As America Recedes, China is Poised to Take Over the World.

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Oct 18, 2005
Good grief. Do you honestly absorb the shit that's fed to you and believe it? Looks an awful like it. You sound as if Trump is like a Socialist dictator like Hitler. Yet the exact is happening by you and your ilk and you can't see it. A Nazi propagandist once said, accuse those of which you are guilty. That's precisely what's going on now. Especially with these domestic terrorists ANTIFA who are in no way shape or form anti-fascist. They are the god damn fascists! Especially given their "conform to our beliefs or else. Then they tear down and burn shit and beat up Trump supporters. And are Trump supporters acting like this? Is the President rounding up these hoodlums and deporting them? And if he truly was Hitler-like he'd gas illegal immigrants among all the other shit Hitler did. This bullshit idea of Trump being a fascist stems from a serious lack of historical knowledge. Which makes perfect since given the left knows next to nothing in economics given their political philosophy. The left is like a disease. Some people are infected by it and some people are immune.

I question your mental health yourself by saying Trump is a "psychopath." Do you even know the definition of a psychopath? Just let me give you a clue and say if you compare Trump to Jeffrey Dahmer or some other fuck up, then you truly have either been brainwashed to no extent or are mentally off. Then to to top it off you claim all of the Trump supporters, me included are delusional. How is it that me and half of the United States are delusional for wanting the DC swamp drained, lower taxes and more jobs just to name a few common sense things?

There is a sickness that is bestowed among people who are of the political left. They are too blinded by the media they consume that they can't see the light. In fact the joke is, how many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they'd rather be left in the dark.

Don't allow yourself to be taken as sucker. It's a losing battle. The Democrats have already lost over a 1,000 seats, they can't raise shit for campaign funds and that Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative has not materialized anything after over a year of investigation. Meanwhile, it has backfired and it's Hillary herself that has the true Russian connections. She was a pay to play politician. Hench the private E-mail server to conduct business and then using Bleachbit to hide all that BS. Gee, I wonder if Trump is like that? Has he ordered staffers to smash phones?

It's really so damn funny. Prior to Trump becoming President, if he ever threw a party Hollywood types would be lined up at the door. Now that he's President they have changed their tune. What happened?

I think you're better off spending your time donating to George Soros or the Ford Foundation. Or perhaps taking down a statue in a fascist effort to erase America's past. After all, that's what your ilk are good at. It's truly amazing. If you truly knew what Naziism was all about you'd change your tune and appreciate the fact Trump was elected with the same system that elected Obama not once, but twice and that Trump can only serve a maximum of 8 years. You should be thankful we live under a Constitution that has been modeled by many other countries. And the fact Ho chi minh himself repeated the words of The Declaration Of Independence.

This leftist philosophy of social welfare and trickle up is flawed based on basic economic understanding. And exhibit A is Venezuela for God's sake. Your party is flawed logic. It has promised this and that time and time again but only failed. Detroit, Chicago, San Fransisco and Baltimore are just a few perfect examples. Then they pretend to fight for you only to gain votes in exchange. If they're not doing that they have dead people vote or undocumented illegals vote. Is it any wonder the Democrats want free reign on voter ID? It's not about personal rights or any of this made up garbage. And I can name a list of government programs where you need an ID. Why would voting not be one of them. Once again, more flawed Leftist logic.

But what really tops this cake is that now football, all American football has gotten into the fray. If it isn't raciest this, raciest that, you're a bigot then they are trying to undermine football or Halloween costumes. Next thing you know they'll want you to make restrooms politically correct. Oh, wait... Not too long ago this BS crap backfired in Wyoming and a transgender male rapped a kid in the bathroom. All of this stems from a fascist philosophy of comply or else. It's a do as I say not as I do idealism. Perfect example of that was that California Congressman touting about more gun restrictions never mind the damn 2nd Amendment and then gunrunning under the radar.

Here's a challenge. Study Socialism and Nazism and all the sinister acts of Hitler, and then come back and tell me we Trump supporters are all delusional and support a Hitler-like President.

SOMEBODY was triggered!


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Good grief. Do you honestly absorb the shit that's fed to you and believe it? Looks an awful like it. You sound as if Trump is like a Socialist dictator like Hitler. Yet the exact is happening by you and your ilk and you can't see it. A Nazi propagandist once said, accuse those of which you are guilty. That's precisely what's going on now. Especially with these domestic terrorists ANTIFA who are in no way shape or form anti-fascist. They are the god damn fascists! Especially given their "conform to our beliefs or else. Then they tear down and burn shit and beat up Trump supporters. And are Trump supporters acting like this? Is the President rounding up these hoodlums and deporting them? And if he truly was Hitler-like he'd gas illegal immigrants among all the other shit Hitler did. This bullshit idea of Trump being a fascist stems from a serious lack of historical knowledge. Which makes perfect since given the left knows next to nothing in economics given their political philosophy. The left is like a disease. Some people are infected by it and some people are immune.

I question your mental health yourself by saying Trump is a "psychopath." Do you even know the definition of a psychopath? Just let me give you a clue and say if you compare Trump to Jeffrey Dahmer or some other fuck up, then you truly have either been brainwashed to no extent or are mentally off. Then to to top it off you claim all of the Trump supporters, me included are delusional. How is it that me and half of the United States are delusional for wanting the DC swamp drained, lower taxes and more jobs just to name a few common sense things?

There is a sickness that is bestowed among people who are of the political left. They are too blinded by the media they consume that they can't see the light. In fact the joke is, how many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they'd rather be left in the dark.

Don't allow yourself to be taken as sucker. It's a losing battle. The Democrats have already lost over a 1,000 seats, they can't raise shit for campaign funds and that Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative has not materialized anything after over a year of investigation. Meanwhile, it has backfired and it's Hillary herself that has the true Russian connections. She was a pay to play politician. Hench the private E-mail server to conduct business and then using Bleachbit to hide all that BS. Gee, I wonder if Trump is like that? Has he ordered staffers to smash phones?

It's really so damn funny. Prior to Trump becoming President, if he ever threw a party Hollywood types would be lined up at the door. Now that he's President they have changed their tune. What happened?

I think you're better off spending your time donating to George Soros or the Ford Foundation. Or perhaps taking down a statue in a fascist effort to erase America's past. After all, that's what your ilk are good at. It's truly amazing. If you truly knew what Naziism was all about you'd change your tune and appreciate the fact Trump was elected with the same system that elected Obama not once, but twice and that Trump can only serve a maximum of 8 years. You should be thankful we live under a Constitution that has been modeled by many other countries. And the fact Ho chi minh himself repeated the words of The Declaration Of Independence.

This leftist philosophy of social welfare and trickle up is flawed based on basic economic understanding. And exhibit A is Venezuela for God's sake. Your party is flawed logic. It has promised this and that time and time again but only failed. Detroit, Chicago, San Fransisco and Baltimore are just a few perfect examples. Then they pretend to fight for you only to gain votes in exchange. If they're not doing that they have dead people vote or undocumented illegals vote. Is it any wonder the Democrats want free reign on voter ID? It's not about personal rights or any of this made up garbage. And I can name a list of government programs where you need an ID. Why would voting not be one of them. Once again, more flawed Leftist logic.

But what really tops this cake is that now football, all American football has gotten into the fray. If it isn't raciest this, raciest that, you're a bigot then they are trying to undermine football or Halloween costumes. Next thing you know they'll want you to make restrooms politically correct. Oh, wait... Not too long ago this BS crap backfired in Wyoming and a transgender male rapped a kid in the bathroom. All of this stems from a fascist philosophy of comply or else. It's a do as I say not as I do idealism. Perfect example of that was that California Congressman touting about more gun restrictions never mind the damn 2nd Amendment and then gunrunning under the radar.

Here's a challenge. Study Socialism and Nazism and all the sinister acts of Hitler, and then come back and tell me we Trump supporters are all delusional and support a Hitler-like President.

This rage must taste especially salty this morning, eh? How's that hangover, dipspit?


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Good grief. Do you honestly absorb the shit that's fed to you and believe it? Looks an awful like it. You sound as if Trump is like a Socialist dictator like Hitler.

Hitler wasn't a socialist. What's the school system like over there in the states? Why do I have to keep correcting people?

"on the same day as Hitler's Hofbräuhaus speech on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).[49][50] The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers."

Cynical right? Or politics as usual. Hitler was a far right populist.Who knew how to use people's fear and prejudice to get himself elected.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
John Connor: Good grief. Do you honestly absorb the shit that's fed to you and believe it? Looks an awful like it.

M: Since you have taken quite a bit of time and put a lot of effort into this post, I feel obliged to respond as sincerely as I can. I believe it unlikely you have a chance to talk to somebody with my perspective so I will try to share. I believe that I have had a rather unique life in that I believe I died to what you call belief quite a long time ago when I was young and that such experiences don't happen to many people. I used to have beliefs, things I believed were sacred, faith in God and faith in the good. I lost all that because for reasons I do not understand, I could not help but question things. I had to prove all the truths I believed in, and I read and worked very long and hard to do that. I tore myself apart with introspection. And I failed. I faced what the existentialists did, the cold benign indifference of the universe the meaningless of everything. I was swallowed by the Nothing. If you know the Neverending Story, I was the Rock Monster, if I remember correctly his name. Anyway, I was totally beaten and surrender to a life I knew would be nothing but endless suffering in hopelessness and pain. My live filled up with black. In that place something happened and I woke up with an insight that altered my life. Everything that I had sought, all the goodness of the universe I sought out there was simply a longing for something we can lose sight of but can never be really lost, our true selves. I am the universe and all of its beauty come from me. All that I had longed for and tried to prove exists out there exists only, but does exist within me. A nobody who has died to hope and meaning, to good and to evil, has nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nothing to become. A nobody is a grain of sand that contains everything.

JC: You sound as if Trump is like a Socialist dictator like Hitler. Yet the exact is happening by you and your ilk and you can't see it. A Nazi propagandist once said, accuse those of which you are guilty. That's precisely what's going on now. Especially with these domestic terrorists ANTIFA who are in no way shape or form anti-fascist. They are the god damn fascists! Especially given their "conform to our beliefs or else. Then they tear down and burn shit and beat up Trump supporters. And are Trump supporters acting like this? Is the President rounding up these hoodlums and deporting them? And if he truly was Hitler-like he'd gas illegal immigrants among all the other shit Hitler did. This bullshit idea of Trump being a fascist stems from a serious lack of historical knowledge. Which makes perfect since given the left knows next to nothing in economics given their political philosophy. The left is like a disease. Some people are infected by it and some people are immune.

M: You are lumping me in with a class of believers. I am not a believer. My truth comes from me. My truth can't be believed. It can only be known. The ilk you speak of are a reaction to a reaction, a delusional state on both counts. I have no more use for the radical left than I do for the radical right.

JC: I question your mental health yourself by saying Trump is a "psychopath." Do you even know the definition of a psychopath? Just let me give you a clue and say if you compare Trump to Jeffrey Dahmer or some other fuck up, then you truly have either been brainwashed to no extent or are mentally off. Then to to top it off you claim all of the Trump supporters, me included are delusional. How is it that me and half of the United States are delusional for wanting the DC swamp drained, lower taxes and more jobs just to name a few common sense things?

M: I died to belief, the very kind of thing you present here, your, what I call bigoted opinions. I used to believe in things just like you do. I questioned everything, remember? I could take nothing on faith. What I discovered in doing that was that I was a bigot. I believed in the good. I knew what the good was. But I was wrong. There is only the assumption that what on believes to be the good is what the good is. Only when you die to belief in the good and all your opinions as to what the good is can you find the real good, that god and the true self are one and the same thing and that the true self is real. There your struggle and battle will end. You can do nothing to make the good real because The Good always is, has always been and always will be. You are a believer in things because you are not a knower of what is real.

JC: There is a sickness that is bestowed among people who are of the political left. They are too blinded by the media they consume that they can't see the light. In fact the joke is, how many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they'd rather be left in the dark.

M: The universal condition of people of any faith.

JC: Don't allow yourself to be taken as sucker. It's a losing battle. The Democrats have already lost over a 1,000 seats, they can't raise shit for campaign funds and that Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative has not materialized anything after over a year of investigation. Meanwhile, it has backfired and it's Hillary herself that has the true Russian connections. She was a pay to play politician. Hench the private E-mail server to conduct business and then using Bleachbit to hide all that BS. Gee, I wonder if Trump is like that? Has he ordered staffers to smash phones?

It's really so damn funny. Prior to Trump becoming President, if he ever threw a party Hollywood types would be lined up at the door. Now that he's President they have changed their tune. What happened?

I think you're better off spending your time donating to George Soros or the Ford Foundation. Or perhaps taking down a statue in a fascist effort to erase America's past. After all, that's what your ilk are good at. It's truly amazing. If you truly knew what Naziism was all about you'd change your tune and appreciate the fact Trump was elected with the same system that elected Obama not once, but twice and that Trump can only serve a maximum of 8 years. You should be thankful we live under a Constitution that has been modeled by many other countries. And the fact Ho chi minh himself repeated the words of The Declaration Of Independence.

This leftist philosophy of social welfare and trickle up is flawed based on basic economic understanding. And exhibit A is Venezuela for God's sake. Your party is flawed logic. It has promised this and that time and time again but only failed. Detroit, Chicago, San Fransisco and Baltimore are just a few perfect examples. Then they pretend to fight for you only to gain votes in exchange. If they're not doing that they have dead people vote or undocumented illegals vote. Is it any wonder the Democrats want free reign on voter ID? It's not about personal rights or any of this made up garbage. And I can name a list of government programs where you need an ID. Why would voting not be one of them. Once again, more flawed Leftist logic.

But what really tops this cake is that now football, all American football has gotten into the fray. If it isn't raciest this, raciest that, you're a bigot then they are trying to undermine football or Halloween costumes. Next thing you know they'll want you to make restrooms politically correct. Oh, wait... Not too long ago this BS crap backfired in Wyoming and a transgender male rapped a kid in the bathroom. All of this stems from a fascist philosophy of comply or else. It's a do as I say not as I do idealism. Perfect example of that was that California Congressman touting about more gun restrictions never mind the damn 2nd Amendment and then gunrunning under the radar.

Here's a challenge. Study Socialism and Nazism and all the sinister acts of Hitler, and then come back and tell me we Trump supporters are all delusional and support a Hitler-like President.

M: I studied myself and defeated the Nothing. I won everything. While I have been typing to you I have been watching the light in my garden, the wind moving the leaves, and sparrows pecking around on the ground. Timeless immortality is in the now. My wish is to give you that which you have and was buried by deep pain. "Did you but suffer you would not suffer", according to another JC. Love you!


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Good grief. Do you honestly absorb the shit that's fed to you and believe it? Looks an awful like it. You sound as if Trump is like a Socialist dictator like Hitler. Yet the exact is happening by you and your ilk and you can't see it. A Nazi propagandist once said, accuse those of which you are guilty. That's precisely what's going on now. Especially with these domestic terrorists ANTIFA who are in no way shape or form anti-fascist. They are the god damn fascists! Especially given their "conform to our beliefs or else. Then they tear down and burn shit and beat up Trump supporters. And are Trump supporters acting like this? Is the President rounding up these hoodlums and deporting them? And if he truly was Hitler-like he'd gas illegal immigrants among all the other shit Hitler did. This bullshit idea of Trump being a fascist stems from a serious lack of historical knowledge. Which makes perfect since given the left knows next to nothing in economics given their political philosophy. The left is like a disease. Some people are infected by it and some people are immune.

I question your mental health yourself by saying Trump is a "psychopath." Do you even know the definition of a psychopath? Just let me give you a clue and say if you compare Trump to Jeffrey Dahmer or some other fuck up, then you truly have either been brainwashed to no extent or are mentally off. Then to to top it off you claim all of the Trump supporters, me included are delusional. How is it that me and half of the United States are delusional for wanting the DC swamp drained, lower taxes and more jobs just to name a few common sense things?

There is a sickness that is bestowed among people who are of the political left. They are too blinded by the media they consume that they can't see the light. In fact the joke is, how many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they'd rather be left in the dark.

Don't allow yourself to be taken as sucker. It's a losing battle. The Democrats have already lost over a 1,000 seats, they can't raise shit for campaign funds and that Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative has not materialized anything after over a year of investigation. Meanwhile, it has backfired and it's Hillary herself that has the true Russian connections. She was a pay to play politician. Hench the private E-mail server to conduct business and then using Bleachbit to hide all that BS. Gee, I wonder if Trump is like that? Has he ordered staffers to smash phones?

It's really so damn funny. Prior to Trump becoming President, if he ever threw a party Hollywood types would be lined up at the door. Now that he's President they have changed their tune. What happened?

I think you're better off spending your time donating to George Soros or the Ford Foundation. Or perhaps taking down a statue in a fascist effort to erase America's past. After all, that's what your ilk are good at. It's truly amazing. If you truly knew what Naziism was all about you'd change your tune and appreciate the fact Trump was elected with the same system that elected Obama not once, but twice and that Trump can only serve a maximum of 8 years. You should be thankful we live under a Constitution that has been modeled by many other countries. And the fact Ho chi minh himself repeated the words of The Declaration Of Independence.

This leftist philosophy of social welfare and trickle up is flawed based on basic economic understanding. And exhibit A is Venezuela for God's sake. Your party is flawed logic. It has promised this and that time and time again but only failed. Detroit, Chicago, San Fransisco and Baltimore are just a few perfect examples. Then they pretend to fight for you only to gain votes in exchange. If they're not doing that they have dead people vote or undocumented illegals vote. Is it any wonder the Democrats want free reign on voter ID? It's not about personal rights or any of this made up garbage. And I can name a list of government programs where you need an ID. Why would voting not be one of them. Once again, more flawed Leftist logic.

But what really tops this cake is that now football, all American football has gotten into the fray. If it isn't raciest this, raciest that, you're a bigot then they are trying to undermine football or Halloween costumes. Next thing you know they'll want you to make restrooms politically correct. Oh, wait... Not too long ago this BS crap backfired in Wyoming and a transgender male rapped a kid in the bathroom. All of this stems from a fascist philosophy of comply or else. It's a do as I say not as I do idealism. Perfect example of that was that California Congressman touting about more gun restrictions never mind the damn 2nd Amendment and then gunrunning under the radar.

Here's a challenge. Study Socialism and Nazism and all the sinister acts of Hitler, and then come back and tell me we Trump supporters are all delusional and support a Hitler-like President.

OK. I must admit I only read that first sentence previously but wow. That was epic. Sorry if it feels like I am piling on but socialism and nazism have nothing to do with each other they are complety different ideologies. I think where the similarities are being drawn between hitler and trump is that both of them are/were right wing populists who got themselves elected based on prejudice, fear and embracing hardcore extremist elements. The argument is a little more nuanced than what you are claiming.

Although to be fair I can't really tell if you are being serious or not? Because you come across as very immature.

A Nazi propagandist once said, accuse those of which you are guilty.
that Russia, Russia, Russia false narrative has not materialized anything after over a year of investigation. Meanwhile, it has backfired and it's Hillary herself that has the true Russian connections.

I rest my case.
Reactions: Mike64

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
I don't have time for this shit, and I'm not reading all that. But I'm just going to say one thing and then you all can get back on the China crap.

If you truly do think Trump is Hitler-like and all of his supporters, then I urge you to visit a retirement home and talk to those that have served during WWII and ask them: "Do you think Trump is Hitler-like and his supporters?"

Do this, and then post back.
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Aug 31, 2002
I really think ATOT is a mental institution. Little do they know they are both just on opposite sides of the padded wall, pecking away at their keyboards. LMAO.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
I really think ATOT is a mental institution. Little do they know they are both just on opposite sides of the padded wall, pecking away at their keyboards. LMAO.

Well, I can agree with you on that one. But I'm not a resident, I'm a doctor prescribing meds and advice. LOL!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I don't have time for this shit, and I'm not reading all that.

My apologies if you were referring to me. I took from your long post you wanted to express how you feel so I tried to return the favor and have a dialog. I am sorry if I misunderstood your willingness to talk with a desire also to listen. The long and short of what I said was that in my opinion you do not see Trump as Hitler and I do, not because I have been programmed but because you have not been deprogrammed which is something I would recommend, having done so myself. You insist I look at Trump to see he's not Hitler, but mine was only an offer. I feel no need for you to agree with me.

John Connor

Nov 30, 2012
My apologies if you were referring to me. I took from your long post you wanted to express how you feel so I tried to return the favor and have a dialog. I am sorry if I misunderstood your willingness to talk with a desire also to listen. The long and short of what I said was that in my opinion you do not see Trump as Hitler and I do, not because I have been programmed but because you have not been deprogrammed which is something I would recommend, having done so myself. You insist I look at Trump to see he's not Hitler, but mine was only an offer. I feel no need for you to agree with me.

Refer to post #108 again. They don't charge to talk to residents at retirement homes.
Reactions: Mike64


Oct 18, 2005
Since I ignore a lot of kids, it's sometimes hard to determine who's talking to who.

Brave Connor and his list protecting that safe space.

On the subject of the thread a more influential China is exactly what John Connor and other Trump voters voted for.


Nov 10, 2003
In other news....

With global attention focused on North Korea and Beijing engrossed in its Party Congress, tensions in the South China Sea have slipped from the headlines in recent months.

But with none of the underlying disputes resolved and new images reviewed by Reuters showing China continuing to develop facilities on North and Tree islands in the contested Paracel islands, experts say the vital trade route remains a global flashpoint.

Some expect China to land its first deployments of jet fighters onto its runways in the Spratly islands in coming months, while regional military officers say it is already using the new facilities to expand naval and coast guard deployments deep into Southeast Asia.

"They've built these extensive facilities and both Chinese civilian and PLA experts have always made it clear that when the strategic time is right, they're going to start using them more fully," said Bonnie Glaser, a China security expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"I think it is a question of when, rather than if, China will start to assert its interests more forcefully in the South China Sea ... and that is likely to be at a time of China's choosing," Glaser told Reuters.

Remember commie china promised not to militarize the South china Sea? Uh huh.

Peaceful my butt.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Refer to post #108 again. They don't charge to talk to residents at retirement homes.
I spent a life

We do not think alike. I would never imagine I know what I would hear from people in a nursing home regarding their comparisons between Trump and Hitler. I would not imagine, if you had compared Trump to Hitler exactly the nature of what you see in common between them. I see that you are focused on the evil actually done by Hitler and what Trump has done so far. I am not referring to that at all. The comparisons I see between Trump and Hitler lie in the authoritarian demagoguery of the two men, the egotistical certainty and the madness of their vision. What people in a nursing home may feel about my opinion is as of little importance to me as yours about mine. I am a nobody and being a nobody makes for an ease in seeing who thinks they can see. You are such a person, filled with bigoted opinions based on the fact that you do not introspect, have not destroyed everything you ever took as sacred. You are a holy warrior and I am empty. It is via our wounds that the light enters. I discovered all this with the help of Knowers.

This little dew drop world
It may be only a dew drop
And yet, and yet.......

Written by a Zen master on the death of his son.

There are two worlds, the one of ordinary reality and one unseen that is open only to those who suffer. I have had a foot in each.

The holy war you fight I already won. I am a retired veteran of that war who receives a retiree payment in the form of love of everything. My only wish is that you join me. But it is a wish that has no strings. It is only a serine call for those with ears to hear.

The plaint of the reed is for its osier bed to return from whence we came.

To sum up:

The capacity to compare Hitler and Trump in nursing home residents will depend on the degree of their psychological development and the insight and acumen they have garnered over a life time. One might visit many and find no real knowledge. Among those who also live in ignorance, many opinions will be had as to a Trump Hitler comparison, opinions biased by unconscious psychological needs and bigotry based on notions of The Good that really does exist, with goods that are false but were inculcated in childhood before we had the intellect to see through them. You are a parrot trained to talk a line, a puppet that has not cut its strings. All of this caused you great pain and suffering that is hidden behind enormous rage. You believe that I hate you and am out to get you. You cannot trust. Understanding only brings tenderness and love and of course loneliness. I can't have you for company no matter how much I wish I could. This is the nature of things and why all conscious being suffer without suffering. May you awaken from your dream.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
This is what America wanted by voting for an ignorant idiot for President.
Almost. It's terrifyingly true that half of the electorate voted for him, but we shouldn't forget that (for a second time in recent history), only "a couple of Americans" actually put him in office, in spite of the "mandate" of the electorates they theoretically represented... (And fwiw, I'm not trying to start up the whole electoral college debate here, but that is in fact what happened in this case.)

China's toxic nationalism is going to lead to war, and Trump is only assisting it.
China's "toxic nationalism"? Seriously??

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Reactions: MajinCry and pmv
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