As a CHILD, what is the dumbest or most trouble causing thing you did?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm not talking like dumb as$ college stuff. Like when I was 11, my parents and my bud's parents went out to dinner together and left my older sister to supervise. Ya, right. We made torches out of cat tails (the plant, not real cats). It's pretty fun to do as a kid when you're camping and what not. Soak the cat tails in like torch fluid for awhile and light them. Anyway, we're there with our cat tail torches, swinging them around, and I knock over the big as$ coffee can of torch fluid we had soaked them in. As you can imagine, now most of the backyard is on fire. So we think ok, to put out fire you smother it. So we toss a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood on it. Bad move. This just throws burning leaves/grass etc. out in an even further area. By the time we get things put out, pretty much the back yard is toasted. But it's dark out and we can't really see the damage and think we are in the clear. So the next morning I wake up, stumble to the bathroom to piss and look out the window that looks down over the back yard. I almost pissed all over myself when I looked out and saw the enitre back yard was scorched something fierce. When I went down stairs my dad just looked at me and said "Boy, do you have some chores to do". I was doing sh!t work non-stop for a month after that.
That's the kinda dumb stuff I'm talking about. How bout you?

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999
Hmm...I once went over a friend's house where they were having a bonfire in the middle of the day to get rid of a bunch of scrap wood they had (they had an entire barn full of the stuff). His mom left and before she did so she put out the fire and told us not to start it back up.
Instead of listening to her, he invited a few more friends over and got the bonfire going again, only we made it much bigger, because we could.
Well then he got the brilliant idea of pouring gasoline into paper cups and then throwing them on the fire. The effect was pretty cool, I'll admit. One of the dumb kids he invited decided that he would do one better and stupidly decided to pour gasoline on the fire directly from the canister.
Of course the fire clumbed up into the spout. I still don't know how we managed to keep that thing from exploding, but I do know we ended up pouring burning gasoline all over the yard.
Amazingly, I did not get in trouble for this, and he just got yelled at.

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999
Does 13 count as a child? 'Cause I also stuck my hand in a running snowblower at that age...have the broken and mangled thumb to prove it.


Jan 10, 2001

<< Does 13 count as a child? 'Cause I also stuck my hand in a running snowblower at that age...have the broken and mangled thumb to prove it. >>

how retarded do you have to be to do this?! :Q

I knew a kid in middle school who did this cuz a stick got caught in it and he decided he could remove it with his hand. Now all 4 of his fingers are the same height.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
Child logic never makes sense. This prob. isn't my dumbest story, but I'm pretty sure I've repressed all those, so this will have to do.

One day, I was in my living room playing, doing normal kid stuff. My grandmother was babysitting my sister and I. In the midst of my running around the living room, while my grandmother was upstairs, I smacked my body against the base of the counter. On top of the counter was a vase. This vase proceeded to fall and smack me right on my head, breaking into pieces. Of course, rather than seek immediate medical attention, I proceed to freak out, since I broke a vase. So of course, I run into the attic to hide, all the while just bleeding away from my head. I think it was like an hour later that my grandmother was finally able to find me and take care of my injury.


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
I pulled a fire alarm in first grade once. I didn't know what it was at the time. I just saw the words "pull down". and so I did


May 16, 2001
Here is my story:

I forget the age exactly but it involved plasitc and a microwave. My parents had gone away and it was on the day they were coming home. My friend and I had the house to ourselves and decided to make some food. All we could find were some frozen pizza things wrapped in plastic. I didnt bother reading the directions so I just tossed it in for a few minuites and walked away.

The thing is, instead of putting it in for 3 mins like I thought I hit 30 instead. I never took the plastic off either. I forgot about the thing and when I wondered whatever happened to it I walked out of the room we were in and noticed my whole house filled with black smoke. I freaked and ran to the microwave and saw even more black smoke pouring out of it.

I yelled to my friend, opened the microwave to stop it, and we both fell out the back door with a house filled with smoke behind up. My neighbors saw us and almost called the fire dept because of teh amount of smoke coming out of my house.

After that the house smelt horriable. We opened ever window and turned on every fan. We were not able to air out the house by the time my parents go home though..... they were soooooo happy with the way the house smelt.

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< how retarded do you have to be to do this?! :Q

I knew a kid in middle school who did this cuz a stick got caught in it and he decided he could remove it with his hand. Now all 4 of his fingers are the same height.

lol you'd be surprised how often this happens.
Anyway, here's my full story:

There was a lot of snow in our driveway (which is fairly large), and it was the wet heavy stuff, so it kept clogging the snowblower. The snowblower has two safety handles which stop the snowblower from moving or spinning the blades when you let go, so it seemed reasonably safe to clear out the chute with my hand while the snowblower was running. In fact, I did just that many times and it was no problem, until the handle that controls the blades apparently got stuck and did not release even though I had let go of it.

When I first felt my hand make contact with the blade and heard a rather loud bang, I jerked it out but nothing hurt, I was like "wow, I got lucky there" but my hand felt funny, like all tingly, so I decided to take off my gloves to examine my hands more closely, and as soon as I saw my thumb all mangled up and bleeding, with the nail falling off I felt the worst rush of pain I've ever experienced.

I was the only one home at the time so I called my dad and told him "I think I broke my thumb" (it was a bad thinking day for me), so he sent my uncle to go pick me up and bring me to the emergency room.

While I'm waiting for my uncle (slowest fcking person on earth), I run my thumb under cold water to help keep it from hurting. I start feeling a little dizzy, but I ignore the water seems too cold, so I make it warmer. Then the water starts to feel too warm, so I go to turn it back to cold and accidentally turned it to hot. OW!

Now I'm feeling *really* dizzy and like I'm going to pass out, and I'm in so much pain that I want to pass out, so I lean against the sink, prop my arm up so my hand stays under the water, put my head down on my arm...and next thing I know I wake up on the floor next to a rather large puddle of blood from my thumb, and now my head hurts too.

My uncle finally shows up and takes me to the emergency room, where I was forced to wait 8 hours before they could see me - they were also out of ice packs, so I had to keep buying soda from the soda machine to keep my hand cold.

When they were finally able to see me, they took one look at my thumb and decided that I had better see a specialist before they do anything about it. Well by that time the specialist has gone home, so I have to go see him the next day. They wrap my thumb up really good with lots of gauze and send me home saying they'll schedule me an appointment with the specialist for tomorrow morning.

I go to see the specialist the next day and *surprise* I don't have an appointment, which means they don't have any room for me in the OR, the doc has to work on me in his office using only a local anesthetic. I had to try very hard to restrain myself from kicking the doctor, it hurt so much.

So that's my story, sorry about the length.


Feb 7, 2001
At 7 I lit all the trash in a dumpster on fire. It escalated into a building on fire. Luckily the fire station was only one block away so things didn't *too* out of hand. My older brother was supposed to be watching me got in more trouble than I did. This without a doubt is the stupidest thing I've ever done.


Dec 14, 2001
ah... another story with fire...

when i was little, about 10-11? our house was being remodeled... so there i was, my parents were gone, the workers were working on the first floor, i grabbed a piece of wooden stud ( about 2 feet long and 2 inches thick all around) and dipped it in the glue bucket (not elmer, but it's kinda brownish and works on wood,plastic..etc).
turn on the gas grill and bang, instant torch. at that point, i sort of freaked out because the lit glue started to drip to the floor (with the new plastic tile).
good thing one of the worker heard the commotion and run upstairs, grabbed my 'torch' and dipped it in the toilet to put out the fire.

damage: slightly burnt plastic tile on the floor from the fiery glue drops.

proceed to do the next dumbest thing, cut out a piece of the spare floor tile, just put it ON TOP of the burnt part , then figure out that there's no way i can cover up my mistake. left the tile there and go to third floor porch corner and curl up to a ball waiting for my
parents to get home.

good thing my mom doesn't have a chicken feathered duster.... forgot what my punishment was....
but my dad was better at covering up my mistake, he cut out the damaged part and measure out a perfect piece to glue it back...


Senior member
Dec 18, 1999
All of mine have something to do with fire also. I was and still am a pyromaniac.

As a three year old I was fascinated with switches and buttons. I was visiting the NeoNatal unit where my brother was born premature. Well I saw this big red and white switch on the wall and thought it looked inviting. So I went over to it and gave it a yank. AHHHHHH Fire Alarm! In the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit at a childrens hospital! Sirens, Strobe lights and everything! My grandpa(fireman) got ahold of me and spanked me so hard I couldn't sit for a week. It was actually a good thing that I pulled it.... The auto-dialer that was SUPPOSED to automatically dial the FD had a malafunction. So when the hospital called the FD to notify them of a false alarm they said "What Alarm?"

At the age of 8 or 9 I attempted to make din-O-mite. I was partially successful, however my Dad found me and put a stop to that lickety-split-no-sh!t

As a senior in highschool I had a day off from school and decided to get into some mischief. I went to the cabinet where we store supplies for reloading shotgun shells and other munitions for our hunting expeditions. I got out the Black Powder and also retrieved an empty medicine container. I packed it full of Powder and prepared a fuse. I lived in the country so I decided to go out to the field and see just how big teh crater was going to be. So I lit it and ran like hell. I waited and waited and waited. Nothing......
I slowly crept up(stupid) to the pyro to see if the fuse went out. As I got closer I could see a ring of fire around the shell. My fuse fell out and started the 3 foot tall DRY prairie grass on fire! By the time I got close enough the ring had grown to about 4 feet in diameter. I ran to get something to put it out. That was pointless! So I broke down and called the FD and by the time they had it put out I had successfully burned around 15 acres of dry prairie land!



Aug 30, 2001
When I was about thirteen my Sega Genesis was'nt working. I thought the problem was the power cord. So I got the bright idea to suck on the end of the cord that goes into the Genesis to see if something was stuck in there. But it was still plugged in. Needless to say I was quite shocked. I could'nt get it out of my mouth while it was shocking me. It was pretty good. And even stupider is that I almost did it again like a week later. I had it an inch away from my mouth before I stopped.

Then when I was about 16 I was making a smoke bomb in my Dad's kitchen by mixing Potasium Nitrate and sugar and cooking it over a low flame. I guess the flame was'nt as low as it should have been because it exploded. It was so hot the metal spoon I was using caught on fire. So I ran into the bathroom and through it in the toilet that my brother was cleaning at the time. By the time we got back to the kitchen there was about 4 feet of smoke in the apartment. Pouring out the windows and doors. We were praying that no one would call the fire department. And to top it off the tile in the kitchen was all burned up. It was very interesting when my Dad came home and I had to explain it.

And after that a bunch of other crap, Skyrockets going off in my shirt, getting arrested. You know, the usual kid stuff!


Jan 23, 2001
Here are some stupid things I did during the the elementary school ages (not sure exactly which ages):
1) I used to have a dart board in my room with real darts (the nice sharp ones). Well I would take the darts and throw them against my cieling and walls instead of the board. My sister would always freak out over this. One time while she was yelling that I could hurt someone, I spun around and chucked one at the wall to the left of her to prove to her how good my aim was. Looking back at this I can't believe how stupid it was, because if she had tried to dodge it, she might have leaped in the path and gotten struck by a dart. Don't ask what I was thinking...
2) Throwing snowballs and those fizzpops at moving cars. Me and a bunch of kids useda do this all the time. Theres like a billion reasons why this isn't smart now. 1 of those reasons being that SOMETIMES people actually stop and try to beat the living crap out of you.
3) I used to know these really mean bullies on my street and one time they came over for water. Me and this other kid pissed in a toilet and then gave them that as water. It sounded like fair treatment at the time compared to all the mean things they did, but looking back on it... piss is about the grossest thing you could do to someone.
4) When I was really young, I got trapped between 2 doors (a screen type door and a thicker inside door) with only a few inches between each. Basically I opened the first one, went to open the second one (but it was locked), and the first one snapped back closed on me. A fireman actually pryed the first door open to get me out. I'm suprised I'm not claustrophobic because of this.
5) My cousin lobbed a hammer 30 feet into the air in an attempt to knock a branch off a tree for firewood (duh live branches do not make good firewood). The hammer came down on my head gashing the top with the end of the hammer used to remove nails. My shirt was completely red within a few seconds. Yet oddly enough I didn't need stiches (or don't recall getting them), my cousins mom just ran my head under very cold water to stop the bleeding and from there it healed completely (I hope).

Heres the dumb things from Jr High:
1) BB Gun wars. Guess what, they hurt.
2) Bottle rocket wars. Guess what, they burn.. alot. (especially when someone fires a thunderstick or something at you)

And my dumb thing quota for this year (age 20):
We lobbed a 1 year old christmas tree into our bonfire. Now I know why christmas tree fires burn down houses, can you say 'large pillar of fire'?

I hope I didn't exceed the stupid thing listing limit? I figured they were all worth mentioning.


Sep 21, 2001
*shaking head* Boys. Notice how many of these stories about blood and fire have been from girls.


Mar 12, 2000
More fun with gasoline:

My permanent residence is located on what used to be a sharecropper's field. As such, there is a really old sharecropper's house (we use it for storage) on our property and a really old open well (cistern) to go with it.

Well, my dad decided after we moved in that that open well was extremely dangerous, and someone could fall in. So what we started to do was fill it with trash, burn the trash down, fill it up some more, repeat, etc.

On one particular day, my dad apparently decided he would dump about 5 gallons of unleaded on top of the trash and let my brother and I light it. We didn't expect anything worse than what we had seen before. My brother tried to get a stick with some moss on the end, light that, and toss it in the well. This did not work. I told him "Just light a match and throw it in" but he wouldn't listen. Finally he was down to the last match in the pack, and I told him again to just light a match and throw it in. He figured he'd show me what an idiot I was, so he did it.

He lit the match, let it burn for a second, and tossed it in the well.... nothing happened. We both took a peek over the edge of the cistern...


I honestly don't remember if I got blown off my feet or just jumped back, but the explosion was BIG. For the next 5 minutes, flaming trash rained from the sky (I kid you not). And the open hole of the well went from being like ' o ' to ' O '. It basically almost doubled in size.

I'd say this stupidity was a collaboration between my father, my brother, and myself. At least I still have my eyebrows I guess. To this day, my dad claims he did it to teach us "fire safety"


Senior member
Dec 22, 2001
Awww, cmon HotChic. It's fun! Well, ok, for a time it is

A friend and I used to buy a bunch of fireworks, Roman Candles and bottle rockets of all sizes, go to opposite ends of a street, and have a war. Looking back, that was really, really stupid. Yet at the time, so much fun! Especially since my buddy wasn't that proficient with a lighter


Nov 26, 2000
I've told this story a few times here, so I wont tell it again but I will show the court papers charging me.

Charges against me relating to a fight with my Father-Page 1
Charges against me relating to a fight with my Father-Page 2

i was a little bastard when I was a kid. The yes/no on the left hand side indicates what I admitted in a plea bargain allowing me to go to rehab and reform school instead of jail. It didnt happen as the court alleges (my father lied about it), but I should say I was really innocent. The blacked out parts are simply names of me and my father.


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
I don't remember anything particularly stupid during childhood (which probably means I just repressed it, not that I didn't do it). Now, I've done some rather stupid things as a teenager (mostly involving DC electricity) but I don't recall any childhood stupidities.



Jan 10, 2001
When i was twelve or so, i got my hands on the anarchist's cookbook. I don't think i have to explain any further. Lets just say that 2 liter makes a huge explosion in a city park, and police will come.


Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
Only thing i can remember involved a wall power outlet and a pair of tweezers.

The blue lightning in the dark hallway was pretty cool.



Golden Member
Mar 7, 2001
Well, Me and BB Guns had some problems growing up.

1. I used to have a friend that I would target practice with. So, one day we got some glass bottles (we were about 10) and set them up on his fence. We were about 50 yards away, and not good shots. We finally started shooting laying on the ground preteneding we were in the ARMY. We kept hearing the BBs (mine had pellets) hit something, but hte bottles weren't breaking, so we kept putting more and more pumps into the BBs. Turns out, we were hitting, and breaking something. his next door neighbor was one of those Glass Delivery Guys with those trucsk with all that glass being carried on the back. We didn't shatter anything, but put plenty of BB-Holes into more than one sheet of glass. Funny thing is, I don't even remember seeing the truck.

My BB-Gun was permanently confiscated several years later after this one.
2. We lived on a busy highway, but our house was heavlily wooded---you couldn't see the house from the road. So one weekend, we decided it would be fun to target practice on the cars driving by. We shot the cars all day long, just aiming for the hub caps. We'd shoot a hubcap (pa-tinggggg) and laugh for about thiry minutes.....we were in full camofladge, laying down pretending to be snipers. Well, about 5-oclock, we decided to pretend we were an ambush party, and hide behind a bush right beside the road, and pop up as the car drove past and shoot it (still hidden from plain view). Well, we shot it all right---It was a Mini-Van, and when the BB hit, it completely shattered the passenger side sliding door. I remember saying oh Fvck. We hid in the bushes cuz the driver had turned around, and when he went back down the road again, we ran up the hill to my house. He saw us and about 2 minutes later, he pulled into our driveway, and my BB-Gun became history.


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2001
hmmm, way too many to list: electrocution, broken bones, playing tarzan and falling on my head from 15 feet high, etc, etc...

but my earliest one: i was almost 3 and my little brother was still under 1 and in a crib i guess. my grandpa was walking us on the street, and i decided to roll over my brothers crib and then i procedeed to run away. basically ran away from home at age 2+, somebody found me a couple of hours later about 2-3 miles away. i actually gave them directions on how to take me back to my grandparents home.

then at age 6 i kept saying i'm going to run away from home, and i just decided to hide somewhere with some food for a day+. parents freaked out, called police to search for me, etc... i just came out smiling and happy on the joke i had played on them when i got too bored of being there. oh yeah, i had convinced a friend to be in with me so i would not get bored as easily.

... oh man, and way too many other things. my poor younger brother never did anything bad since he saw me doing so many things that he was always too cautios since he saw what happened to me. i don't think i've ever learned though.


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2001
1. luggage key and wall outlet at 5
2. trying to "sled" down the stairs with a laundry basket.

Sir Fredrick

Oct 14, 1999

<< 2. trying to "sled" down the stairs with a laundry basket. >>

Nothing wrong with provided me with years of entertainment. I wish I could still pull that off.
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