Asian guys dating white girls. . .

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Sep 25, 2000
Lets turn it around.. how about Asian girls dating white guys??

I'm a nice white guy... any asian ladies in NYC want a nice night on the town?

hehehe... how about Winndogg? woo hoo!!



excuse me



Mar 14, 2000
My school is like 70% asian (advanced schools are predominantly asian), and most of them are the idiotic type you mentioned. If they weren't, I could see myself going out (or trying to) with them, but otherwise, I'd probably shoot myself if I had to listen to them for any length of time.


Apr 1, 2000

<< I could care less about white girls dating asian guys. Its the asian girls dating white guys that ticks me off. >>

damn, str8, leave our beautiful girls alone!
in all honesty, i am a homegrown asian and coudlnt find a single white girl attractive. whenver u guys go nuts with those Anna or Heidi picture posting madness i just step aside silently, not wanting to throw in a negative input. heh u know what the word is, the beuaty is in the eye of the beholder... and i am down for asian girls heh... btw, the word 'asian' does not display a quite striking distinction between different races, say japanese and chinese... i mean u would have a different ideas about german girls as opposed to about french girls.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
Mixed girls are hot...


My friend Julie is half asian and half white.. HOLY CRAP, a guy almost masturbate rite there, just drooling at her. LOL
j/k of course, but she is very hot, but somewhat of a problem person.


Jan 24, 2001
Asian chicks dating white dudes make me puke (for the most part). It just seems like the white dudes are too big a loser to get their own kind so they went mailorder. Like a 6'4&quot; dude and a 5'1&quot; asian chick that looks like shes 15 (you know youve seen it at the local mall) It just seems so borderline to child molesting.

Whenever i see one i just start hoping they get married cause those sweet quiet and demure asian chicks will turn on you as soon as you get that ring on. Get you better be ready to be a one income family, and listen to that (formerly cute) high pitched voice nagging you for hours on end.

Me love you long time???


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2001
you got a point there... I guess its time to dump my chinese girl
but you're so right, those girls are anything but independent. Get into a relationship with them and they're totally STUCK ON YOU!!! Sometimes its fun but other times, you just need some time to yourself!! eek.


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2001
btw, can I get a shout from all the mixed girls out there.

you girls are HIGH DEMAND, LOW SUPPLY!!! hehe


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000
<< Asian chicks dating white dudes make me puke (for the most part). It just seems like the white dudes are too big a loser to get their own kind so they went mailorder. Like a 6'4&quot; dude and a 5'1&quot; asian chick that looks like shes 15 (you know youve seen it at the local mall) It just seems so borderline to child molesting.

Whenever i see one i just start hoping they get married cause those sweet quiet and demure asian chicks will turn on you as soon as you get that ring on. Get you better be ready to be a one income family, and listen to that (formerly cute) high pitched voice nagging you for hours on end.

Me love you long time??? >>

i'm sorry (well no not really) but every single word in your thread is offensive to me. no i'm not dating a 6'4&quot; white dude but if i'm interested in him and he's interested in me, then why not? so what if i'm short and look younger than i actually am? that's just the way i am. i'm not gonna run out and get surgery to change this.

sweet, quiet and demure? you've listed every single stereotype that is out there that can be thought about when thinking about asian women, or as they popularly were called &quot;lotus blossoms.&quot; You think that asian women will do whatever the heck you want in bed eh? Or do you want a dragon lady, who will command you to do everything?

as for your remark to mail order brides, that's just wrong. many asians felt in the early part of the 20th century that the only way to get to america was through mail order brides. or else give themselves up for prostitution, in contracts that practically never expire. yes mail order is SO bad for wanting to put yourself in a better situation. several women couldn't even come into the country because of legislation saying that they had to prove they weren't a prostitute. that's not easy.

one income family? frankly i want it to be two incomes. i want my own career. being a home maker doesn't cut it for me right now, but would be a wonderful thing to do if i had children. i would love to spend time with them. but if i get married that doesn't mean i'm gonna leech off of you forever.

asians and whites dating make you puke? so did several lawmakers in the early 1900's. in fact, they were called anti-miscegenation laws, against the mixing of races through marriage. many asians couldn't marry, and if they did marry marrying a white would cause the citizen to lose their citizenship. yah life was fair. so was the exclusion of asians, one group at a time, because they were a &quot;threat&quot; to white women and taking away everyone's work.

most of your post was based on many old stereotypes floating around about asians. i'd suggest you wise up. there are many more asians than those that just wanna get married. and its not only asians.


Jan 24, 2001

please bookmark this and come back to it in a few months because you will see that even though it doesnt apply to you (yet) it definitely will.

If you consider my homegrown personal view stereotyping then you are correct. A stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception. That means its based on the facts experienced by the person making the statement. You can close off all you want and become a hero to constrained &quot;free-thinking&quot; by not applying stereotypes to anyone, but in the end you will see that stereotypes and generalizations are what we depend on to help us make decisions.

I was carjacked by a black guy (indiana) and chased by a pickup of white hillbillys (in ohio). My girlfriends sister married a white dude and quit a promising career to be a fulltime housewife and have babies.

Round up a bunch of my friends, your friends, and your boyfriends friends and we will see that most of us have similar stories. Take it a step further and graph out what people did what crime, which people cheated on who, which people are collecting welfare and which are successful and we would have a pretty little graph seperating us. Then you wouldnt have to pretend you dont hold stereotypes because you do as much as i or anyone else does. Political Correctness and (fake)liberated minds are dangerous because they keep people from accepting things that are just so obvious.

So maybe you are so special that you arent held by any of OUR cultural stereotypes but just be ready to accept that maybe you arent...

(wow. i cant believe this thread made it through so many personal un-PC opinions before it was shot down by someone who would dare judge an off-topic on the off-topic board.)


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000
<< please bookmark this and come back to it in a few months. even though it doesnt apply to you (yet) >>

what's up with the (yet)? are you implying that i, being an asian female, have absolutely no will power? i can't make any decisions? that this is how i intend my life to be ruled?

<< it definitely applied to MOST of my friends. >>

then that's your friends.

<< but in the end you will see that stereotypes and generalizations are what we depend on to help us make decisions. >>

unfortunately many people in today's society don't have the opportunity to realize how harmful stereotypes are. many stereotypes are furthered by parents and peer pressure. why do we need to depend on stereotypes to make a decision? &quot;well since they're white they should be able to make payments. oh but because they're black they must be on welfare and barely making minimum wage, so they shouldn't have the chance to buy a car&quot;

<< I was carjacked by a black guy (indiana) and chased by a pickup of white hillbillys (in ohio). My girlfriends sister married a white dude and quit a promising career to be a fulltime housewife and have babies. >>

its unfortunate that all those things happened to you. but these individuals are not representative of everyone in the entire group.

and just because your girlfriend's sister married someone and quit their career doesn't mean that everyone else is doomed to the same fate. or perhaps hoping for the same.

<< Round up a bunch of my friends, and your friends, and your boyfriends friends and we will see that most of us have similar stories. Take it a step further and graph out what people did what crime, which people cheated on who, which people are collecting welfare and which are successful and we would have a pretty little graph seperating us. Then you wouldnt have to pretend you dont hold stereotypes because you do as much as i or anyone else does. >>

perhaps the world doesn't give everyone the opportunity to have access to the things they don't have now? that's charting crime and looking for patterns. but because that's a pattern doesn't mean that's this is neccessarily the cause of that. i acknowledge everyone has stereotypes. you keep holding them instead of letting them go.

<< Maybe you are so special that you arent held by any of your cultural stereotypes and maybe you arent... >>

and what do you mean by that?! maybe because i don't automatically submit myself to what &quot;i'm supposed to do&quot; because that's what society dictates. if we've always done so, there would still be slavery, no one would have rights unless your rich and white, women would still be forced to serve their husbands, etc. you'd get life before any type of people tried to make a chance. if i were held to all of my cultural stereotypes, i would be an engineer, ruining the curve in every math class, playing the piano and violin, and fall completely silent.

i will acknowledge that if someone first meets me probably every single asian stereotype runs through their mind. probably runs through yours. as it is right now. you are not broadening your own mind to even try to challenge this. you are willing to let things be, be rude to everyone that might hurt you even though they might wind up being your best friend. letting a stereotype dictate your life means you'll be missing out on much more.

sorry for the rambling nature.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Good time to quote Weezer.

Goddamn you half japanese girls. Do it to me every time.

So hot. Then again, there's a lot of hot japanese girls too.


Dec 8, 1999
Look Die, lets admitt it the real reason why your pissed off with all the Asian girls going with white blokes, is the same reason why white blokes are pissed off with all the white girls dating black blokes. Your paranoid they have bigger dicks (whether they do or not is a different matter, or are we going to generalise about that too - I use to share a house with a bunch of people that include a prostitute &amp; she reckoned all Asian men had birthmarks on their dicks even though she had only 'known' 2 of them, your generalisations are as gross as hers)


Mar 14, 2000
I'd think the real reason is that, despite what everyone claims, racism does still exist, and one race doesn't want to &quot;lose&quot; some of their women and potential mates to another race. I'm half black and half white, so I'm not quite sure who to be racist towards yet, but when I come up with one I'll let you know who and why . I don't think it has much to do with that dick excuse you're giving, although maybe on some animalistic internal level it might.


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2001
oh. I think I'm addicted to this forum now...
well, I dunno about all you guys, but whatever I say or read I take as jokes and nothing more than that. Generally, I don't take life too seriously for the sake or relieving any unnecessary stress... But it looks like some of you are taking this topic very seriously though (which could be a good thing in some aspects).

Anyway, just lighten up a bit and take this as leisure reading and tomorrow will be yet another bright shining day


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000

personally... I don't like Asian women at all... this is because all my friends in high school were asian and always oggling over Asian chicks... I found Asian chicks to be extremely intelligent... but their at the cost of maturity. Intelligence and Maturity are usually inversely proportional with this lot.

there are some Asian women I tip my hat to... that are hard to beat... even when compared to my beloved Indian/Pakistani gurls... those are Asian women from Honk Kong...

Oh man... go to the San Gabriel area... and these chicks are HOT... your run of the mill white-washed or ebonics-washed american-asian gurl needs to take a lesson from this cream of the crop...

I was in London when we stumbled into a club (hipodrome) on a monday night... which happened to be Asian night... all the women were HK Asians... I almost changed my most prefered woman status.

These women look good... dress well... and speak the King's English.

I'm so tired of all these Asian chicks in their ultra baggy sh*t with a fat-ass pager hanging from their tiny waists wearing enough makeup to where they produce a dust cloud when they sneeze.

Faced with this... it's a no wonder Asian guys are flocking to other women.


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 1999
Monkemon and Die: are you the same person?


<< freesia-

please bookmark this and come back to it in a few months...


<< freesia- i said, bookmark it for later...



Dec 15, 2000
im in college right now...and i see lotsa good looking girls...and alot of them are in business school or whatever...and my school happens to be one of the top business schools in the nation...then these girls got beauty and say hello to 2 income families...

im my opinion...i get along better with asian asian as well...but i also find LOTS of caucasian ladies good looking...esp the brunettes. but im not in a hurry right now to look for a significant its all fine and dandy to me. actually...i find girls in all races good looking...

well the asian subculture assuming most of the people in here are still in high school...cause after you get to college(i guess the ones that do end up here), the &quot;subculture&quot; levels goes away...people mature...get older. the car stuff is still around though...but thats more like a hobby rather than a &quot;ricer&quot; thing...just like building a model. but you get to drive these...

the way people turned out is the way they were raised...their environment...neighborhood...etc. etc. its natural for people of the same race to stay together in the same area...people who immigrated to the US years ago established their homes around other areas with the same culture...because it was just confortable. and people &quot;hate&quot; or discriminate because they are afraid...un-informed of the other cultures...just like what the whites did to the native americans back in the day. we coulda gotten all along without war. but people were just stubborn...

for example...if aliens landed on earth right now...what would be the first things we grab for?
certainly not gifts to shower them with...we'd be loading up our guns...because we are afraid.

all this discrimination will just take time...but not for the stupid ignorant people

so in conclusion...we are all human beings...we can date who ever we want...diversity is good...learn about another experienced and teach the experience to your kids. teach them to be open minded. if everyone does this, then the world would be a better place...esp here in america...

and i do believe there gradually will be one race(thats if human beings can surive that long...and no extra terrestrials either..that'll mess everything up.

oh yeah...for the asian guys who only listen to alternative, fin only white girls attractive, and drive fords...look around you...the way you are today is the way youve been a predominately white high school, had predominately white friends...its all good cause thats the way you are. imagine if your parents had moved to a different neighborhood when you were young...with predominately asian people...youd be a completely different person...but just be open wont hurt

oh offense to any koreans...but i think korean girls are the meanest
well...alot of girls are mean...but ive ran into more mean koreans than anything else...
and korean guys i know...all they wanna do when theyre drunk is pick do alot of white people...mostly the jocks and bullies...picking on the nerds and skaters...sighhh

my 2 cents


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2000
i HAVE to drop in here and agree with freesia. I'm an asian female dating a white guy and I think he'll agree hands down that I'm anything but clingy and docile.

I'm in college, graduating early, headed to law school, and probably management track after that. Somehow, I doubt this is going to transfer into any sort of a &quot;housewife&quot; position, unless being a housewife includes fixing the servers in the noc in the basement.

My sister has her masters from one of the top schools in her field...she's also extremely talented as a teacher. I don't think you'll find her unwillingly giving up her career track to become a beaten-down mother either.

Besides, being a housewife is a HARD job that never ends...I have nothing but utmost respect for the women who can be a mother and homemaker and not go absolutely nuts.

Ohyeah...and kill the bad english stereotypes. I'm either bilingual cantonese/english or english as a second language, depending who you ask, and I have consistently proven over the years, both in school and colloquially, that I speak, read, and write better english than most native speakers. My older sister arguably speaks, reads, and writes even better than I do, and english IS her second language.

[edit] I think Pretender is right on the mark here: &quot;I'd think the real reason is that, despite what everyone claims, racism does still exist, and one race doesn't want to &quot;lose&quot; some of their women and potential mates to another race.&quot;[/edit]



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Actually i was brought up in the getto, were asians and whites were the miniotity


Mar 11, 2000
Heheh, forget the stereotypes. I once dated a Caucasian girl who spoke fluent Chinese, and a Chinese girl who spoke fluent Caucasian... err.. German. I've also met a woman with a Chinese last name, a light East Indian accent, and who had natural blonde hair and blue eyes. Threw me for a curve - took me over an hour to figure out the accent even though it would have been obvious if she had looked South Asian.

Mix it up people! If you want to use pseudo-science to support that, just think, with mixed relationships your kids' risks of recessive genetic disorders is just that much lower. Oh yeah: my stereotype - mixed kids are just so damn cute!
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