Asking for some help


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Many of you know that for some time my wife and I have been seperated awaiting a divorce or dissolution of marrige as we could not agree on the matter of the custody of our children. During the past 2½ years I have been religously sending my wife $350/mo plus clothing as they are still very young and growing quickly, even during my 3 month unemployment streak as I find the well being of my kids very important.

This morning a got a certified letter from the Alaska Child Support Enforement Agency wanting my income figures of last year so that they can figure out how much child support I should pay as my wife filed for child support. This came as a great shock to me as we had both agreed that until our divorce is completed, neither one of us would file for support. I went to a divorce attourney with my W-4's and calculated that my monthly child support payment would me $368, which I found to be acceptable as that is only a few more dollars then what I send anyways. I found no need to pursue a lawyer based divorce and continue to try working out a dissolution of marrige. At the end of our talk, he asked me one question that had not occured to me. That was if my wife is on welfare, or any kind of state financial aid. I answered yes to both as she is collecting welfare and food stamps. After which he asked me to wait a second while he looked through some legal books. He found what he was looking for and recalulated that based on the answers I gave him, my child support payment would then become $561/mo. I verified his findings on the Alaska's web site and with two other laywers as a 'browse-around' thing. I found this to be totally unacceptable as my monthly income (after taxes) is $1700+/- ~$50. Not including the money that I already send down to her, after rent / utilities / food / transportation / misc needed items, I have roughly $435 left over. I already been through budget, and found that it is already as tight as it gets. The only real 'entertainment' I have on my budget is the internet. Since I don't watch TV, I do not have cable. I no longer have any money saved either from that breif period of unemployment.. just a mere $170

I asked the attorneys how much they want to take my case up. They are all roughly the same price, $7500-$7900. The first attorney I talked to has the lowest up front cost of $2500. They all have payment plans should I win the case, if not.... they require a 'bond' unless I pay half their fee's up front. Since I am not a home owner, the only thing of value I have is a 1999 chevy pick-up which I require for employment. In this case being it is for an important cause, I am willing to sign it as a bond since I can not afford full price. They all offered the same thing, which seems to 'hold a lot of water' in my book as well as theirs. Which is upon first payment, they will file a motion in court for a protective order based on the unability of my wife to financially take care of our kids until our divorce is complete. At which point, the child support division will not be able to make me pay child support since during the time, I will have immediate custody of our children. The odds of it being overturned (the protective order) in a retalitory or motion to waive is very small being she is unemployed and almost unable to support our kids.

Alaska has a 3 year lifetime welfare act if the person is physically/mentally capable of gaining employement. As of now, my wife has used up 2 years and one month of that time. Now don't get me wrong, my wife is a really loving person who treats our kids most excellent. They are always in a good mood and smiling (unless the sqallers are fighting each other ) and she has the best of intensions of being the best mother she can for our kids.
But she always had a look out on life that other people need to take care of her as she very rarely holds jobs, and when she does.... only for a few months before she becomes house wife again. I know what I am asking for sounds exactly how she acting. But I on the other hand am gainfully employed, have never taken on welfare, foodstamps, unemployment or anything of the like. I simply do not have the funds needed for a divorce.

What I want is help getting the up front costs that the attorneys require to take my case. Unlike her, I am not going to be greedy and want full custody with limitted visiting like she wants. But more of a joint custody as interaction with both parents would be very healthy for our kids. I figured since I sent some money in the past for various DC projects and helped on many others. It would never hurt to ask here where we all share the same spirit . Any monies that that you can spare can either be sent to me by either by cash/check/money order/paypal.
While I do not know if the mods will like this post is beyond me, but if you feel like flaming, I ask that you please have the repect to do it in PM's instead of open forums.

Best wishes for all



Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2001
I unfortunatly will not be able to help you with your problem. But I do want to wish you the very best and let's hope that everything will work out just fine!
I don't know how long you've been employed with your current job, but have you asked your company for some support?
Maybe they can arrange some kind of early payment so you can afford the upcoming costs. Don't know the 'attitude' of American companies, but in The Netherlands I've heard severall cases where the company will support a long-time employee to get them out of a tight situation.

Good luck!!


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Alas, I had talked talked to my boss about that. And they declined to offer help. With my cost of living and the amount of money I have afterwords. It would take serveral years to pay off the loan. Being I just started in winter. I have not been there long enough for them make that kind support

Thanks for your support though
Aug 27, 2002
Being in financial trouble myself I offer the only thing I can, our prayers be out to you in your time of need.

The Williams Family


Oct 10, 1999
My Prayers to you and your family as well. It's a shame that you have to make these choices and that your wife chose to get greedy and file for support instead of honoring your agreement.




Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Originally posted by: RaySun2Be
My Prayers to you and your family as well. It's a shame that you have to make these choices and that your wife chose to get greedy and file for support instead of honoring your agreement.

I saw this thread this morning, but didn't know how to say what I wanted. What Dennis has said is basically how I would have said it, hence why I'm quoting him.

It is a shame that you now have to deal with this after honouring your side of the agreement, and even sending money when you were unemployed. It's a shame that she couldn't honour her side of the agreement, and has got the authorities involved.

I know many people who's parents have split up (I'm only 20, and so I'm talking from the kid's perspective), along with my own. I am glad that my parents were able to sort things out without the authorities, I have seen things go wrong when they do get involved, such in some of my friend's cases.

It is very unfortunate that you have been placed in this position, and I wish you the best of luck.

I have nothing to offer other than my thoughts and support. I hope things go well for you :thumbsup:



Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
The thing that makes me most sick is the fact that her and her S.O. both had a butt load of money at one time. She got a $68,000 settlement from Norton Sounds Health Corperation for sexual harrassment by her boss, and her S.O. got a $137,000 trust fund from his uncle passing away. Together that is over $200K... and all they have to show for it is a raggedy used mini-van and a reailer home in a different state not even hooked up to sewer/electricity. Now they both have no money and want to be taken of.... I remember once she told me she spen $400 in pull-tabs one day and $600 the next... together they have absolutely no spending control. Now they want more money and I find it to be a total waste of time... it will all go down the drain. (her and her S.O. just squirted out another baby 2 boot)

Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts both here and in PM's, it all means a lot.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: SinfulWeeper
The thing that makes me most sick is the fact that her and her S.O. both had a butt load of money at one time. She got a $68,000 settlement from Norton Sounds Health Corperation for sexual harrassment by her boss, and her S.O. got a $137,000 trust fund from his uncle passing away. Together that is over $200K... and all they have to show for it is a raggedy used mini-van and a reailer home in a different state not even hooked up to sewer/electricity. Now they both have no money and want to be taken of.... I remember once she told me she spen $400 in pull-tabs one day and $600 the next... together they have absolutely no spending control. Now they want more money and I find it to be a total waste of time... it will all go down the drain. (her and her S.O. just squirted out another baby 2 boot)

Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts both here and in PM's, it all means a lot.

Total loss for words.

You most certainly need a Lawyer. This woman has no regard for the kids or you contrary to what you said earlier. She may be "loving" to the children but she is not loving life correctly and expecting that to be at your expense and it most certainly is at the childrens expense too.

This shows that even in the far reaches of our country belies the greed that is tearing at it's core

Networking is needed to find a Lawyer for you that will represent you despite maybe not getting the money he or she would like right away.

Keep us updated and this thread should be stickied for our long time member here.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Personally I think greed has nothing to do with it, but personal habits. She was raised not to save money and her parents were pretty much lifelong welfare recipriants. She knows little when it comes to ger spending.... all I can say is when she is cut off of welfare, she will have a rude awakening. In the mean time I want the kids in a home where financial abilities are more realistic. If I send her child support, I think she will use the money mostly for herself instead of the well being of the kids as it is intended.

Alas, I can not get the ball rolling in my court until I get interm custody of our kids. Till then, she has the 'power' and there is nothing I can do about it .

I am afraid you lost me on the Networking part... perhaps I need to be enlightened


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Anthony, I hope and pray everything works out for you. It's always sad seeing one person using another person like that!


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Originally posted by: SinfulWeeper

I am afraid you lost me on the Networking part... perhaps I need to be enlightened

I believe that David is talking about talking to people who talk to people etc who can find you a lawyer who will work with no up-front fees, so that you can get the ball rolling ASAP.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: SinfulWeeper
Personally I think greed has nothing to do with it, but personal habits. She was raised not to save money and her parents were pretty much lifelong welfare recipriants. She knows little when it comes to ger spending.... all I can say is when she is cut off of welfare, she will have a rude awakening. In the mean time I want the kids in a home where financial abilities are more realistic. If I send her child support, I think she will use the money mostly for herself instead of the well being of the kids as it is intended.

Alas, I can not get the ball rolling in my court until I get interm custody of our kids. Till then, she has the 'power' and there is nothing I can do about it .

I am afraid you lost me on the Networking part... perhaps I need to be enlightened

"I think she will use the money mostly for herself instead of the well being of the kids as it is intended."

That sounds illegal and criminal and contrary to "Personally I think greed has nothing to do with it".

I'm confused

As far as Networking. Lawyers talk amongst themselves, a very tight niche group. Once the word is out amongst the Lawyers in your area, you should be able to connect with one that would want to take your case on.

Start by talking to Paralegals and their friends. You need a Lawyer and fast it certainly appears.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Wait a minute....he found out your wife receives additional money via welfare and then comes back and says you have to pay her more in support?!?!



Golden Member
Jun 20, 2001
I guess I have to Jump in here.

You My friend are a victum of a "Catch 22" situation. :disgust:

And since Welfare is involved....they are out to seek compensation for thier expenditures.

You do obviously need a "Mouth Piece".

My suggestion is to 'consult' a Lawyer on the posibility of reversing the custody, based on her financial irresponsability. You do have sufficient grounds there, 'if you have all your reciepts for what you have given her'. But, and a big need to be able to provide your children a bed and well be able to care for them properly.

You, in the previous posts, say you care for your Kids very much.....or at least imply that. If it's only the money issue and just saving your butt, then you won't win....but , if it's a true concern for the children.....then you can't loose! :thumbsup:

Just a bit of advice from one thats been through it. In all of your future must show that what you seek, is for the benefit of the children and not for your's.

You are a man of integrity....based on what you've said, you now need to be a man of responsability, in support of your children. Show the courts that the Kids come first and will benefit from this.

I see you have strong feelings for your 'X', butt, she has not been attentive to the needs of the children and you need to let go your feelings for her. She obviously has no concern for your welfare.

Get out there and fight for those Kids! And Fight for your rights!


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
I hear ya, and I do have reciepts from last year when I had my checking account, alas.... I closed that account have not saved the stubs from money orders.
As it stands, until I can afford a lawyer. Things are most likely going to go her way.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Again I would like to thank the people who have contributed so far, you know all who you are .

Lets keep the effort up, I don't want my kids to grow up with no work ethnics like their mother just because I can not afford a attorney to help put a stop to this .


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Ahh yes, to spicen things up a little, I have a little hard drive perfect for DC projects for the first person to allow me break the $75 mark. Also a S478 1.8GHz Celeron for the $150 mark.
I'll find other things that really have no value to sell outright and give away for the people who make contributions. I would like to help contribute towards the DC projects on things that will help out, since all you fine people are helping me out.

I'll try getting a list tommorrow of available parts I have.


Golden Member
Dec 6, 1999
Well i'm moving out next month myself, and just got a fine from the DVLA so i can't do anything just now, but keep this thread at the top and i might be able to help in a couple of weeks. My rents are separated, only fairly recently, so i kinda of know what you're going through. Keep in touch and let us know what's happening. Best of luck



Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Just letting you all know, I have not forgotten about this thread and I still am getting a list of goodies built up. But my ISP shut down. I do have another provider, but I have to wait for a router to come in :|. Till then I do not have my own internet access. The security deposit for their routers was typical of bush Alaska... much more pricey than the 'real world'. I can not connect to either one at the moment, but using a friends connection. I can still access my previous providers email. That can be stopped at any time though.

Till then PM's work best, and my paypal addy should anyone want is still under my old account of

Thanks so far for all your help.

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