Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 + ASRock 4CoreDual-VSTA + ASRock 775Dual-VSTA

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Senior member
May 21, 2006
Originally posted by: Racket
I went from 2 gigs of RAM to 4 with the new bios when I picked up 2 Ocz 6400 DDR2-800 for $15 after rebates. the timings are 5-4-4-18 although I don't think I'm getting near the 2.1 V it wants. SiSoft Sandra says it is at 5-6-6-18. It runs without problems if I don't OC, otherwise it will hang or blue screen every once in a great while.

Not surprising, since the board is rated for 1.8v memory. OCing takes more juice. So, best approach now is a high multiplier on the next CPU so you get the best for that setup. Meanwhile, play with setting the ram voltage at each of the available settings and test with OCCT.

.... The first problem I am having is that the e7200 doesn't support VT so I wouldn't be able to run the XP Mode on my beta version of Windows 7 yet. I'm shopping for a decent 1066 MHz Dual Core that does, but first I need to ask: Is anyone one else using VT (XP Mode) in Windows 7 right now? From what I understand, not only do you need a CPU that is capable, but there may need to be a setting in the BIOS to enable it. My 3.15a version doesn't appear to have the option. Is it available in any of the BIOS versions?

The BIOS setting has been around since board launch. You will only see the option in the BIOS when you install a VT-capable CPU. Your 3.15a version supports the R0 stepping, and Intel lists these two Core2Duos with that stepping and supporting VT. [Edit: Link does not work as intended; you'll need to choose VT in the Supporting Features drop-down and R0 in the Stepping, then you'll get the list.]

There is nothing else having to do with hardware you'll need to worry about for XP Mode. Just go to the XP Mode page and download the appropriate (x86/64) stuff. Don't watch the dorky how-to video; I did and all it does it take a year to lead you back to reading what is already on the web page. Ugh.


Junior Member
Sep 25, 2009
Thanks for the info Hlafordlaes, I had set the voltage for the RAM to 'High' but let the 'Auto' setting work the frequency rather than try to set it manually.
That's been the most stable setting, but I've lost the ability to OC the CPU. No biggie, the E7200 has done everything I've wanted it to. An Intel 6600 or
E7600 may be my next move. NewEgg has been running some attractive promotions. Then I'll have to source another inexpensive board for the E7200
and turn it into a HTPC. Oh boy, another project!

The Intel page you refer me to, if I filter by 1066 MHz and 2 Cores but don't specify 65 nm vs 45 nm will give 13 choices rather than just the two. Most
are acceptable to me as long as I'm able to get around 3 GHz for gaming.

With my current hardware, I don't see the need to move to a later BIOS, unless someone can convince me differently.

I may have to resort to the pencil mod to raise the voltage to the RAM, I just dread disassembling everything and doing this since it is now my main PC.
I was going to swap out the Northbridge cooler with a Zalman unit. None of the fan-equipped NB coolers would fit because of the proximity to the CPU or
video card.



Dec 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Hlafordlaes
Been offline for a few days. I think the culprit is your set of VIA drivers. I never get them from Windows update, and avoid versions that Chris over on VIA Arena doesn't suggest. He's a good forum mod, so when on an unresolved VIA issue, he's a good one to check. Currently he's not recommending anyone upgrade past 5.17A

To save you time on this one:
1- uninstall video then sound then chipset drivers
2- use driver sweeper to clean out both NVidia and Realtek drivers in safe mode
3- install VIA Hyperion (not 4-in-1) version 5.17A (if you cannot find them, has a slew of old and new versions for download)
4- install the VIA drivers in normal mode and see if it reports all installed OK
5. reboot and install video
6. reboot and install sound

Don't think it's a heat issue, but keep your eye on it just the same. I believe the thermal rating is somewhere around 74C (check on Intel if you want to be sure).

BTW, if in Vista or Win7, make sure you never set the sound to the alternate PCI channel (02); leave it always on 80. XP can handle either.

Thanks for that really interesting/promising response.
1. Temperature: Definitely not a board reported CPU temperature issue - never above mid 40s when I check BIOS and occasionally I hear CPU fan ramp up temporarily.
2. Memory: Ran MemTest86+ v4.00 for 7hours today while out and 6 or 8 (can't read my handwriting) full passes at 100% OK

Just before I follow up your idea to have a go at the 3 sets of drivers, and follow thru the steps.

1) The Via Hyperion I can find in 5.17A is the via_hyperionpro_v517a set
With your "not 4-in-1" comment I just wanted to double check that with you
ie as linked from Via's website with URL

2) Your step 3 of installing the Via drivers - that in safe mode like step 2?

Thank you very much for your assistance



Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Ok, got this up and running for testing before the CPU upgrade.

It's running a P4 620 which didn't overclock very well - about 3.2Ghz was the most I could get! Crappy chip and of course no CPU voltage ajustment which is the killer I think - this thing only has 1.3v default. Oh well, I only installed it for testing and flashing.

So, I've flashed the bios to v2.39 as suggested above. Quiet fan works much better with this custom bios and now hopefully I can run the 45nm CPU's and 4GB mem, although since this is a secondary rig I may just stick to 2GB.

So, what chip should I get if I don't want to voltmod but take advantage of the overclock from 200->266 (800-1066 FSB).

Will the 2.5Ghz E5200 reach 266 (3.325Ghz) with no voltmod?

Or am I better of with a 1.8Ghz Core2 E6300?

Or should I just get a newer 2.8Ghz Dualcore E6300 and not overclock?

I can't decide. All I know is I don't want to voltmod, but definately want to run a 266FSB with 667 memory 1:1.


Senior member
May 21, 2006
Originally posted by: MKD
Just before I follow up your idea to have a go at the 3 sets of drivers, and follow thru the steps.

1) The Via Hyperion I can find in 5.17A is the via_hyperionpro_v517a set
With your "not 4-in-1" comment I just wanted to double check that with you
ie as linked from Via's website with URL

2) Your step 3 of installing the Via drivers - that in safe mode like step 2?

Thank you very much for your assistance


Sorry, somehow the forums didn't advise me of a new post this time, or I missed it. I suppose you have already moved on, but no, you do not need to install VIA drivers in safe mode (in fact, I believe the installer used doesn't work in that mode, IIRC).


Senior member
May 21, 2006

I can't comment on OC results for chips I don't have, so you'll have to google around or read the old threads on this board. Still, in my recollection many 800MHz CPUs do fine at that FSB speed. But there is no guarantee, so you can't go for one without assuming some risk of a lesser performing sample. Note that 1066MHz CPUs will give you the 1:1 mem ratio at their stock 266MHz setting, so risk is ziltch on that score.

CPU choice depends on budget and intended use. For highest performance on a low FSB achieving board, go for high multipliers. For Win7 XP Mode, go for ones supporting VT, and for intense video conversion and other apps taking full advantage of all cores, go for a quad core.

It's no secret I am hankering after an E7600, which is likely to prove the most powerful dual core these boards will ever be compatible with, and it's future proof for Win7. But there's a high price tag! (Which is why I hanker and am not buying yet, but Xmas is coming and it should drop in price by then.)


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Thanks Hlafordlaes for your insight.

I will have another read through, but it seems as though those who ran the 800 FSB chips at 1066 seem to have very low multipliers, like the old e6300 which started at 1.8Ghz.

The newer 800fsb chips look like they require a voltmod to push the higher 1066 setting. The question is if the e5200, e5300 are multiplier unlocked on the 4coredual-VSTA for lower settings than their default multiplier? Then I'll get 1066 easily.

I am looking at the new E6300 MKD has above, as it's 2.8Ghz and VT compatible for Windows 7. Seems like a 7000 series with a reduced cache (2MB vs 3MB). Plus it's about £55 over here in the UK which isn't bad, about half the price of a E7600.

MKD seemed to have some small stability issues, but this isn't my main rig so that isn't a huge concern. Any updates MKD?


Senior member
May 21, 2006
I think multipliers are only locked above the rated setting. I dropped mine by one to make the OC more stable.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
It would be really useful if I could drop the multi.

I was reading the old thread - funny how an insect frying on your precious 4core caused you instability Hlafordlaes!!!

Who makes these unofficial bios files then? Are they beta from asrock, or an enthusiast mod? This 2.39a version seems to be working fine, although flashing bios files always makes me cringe.


Senior member
May 21, 2006

True, I had a bug!

I am not sure about the BIOS development, as at times it appears works under Asrock advisement, but I haven't really taken the time to figure. On the face of things, it's all pc-treiber.

Know what you mean about flashing, always gives me the jitters (especially ever since I bricked a Pentium board in 199-something). But I do trust the BIOS's themselves (just not my flashing skills).


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
LOL! That bug went out in style!

I have the chance to buy an E7200 at "mates rates", a chip I know hasn't been volted to silly levels.

It's 2.53Ghz, 3MB cache, 1066 fsb to match 667 RAM (not bothered about overclocking), has the 45nm Wolfdale core and supports SSE4.1, but not VT compatible (don't care my main computer is).

Basically, it's this one:

I'm guessing this will work with the 2.39a bios I'm currently running, as 7200 support was in the older 2.30d bios?

I found at least one person running this chip on the net, but that was with the 2.30 bios.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Ok, I'll give it a go!!!! I was thinking about the new 2.8Ghz E6300 like MKD has, but this is a good comprimise considering the price.

I guess my experiences will be useful if you decide to get a E7600 in the future Hlafordlaes, although they are R0 stepping I believe.

Anyway, once I have it I'll post back here with either a E7200 up and running, or the P4 620 if all goes badly! LOL!

Thanks for your help.


Senior member
May 21, 2006
You WILL succeed! (What I tell myself, anyway, in spite of repeated and abundant evidence to the contrary on all fronts.)


Dec 24, 2006
Update on my BSOD and updating the drivers to hopefully avoid/cure.

After the extra advice from Hlafordlaes plus another BSOD at midnight last night, I decided to get on and have a go at solving, after doing a CHKDSK /F this morning to make sure all was well with the disk/data directory (as recommended during last night's BSOD!).

Went through the Control Panel Uninstall a program routine on Vista32HP SP2 to uninstall all the NVidia entries, the Realtek 2.17 entry (wanted to reboot and after Windows auto installed its HD Audio stuff) and the Via Platform Device Manager entries.

F8'd into Safe mode and ran Driver Sweeper 2.05 (from Guru3D from memory). Was a little OVER amibitious in that I just ticked clearout everything - which include Microsoft Mouse so after reboot I was dead moused! Fortunately I know about the Tab/space/Return/cursor way to move through stuff and reinstalled the latest MS IntelliPoint v7.0 software to get my mouse back!

After restarting in normal did get a nice oldie world black box with a delete Nvidia... confirm to which I pressed Y. Then I ran the SETUP.EXE as Administrator from the Via Hyperion Pro v5.17a set (link in previous posting) as recommended by Hlafordlaes. It installed Chipset INF Update Utility v3.00A and Via SATA IDE Driver Package v2.40A successfully.

Went on to install the latest nVidia 190.62 and latest Realtek Win7'able R2.33 ( incident.

DEVICE MANAGER now reports two Via entries in the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers list
- Via Bus Master IDE Controller - 0571 (05/12/2008 6.0.6000.275)
- Via Serial ATA Controller - 0591 (21/06/2006 6.0.6002.18005)

As my BSOD had only happened 3 times in the week since replacing the CPU it's very hard to know if all cured, but obviously keeping my fingers crossed for now.

One alert to anyone else undertaking similar it's not a quick process - be prepared for System Shut Downs to take a very long time - and the whole process took me about 1.5hrs (not that I was sat at PC all the time waiting).

And just as I was typing this I have had a Windows pop-up saying it's been deactivated due to a hardware change and I need to re-activate within 3 days... which I'm pleased to say it just did online without me needing to do anything other than click next/watch - phew!

Thanks Hlafordlaes for your help/support/advice ... unless my BSOD return in which case thanks a lot! lol

One interesting side effect. My Windows Experience memory has gone from 5.3 to 5.4 since these revisions!



Senior member
May 21, 2006
Originally posted by: MKD
As my BSOD had only happened 3 times in the week since replacing the CPU it's very hard to know if all cured, but obviously keeping my fingers crossed for now.

One alert to anyone else undertaking similar it's not a quick process - be prepared for System Shut Downs to take a very long time - and the whole process took me about 1.5hrs (not that I was sat at PC all the time waiting).

Ah, the joys of advanced computing. It's only gotten harder and harder since DOS 6.22 to get a good install.:brokenheart:


Not using VISTA, so google around to find out how not to have Windows restart automatically on errors, and take note of the first two-three digits of the error code (eg x07). This will let you then go to MS support and learn what might be going on.

To test a board when debugging, I find OCCT to be good, tho I set the test times to a short few minutes until I think all is OK, then maayybe run a full test (usually far too impatient for that, :roll.

First, review the historical thread on this forum for your mobo and check out all the BIOS settings advice.

Meanwhile, here are some common BSOD causes on my board:
- Wrong memory settings. Test with BIOS at all on auto except mem speed (266) and compatibility mode off, then try any changes if all OK.
- Excess CPU overclock. Settings that work the rest of the year can fail in summer if you don't use A/C.
- Excess PCIe bus setting in BIOS: Stay as smack-dab close to 100 as possible.
- usbport.sys: tweaking utilities that increase the mouse polling rate can mess this up.
- USB again: I use a name brand USB Wifi dongle, but it is highly sensitive to high FSB settings. Test with all USB junk disconnected except keyboard and mouse.
- VLink: I can never boot into Windows for more than a millisecond with this set to High in my BIOS; others are far more lucky and use High all the time.

Other things:
- poorly seated DRAM sticks (don't fiddle unless can't resolve mem errors with standard memory settings)
- wrong DRAM voltage (incompatible). Lotsa sticks are 2.1v, best to use 1.8v which is rated for these mobos.
- loose internal cabling of any kind. Make those connections snug
- failing hard drive (set SMART monitoring on in BIOS and check with a HD testing tool)

Don't feel too bashful about your experiences, MKD, I am guilty as charged on all the offenses above at one time or another.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Nice update MKD. I'm glad that your 45nm chip seems stable so far after the re-install.

I'll be getting the E7200 tomorrow, so I'll let you know how that goes!

Windows activation can be strange at times. I have a retail version and changed the entire motherboard for the 4coredual-VSTA but not the hard drives, sound or video card. It didn't need re-activating, but had it been OEM it probably would have.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Update. I'm up and running with the E7200! No problems so far using the 2.39a bios. Chip was recognized correctly, voltages and speed set correctly.

Speedstep working fine, reduces to a 6 multi under light use and running nice and cool (30C idle, 45C under prime multicore load). 45nm CPU's are just awesome. The low heat and power simply amaze me even now.

As mentioned above this is my secondary rig which will be used for internet surfing, downloading, server duties and older gaming. Power efficiency and low sound were important for this build.


Core2 Duo E7200
2GB DDR II 667@533 dual channel 1:1
ASRock 4coredual-VSTA 2.39a bios
x800 XT PE with passive cooling in 2D (modded the bios fan speeds - 45C idle in windows, 26Watts, silent)
Audigy 2 ZS
Antec Earthwatts dual rail 380W (highly efficient and quiet PSU)

I'm really happy with this build so thanks to everyone in this thread. This computer is near silent in 2D windows. It's pulling next to nothing from the wall socket too - less than half the power of my main rig at idle and load (Q6600, 9800GTX+, 580W ST56ZF).

I'm using a stock Intel heatsink, but the one's with the copper core and full size designed for quads. It still scares me the amount of warp the board endures with these heatsinks and how you have to check if the plastic pins have fully engaged. With the Asrock silent fan operating correctly thanks to the 2.39a bios, its fan runs at 1000rpm and never speeds up unless the CPU goes over 50C, which it never will!

I'll add more after extra testing. Also I'll report on prolonged stability.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Thanks Hlafordlaes. Still no issues to report and I'm happy to be a member of this select club. Perhaps that E7600 will be a great upgrade for you as 28gdavinci found out above.

Some people above mentioned quietfan not working. I think it's already been said, but I'll just confirm, quietfan works off the external temp reading - tcasemax, not the core2 internal diode reading tjmax. So, if you set say 50c for quietfan, the core temp may rise to 60c but the fan won't rev up because the external/bios reading is only 42c.

Really, for any modern 45nm CPU, quiet fan should never be revving up your cooler. It was necessary for a P4 prescott and some of the hotter 65nm lines - I confirmed it worked fine off the external temp reading whilst running a hot Prescott 620...

...but modern CPU's are rated at 75C tcasemax (external) and 90-100C Tjmax (internal) and never get close to it in most circumstances. Plus as you know the CPU has its own thermal throttling, so quietfan only needs to respond to the external temp as required by Intel's spec sheets.


Dec 24, 2006
Pleased to say I've had 2 days of trouble free Pentium Dual Core E6300'ing so far since my driver cleanout/replacement; and I've managed to find/update the Everest benchmarks comparing:
Before : Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 @1866MHz
After : Intel Pentium Dual Core E6300 @2800MHz
ie everything has improved, ranging from between 5% & 62% !

As Reported by EVEREST v5.02.1750
Core 2 Duo v Pentium Dual Core
C2D E6300 v PDC E6300 = Change
1866MHz v 2800MHz
Memory Read : 6555 v 6975 = 6%
Memory Write : 4692 v 5486 = 17%
Memory Copy : 4748 v 5015 = 6%
Memory Latency : 80.8 v 76.7 = -5%
CPU Queen : 7669 v 11683 = 52%
CPU PhotoWorxx : 4732 v 5331 = 13%
CPU Zlib : 24202 v 35565 = 47%
CPU AES : 6412 v 10240 = 60%
FPU Julia : 3282 v 5074 = 55%
FPU Mandel : 1656 v 2583 = 56%
FPU SinJulia : 837 v 1354 = 62%

All reassured me that with these benchmarks, and the improvements in Windows Experience Index ratings, as well as subjective 'snappier/faster', my £57 was well spent.



Senior member
Dec 14, 2000
Well done MKD!

Everything is working great here still too. Very stable. Running a RAID 0 array (one of the reasons I didn't want to overclock) with two 160GB hard drives (320GB total). This makes it ideal for the media/server/secondary/internet-surfing quiet machine I wanted it to be. It's pretty fast for an older machine! Don't need data redundancy as my main rig handles all my data.

I did run into one small issue - I had to place the bios setting "V-Link" from "fast" back to the default of "normal", or my USB stick would freeze the system! Now, it might be either the USB extension lead I'm using, the SATA->IDE adaptors or both. Once I put V-Link to normal however, it seems fine. Probably best on normal anyway with running RAID 0 as you need all the stability you can get. I'm tempted to test it back on fast, but I don't want to risk the array plus there seems to be no performance difference at all in any benchmark.

Raid 0 by the way performs quite well on this board. I'm getting an average of 100MB/s, with a peak of 138 and a low of 70! This is from two older single platter 160GB IDE drives (with SATA adaptors).

Well pleased with this board - ultimate toy for making use of all your old hardware, but with a modern CPU.
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