is becoming less religious as a whole, and it’s happening across the board.”

At the same time, the share of those who are not affiliated with a religion has jumped from 16 percent to about 23 percent in the same time period. The trend follows a pattern found earlier in the American Religious Identification Survey, which found that in 1990, 86 percent of American adults identified as Christians, compared with 76 percent in 2008.

The older generation of millennials (those who were born from 1981 to 1989) are becoming even less affiliated with religion than they were about a decade ago, the survey suggests. In 2007, when the Pew Research Center did their last Religious Landscape Survey and these adults were just entering adulthood, 25 percent of them did not affiliate with a religion, but this grew to 34 percent in the latest survey.
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Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
This guy building a $100M ark, charging $40 admission to tell folks falsehoods....

Has NOTHING, nothing in the slightest to do with "religion". This is a money scheme, actually brilliant since that guy can run this operation under the guise of religion/church.

It's so disgusting and tacky...and in some way typical American.


Jun 9, 2016
I was just thinking, bucky is nothing more than a troll, maybe it's time to just ignore the fool. Let him spin in his own world, and we can attempt to have a decent debate on topics.

Buckshot isn't really trolling. The multitude of faithful truly do believe as their name might imply, and use words at tools to argue that faith as human language was intended for. And in all fairness it took at least me some pondering to figure out why communication breaks down in this case, so I can't in good conscience expect the same of bucky.

Money talks bullshit walks, as long as religions are well funded they will never go extinct no matter how much you wish it to be,

as long as the religious believe in large families while the so called enlightened westerner does not it is they that are going to be extinct

And the saddest most ironic thing is that same so called intellectually superior liberal types who love to ridicule and put down the religious right of the west like in this ark thread, are welcoming, defending and apologizing for the millions of the religious right of the middle east into their countries while calling anyone who points out the stupidity and threat to the very secular state that has protected all our western rights, a bigot, a racist, a xenophobe.

So no, the hardcore religious type a'int going extinct anywhere anytime soon, rather you will see the irritating but mostly toothless western variety being replaced by the dangerous and violent middle eastern type no thanks to the apologist pretend liberals who will cut off their nose to spite their face and the billionaire oil sheiks that have no problem funding the hate.

You are correct in that humans in general are smart enough to figure out the self-interested benefits of collectivization, whatever the methodology whether religion or workplace or state or even scientism.

However there's a distinction between discrimination on the basis of beliefs and skin color, and really when most people say "muslim" they really mean arab. The muslim categorization is largely incidental because hating on the basis of ethnicity is passe, and we like to highlight/exaggerate the follies of "enemies" for obvious reasons.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Buckshot isn't really trolling. The multitude of faithful truly do believe as their name might imply, and use words at tools to argue that faith as human language was intended for. And in all fairness it took at least me some pondering to figure out why communication breaks down in this case, so I can't in good conscience expect the same of bucky.

You are correct in that humans in general are smart enough to figure out the self-interested benefits of collectivization, whatever the methodology whether religion or workplace or state or even scientism.

However there's a distinction between discrimination on the basis of beliefs and skin color, and really when most people say "muslim" they really mean arab. The muslim categorization is largely incidental because hating on the basis of ethnicity is passe, and we like to highlight/exaggerate the follies of "enemies" for obvious reasons.

As buckshot seems to genuinely believe the insane stuff he posts I would classify him more as a shitposter than a troll.


Jun 19, 2006
I am going to create Atheist world amusement park, and I want state funding/tax breaks as well. Think I could get it in KY?


Jan 12, 2005
As buckshot seems to genuinely believe the insane stuff he posts I would classify him more as a shitposter than a troll.

I'm not sure he does truly believe it. Thats why he dances around the issues so much. His MO is to misunderstand and attack other ideas but never to defend his own. If he actually belied in his ideas he would pull them out and show why they were better than the alternatives.

I dont know if his arguing here is some way of silencing the argument in his head or not but its pretty tragic.


Jun 19, 2004
A "miracle"? Why does the Bible go to such great lengths to paint it as a natural occurrence then? An understanding of Ancient Peoples understandings of Earth makes the Noah story make sense and even seem feasible. They thought the Earth floated on a giant plane of water. Under that Model a Global Flood wouldn't require a Miracle.

Whether it was a "Miracle" or not, such an event would leave plenty of Evidence of its' occurrence. Evidence that does not exist. There was no "Miracle", there's just someone attempting to remain ignorant because they want to believe some Ancient Myth that they can't even fully appreciate since they do not understand the context of those who wrote it in the first place.

You're simply denying the existence of miracles ie. the existence of God and we're right back where we started. The problem with those who worship logic is they can never admit that logic creates no new knowledge, it only restructures what we already know. Add in the tendency to ask the wrong questions and we've got a lot of miserable two dimensional pseudo scientists who love company.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
You're simply denying the existence of miracles ie. the existence of God and we're right back where we started. The problem with those who worship logic is they can never admit that logic creates no new knowledge, it only restructures what we already know. Add in the tendency to ask the wrong questions and we've got a lot of miserable two dimensional pseudo scientists who love company.
Logic doesn't create new knowledge but going out and gathering new information does. Looking for miracles might have a 100% success rate but it isn't a very useful pastime.


Jun 9, 2016
As buckshot seems to genuinely believe the insane stuff he posts I would classify him more as a shitposter than a troll.

I'm not sure he does truly believe it. Thats why he dances around the issues so much. His MO is to misunderstand and attack other ideas but never to defend his own. If he actually belied in his ideas he would pull them out and show why they were better than the alternatives.

Buckshot does start shitposting after a while, but to really understand this situation we need to consider illuminating examples like the fact they honestly believe there are creation scientist counterparts to evolution scientists.

This implies they "read" an evolution science paper, then read a creation "science paper" and cannot distinguish between the two. I mean, they both contain technical looking sentences that argue for some point.

I'm sure most people have had embarrassing moments of ignorance, esp when young before we figure more things out. But it's a reality that god is not fair and some end up figuring out more things than others. That doesn't necessarily make someone in that position a shitposter per se, even if they're persistent.


Jun 19, 2004
Logic doesn't create new knowledge but going out and gathering new information does. Looking for miracles might have a 100% success rate but it isn't a very useful pastime.

Wanting to understand the rules and attempt to manipulate them is a very human trait, perhaps a defining one. I happen to believe that logic and faith are complementary rather than diametrically opposed. Logic helps describe the world we as humans inhabit. God is not limited by those constraints nor can be understood by humans who are. Faith allows us to move beyond the limits of logic to gain emotional and mental perspective which can be extremely useful.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Wanting to understand the rules and attempt to manipulate them is a very human trait, perhaps a defining one. I happen to believe that logic and faith are complementary rather than diametrically opposed. Logic helps describe the world we as humans inhabit. God is not limited by those constraints nor can be understood by humans who are. Faith allows us to move beyond the limits of logic to gain emotional and mental perspective which can be extremely useful.
Faith can't create anything new. Saying that a god can't be understood or is unconstrained is simply punting on the basis of sloppy definitions.


Jun 19, 2004
Faith can't create anything new. Saying that a god can't be understood or is unconstrained is simply punting on the basis of sloppy definitions.

I see you're no stranger to hubris. Faith can indeed create strength to overcome when logic offers only defeat and submission.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Faith can't create anything new. Saying that a god can't be understood or is unconstrained is simply punting on the basis of sloppy definitions.

Gravity was not discovered by faith. Relativity was not discovered by faith. The scientific method alone is responsible for damn near everything we have. Remove that and replace it with faith and we are back to living in mud huts.


Jun 19, 2004
Gravity was not discovered by faith. Relativity was not discovered by faith. The scientific method alone is responsible for damn near everything we have. Remove that and replace it with faith and we are back to living in mud huts.

How sad to base the value of human existence on the amount of science we understand. I am minded of the many real scientists who all have said the more we learn the more we understand how much more there is to learn. I am also troubled by the assumption that technology somehow implies greater intelligence.
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