Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2

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Oct 7, 2007
That really sucks Lurker, I did'nt realize that they were sending you bios's in attempt to resolve the issue.

When you think about it it should be a relatively easy fix. You would think there would be a part of the code somewhere in the BIOS that says something to the effect "if this CPU type then do the following...."

So what does that mean? They never tested with an E2180 or don't have one on hand? Or are they tied up with more pressing issues?

I wish companies would operate in a more transparent manner (including my current employer, BTW). By this I mean they should have an open to the public bug tracking system.

You go to thier site, check out what are the major bugs in the bios of the motherboard, find out if your bug has already been identified, find out it's cause, find out it's status (WONT FIX, NEXT RELEASE, etc...)

We all know that most products of this nature ship with bugs. The integrity of the company depends not if there is a bug or not, but whether it is being adressed or not.

A good example is the fresh round of X38 chipset motherboards that Anandtech has been reviewing the past few weeks.
Now, if I were in the market for such a motherboard it would be great if I could go to the bug tracker of each manufacturer check things out, and either decide to hold off or go with the manufacturer that has bugs of the least impact for what I plan to do.

Over time one could imagine various type of reputations different manufacturers might obtain.
Manufacturer A might be known to come to market quickly with a number of bugs, but they are known to resolve them over time with BIOS updates. Manufacturer B is know to come to market slightly later but with fewer bugs. Manufacturer C is known to be "cutting edge" and does little effort to support older CPU's/RAM but often add new functionality to thier BIOS etc...

I know that most manufacturers don't want to do this for fear of liability. But it is a far better system than having people complain on the public forums such as here and have thier reputations develop "as the wind blows". What they fail to realize is that I don't care if the SATA2 does not work well with the E2180 (only weblurker does) If ASRock had such an open bug tracker and I saw your issue with the E2180 I could evaluate it and say "Fine I am not planning on that cpu, I'm still going to buy the board." Likewise, you, on the other hand could have avoided the situation.

The end result is because of this experience you will probabaly never buy an ASRock again. Whereas if there was total transparency as I decribed, you either would have chosen a different proccessor for the board to avoid the E2180 issue or you would have chosen a different manufacturer motherboard. Not to mention the other alternative, you buy the board knowing it has the E2180 issue but you saw in the bug tracker that the issue was marked as "WILL FIX IN NEXT RELEASE".
Regardless of the choices above, you still would not end up hating ASRock.

And therein lies the real value of total transparency, one less pissed off customer! Worth many times his weight in gold even if he decides not buy your product! And that's what these companies don't "get".

I for one would prefer to plan for a next BIOS release instead of hoping for one that may never come, regardless of the manufacturer.

OK, done ranting.


Mr Vain

Senior member
May 15, 2006

Looks like the 8800gt is working with the Gen1 Bios...

I might have to give this a shot.

Originally Posted by androo87
I got the ASUS GEN1 BIOS from the ASRock techs and risked it on my Inno3D card.

** My 8800GT now works with my 775Dual VSTA

Find the BIOS file and flash utility here:

I put the card in another motherboard, booted from my USB boot drive created using:

Put the BIOS file and flash utility on the USB root drive and run:
nvflash as01gen1.rom -4 -5 -6

And now I'm hitting 8500 on 3dMark06 and running Bioshock at 1680x1050 with ease (and saved the £50 that would have gone a new mobo).

I think this is definately the best option for the moment if your 8800GT is not booting, but I dont gaurentee this will work..



Junior Member
Nov 8, 2007
Am still planning to buy this mobo - cheapest upgrade from XP3200 since no need for memory/graphic card repleace.
Correct me please if i got things wrong. This mobo will go round 300MHz FSB easly with simple processor mod (plan E2140)
Also, wont have problems with AGP card (Palit 7300) and ddr memory (2x512 400MHz)
Am I correct ? Also, thanks for really useful posts, rised my knowledge about this MOBO.


Junior Member
Oct 31, 2007
cammell, mine wouldn't reach 300FSB - only got to 297, and that caused BSOD's quite a bit. I'm returning mine and getting a PCIe only board with a 7900GS or X1950Pro and 2Gb of DDR2 (only 35quid!) It's more expensive as an upgrade, but I think I'll be much happier. The simple fact that ASRock have not replied to my support query means I will never buy from them again.


Junior Member
Nov 8, 2007
Well, than maybe E2180 would be better choice @ FSB like 290... Will think about

Mr Vain

Senior member
May 15, 2006
Originally posted by: cammell
Well, than maybe E2180 would be better choice @ FSB like 290... Will think about

Running E2180 @ 290FSB + DDR2 + AGP etc, Orthos stable for 30minutes as that?s all I tried.

If you want an easy 300FSB get the 4CoreDual-VSTA or 775Dual-VSTA boards with
SATA 1 only and slightly cheaper.



Nov 9, 2007
Hi Every One
I bought this mobo with E4500
Other hardware are: AIW 7500 - 2*1Gig Kingston DDRII667 - WD 160G- Sata II
Bios was updated to 0.6a
I have a big problem with this mobo

I have an overclocking wall at FBS 233. system cannot be booted at 233 but can be booted at 232 that have Error on ORTHOS after 11.0H so I set is to FBS 231.
I heard some one overclock this CPU (on this mobo) to FBS 255 is he use BSEL or Stock Mode?
I use all recomended bios setting in this 12 pages but was not useful.
Increasing CPU voltage to 1.525 using pin mod also was not useful.
Can anyone help me?
I try to use BSEL mod but dose not Work. anyone use BSEL mode with this mobo and E4500? Is this similar to E4300.


Junior Member
Nov 10, 2007
Hi fellas im new here and was just doing some homework. I purchased this board a few days ago and im still waiting for it to arrive.
My question is does anyone use (or have used) this board with both versions of the Core 2 Q6600 (B3 and G0 stepping).
I will be using this board along with a BFG 7800 GS OC AGP vid card, 2 GB DDR667 Ocz dual channel optimized, and the
Q6600 with G0 stepping. From what ive read here the Q6600 is underclocked 5% on the fsb by default but it wasn't specified
if the CPU was a B3 or G0. For those of you that don't know how to distinguish the two just by the package itself the G0 stepping
product code ends with SLACR. I don't normally overclock my hardware but Im hoping to get my Q6600 to run at 3GB or as close
as possible on air cooling (Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro to replace stock cooler).



Oct 7, 2007
Hoskins, I have a G0 Q6600. On your first boot it will be 5% underclock. Just go into the bios and set the fsb to manual and 266 and it will run fine at the stock speed. I think the 5% underclock might be enforced for those running older DDR400 memory.

I don't think you'll hit 3.0 ghz. Somewhere in the high 280's XP won't boot. You can run the fsb utility to go higher once the OS is started.

I just leave mine at 275 in the bios. YMMV. I am running an AIW 9000 agp and DDR2 677.

Make sure you have a decent PC power supply. I have an X connect 500W. I started with a junky 400w supply and was getting brownouts on one of my two hard drives.

Good luck.


Nov 9, 2007
Do you have any porblem with your AIW 9000?
I have many problem With AIW 7500
Unwantwd sound mute and volume down (line or cd in) occure
do you have any solution?


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2007
Mine Q6600 is running at 2.26ghz instead of 2.40ghz. I will buy some 2x1GB ddr2 800mhz RAM, and i am wondering if will working fine, because the mobo supports only 566 mhz ?


Nov 9, 2007
One solution for anyone that have problem with ram frequency is:
Decreasing Multiplayer by software such RMCLOCK and increasing FBS with software like SETFBS

Blast PE

Junior Member
Nov 12, 2007
hmmm, well this is my first post here.
Also running a 4coredual-sataII. Got it running @300 with an E4400, no BSEL, and 2x512M DDR (PC3200)@225(4:3). Graphics is a XT800GT@500/500 AGP
For me the solution getting this board stable @ 300 was resetting the bios and then loading optimal bios settings. If I don't load optimal bios settings 300 is unstable as hell. Orthos won't last 1 min.
Can anyone tell me if there memory performance goes down when going higher as 280 (mine does)? Found a way to correct this. Just change D0F3Rx77 to A4. this will boost memory write performance with 10%


Oct 7, 2007
Microsystem, I have no problems with the AIW 9000. It runs perfectly with respect to video recording and the audio.

Please explain the circumstance of the unwanted audio mute in further detail that you are experiencing.



Junior Member
Feb 3, 2001
Hi. I just purchased this motherboard. Has anyone tried using the SATA hard drive along with a SATA DVD burner together on the board? Were there any conflicts? Thanks.


Nov 9, 2007
Microsystem, I have no problems with the AIW 9000. It runs perfectly with respect to video recording and the audio. Please explain the circumstance of the unwanted audio mute in further detail that you are experiencing.
1- after some period of change the channels line in muted
2- when I press mute bottom line volume down to zero and stay at that position until manually increasing that
3- after some period of save programs line in muted


Nov 9, 2007
Hi. I just purchased this motherboard. Has anyone tried using the SATA hard drive along with a SATA DVD burner together on the board? Were there any conflicts? Thanks.
one of my friend have problem with SATA DVD burner and ASRock 775Dual-VSTA
I have no additional detail but I hope this modified in 4Core Dual -SATAII


Junior Member
Nov 10, 2007
Originally posted by: brokencase
Hoskins, I have a G0 Q6600. On your first boot it will be 5% underclock. Just go into the bios and set the fsb to manual and 266 and it will run fine at the stock speed. I think the 5% underclock might be enforced for those running older DDR400 memory.

I don't think you'll hit 3.0 ghz. Somewhere in the high 280's XP won't boot. You can run the fsb utility to go higher once the OS is started.

I just leave mine at 275 in the bios. YMMV. I am running an AIW 9000 agp and DDR2 677.

Make sure you have a decent PC power supply. I have an X connect 500W. I started with a junky 400w supply and was getting brownouts on one of my two hard drives.

Good luck.

im not impressed at all by this board, right off the get go its running at 2.3 GB and if i set it to manual 266 FSB it fails to boot,also had to manually set the OCZ DDRII 667 to its correct speed because it was runnning at wtf ?!?!?!


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2001
Microsystem and bigsnyder thanks for the infomation. I am going ahead with the SATA Hard Drive and SATA DVD Burner.

Microsystem I have a x800xt AIW and have had sound/video problems in the past. ATI, now AMD always had problems with the drivers on the AIW cards. Often order that the drivers are installed can have huge affect on performance. At this time the TV play is jerky and can not capture video from any source for more than 3-5 min. before system lockup. I still you the card for good 3D gaming. I hope to see system and gaming performance improvement with new system. Wish me luck!

Motherboard arrived today. I also have other parts on the way:

e4500 C2D 2.2 GHz
WD2500AAKS SATA 250GB Hard Drive
Plextor PX-810SA SATA DVD Burner
will be using my old AIW x800xt AGP card for 3D games

Now my question is what RAM to buy that will give the best overclocking wihtout any moding of the board?

Thanks to all!


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2006
I'm running one of these boards myself (currently sporting 2 IDE HD's; 1 IDE DVD burner, and 1 SATA 2 HD). I faced the same choice myself just a month ago, and I went with an IDE burner.

If you'll entertain an alternative recommendation, I'd suggest you also choose an IDE based DVD burner over a SATA device.

Reasoning: This board offers up the option for only two SATA/SATA2 devices...but it still offers you four legacy IDE connections. You might find you someday need that second SATA connection for a backup HD...which would then lose you the burner.

Moreover, there is nothing in particular to be gained from running a SATA/SATA2 Burner over an IDE burner as far as performance goes (at least as far as I know)...but you will use up one of those two valuable SATA/SATA2 slots by doing so.

Costwise too, SATA and IDE burners could be had for very nearly the same price the last time I checked (and it was a low price too--~$30 US).

All I can see you really gain by selecting a SATA/SATA2 burner is slightly better case cooling airflow perhaps (because of the more streamlined SATA cabling)...but at the cost of half your available SATA connections with this board.

Of course, you hear that SATA connections are easier too. Well...are they? You plug in a wide plug with IDE...or a streamlined, narrow plug with SATA. Hardly matters if you only do it once, does it?

Just something to consider.



Junior Member
Nov 10, 2007
ok i now got it to run at 266 after updating the bios to v1.60..........this Q6600 even at stock speed goes through video conversion
and 3d max rendering like its nothing. I don't even think i'll bother to OC it until i can get a board that isn't as limited as this one, the speed
i'll gain going from 2.40 to 2.7 isn't worth the hassle in my opinion.


Junior Member
Nov 10, 2007
is it normal for my DDR667 to be doing 200 mhz when
CPU-Z clearly shows it can do 333 mhz with 5,5,5,15 timings?
Both sticks are OCZ and running in dual channel.


Nov 15, 2007
Originally posted by: Hoskins
is it normal for my DDR667 to be doing 200 mhz when
CPU-Z clearly shows it can do 333 mhz with 5,5,5,15 timings?
Both sticks are OCZ and running in dual channel.

Check that memory flexibilty mode in bios is not enabled. It will set memory clock lower than what you set manually.
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