As long as everyone's mind is blown how about LTE for the iP5?

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Golden Member
Jun 1, 2006

Battery life isn't the "Android deal killer" that Apple fans are making it out to be. The large screen and LTE radio put the Thunderbolt into a totally different class than the iPhone4. Obviously, those features require more power than your 3.5" 3g phone from last year.

Bottom line:

Swapping and upgrading your phone's battery is easy and convenient when the manufacturer doesn't insist on sealing them inside the device. These are features, not drawbacks, and the only thing preventing you from admitting so is that there isn't an Apple logo on the device.

Do you carry around a spare battery in your pocket?


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2003

Battery life isn't the "Android deal killer" that Apple fans are making it out to be. The large screen and LTE radio put the Thunderbolt into a totally different class than the iPhone4. Obviously, those features require more power than your 3.5" 3g phone from last year.

Bottom line:

Swapping and upgrading your phone's battery is easy and convenient when the manufacturer doesn't insist on sealing them inside the device. These are features, not drawbacks, and the only thing preventing you from admitting so is that there isn't an Apple logo on the device.

Says the guy who has a link to antennagate in their signature. Whatever dude, talk about making something out to be terrible when its rarely even a problem

The only thing preventing you from admitting that replacing a battery multiple times in a day due to shitty battery life is not a 'feature' is because the phone doesnt have an apple logo on it.
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Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Do you carry around a spare battery in your pocket?

Nope. I upgraded my Thunderbolt's battery and leave my stock one charged in my work bag. I've only had to resort to using it twice, ever. Basically it's there just in case I forget to charge the night before.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2003
Nope. I upgraded my Thunderbolt's battery and leave my stock one charged in my work bag. I've only had to resort to using it twice, ever. Basically it's there just in case I forget to charge the night before.

I can go a weekend (Friday night - Sunday late afternoon) before the iPhone 4 is even close to dying. I used to not even charge my iPhone at night. Just charged it on my 25 minute drive to and from work. I have a feeling my charging schedule would not work with your thunderbolt. Comparable battery life? I think not.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Says the guy who has a link to antennagate in their signature. Whatever dude, talk about making something out to be terrible when its rarely even a problem

Who is making something out to be terrible?

My signature says "Touch of death, not grip of death". This is in direct response to Apple trying to conflate the iPhone's design flaw as a "death grip" problem, and further implying that all phones suffer from the same problem.

In reality, these are two completely separate issues.

Death grip, is signal attenuation due to placing your hand over the phone's antenna. This has long been recognized as an issue since cellular phones were invented. That's why older phones had extendable "whip" antennas.

Death touch, is a design flaw, that affects only the iPhone 4. Apple's phone can be brought from full bars to zero bars in a matter of seconds simply by touching the phone with one finger.

Yes, Apple fans cry out in unison that you can put a case on the phone, and that the issue affects "hardly any" users etc... but the design flaw is still there and it's clearly and easily demonstrated in the video.

Is it "terrible"? Maybe not. But the link proves that there are two separate issues at play, and that "death grip" isn't the same thing as the design flaw on the iPhone 4.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Comparable battery life? I think not.

Try it with a 4.3" screen and LTE turned on and then get back to us.

I've already stated that it's comparable if you turn Thunderbolt's 4G off.

Apples to apples. Oranges to oranges...
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Aug 9, 2011
Gonna have to agree with gsaldivar, but only on one point. It indeed is an apples to oranges comparison when you're talking about battery life and LTE, so there's no point in giving iPhone battery times until the iPhone supports LTE (which it hopefully will in this next iteration).

The discussion seems to have descended into "Android vs iPhone," which has been beaten to death. Neither side wins overall; it just wins depending each person and their circumstances. For instance, certain Android phones may have a worse battery life. Well for me, I'm mostly in my car or in the office, so I can easily charge at any point in the day, making the battery life not a priority. Conversely, the iPhone 4 is lacking LTE. However, if I happen to spend most of my time in places with WiFi, then no LTE isn't huge a deal, and is no longer a top priority.


Oct 11, 1999
LOL, didn't intend to start a war...

I'm torn, love my ThunderBolt's speed, hate the radio software, and I've tried them all, they have a hard time handing off between 3G and 4G. If I get on an elevator or in a zero signal area, I've had to do a hot reset more than once to get the signal back.

I just skipped the whole battery life issue, got accustomed to an extended battery with my EVO and just bought one right away for the ThunderBolt, it's a flipping brick, but I can go the whole day of hard use and still make it home with 30% left.

If the iP5 has 4G/LTE, I really hope the radio is energy efficient, if not, there will be lots of bitching.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
The discussion seems to have descended into "Android vs iPhone," which has been beaten to death. Neither side wins overall; it just wins depending each person and their circumstances.

Agreed. No device is perfect. I'll admit the Thunderbolt is a battery hog. I'm just trying to point out that it's simply not the deal killer that fans are trying to make it out to be. Same with the iPhone's antenna issue - it's not a deal killer for the millions of iPhone owners around the world.


Aug 9, 2011
If the iP5 has 4G/LTE, I really hope the radio is energy efficient, if not, there will be lots of bitching.

It will be very tough for Apple to engineer an LTE iPhone to be as energy efficient as an iPhone with just 3G. They'll make optimizations of course, but I'm not expecting any numbers as close to what we're seeing with 3G phones.

I'm using a rooted T-Mobile G2 with "4G" capability. Every so often, people on XDA forums post new radios to install on the phone. After trying out several, I was able to find one that both improves my data signal strength and my battery life. I'm sure Apple will do similar tweaks to the next iPhone radio, but again, I don't think the battery life increase will be dramatic.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
I've tried them all, they have a hard time handing off between 3G and 4G.

On this point, I've noticed a similar problem only if there are active sockets open. In other words, there may be an app that is preventing the handoff. I stream music regularly on my commute, and get solid 4G the entire trip except for this one area approaching downtown LA (freeway underpass with concrete barriers on both sides) at which point I will get a 3G handoff. Interestingly, if the handoff persists long enough for my streaming app (XiiaLive) to rebuffer and start playing again, I will keep that 3G connection indefinitely - or until the app releases the data socket. As soon as data is idle, the phone checks again for 4G and handsoff to the faster connection within seconds. If you can't locate the app causing the problem, I would just install Dazzle Configurable Switcher. This app has a single widget button for toggling both data radios On/Off. One touch turns the radios off, one touch turns them back on. So in about 10 seconds you will get 4G back. No need for a reset and you don't even have to quit any streaming apps. As soon as the connection returns, everything picks up where you left off.

Sorry for the off topic reply.
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Oct 11, 1999
On this point, I've noticed a similar problem only if there are active sockets open. In other words, there may be an app that is preventing the handoff. I stream music regularly on my commute, and get solid 4G the entire trip except for this one area approaching downtown LA (freeway underpass with concrete barriers on both sides) at which point I will get a 3G handoff. Interestingly, if the handoff persists long enough for my streaming app (XiiaLive) to rebuffer and start playing again, I will keep that 3G connection indefinitely - or until the app releases the data socket. As soon as data is idle, the phone checks again for 4G and handsoff to the faster connection within seconds. If you can't locate the app causing the problem, I would just install Dazzle Configurable Switcher. This app has a single widget button for toggling both data radios On/Off. One touch turns the radios off, one touch turns them back on. So in about 10 seconds you will get 4G back. No need for a reset and you don't even have to quit any streaming apps. As soon as the connection returns, everything picks up where you left off.

Sorry for the off topic reply.

I appreciate it, have always wished it were easier to turn the radio off and on on the ThunderBolt

Didn't realize you were in LA. Is your mom single?


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Gonna have to agree with gsaldivar, but only on one point. It indeed is an apples to oranges comparison when you're talking about battery life and LTE, so there's no point in giving iPhone battery times until the iPhone supports LTE (which it hopefully will in this next iteration).

Don't get me wrong, it is a point. But if you're going to talk about how great LTE is on your device (to make it look better than the iPhone 4) and complain about the iPhone using a bulky battery pack/case, I don't think you have grounds to argue when someone points out LTE is extremely power hungry.

Notice his only retort was "whatever" when I pointed that out.

The discussion seems to have descended into "Android vs iPhone," which has been beaten to death. Neither side wins overall; it just wins depending each person and their circumstances. For instance, certain Android phones may have a worse battery life. Well for me, I'm mostly in my car or in the office, so I can easily charge at any point in the day, making the battery life not a priority. Conversely, the iPhone 4 is lacking LTE. However, if I happen to spend most of my time in places with WiFi, then no LTE isn't huge a deal, and is no longer a top priority.
I absolutely agree. One problem is any "Andriod enthusiast" never seems able to speak objectively. Granted there are some "Apple enthusiasts" who are the same way. Seems worst with the Android people. It always has to be about how Apple sucks and how the iPhone sucks. Let's be honest, the thread had zero to do with Android but I don't fault the "Android enthusiasts" completely. In all honesty, cheezy321's comment on the first page was kinda troll bait. There was no need to mention Android. Doesn't change the fact that there is so much hate and vitriol for Apple and iOS that no thread can go by without some troll being attracted.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005

Battery life isn't the "Android deal killer" that Apple fans are making it out to be. The large screen and LTE radio put the Thunderbolt into a totally different class than the iPhone4. Obviously, those features require more power than your 3.5" 3g phone from last year.

It is when your device gets 4 hours and mine gets 8. A 4 hour battery life is crap. The LTE radio only lets the phone download stuff faster, it's not like it turns your Android phone into some God Device that does things the iPhone can't. There are still many things that iOS does better than any Android devices out there. Granted there are also many things Android does better as well. Each device

Bottom line:

Swapping and upgrading your phone's battery is easy and convenient when the manufacturer doesn't insist on sealing them inside the device. These are features, not drawbacks, and the only thing preventing you from admitting so is that there isn't an Apple logo on the device.

So is slapping an external battery case. You're the one who was complaining about the bulk and inconvenience of an external battery pack/case for an iPhone and then go on to extol the virtues of second battery pack. Which makes no damn sense. Zero. None. Zilch. Your hatred of all things Apple is the thing preventing you from admitting that there is nothing wrong with an internally sealed battery pack. Especially when the mobile device has such great battery life.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
if you're going to talk about how great LTE is


LTE > 3g. It also uses much more power than 3g. This is mitigated by the fact that it's quite easy to upgrade and swap batteries on an Android device, and to regulate its power usage to max your battery life.

I really don't see how this is so confusing to you.

When Apple has an LTE device on the market maybe there will be a chance for more direct comparison...


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
complaining about the bulk and inconvenience of an external battery pack/case for an iPhone and then go on to extol the virtues of second battery pack

The point was that there is more flexibility when the battery isn't sealed inside the phone. A battery door, while offensive to the Apple owner's refined sense of aesthetics, serves a very useful purpose.

You can upgrade the battery it with one that fits the existing case. You can swap the battery out for a freshly charged one. Or you can upgrade it with a huge battery if you want.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
It always has to be about how Apple sucks and how the iPhone sucks ... there is so much hate and vitriol for Apple and iOS that no thread can go by without some troll being attracted.

Wow, crocodile tears. I never said that Apple sucks, or that the iPhone sucks. I'm responding only to very specific claims that are made about their products by Apple fans who are so infatuated by their beloved phone that they simply can't admit when common sense should prevail over their love for a brand.

I'll be the one first to admit where devices are flawed... Samsung has shitty GPS support. HTC phones are battery hogs. iPhone 4 has an antenna design flaw. Motorola phones have a terrible UI overlay...

Does that mean that these devices suck? Nope.

Does that mean that the companies that make them suck? Nope.

We're just stating facts about the products.
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Aug 9, 2011
Even though you didn't explicitly state that Apple sucks or the iPhone sucks, you come off as hating the iPhone, and not always with reasonable justification. It's especially highlighted since this thread is about the iPhone, not Android. Coming to this thread to show why you think the Thunderbolt is in a "totally different class than the iPhone4" is basically trolling.


Jan 3, 2006
Even though you didn't explicitly state that Apple sucks or the iPhone sucks, you come off as hating the iPhone, and not always with reasonable justification. It's especially highlighted since this thread is about the iPhone, not Android. Coming to this thread to show why you think the Thunderbolt is in a "totally different class than the iPhone4" is basically trolling.

WTF, you joined this month.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Coming to this thread to show why you think the Thunderbolt is in a "totally different class than the iPhone4" is basically trolling.

How so? This thread is about LTE and the upcoming iPhone 5. But there currently are no Apple LTE devices so it's all speculative, right?

Android LTE devices have been on the shelves for about 6 months now. They are in a different class compared to all other 3G phones (including Android phones) because of their speed and high power requirements. This isn't bragging, it's a fact. As far as battery life is concerned, the only way to even begin to compare the LTE phones with current ones is to turn off the LTE radio and compare apples-to-apples... in 3G mode.

If the new iphone has great battery life with LTE the android fans better be prepared for it to be profusely rubbed in their face.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
you come off as hating the iPhone, and not always with reasonable justification.

I never said that I hated the iPhone, nor am I trying to imply that at all. That's probably why you can't find a good justification in my posts to support that.


Feb 28, 2003
I've got an EVO and the battery life is crap. I've planned around it's shortfalls but yeah it sucks.
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